Location: Hingham, Norfolk, England
Surnames/tags: Wrighte Wright
This is a transcript of the register copy of the Will of Robert Wrighte, Tanner of Hengham, Norfolk, England. It was written on 13 March 1601. It was probated on 1603 .[1]
The image quality was good. There was a small bit of bleedthrough but the handwriting very legible.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
Persons Mentioned
- Robert Wrighte - Testator
- Stephen Burrowes - wellbeloved neighbour
- Walter Wrighte - Testator's brother
- John Wrighte - Testator's nephew
- Richard Wrighte - Testator's brother, father of John Wrighte
- Gregory Wrighte - Testator's nephew
- Wm Wrighte - Testator's brother, father of Gregory Wrighte
- John Woodcocke - Testator's nephew
- Thomas Woodcocke - Testator's brother-in-law, father of John Woodcocke
- Agnes Debdale - Testator's sister
- Thomas Palmer - Testator's nephew, son of Agnes Debdale
- Adam Palmer - Testator's nephew, son of Agnes Debdale
- Edmund Palmer - Testator's nephew, son of Agnes Debdale
- Ann Palmer - Testator's niece, daughter of Agnes Debdale
- Margarett Woodcocke - Testator's niece, daughter of Richard Wrighte
- Elizabeth Fees - Testator's niece, daughter of Richard Wrighte
- Marye Sharpe - Testator's niece, daughter of Richard Wrighte
- Thomas Wrighte - Testator's nephew, son of Richard Wrighte
- Amye Locke - Testator's goddaughter & niece, daughter of Richard Wrighte
- James Wrighte - Testator's nephew, son of Richard Wrighte
- Gregory Cowper - witness
- Peter Dame the younger - witness
In the name of god Amen the xiijth
daye of March 1601 and in the xLiiijth yeere of the
reigne of o[ur] gratious Sovernye Lady Elizabeth
by the grace of god of England Ffrance & Ireland
Quene defende[r] of the faithe. I Robert Wrighte
of Heng[a]m in the county of Norff[olk] Tanner
beinge whole of mynde and of [per]fect rememberence
thankes be god, do ordayne and make this my
[per]sent testam[en]t and last will in manner and forme
followinge vidzt: refusinge setting voyde and
dissanullinge all other testatm[en]tes and laste willes
in tymes paste by me made. Ffirst & principlilly
I commend my soule into the handes of almightie
god my maker, and Jesus Christe my redemer
and the holly ghoste my saviour trusting to
miyne the glorious p[ur]pose of the true & immortall
god, amongste the saints in heaven and my body
to be buried in the churchyard of Hengh[a]m
Item I will my full intente & undeinge
is that my wellbeloved neighbo[urs] Stephen Burrowes
shall uppon my decease take into his handes xxl
of lawfull mony of England due unto me by bonde
from severall [per]sons and the same keepe in the handes
duringe the life of Agnes Debdale my sister in
consideration wherof I will that the said Stephen
or his heirs executors retores or ass[ignee]s shall paye or
cause to be paid, unto the said Agnes or her ass[ignee]s
duringe the tyme _ said yearely xis of law
full mony of England at the feaste of
of o[ur] blessed Lady St Mary of the virgin the _
_ of St John Baptist, St Michael the Arcangell
and the brith of o[ur] lord god, by _ & _
Page 2
the first payment
to begine att _ of the said Feaste _
first happne after my decease, all with _
payment are to be _ in the church parish of
Hengh[a]m aforeaid And after the decease
I will, my full intent and meaninge is that
the said Stephen or his heires executors _
or ass[ignee]s shall likewise paye or cause to be paid
unto Walter Wrighte my brother or his ass[ignee]s
duringe the wholl tearme of his naturall life
yeerly xxxl of lawfull mony of England
att the said feast by ever and equall porcions
the first paym[en]t to beginne att with or the said
feaste shall first happen to be after her decease
all with _ all payment and to be made in the
pace aforsaid
Item I give & bequeathe
unto John Wrighte my nephewe the sone of
Richard Wrighte my brother iiijl of lawfull
mony of England to be paid unto him within
one yeere nexte after the decease of the longer
liver of the said Agnes and Walter
Item I give and bequeath unto Gregory Wrighte
sonne of Wm Wrighte my brother late _
xib of lawfull mony of England to be paide
unto the said Gregory within three yeers nexte
after the decease of the longer liven of the said Agnes and Walter
Item I give & bequeathe
unto John Woodcocke my nephewe sonne of Thomas
Woodcocke my brother in lawe xld of lawfull
mony of England to be paid unto thes John
Page 3
Within three yeers nexte aft[e]r the decease
of the longer liven of the said Agnes & Walter
Item I give and bequeathe unto the said Stephen
Burrowse xxb of lawfull mony of England
Item I give and bequeath unto my neighbo[our] Wm Mallowes
xxb of lawfull mony of England to be paide
unto him within fowere yeere nexte after the decease
of the said Agnes and Walter
Item I give and
bequeathe unto fower of the children of my sister
Agnes ?ebdale, namely, Thomas Palmer, Adam
Palmer, Edmund Palmer, and Ann Palmer, xijd
iiijs a peece of lawfull mony of England, to be
payd unto them and evre of them within five yeers
nexte after the decease of the longer liven
of the said Agnes Debdale and Walter Wrighte
Item I give and bequeath unto my goddaughter
Amye Locke xjb xiijs of lawfull mony of England
tobe be paid unto her in the yeare after above writtene
Item I give and bequeath unto seven of t[he] children
of my brother Richard Wrighte, namely Margarett
Woodcocke, Elizabeth Fees, Agnes Wood, Marye
Sharpe, Thomas Wrighte, Amye Locke & John
Wrighte and to eche on of them xxl a peece
of lawfull mony of England to be paid unto the
and eche one of them within five yeers nexte after the
decease of the said Agnes and Walter
Item I
give and bequeath unto Walter Wrighte my brother
the use of my beste ell & bellings _
_ I will shall remayne with my sister Agnes
during her life, and he to come to lye within her
Page 4
and if he hae abute to sell the same or
any p[ar]te I will the shall be _ takne awaye
by myne Ex[ecu]tur otherwise to remayne to him and
his for one.
Item in consideracion of the xl
before given unto my neighbo[ur] Wm Mallowes'
I doe make him executor of this my testam[en]t & laste
will craving him to be in assistant unto my
Ex[ecu]tor to soe this my testatm[en]t & last will trewlye
Item all and signularthe rest of my
goodes cattlels chattells debts and utensells or house
hould by what tyfle or nane said they be called
not herin before resonally given nor bequeathed I
give and bequeathe unto Stephen Burrowes whom
I make Executo[ur] of this my testatm[en]t & last will
to the intent he shall trewlie paye my debts within
soe and discharge my legares accordinge to my
good meaninge herin above _ _
whereof have unto I have sett my seale given this daye
and yeere first above written these beinge
witnesss Gregory Cow[per] and Peter Dame the
- ↑ Will of Robert Wrighte, Tanner of Hengham 1601, Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich Wills and Adminstrations, Register copy wills, v. 35 (Offwood), 1602-1604; digital images, Register copy wills, v. 28 (Sherwood), 1582-1586 Viewable at a Family History Centre FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 80452739 images 273-276 of 468.] Accessed 12 April 2022
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