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Will of Robert Strelley Esquire of Great Bowden, Leicestershire 1553

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Great Bowden, Leicestershire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Strelley Savill Porter
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Will of Robert Strelley of Great Bowden, Leicestershire 1553[1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • Robert Strelley of greate Bowden in the Countie of Leicestre Esquier testator
  • Mrs Susanne Clarentins
  • Sir Richarde Frestone Knighte Coferer of the Quenes maiesties Housholde
  • Alice Wast and Dorathye Wast
  • Isabell Sherman my sister Johan porters daughter
  • Mr Doctor Lynghes
  • every of the daughters of John Strelley of London vintener
    • Myllicent
      • Fraunces
        • and Sara Strelley
  • mystress hamonde
  • my freende Xpofer Salmon
  • Raffe bradbery servant
  • John Tomkyns servant received forty shillins
  • Henry Callingewood servant 'forty shillings
  • Or... Asnall forty shillings
  • John Wilson and to Margaret his wiffe
  • Rowlande Walter of Harborowe in the saide Countie of Leicestere
  • William Jenkenson
  • Richarde Baiker
  • James Grenewood
  • Nicholas Strelley and John Strelley sonnes unto the saide John Strelley of London
  • my servaunte Nicholas Foxe
  • M...... palmer
  • Robert Strelley CItizen and goldsmithe of London and Alice his wife
  • Frydswayde Strelley my wiffe
  • William Savill my nephewe sonne unto George Savill deceased
  • John Savill my nephew brother unto the saide Will[ia]m Saville
  • Johane Porter

[page one folio 211 verso] In the name of god amen The xvijth day of the monneth of Januarye
in the byere of our Lorde god a Thowsande fyve hundred fiftie and three: And in the firste yere
of the reigne of our most dreade soveraign Lady Mary by the grace of god etc. I Robert Strelley
of greate Bowden in the Countie of Leicestre Esquier being of good and parfitte memory thanks
be unto almightie god make and ordeyn this my last will and testament in manner and fourme
following. Firste I most humbly com[m]ende my soule to almightie god my maker Savior and Redem[er]
fully trusting and beleving that by the merrittes of the deathe and passion of our Savio[r] Jh[esu]s
Christe to have forgivnes of all my synnes and have the fruition of his dietie wyth his
glorious mother our blessed Lady saincte mary and all the holie company of heaven. Whome I
most humbly desier to pray for me. And as towching the buriall of my body and the residue
of my Funeralls I com[m]ytte theyme to thordre and discretion of myne Executours willing and
requiering theyme neverthelesse that they doo and ordre the same as bothe apperteyninge to my
calling and may be to the relief and compforte of my soule

Item I will that myne Executours
shall within as shorte tyme as they conveniently may aftre my decease satisfie and pay all suche
debtes as I owe to auny parson or parsonnes and all other iniuryes and wronges as I have don to any
may and may be duely proved for and in the discharge of my conscience

Item I will that myne executors
shall within one quarter of a yere next aftre my decease give and distribute amonges the pore and
most neadist parsonnes of greate Bowden Harborowe and Langton in the saide Countie of Lei[cester]
to every of the saide townes fourtie shillinges. And to the pore people of little Bowden in the Countie
of Northampton fourtie shillinges by the discretion of myne Executours

Item I will that my saide
Executours shall distribute and give to every other towne and parrishe within three myles of the
towne of greate Bowden Six shillinges and eighte pence
>br/> Item I will and give unto every
the parrishe churches and chappels of great Bowden Harborowe and Langton a sute of vestm[ents]
to be provided at my costes and charges by he discretion of my saide Executours for and towardes
the maynten[a]nce of goddes service

Item I will and give unto a good and vertuouse priste to sing
and pray for me in the Lady chapell within the churche of muche bowden aforsaide for one hole
yere next after my decease the som]m]e of Sixe poundes thretene shillinges and foure pence

Item I
will and give to every of the parrishe churches of Erkengarthdale and Stretforthe in the

[page two folio 212 recto]

Archdeaconry of Richemonde in the Countie of Yorke tenne shillinges. And amonges the pore people
of every of the saide parrishes tenne shillinges

Item I give to the parrishe churche of Carleton in the
Countie of Lincoln tenne shillinges. And amonges the pore people of the same towne tenn shillinges

Item I will that myn Executours shall as shortely as they conveniently may aftre my deceas
make or cause to be made one faire Cupp of gold to the value of one hundreth poundes the w[hic]h
I give unto my most dreade soveraigne Lady the Quenes maiestie as a remembrannce of
my humble duetie and s[e]rvice unto her highnes. Also I will and give unto Mrs Susanne
Clarentins a nest of gilte boules. And to Sir Richarde Frestone Knighte Coferer of the
Quenes maiesties Housholde one gowne of velvet

Item I will and give unto Alice
Wast and Dorathye Wast to every of theyme the som[m]e of one hundreth poundes to be paide to
every of theym at theire severall ages of xxi yeres or at the Dayes of theire severall marriages
if they be married before the saide age

Item I will and give unto Isabell Sherman my sister
Johan porters daughter the somme of one hundreth poundes to be paide unto her as shortly as my
Executours may after my decease

Item I give and bequeth to Mr Doctor Lynghes my gowne of
dammaske furred withe budge.

Also I give and bequeth to every of the daughters of John
Strelley of London vintener that is to say unto Myllicent Fraunces and Sara Strelley
the somme of twentie npoundes to be paide unto every of theym as they shall accomplishe and com[m]e
unto thage of xxi yeres.

Item I give unto mystress hamonde' on Cubbe of silver gilte

And to my freende Xpofer Salmon my best velvet coate

Item I will and give unto every
of my servauntes herefater named that is to say Raffe bradbery liijs iijd To John
Tomkyns fourtie shillinges To Henry Callingewood fourtie shillinges To John Bayver
fourtie shillinges And to Or... Asnall fourtie shillinges to be paide unto every of theyme
as shortly as myne executours covenyently may aftre my decease

Item I give unto John
Wilson and to Margaret his wiffe the somme of tenne poudes to be paide unto theyme or to the
Survivor of theyme afore? the rate of fourtie shillinges by the yere all the saide somme be fully

Item I will and give to every of my other sarvaunted that hathe been withe me
by the space of a yere next before my decease one yeres waiges over and besides sucje waiges
as shalbe their due unto theyme

And whereas I havr bargayned and soulde unto Rowlande
Walter of Harborowe in the saide Countie of Leicestere a certeyne cottage and a little close with
thappurten[an]ces sett and being in Harborowe aforsaide nowe in his handes and possession
and likwise hathe bergeyned and soulde unto William Jenkenson twoo cottages sett and being
within the saide towne of harborowe and in the possession of the saide William Jenkinson.

where also I have bargayned and soulde unto Richarde Baiker twoo cottages w[i]th thappurten[an]ces
in Harborowe aforsaide. And unto James Grenewood twoo small cottages within the said
towne and parrishe of harborowe for all whiche saide severall cottages I have received of
saide severall parsonnes somuche mony as I and they have agreed upon for the purchase
of the same. Nevertheless I have not p[rese]ntly made anny assurannce of the premisses
to theyme or anny of theyme Therefore I doo by this my p[rese]nt testamentand last will give
and grannte to the saide severall Cottages and close to the saide severall parsonnes and to theires
of theire severall bodyes lawfully bbegotten in manner and fourme as I have bargayned the same
severally vunto theyme To holde of my Mannor of Harborowe by suche ..... as the same
were holden before the saide premisses cam unto my handes and possession And if the saide
severall parsonnes or anny of theym doo refuse to accepte the saide Cottages in manner and
forme above written Then I will that myne Executours shall pay unto the sayde
parsonnes or to suche of theym as shall refuse to accepte the saide cottages according to the
teno[r] of this my last will. Somuche mony as I have received of theym or hym that shall
so refuse in as shorte a tyme as myne Executours convenyently may aftre my decease

[page three folio'212 verso]

And as touching thorder and disposition of all my Mannors Landes tenmentes
and heriditamentes and of all my Leases whiche I have within the Realme of Englande I will
give unto the saide John Strelley Citizen and vintener of London one annuytie or yerely Rent

of thirtene poundes six shillinges and eighte pence to be going out of all those my Mannors of harborowe
and greate Bowden in the saide Countie of Leicester and of all other my hereditamentes in harborowe and greate Bowden aforsaide To have and p[ro]vide the saide annuall or yerely Rent unto the saide
John Strelley and his assignes during his naturall liffe at twoo feastes in the yere That
is to say at the feastes of Thannuncaition of our Lady and sainte michael Tharchanngell by
two portions the firste day of payment thereof to begyn at whiche of the saide twoo feastes that
shall firste happen next aftre my decease and this my p[rese]nt Testament and last will fully p[er]formed
And if it happen the saide yerely Rent of thirtene poundes six shillinges and eighte pence to be
behinde unpaid in parte or in all afore anny of the saide feastes at whiche it ought as aforsaide
to be paide That then it shalbe lawfull unto the saide John Strelley to entre into all and singular
the said Mannors Landes tenementes and hereditamentes in Harborowe and greate Bowden
aforsaide and for the same to distreynt for the none payment of the same Furthermore I will
and give unto Nicholas Strelley and John Strelley sonnes unto the saide John Strelley of London
one annuytie or yerely Rent of thirtene poundes six shillinges eight pence to be going out of all
those my saide mannors Landes tenementes and hereditamentes within the saide townes of
Harborowe and greate Bowden To have and p[ro]vide the said annuall or yerely Rent of
thirtene poundes six shillinges and eight pence unto the saide Nicholas Strelley and John Strelley
the sonne and to the heires males of theire severall bodies lawfully begotten at two feastes in
the yere that is to say at the feastes of Thannuncaition of our Lady and sainte Michaell the
Archanngell by even portions the firste Day of payment thereof to begynne at whiche
of the saide twoo feastes as shall firste happen next after my decease and the decease of the said
John Strelley theire father and this my p[rese]nt testament and last will fully p[er]formed And
if it happen the saide yerely Rent of thirtene poundes six shillinges and eight pence to be behinde
ynpaide in parte or in all at anny of the saide twoo feastes in the whiche it ought to be paide as
is aforsaide That then it shalbe lawfull unto the saide 'Nicholas and John Strelley the sonne
and to either of theyme and to the heires males of theire severall bodyes lawfully begotten to entre
into the saide Manners Landes and there to distrayne for the nowe payment of the somme
I will and give unto my servaunte Nicholas Foxe thoffice of the bayliwick of my Mannor
Landes tenementes and hereditamentes of Harborowe aforsaide during his liffe and to have
for his fee and waiges out of the saide Mannor of Harborowe for the .............. of the saide Office
the somme of foure poudes tenne pence and all other profittes and comodities to the said Offyce
belonging the whiche saide fee of foure poundes tenne pence it shalbe lawfull unto the saide
Nicholas Foxe to abstyne and withold in his very handes of the reternes? and proffittes of
the saide Mannors Landes tenementes and hereditamentes

Also I will and give unto
M...... palmer in consideration of his good and faithfull service to me don One annuytie or
yerely Rent of liijs iijd to be going out of my Mannor of Langton with thappurten[an]ces
in the saide Countie of Leicester To have and to p[ro]vide the saide annuall or yerely Rent of
Fiftie three sghillinges and foure pence unto the saide Morwyne? palmer during his naturall
liffe at twoo feastes in the yere that is to say at the feastes of Thannunciation of our Lady and
sainte Michaell the
Archanngell by even portions the firste Day of payment thereof to begynne
at whiche of the saide twoo feastes as shall firste happen next after my decease and this p[rese]nt
testament and last will fully p[er]fromed And if it happen the saide annuall or yerely ......
of lijs iijd to be .... unpaide in p[ar]te or in all any anny of the saide feastes in whiche it
ought to be paide as is aforsaide That then it shall be lawfull unto the saide M.... palmer

[page 4 folio 213 recto]

to entre into the saide Mannor of Langton with thappurten[an]ces and there to distrayne for the nowe payment
of the same

Item I will and give unto Robert Strelley CItizen and goldsmithe of London and to
Alice his wiffe during theire naturall lives and to the longer liver of theyme one annuall or
yerely Rent of Fourtie shillinges to be going out of my saide Mannors of Harborowe and great
Bowden aforsaide withe thappurten[an]ces To have and p[ro]vide the saide annuall or yerely
Rent of fourtie shillinges unto the saide Robert Strelley and Alice his wiffe during theire
naturall lives and to the longer liver of theym at twoo feastes in the yere that is to say at the
feastes of Thannunciation of our Lady and sainte Michaell the Archanngell by even portions the
firste Day of payment thereof to begynne at whiche of the saide twoo feastes that shall firste
happen next after my decease and this my p[rese]nt testament and last will fully p[er]formed And if
it happen the saide yerely Rent of fourtie shillinges to be behinde unpaide in p[ar]te or in all at anny
of the saide feastes in the whiche it ought as is aforsaide to be paide That then it shalbe lawfull
unto the saide Robert Strelley and Alice his wiffe and to the longer liver of theyme to entre into the
saide Mannors of Harborowe and greate bowdon and others the premisses there and for to distrene
for the saide payment of the same Rent

And as for touching the further ordre and dispos[tio]n of all my
Mannors Landes tenementes and hereidtamentes and of al my Leases the whiche I have w[i]thin the
realme of England I will and give the two partes of the saide Mannors Landes tenementes and
hereditamentes aaand all other my saide Leases as well in possession as in revertion? unto thexecutours
of this my p[rese]nt testament and last will for and towardes the p[er]formannce and execution of the same
Nevertheless willing and charging my saide Executours that they shall not alienate be......
and sell anny my saide Leases but only to receive the yerely proffittes of theym for the
p[er]formannce of my saide will And after this my p[rese]nt testament and last will p[er]formed I
will and give unto Frydswayde Strelley my wiffe the twoo partes of my saide Mannors of
Harborowe and greate bowden and of all my Landes tenementes and hereiditamentes and hereditam[entes]
within the parrishes of Harborowe and greate bowden and all my hole Leases and terme of yeres
that I have within the saide townes for and during her naturall liffe And after the decease of the
saide Fredeswade my wiffe and this my p[rese]ny testament and last will p[er]formed I will and give
the saide twoo partes of all my saide Mannors Landes tenementes and herditamentes within the
saide townes of Harborowe and greate bowden and all suche Leases and terme of yeres as shalbe
then to come of suche Leases as I p[resen[tly have in possession and ............ within the saide twones
of Harborowe and greate bowden unto William Savill my nephewe sonne unto George Savill
deceased and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten And for defaulte of suche issue I will
that the twoo partes of then saide mannors and all and singular the premisses in harborowe and greate
Bowden and suce numbre of yeres as shall then be to com[m]e of my saide Leasses in harborowe
and Bowden shall come and remayne unto John Savill my nepheww brother unto the saide Will[ia]m
Saville and to the heires males of the body of the saide John lawfully begotten And for want of
suche issue to remayne unto the heires males of the body of Johane Porter lawfully begotten
And for degfaulte of suche issue to remayne to Jeffrery Wast and to the heires males of his
body lawfully begotten And for defaulte of suche issue to remayne to Robert Strelley of Turlington?
my brother and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten And for defaute of suche
issue to remayne unto the saide John Strelley of London and to the heires males of his body
lawfully begotten And for defaulte of suche issue the remayndre thereof unto Sir Nicholas
Strelley of Strelley Knightr and to his heires for ever

Item I will and give unto my
saide nephew John Savill afore this my p[rese]nt testament and last will p[er]formed the twoo
partes of my saide Mannor of Langton in the saide Countie of Leicester and of all other
my saide Landes tenementes and heridamentes within the saide parrishe of Langton To
have and to holde the twoo partes of the saide mannor of Langton and of all the sayde landes
in Langton unto the saide John Savile ' and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten

[page 5 folio 213 verso]

And for defaulte of suche issue to remayne unto my saide brother Robert Strelley and to the heires males
of his body lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of suche issue to remayne unto the heires males of the
severall bodyes of my saide sister Johan Porter and of my sister Wast deceased lawfully begotten And
for defaulte of suche issue to remayne to my saide nephew William Savill and to the heires males
of his body lawfully begotten And for defaulte of suche issue to the saide John Strelley of LOndon
and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten And for defaulte of suche issue to remayne
unto the saide Sr Nicholas Strelley and to his heires for ever

Item I will and give aftre the
decease of the saide Fredeswayde my wiffe and this p[rese]nt testament and last will p[er]formed unto
my saide sister Porter and to my saide brother Robert Strelley and to my nephewe Jeffrrery Wast
and to my nephewe Leonarde Stubbes and to my nece ELizabeth his wiffe the revertion of the twoo
partes of my Mannor of Carleton and of all other my Landes tenementes and hereditamentes in
Carleton in the Countie of LIncoln and the revertion of twoo partes of my Mannor of Egleston
in the Countie of Yorke And the revertion of twoo partes of all my other Landes tenementes tithes
and hereditamentes w[i]thin the saide Countie of yorke and the Archdeaconry of Richmonde To have
and to holde the revertion of the saide twoo partes of the saide Mannors of Carleton and Egleston
and of all others my Landes tenementes and heriditamentes w[i]thin the saide towne and parrishe
of Carleton and within the saide Countie of yorke and the Archdeaconry of Richmonde unto my
saide sister Porter and to my saide brother Robert Strelley and to the saide Jefferey Wast Leonarde
Stubbes and Elizabeth his wiffe for term of theire lives and the longer liver of theyme And
aftre theire severall deceases I will that the saide twoo partes of the saide Mannors of Carleton
Egleston and other my saide Landes tenementes in Carleton and in the saide COuntie of Yorke
and in the Archdeaconry of Richmonde shall remayne unto my saide brother Robert Strelley
Jefferey Wast and Elizabeth Stubbes and to Giles Porter Richarde Porter and William Porter
sonnes unto my saide sister Joan Porter and to the heires males of the severall bodyes of the saide
Robert Strelley Jefferey Wast Elizabeth Stubbes Giles Porter Richarde Porter and William Porter
lawfully begotten And fo defaulte of suche issue then to remayne unto the heires males of the severall
bodyes of the saide William Savill and the saide John Savill his brother lawfully begotten
And for defaulte of suche issue to remayne unto the righte of the saide Robert Strelley and to
his heires

Item I will and give unto my saide brother Robert Strelley aftre this my p[rese]nt
testament and last will p[er]formed All myne estate righte title interest and Demande that I
have of and in the Mannor of Lyndeby with thappurten[an]ces in the Countie of Nottingham

Item I give unto my saide brother Robert Strelley aftre my debtes paide and this my present
testament p[er]formed All myne estate right title interest and terme of yeres that then shalbe
to come of and in certeyn Landes and herditamentes in Langton called the Barrow? landes
Also I give and beqethe aftre this my p[rese]nt testament and last will p[er]formed unto myWiffes
brother Nicholas Knighte and to his executours and assignes All my Lease interest and terme of
Yeres that then shalbe to com[m]e of and in a certeyne Lease whiche I have of the tithes of
Elington al[ia]s Ebington in the Countie of Leicestere and of the parsnage of the vicaredge of
Elington al[ia]s Ebington aforsaide

Item I give unto my saide brother Robert Strelley and
to his heires the p[at]ronage of thadvowson and parrishe churche of Lindebye in the saide Countie
of Nottingham

Item I will and give unto my brother William Strelley and to his executors
and assignes aftre this my p[rese]nt testament and last will p[er]formed All my estate right title
and terme of yeres that then shalbe to com[m]e of and in the parsonage and p[at]ronage of adbo....?
Ratcliffe Basforde and Oxen in the saide Countie of Nottingham

Item I will and give unto
my saide sister Porter ymmediately after my decease All my interest and terme of yeres of the
parsonage and tithe of Carleton aforsaide anny thing before mentioned to the contrary not

Item I will and give unto thexecutours of this my p[rese]nt testament and last will
and to the Survivors of theyme All suche rig hte title interest possession and demande as

[page6 folio 214 recto]

I have as of righte oughte to have in and to the Mannore of Bignell and Bissete withe thappurten[an]ces in the
Countie of Oxen and the same to alien graunte bargayne and sell or otherwise to use and imploy the same
for and tothe perfourmance of this my p[rese]nt testament and laste will. The residue of all other my goodes
plate mony fuelle and other Chattells movable and immovable whatsoever they be aftre my Funerall
charges deducted my debtes paide and this my p[rese]nt testament and laste will p[er]formed and fulfilled I
com[m]ytte and give theyme to thordre and discretion of my saide wiffe

And as touching the thirde parted of
all my Mannors Landes tenementes and hereditamentes within the Realme of Englande I leave the same
to goo according to thordre and discretion of the lawes of this Realme the thintent the Queenes highnes may
have her princes season and livery according to her saide lawes And Executours of this my p[rese]nt testament
and last will I make ordeyne and constitute the saide Fredeswide my wiffe Sir Edmunde Pertham Knighte
Sir Richarde Freston knighte Coffere of the Queenes highnes most honorable housholde the said Mrs
Susan Clarentins Edward Griffyn and William Cordell Esquires Attorney and Solicito[r] generall
to her saide highnes Provided alwayes that myn plaine will mynde and intenet is that the saide Friedeswide
my wiffe shall not intermeddle with thexecution of this my last will and testament nor doo anny acte or actes
touching the same but only by and with the consent and agreement of the use of my saide Executours or the
moste bparte of theym And as long as she shall kepe herselfe sole and unmarryed And I give to every of my
saide Executours other than my saide wiffe and other than to the saide Sir Richarde Freston and mystress
Susanne Clarentins for theire paines and labours therein to be had and taken one Tonne of good
Gascoyne wyne or the value thereof and all suche costes and charges as they shall susteyn in and
abowte in and abowte thexecution of this my p[rese]nt testament and last will And Sup[er]visors
of this my p[rese]nt testament and last will I ordeyne and make my singular good lorde my Lorde
Channcelor of Englande and my very freende Mr Secretary Peter And I give to very o theym
for a remembrannce a tonne of wyne. And in witness that this my saide last will and testam[ent]
I do revocate adnull all other willes and testamentes heretofore had made written or spoken by
me and have for a further consideration of this my p[rese]nt Testament and last will putt thereunto
my hande and Seale. Theis whose names hereaftre followe being called at my request to be
Witnesses thereof the day and yere firste abovewritten by me Robert Strelley Hugo Weston
Robert Hamonde Thomas Hughes Xpofer Salmon Raffe page William Heyber

Ans forasmuche as I have omitted in my will the ...... of the p[at]ronage and thadvowson
of the parrishe churche of Boreswourthe in the Countie of Leicestre whereof I am seased of
estate of inheritannce I doo for a declaration of my mynde thereof fully and freely give the saide
Advowson and p[at]ronage of the saide churche of Boreswourthe aftre the decease of my wiffe unto
John Savill sonne unto George Savill deceased and to his heires and assignes for ever And
whereas I have by my last will and testament given and bequethed unto William Savill John
Savill his brother severally divers Landes tenementes and hereditamentes as by my saide last will
........ at large dothe appeare My plaine will mynde and intent is that the saide William Savill
reserve to be bounden unto myne executours by recognizannce to pay yerely unto my mother and my sisters
Goodman during her liffe aftre he shall com[m]e or oughte to com[m]e unto the possession of suche Landes
as I have devised unto hym the somme of nyne poundes thirtene shillinges and foure pence that
then my devise and gifte unto hym shalbe clerely voide and of none effecte And likewise if the
saide John Savill refuse to be bounden unto my saide Executours by recognizannce to pay yerely
unto his saide mother my sister Goodman during her liffe aftre he shall com or ought to com[m]e unto

the possession of suche Landes as I have devised unto hym the somme of tenn poundes That
then my devise and gifte unto hym shalbe clerely voide and of none effecte. And I will that this
my writing shalbe annexed accepted and taken as a parte and parcell of my last will and testament
And in witness whereof I have to this bill putt my hande Theis being witnesses and written
within three houres aftre the making of my saide will Thomas Huys Hugo Weston
William Savill John Savill

The three and twentie day of January in the yere of our Lorde god a

[page 7 folio 214 verso]

Thousande fyve hundred fiftie and three I Robert Strelley Esquier being of good and parfitt reme[m]brannce
thankes be unto god and in the p[resece]nes of theis parsonnes undrenamed in manner and forme following have
thus provinded That is to say I will that Frideswide my wiffe aftre my deathe and departure fromm
this liffe shalhave all my Landes and possessions Rentes con.... and ...... during her liffe
withe all and singular thier appurtenances And all other my goodes cattell Redy mony plate
and Fuells And she to pay thuttermost penny of all my debtes and p[er]forme all my Lagacies
conteyned and specified according to my former will made And further I will that whereas in
my saide forme[r] will I did institute and nomynate sundry Executors I doe nowe in that only
point revoke the same And to p[er]forme this my last will in all pointes I com[m]ende and give that
charge thereof to Fredeswide my wiffe whome I nowe make my sole executrix And all other
whome before I made executours to be nowe aydors amd assisters to her to see this my
last will p[er]formed And neverthelesse I will that my forme[r] will begunne and ended
the xvijth and xviij of January Anno .... in all causes and effectes this excepted shall
stand and abide in full force and effecte having this annexed to the same And furthermore I
will that if it shall please god to call my wiffe from this liffe before the whole effecte of my
will be fully accomplished That then William Savile and John Savile the sonnes of
George Savile deceased shall see the premisses p[er]formed accordingly And they to have
as muche strength and powre aftre her decease as I have nowe given to my saide wiffe And
I orddyn and make Robert Strelley my brother and my mephewe Leonarde Stubbes and
John Wilson brother in lawe to my wiffe to be Sup[er]visors over theyme for the p[er]formannce
of the same Theis being witnesses Edmonde Pelham Thomas Hurys Susan
John Strelley Henry Strelley Xpofer Salmon per me Johannem Wenday James
Beaumonnt Richarde Russell priste Richarde Fawrett


Jeffrey Wast - surname is also Wayse see will of Jeffrey Wayse Draper of Boston, LIncolnshire: https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D977582





  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 36
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #941841 (accessed 1 April 2023)
    Will of Roberti Strelley, granted probate on 5 Mar 1553. Died about 1553 in Greate Bowden, Leicestershire, England.

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