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Will of Robert Moone of Weymouth (Mohun)

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Will of Robert Moone of Weymouth, Dorset PROB 11/63/548 Prob 9 Nov 1581 transcribed by Helen M Ford

(NB needs checking Coleman-5109 14:12, 9 February 2018 (EST))

In the name of god amen, the firste daie of September Anno Domini 1578
I Robert Moone of Waymouth, Melcome Regis in the Countie of Dorset benige sicke of bodye,yet thankes be to god perfect of remembrance doe make and ordaine my last will and testamente in manner and forme folowing
First and speciallie I bequeathe my sowle to allmightie god my maker and redemer, And my body to be buried in the Sowthe Isle of the church of Burporte (transcriber earlier name of Bridport)as nere to my father and mother as maie be.
Item I give to the cathedral churche of Sarum three shillinges fower pence.
Item I give to the vicar of Loders for tithes by my negligentlie forgotten fyve shillinges. Item I give to the hospitall of Marye Magdalene in Athlington tenne shillinges.
Item I give to the Almes howse [__] in Burporte tenne shillinges (viz) fyve shillinges a peece
Item I give to the poor people of Bothenhampton fyve shillinges.
Item I give tp the poore people of Fleete twentie shillinges,
Item I give to the vicar of Fleete three shillinges fower pence
Item I give to the poore people of Waymothe and Melcombe Regis twentie shillinges
Item I give to the poore people of Loder and Uploder twentie shillinges.
Item I give to all my servannts whiche are nowe in service with me bothe menne and women twentie shillinges a peece to be paid within one quarter of a yeare next after my deceasse.
Item I give to ‘’’my cosignes Morgan Moone and Alice his sister’’’ fyve poundes a peece in monneye
Item I give to the rest of all my brothers and sisters children twentie shillinges a peece.
Item I give to Sr Marten Smyth[ esson ?] of Burporte fyve shillinges
Item I give unto Gilbert Holman fyve poundes.
Item I give to Edith Holman fortie shillinges
Item wheare I doe owe to Jaquet my servannt eighte poundes for wages, my will is that my executrix shall paye the same eighte poundes with twentie shillinges over and above which I nowe give her and that as longe as shee remaine at flete in service she to have yearlie twentie shillinges, and when she is not able to [_’ue] by reason of age or otherwise then she to have howseroome and meate and drinke so longe as she will take it.

Item I give and bequeath to Marye, Johan and Margarett my daughters sixe hundred poundes equallie to be devided amongst them (viz) twoe hundred poundes a peece to be paide at theire severall daies of marriages, or as theie shall attayne and comme to theire severall ages of twentie one yeares at either of those termes at the discretion of my executrix which legacies shalbe levied of all my landes and tenements in England , and the same monneyes to be putte owte for best profittes until the severall daies of paymentes by the discretion of my executrix and overseers. And if it shall happen that anye of my saide daighters shall happenne to departe this lief befour theire daies of marriage or daies of paymente; That then my will is that her or theire saide monney and proffitts that so shall dye shall remaine to the overlyvers or overlyver to be equally devidded by the discretion of my executrix and overseers.

Item I give to everie of my saide daughters Marie, Johan and Margarett a sylv’ gobblett or cuppe parcell gilte, sixe pewter platters, twoe candlesticks and a [crocke??] to be delyvered unto theme at the daies oftheire marriages or otherwise at the goodness of theire mother or at the tyme of her deathe.
Item my will is that my sonnes Roberte, Maximilian and John, shall have and enioy the psonage of Bothenhampton duringe theire lyves accordinge to a lease thereof to theme granted.
Item my further will is that Johan and Marie my daughters shall have and enioy to theme the re[-tion] of one tenemente or copyholde in Wallton w’thin the Mannor of Symonds boroughe nowe in the tenure of David Burde with right of [_ure] his wief by copye of Courte rolle accordinge to the custome of the saide mannor of Symondsborough.
Item I give unto my daugher Alice Symonde one hundred poundes.
And for the disposistion use and direction of all my landes, tenementes and hereditaments within England First I will and doe give to Margarette my wieff all my landes, tenements and hereditaments in Bothenhampton and Burton in the Countie of Dorset during her naturall lief, for and in the name of her jointure and dower, The remainder thereof after her death to my sonne Robert and to t’heires of his bodye lawfullie begottene .And for defaulte of suche issue , the remainder therof to Maxymylian my sonne and to t’heires of his body lawfully begottene.And for defaulte of suche issue, the remainder thereof to John my sonne and to t’heires of his boye lawfully begottene, And for defaulte of suche issue, the remainder thereof to t’heires of the bodye of me the saide Roberte the father lawfully begottenne, And for defaulte of suche issue, the remainder to the right heires of me the saide Robert the father forever. And for defaulte of suche issue the remainder to Gilbert Holman and his heires for ever.Neverthelesse I will that my saide wiefe shall paie yearlie duringe her lief to my saide sonne Roberte twentie shillinges issuinge and goinge for the of all my saide landes and tenements in Bothenhamptonne and Burtonne aforesaide.
Item I give to Margaret my wife all that my Mannor of Lodor Matravers, with all and singular th’appurtenances in the Countie of Dorset and one Burgage or howse within the Borough of Burport, wherein John Pytte nowe dwellethe;To have and to houlde to my saide wiffe untill my sonne Robert shall come to the full age of twentie fower yeares towardes the good educationne and bringinge up of my childrenne and payments of my debtes and legacies.The remainder therof after the saide yeares to Robert my sonne and to t’heires of his bodye lawfully begottenne, And for defaulte of suche issue the remainder thereof to Maxymilian my sonne, and to t’heires of his bodye lawfullie begottene.And for defaulte of suche issue,the remainder thereof to John my sonne and to t’heires of his bodye lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of such issue the remainder thereof to t’heires of me the saide Robert the father lawfully begottene; And for defaulte of suche issue the remainder thereof to the right heires forever. And for defaulte of such issue the remainder thereof to Gilbert Holman and his heires forever.
Item I give unto the saide Robert my sonne one sylver goblette gilte w’th the cover to the same’ sixe gilte sylver spoones, my best gilte silver salre, with the best bedsteede, furntiture and hangings to the same belonginge in the parlour at Bothenhampton, a beere cuppe covered and garnished with sylv’, my best sute of all my apparell, my best geldinge, saddell and furniture, to be delyvered unto the saide Robert at the daie of his marriage.
Item I doe also give to Margarett my welbeloved wife all those my mannors of East Fleete and West Fleete with theire appurtenances and all the landes and hereditaments to the same belonginge. And also the Rectorie parsonage and patronage and tythe of Estfleete and Westfleete aforesaide. And the patronage and parsonage of Chaldon with the landes, tithes oblacions, profitts and advantages unto the saime belonging. And one howse or burgage in ye West Street at Burport wherein Edward Prymrose nowe dwelleth. To have and to houlde to her my saide sieff and her assignees untill Maximilian my sonne shalle comme to the full age of twentie fower yeares towardes the food education and bringinge upp of my children and payments of my debts and legacies.The remainder thereof after th’ende of the saide yeares to Maxymilian my sonne and to t’heires of his boddy lawfully begottene, And for defaulte of suche issue, the remainder thereof to Robert my sonne and t’heires of his body lawfully begottene, And for default of suche issue the remainder thereof to John my sonne and to t’heires of his bodye lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of such issue the remainder thereof to t’heires of me the saide Robert the father lawfully begottene; And for defaulte of suche issue the remainder thereof to the right heires forever. And for defaulte of such issue the remainder thereof to Gilbert Holman and his heires forever.
Item I give unto the saide Maxymilian my sonne,a silver gilte goblette, my second best sylver salte,sixe silver spoones, a stone cuppe coveres with silver, my bed and besteede furnished in the chamber over the parlor at Bothenhampton, my seconde best sute of apparrell, my second best gelding, to be delyvered unto the saide Maxymiliand at the daie of his marriage,
Item I likewise give to my saide wiefe Margarette all that my Mannor of Mangertonne? In the saide Countie of Dorsett, with all and singular th’appurtenances to the same belonging to one howse or bugage in Burporte situate and beinge by the westcrodde wherein John Clare dwelleth to have and to houlde to my saide wiffe and her assignes,until my sonne John shall comme to the age of twentie fower yeares ,towardes the good education and bringeing uppe of my children and paymente of my debts and legacies.The remaynder thereof after the saide yeres to John my sonne, and to the heires of his body lawfullie begotten and for defaulte of suche issue, the reainder thereof to Robert my sonne and to t’heires of hid body lawfully begotten, And for default of suche issue the remaynder thereof to Maxymilian my sone and to t’heires of his bodye lawfully begotten my sonne and to t’heires of his bodye lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of such issue the remainder thereof to t’heires of me the saide Robert the father lawfully begottene; And for defaulte of suche issue the remainder thereof to the right heires forever. And for defaulte of such issue the remainder thereof to Gilbert Holman and his heires forever.
Item I give unto my saide sonne John a silv’ gilte goblette, sixe silver spoones, a stone cupp covered with sylver, my third best sute of apparrell, my third best geldinge or mare,my thirde best bed furnished to be delyvered unto him the saide John at the daie of his marriage. And my further will and meaninge is that ifmy saide wiefe dye before the termes of yeares before to her fiven by this my laste will and testament or anye theme be ended, that then my overseers or the moste parte of theme shall see the saide termes of terme of so much thereog as at the tyme of her deathe shalbe contyne[]ionge , and not determined to beimployed and bestowed to suche intente and purpose, as to my said [wief] that are given, and to none other. And I charge and require my saide wieffe,her executors and administrators, that she suffer and take order that the same maie go and be ymplyed accordinglie.
Item I give unto my daughter Margarette, my howse or burgage in Burport in the Eststreet wherein Richard Alford nowe dwelleth to her and her heires forever
Item I doe will and give unto the poore people of Loder, Bothenhampton, and Burport twelve busshells of wheate to be paide any yeare forever by my sonne Robert, and by all such other p’son and persons whatsoever that shalbe my heire by force of this my last will and testament oute of my landes in Loder Matravers and Bothenhampton the same wheate yearlie to be baked and distributed to the poore people of Loder , Bothenhampton and Burport aforesaide by the discretion of my saide sonne Robert and by such other personne and personnes as shalbe my heire by foce of this my laste will and testamente forever.
Item I give to the poore people of Fleete sixe bushells of wheate yearelie and forever of my land and parsonage of Fleete to be baked and distributed to the poore people of Fleete aforesaid by the discretion of my sonne Maxymillian and by all suche other personne and personnes whatsoever that shall be my heire by force of this my last will and testament forever/
Item my further will and minde is that my saide sonnes Robert and Maximilian and theire heires shall doe all suche arts and devises for assurement that the same wheare maie and shall contyneually be ymployed to the uses intents and purposes aforesaide as shalbe by myne overseer or [ ] of them whereof I will my deere cosen the right worshipful Edmond Andersone esquiree and Seriannte at lawe to her maiestie or my lovinge cosen Christopher Sym[b?] to be one shalbe thoughte meete.

And if my saide sonne Robert or his heires or anye of theme shall refuse so to doe, that then I doe give will and bequeathe to my saide deere cosens Edmond Anderson and Christopher Symesand to their heires, one yerelie rente of fourtie shillinges issuinge and goinge owte of my saide mannors of Loder Matravers and Bothenhampton to th’intente and purpose that theie shall see the same my intente and purpose thereby contynuallye performed. And if my saide sonne Maximilian or his heires or anye of them shall refuse to doe, That then I give will and bequeathe to my saide deere coses Edmonde Andersonne and Christopher Symes and theire heires one yerelie rente of twentie shillinges ussueinge and goinge owte of my saide lands and p’sonage of Fleete to th’intente and purpose; that theie shall see the saime my intente and p’pose thereby contynuallye p’formed ,And I further will that the dame my cosen Edmond Anderson and Christofer Sym[e?] and therie heires shall and maie at all tymes distreyne in and uppon the saide mannor of Loder Matravers and Bothenhampton and in and upponmy saide lande and parsonage of Fleete for the saide rente and [arrerages? acrerarges] thereof and deteyne the same untill the said rent and [arrerage ?] thereof shalbe fullye satissfied contented and paide to th’intentes aforesaide.

Item my further will is if anye of my saide sonnes Robert, Maximilian and John or theire heires or t’heires or assignes of anye of theme or anye other heire of myne whatsoever shall goe aboute to doe anye acte or thyinge for the alteration or change forth the state of my saide landes given and lymited by this my testam’t and last will; That then uppon such pretense practise or goinge about such person and persons shall by such pretense and practise forfitte his estate and title of suche landes whereof he shalbe seised by fource of this my last will and testamente and the same to remaine and be to my nexte heire by the course and lymitations of this my last will and testament withe suche condition and to suche use and purpose as is by this last will and testamente also expressed , declared and sett fourthe, And if there be no suche heire of myne.The I will that all my landes and tenements given by this my will shalbe and remayne to Gilbert Holman and his heires forever.
Item I will that all my debts and duttyes which I doe of righte or consience to any personne or personnes be well and trulie contented and paide by myne executrix. The residue of all my goods and chatells movable and unmovable (not given nor bequeathed my debts and legacies paide and funerall discharged) I also give and bequeathe to my saide deere wief Margarett whom I make and ordeyne my sole executrix of this my last will and testament. And of th’execution of the dame I doe make, ordeine and constitute my overseers my deere and welbeloved cosen Edmond Andersonne esquier, Seriannte in lawe to her maiestie, my trusted and welbeloved sonne in lawe Richard Sydwaye head customer, and my cosen Christopher Symes, John Belmy and Gilbert Holman, To the [aforesaid?] Edmonde Anderson for his paines in and aboute this my presente testament to be sustayned I give tenne poundes And to eache other of my saide overseers for the like consideration I give fortie shillinges.
Item my further will is that all my evidence and writinges of all my lyvinge shall remaine in a coffer with fower locks at Bothenhamton in the keeping of my executrix and overseers, the same not to be delyvered unto my sonnes untill theie shall accomplishe theire severall ages of twentie fower yeares. And by [cause] my meaning is that quyetnes shalbe had and all contro[visies?] concerning the matters in this my will conteyned avoyded as farr as maie be, I will that everie matter question and controversie w’ch shall happen arise or tha’[__] of for or by reason of any thinge in this my will conteyned or mentioned shalbe ended and termyned by myne saide overseers or the moste parte of theme, whereof I will my deere cosigne Edmonde Anderson to be one, And I will that such ende order and determination shall stande abyde and remayne in everie suche matter question and controversie afull fynall and perfecte ende (any thinge before in this my saide will conteyned to the contrarie notwithstandinge) And I utterlie revoke and adinul all and everie other former testament willes legacy es bequeaste executors and overseers by me before by me in any wyse made named willed and bequeathed. I witness whereof I have to everye leafe of this my will putte my hande and seale with presense of theise personnes whose names be here under written (Robert Moone) This will was deliberatly read and assented unto by the tetator, even, the xxist of March Anno Domini 1578 in the presense of us and in oure iudgmente of good remembrrance
William Pytt, Henry Mychell, [teste’me] Rich Boole [__] Thomas Martym, Henry Pitt

Probate granted to Margaret, the relict, 9th November, 1581

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