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Will of Robert Yeatman, gentleman of Manston Dorset, 1767

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Will of Robert Yeatman of Manston, 1767
Reference: PROB 11/928/66
Date: 11 April 1767
National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England
transcribed by Helen Ford
Robert Yeatman (1691-)
This is the last will and testament of me Robert Yeatman late of Henstridge in the County of Somerset but now of Manston in the County of Dorset gentleman made this eight day of april in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty two
Whereas Mary Yeatman my late deceased wife in and by her last will and testament or writing purpoting to be her last Will and Testament bearing date in or about the thirteenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and sixty by virtue of a power received or given to her in and by a certain Indenture bearing date the fourteenth day of November which was in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty seven and made or mentioned to be made between me the said Robert Yeatman and the said Mary my said late wife of the one part ad John Robins and John Barefoot of Browton[?] in the said County of Somerset Gentlemen of the other part did give limit and appoint all that Capital messuage and tennement with the appurtenances commenly called Grandon alias Brandon situate lying and being in the parish of Froom Selwood in the County of Somerset together with the Gardens Orchards and backsides thereto adjoining containing by Estimation two acres and also diverse closes and parcels of ground to the said Capital messuage and tenement belonging and in the said writed indenture and will particularly mentioned and described with their and every of their Rights Members and appurtenances formerly in the posession of Master Gibbons and John Gibbons or one of them their or one of their assignes or assigne unto me the said Robert Yeatman and my assigne for and during the term of my natural live with Impeachment of or for any manner of wast with full power and authority by any deed or writing deeds or writings to be my me executed in the presence of two or more credible witnesses or by my last will and testament in writing to be duly executed and attested to change the same or any part thereof with the sum of three hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain or any lesser sum as I should think fit by creating or limitting a terme of one hundred years or otherwise thereon to some person or persons and to be defeazible on payment of the sum of three hundred pounds or any lesser sum of lawfull money aforesaid and from and after my decease subject to the said terme of one hundred years she my said wife by such her will as aforesaid gave limited and appointed the same Capital messuage and tenement closes lands and premises with their appurtenances unto my son Hugh Yeatman and to his heirs and assigns for ever chargeable nevertheless and she hereby charged the same with one annuity or clear yearly sum of eight pouds of lawfull money aforesaid To be paid or applied for the use of my son Morgan Yeatman for and during the term of his natural life in such manner as in the said will is diverted Now in pursuance and by virtue of the power given me by my said wife in and by her said will and of all and every other power and powers in me being and vested I the said Robert Yeatman do by this last Will and
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and Testament executed in the presence of three credible witnesses charge the said capital messuage and tenement lands and premises with their and every of their appurtenances with the payment of the sum of three hundred pounds of lawful money aforesaid unto my son William Yeatman and to his executors administrators or assigns at the end of three months next after my decease and to that end and pupose I do hereby limit appoint and demise the same messuage and tenement lands and premises with their appurtennances unto Narcissus Whitaker [two lines erased and overwritten with Coleman-5109 ] of Fifehead Magdalen in the said County of Dorset Clerk[Note Narcissus Whitaker was the vicar of Fifehead Magdalen 1731-1768] to have and to hold the same unto the said Narcissus Whitaker his executors administrators and assigns from the day of my death for and during and unto the full end and terme of one hundred years at and under the yearly rent of a pepper corn payable at Mch’as yearly provided nevertheless what in case my said son Hugh Yeatman his heirs executors or administrators [side annotation: do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto my said son William Yeatman his Executors admin’rs or assigns] the sum of three hundred pounds of lawful money aforesaid at the end of three months to be computed from the say of my death Then the said terme of one hundred years is to cease [determine/] and be utterly void to all Intents and purposes whatsoever Also to my said son William Yeatman I give the sum of three hundred pounds that will become due and payable to me in three months next after the death of John Edmonds of Wareham in the said County of Dorset blacksmith for the payment of which sum the Manor of Nyland is by an indenture bearing date the twentyeth day of July One thousand seven hundred and fifty seven settled and made chargeable also to my said son William and to his executors administrators and assigns I give all that my Leasehold estate at Hinton St Mary in the said County of Dorset for the remainder of the Terme or termes and interest which I have therein after the decease of my said son Morgan Yeatman and all other my leasehold estates whatsoever and wheresoever lying I give and bequeath unto my said son William and to his Executors administrators and assigns for all the remainder of my term or terms and interest therein also to my said son Morgan Yeatman I give the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid him at the end of three months next after my decease also to my son Morgan Yeatman and to my said sons Hugh and Morgan Yeatman I give the sum of five pounds each to buy them mourning All the rest residue and remainder of my Goods Chattles and personal estate whatsoever not herein before given or bequeathe I do hereby give and bequeath unto my said son William Yeatman and to his executors administrators and assigns and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint him my said son William whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former and other wills by meat any time heretofore made In witness whereof I the said Robert Yeatman (the testator) have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written Rob. Yeatman signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator (Robert Yeatman) as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence set out hands as witnesses hereto HenryWillis Jane Ford Sus Dibbon
This will was proved at London the eleventh say of April in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty seven before the Right Worshipful George Hay doctor of laws Master keeper or commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of William Yeatman the son and sole executor named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the deceased having been first sworn by commision duly to administer

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