Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Wright Abell Sturson
Will of Robert Wright the elder, 1566
ANF will register Liber 21 (Waterladde) fo. 448 - Wright, Robert, elder, of Hingham 1566
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. L, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops.
Persons mention in the Will:
- Robert Wright the elder, shoemaker
- Agnes Wright, his wife
- Richard Wright, his son
- Robert Wright, his grandchild and son of Richard
- Margaret Wright, his grandchild and daughter of Richard
- Elizabeth Wright, his grandchild and daughter of Richard
- William Wright, his son
- Robert Wright, his son
- Walter Wright, his son
- Alis Wright, his daughter
- Robert Sturson, his grandchild
- Rose Sturson, his grandchild
- Mary Sturson, his grandchild
- Bartyllmew Abell, his godson
- Richarde Abell, son of his godson Bartyllmew
- Henry Taylor, witness
- Roger Wright, witness
- John Cadye, witness
In the name of god Amen
The iijth daye of March in the yere of our Lord God
a thousand five hundreth lxv And in the eight
yere of the reigne of our Sovereign Ladye Elizabeth
by the grace of god Quene of England France
and Irelande defender of the faithe I Robert
Wright the elder of Hengham in the Countye of
Norff[olk] beinge in good and hole mynde and
p[er]fight rememberance thankes be unto Allmightie god
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make and declare this my p[re]sente testament and
laste wyll in maner and forme followinge revokinge
settinge voyde and adnullinge all other testamentes
and wylls by me made in tymes paste Firstle I
bequeth my sowle unto the mercye of Allmightie god
my redeemer and saviour by the merites
of whose death and passion I truste to have remissi=
on of my Synnes And my bodye to be buried in the
church yarde of Hengham aforsaid Item I give to
the releife of the pore people in Hengham afor=
said fouer shillinges to be payde by my Executrix
in the daye of my decease Item I give and bequethe
unto Richard Wright my sonne to his executors and
assignees all my messuages landes tenementes medowes pastures
feadinges and hereditamentes with all and singu=
lar their appurtenances set lienge and beinge in
Hengham aforsaid To have and to houlde all the same
premisses to the same Richard his executors and
assignees from the daye of my decease duringe the hole
terme of the naturall life of Agnes my wyfe So that
the same Richard my sonne as his heires executores ad=
ministrators and assignees or some or one of them shall
paye or cause to be paide all such debtes as I do owe
And also paye unto the same Agnes my wyfe or to her assig=
nee yerlye from the daye of my decease duringe
the hole terme of the naturall life of the same Agnes
five poundes of lawfull money of Englande at
fouer sundrye paymentes in every yere of the same terme
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That is to saye Quarterlye by equall and every portions
And yf yt shall chance aney defaulte to be made in aney
p[ar]te or parcell of the same yerlie paymente of five poundes
By the space and tyme of one month next after anye
tyme or quarter in which yt owght to be paid being first
resonablie demanded I wyll and mynde is that then
And at anye tyme or tymes yt may and shall be
lawfull to the said Agnes my wyffe and her assignees
into all and singuler the said messuage landes tenements
medowes pastures feadinges and hereditamentes w[it]h
theire appurtenances To enter have and houlde all
the same p[re]misses to her the same Agnes and her
assignees from thenceforthe duringe the hole terme of
her naturall life Payinge all the rents and doinge
the service that for the p[re]misses shall be dewe for and
when that tyme or terme unto the chiffe lordes
of the fee or fees And kepinge all the howses
of the p[re]misses in sufficient reparations Aney thinge
aforsaid to the contrarye then not w[it]h standinge
And I wyll that then yt may and shall be lawfull unto the
said Agnes my wyfe and her assignees to fell
take and sell so much woode and tymber growinge
upon the p[re]misses as shall paye all such dettes
as I shall then owe unto aney p[er]son or p[er]sones Item
I wyll that the said Richard my sonne his executors
and assignees duringe so longe tyme as he maye or owght
to enioye the p[re]misses w[it]hin or by the naturall life of the
said Agnes shall also have hould and enioye all my
leace landes tenementes and growendes and in
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case occasion shall serve that the said Agnes my wyfe
and her assignees shall enter and occupie the said
messuage and other the p[re]misses I wyll that then Also
she and her assignees shall have th'occupienge of all my
said leace landes tenementes and growendes
And after her decease I wyll they hollye remayne
unto the said Richard my sonne his executors and assig=
nees untyll the ende of my terme or termes in the same
leace landes tenementes and growendes be expired
Item I wyll and my mynde is that after the decease of the
said Agnes my wyfe all my owen said messuages landes
tenementes medowes pastures feadinges and heredi=
tamentes w[i]th all and singuler their appurtenances
shall be and remayne unto the said Richard Wright
my sonne his heires and assignees for ever upon
condition that the same Richard his heires exexutors
administrators or assignees shall paye or cause to be paid
unto Will[ia]m Wright my sonne his executors
or assignees ten poundes of lawfull money of England
in maner and forme followinge, that is to saye
w[it]hin one yere next after the daye of the de=
=cease of the said Agnes my wyfe fyftye shillinges and
so forth yerelye fyftie shillinges untyll the said ten
poundes be paid And also to Rob[er]t Wrighte my sone
iijli of lawfull money of Englande to be paide in forme
followinge that is to saye w[i]thin one yere nexte
after the laste paymente willed or assigned to the
said Wyll[ia]m my sonne xxxs And w[i]thin one yere then
next ensuinge other xxxs And also to Walter
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Wrighte my sonne other iijli of like lawfull money to
be payde by two like paymentes in two yeres then
next followinge And if eyther of them the sonne Rob[er]t and
Walter dye before suche tyme as he owghte to receyve
his said portion of iijli I wyll that then the longer liver
of them two the same Rob[er]t and Walter his executors
administrators and assignees shall have so much of the said others
p[ar]te as shall then be unpaide And over that to Alis my
daughter or to her executores or assignees xxxijs iiijd
To be paid w[i]thin one yere next after the laste payment
of the said Walter And if yt shall fortune the said
Richard his heires executors and assignees and any of
them to refuse or omyte the payment of the said sumes
of money as aney of them or aney p[ar]te of aney of them
bequeathed willed assigned or devised unto my said
children or aney of them at aney such tyme or tymes
in which as is aforsaid yt ought to be paide I wyll
that then or at aney tyme or tymes after every of
my said children their executors and assignees to whome
aney defaulte of paymente shall chance to be
made to enter into all and singuler my said owen
messuages landes tenementes and other the p[re]misses
w[i]th their appurtenances and the same to have houlde
occupie and enioy duringe such terme as herafter is
limyted and appoyntid That is to saye I wyll
that the saide Wyll[ia]m my sonne his executores
and assignees shall have the occupienge of
the same messuage landes and other the p[re]misses
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fower yeres Robarte my sonne his executors and
assignees two yeres Walter my sonne his executors
and assignees two yeres And Alis my daughter
her executors and assignees one yere And
moreover I give and bequeth to Robarte Wrighte my
grandchilde sonne to my said sonne Richarde fortye
shillings to be paid to hym w[i]thin one yere next after
the paymente of the said Alis my daughter Item I
give and bequethe to Margaret Wright one of the dau=
=[gh]ters of the same Richard xxs to be paid the next
yere after her said brother Item I give and bequethe
to Elizabeth one other of the daughters of the same
Richard xijs iijd to be payde the next yere next after
Margaret her sister Item I give to Rob[er]t Sturson
my grandchild vis vijd And to Rose and Marye
his sisters to yche of them five shillings and every
of them to be paide within one yere next after the
laste payment of the children of the said Richard
my sonne Item I give and bequeth to Richarde Abell
the sonne of Bartyllmew Abell my godson vjs viijd
All which said gifts and legacies I wyll that my
sonne Richard his heirs executors or assignees
shall paye in such manner and forme as I
have appoynted for others before remembered Item
All the residew of my goodes cattalles and detts
not before given nor bequethed I do give and
bequethe unto the said Agnes my wyfe her Exec[utors]
and assignees which Agnes my wyfe I ordayne
constitute and make the sole executrix of this
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My presente testamente and wyll doinge her dutie
therein accordinge to the trew meaninge afore specified
provided allwayes and my mynde is that the
said Will[ia]m my sonne accordinge to dew order and forme
of lawe shall lerne and teache the said Walter my
sonne the occupacion of Shomakere crafte and
yf the same Wyll[ia]m shall denye or by aney cawcill
refuse to teach the said Walter the said occupation of
shomakere craft in forme aforsaid I wyll that then
ten markes p[ar]cell of the said ten pounds assigned
or devised unto the said Will[ia]m shall then be and
extende to th'onlye use of the said Walter his
executors and assignees w[i]th like benefite and
interest as is limited to and for the same x [pou]ndes
unto the said Wyll[ia]m his executors and assignes anye
thinge aforsaid to the contrarye in aney wyse then
not standinge In wytnes whereof hereunto I have sett
my seale the daye and yere firste above written
there beinge wytnesses Henry Taylor Roger Wright
and John Cadye w[i]th others.
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