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Will of Robert Stodderd of Rushton Spencer, 1588

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1588 [unknown]
Location: Staffordshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Stoddard
This page has been accessed 59 times.

The Will of Robert Stodderd of Rushton Spencer, written 12 January 1587/8, Inventory 20 January 1587/8, there is no date of probate but the cover has 5 February 1587/8.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

  • Roberte Stodderd (testator)
  • William Stoddert of Holme (brother)
  • James Stodderd of Rushton Spenser (no relationship given)
  • Katheren Stodderd
  • Ellen Stodderd
  • Jane Stodderd
  • Francis Stodderd
  • Anthonie Stodderd
  • Jone Stodderd (sister)
  • Willotte
  • Sir Robert Sutton
  • Ellen Morreys (god daughter)
  • Robert Stodderd (god son)
  • John Sutton (god son)
  • Katheren Adderley
  • Hughe Orme
  • James Nickson the younger
  • John Adderley
  • Joane Swynton
  • [Mrs] Ellyns (sister)
  • Ellyn Orme
  • Robert Orme
  • Willyam Bagnall
  • Hughe Gorderne
  • William Rode of Rushton James & John Adderley of Rushton Spenser (overseers)
  • Witnesses: Robert Nickson Hughe Orme James Nickson

In the Name of god the Father the Sonne and the holie goost Amen, The xijth daye of January in
the xxxth yere of Quene Elizabethe. And in the yere of our lord god one thousand fyve hundred eightie
and seven / I Roberte Stodderd of Rushton Spenser w[i]thin the Countie of Stafford sycke and diseased
in bodie but of good and p[er]fi[c]t Remembrans god be thanked therefore, Doe make and ordeyne this my
last will and testament as Followythe. First I Com[m]end my soule to the [mercy?]full hands of the Almighty
god beleving stedfastlye that the meryttes p[ur]chased for me in Christ[es] bloude are a suffycyent
Redempc[i]on expiac[i]on and satisfacc[i]on for all my synnes. And by this Faith and Beleife I trust to be
saved / I comitt my bodie to the earth to Rest tyll the gen[er]all Resurrecc[i]on in suche a
Convenyent place ordeyned for Buryall as my executo[rs] shall thinke meete, It[e]m I gyve and
bequethe to William Stoddert my Brother x Shepe and a Bullocke w[hi]ch is In James
Stodderd[es] kepinge, It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Katheren Stodderd and Ellen Stodderd
iij£ xjs iiijd w[hi]ch is in their mothers hand[es], I gyve to the same Katheren and Ellen vj Shepe
It[e]m I gyve to Jane Stodderd iij Shepe, It[e]m I Forgyve James Stodderd that iiij[old] nobles
he owythe unto me, It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Francis Stodderd vjs viijd. It[e]m I gyve
Anthonie Stodderd vjs viijd / It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Jone Stodderd my Syster Fyve
nobles, It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Willotte x.s. It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to the Rep[ar]ac[i]on of
Rushton Chappell iijs, It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Sir Robert Sutton xijd, It[e]m I gyve and
bequethe to Ellen Morreys my god Daughter vjd / It[e]m to Robert Stodderd my god
Sonne vjd. It[e]m to John Sutton my god Sonne vjd, It[e]m I gyve to Katheren Adderley
my god Daughter vjd, It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Hughe Orme ix ewes and iiijold
weathers, It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to James Nickson the younger ij weathers, It[e]m I gyve to
John Adderley one Shepe, It[e]m I gyve to Joane Swynton one Shepe, It[e]m I gyve and
bequethe to ij sonnes of my Syster Ellyns [...], It[e]m I gyve to ij Daughters of James Stodderd
vjs viijd, It[e]m I gyve to Ellyn Orme halff a Stone of white wo[o]lle, It[e]m I Forgyve
Robert Orme that xxd. w[hi]ch he owythe unto me, It[e]m I gyve to Robert Orme my best
Jackett, It[e]m I gyve and bequethe to Willyam Bagnall ijs, It[e]m I gyve to Hughe
Gorderne xs. It[e]m my Will and mynd ys that my Detts bequethes and Funerall
Expences shalbe Discharged of all my whole good[es], Afterward the Resydewe of
my good[es] shall Remayne to my executo[rs] / Also I ordeyne and make my executo[rs]
of this my last Will & testament William Stodderd of Holme my Brother and
James Stodderd of Rushton Spenser / moreov[er] I make & appoynt ov[er]seers of the same
William Rode of Rushton James & John Adderley of Rushton Spenser to fulfyll &
execute the same as my trust is in them / In wytnes whereof I have Declared this to be
my Last Will and testament. theis being Wytnes Robert Nickson Hughe Orme James


  1. Probate: "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860"
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 14 September 2023)
    Robert Stodderd probate in 1587-1588. Residence Rushton Spencer, Staffordshire, England, Rushton Spencer, Staffordshire, England.

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