Location: [unknown]
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Robert Yewle or Youle, a clothier of the City of Worcester. Robert drew up his will on 5 November 1560 when he was in good health. The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 17 September 1561. [1]
Transcription conventions used in this text:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
The image quality was acceptable, and the handwriting legible.
Persons mentioned:
- Roberte Yewle of the Cittie of Worcester Clothier Testator
- Ellinor my late wief Testator wishes to be buried at the Cathedral with her
- Margaret my wief Testator's current wife. Previously widowed, her (unnamed) husband's will made provision for her and her children in his will
- John Alderford occupier of a close and barn at the south of the town
- Anne Steynar my daughter also spelled Steyner, Stainer and Steiner
- Robarte Newdicke Testator bought property from him
- Thomas Manchester Testator's tenant
- Henry Nicholls als hosier Testator's tenant
- Thomas Pantinge Testator's tenant in a property on Gray Friars street
- Rob[er]t Clarke bocher (butcher) Testator's tenant in a property in St Andrews
- RIchard Holborow Testator bought meadow from him in Pychecrofte
- George Weber bocher (butcher) occupier of said meadow
- John Alderforde gentleman Testator bought property from him in St Peters
- Alice Chamberlaine Testator's daughter
- Ellenor Flyt also Afflytt, Afflite or Flytt Testator's daughter
- my syster Jane Eton
- John Eton her son
- Margaret Stayner not stated but probably daughter of Anne Stayner
- Ellenor (Stayner) her Syster not stated but probably daughter of Anne Stayner
- yonge John Stayner not stated but probably son of Anne Stayner.
- Robarte Afflite Sonne and heire to my daughter Hellynor (Ellinor) Testator's grandson
- Richard Grafton weaver Testator purchased property from him on the High Street
- Richard Mucklow Testator leases a meadow from him
- Tenants of property on Coockinstreet:
- Richard Bell and
- John Hussey
- William Patricke
- Tenants of other property within Worcester:
- Richard Brewar
- Thomas Knott
- Richard Prince
- Thomas Spooner
- John Erles of Colwall Testator purchased land in Colwall from him
- Thomas Shelden Testator purchased property from him which used to belong to Tewkesbury Monastry
- Lawrens Payner gentleman Testator purchased property from him which used to belong to Tewkesbury Monastry
- Walter Hanbury Testator purchased property from him at Clarken Leppe
- Roger Bury tenant of the Cardinall Hatt
- Bean man with surname Bean, tenant in St Peters
- Isabell Cotterell Widdow Testator purchased property from her outside Sudbury Gate
- Thomas Mawlten Tenant of this property
- Griffith Estwicke Testator purchased property from him in St Andrews
- my syster in lawe Alice Clarke £10
- my syster in lawe Margaret Ingram £5
- her sonne Robarte Ingram £5
- my syster in lawe Elizabeth Goughe £10
- my brother in lawe Thomas Kiniate £10
- Will[ia]m Kinneate an apprentice with Roger Wade , receives £5
- Ellenor his syster £5
- Thomas Bell £5
- Rowlande Eton gilt cup and silver salt
- my loveing freende Roger Folliote 40 shillings and a black gown. Witness to will
- Roger Wade my neighbor 20 shillings
- my sonne in lawe John Staynar executor of will and residuary legatee
- my sonne in lawe Bryan Chamberlayne overseer of will and witness to will
- Emonde Lokeer tenant in St Andrews
- William Gibbes tenant in St Swithins
- Sr Thom[a]s Lynsey parson of St Ellyns or St Helens. Witness to will
- Thomas Walsgrove overseer of will and witness to will
- Alice (Alex ?) Flytt son in law. Overseer of will
[folio 228 recto]
In the name of god amen The vth daye of November 1560 and the seconde
yere of the Raigne of o[u]r soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englande France and
Irelande etc / I Roberte Yewle of the Cittie of Worcester Clothier beinge in good and parfecte memory
thanks be to god make my laste Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge /
First and
principally I doe give and bequeath my sowle to almyghtie god trustinge to be saved by the merritts and
passion of Jesue Christe the only redemer of the Worlde. And I will that my boddie be buried in the
Cathedrall church of Worcester before the pulpete there, as nighe to the place where Ellinor my late
wief doth lye as may conveniently be /
Item I doe bequeath to Margaret my wief that now ys the
howse that I doe inhabitt and dwell in, and the use and occupac[i]on of all the ymplements and standerds
therin, that is to saye table boords formes Tescotts sittells glasse bedsteeds portalls presses Stooles
Cofers Chests and all manner of ioyned worke and tynber worke whatsoever hit be, and also the owhard
and all other things beinge in the late grey fryers and all other things beinge in the late grey friers w[hi]ch
are contained in a lease of the demise of the Baylifs Aldermen and chamber of the Cittie of Worcester
beringe date the xvij daye of Marche in the seconde yere of the raigne of ower soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth
etc. And also the Close and barne at the South side of the towne somtyme John Alderfords to have
and to holde the saide howse with other the premisses so long as she shall keep herself sole and un=
married / yeldinge and doing therefore yerely duringe the saide tyme all such rep[ar]ac[i]ons and duties as are
meete and conveniente for the same / And further I will that my saide wief shall receive the saide imple=
ments before named by Inventary to the intent she maye lease and yelde upp the same at the tyme of her
marriage or at the tyme of her deathe yf she doe not marrye in as good state and reparc[i]ons she douthe
receive and take them at my deth and deceas.
Also I bequeath unto Margaret my saide wief five hundred
marks of lawfull monney of Englande clerely ov[er] and besyds all her late husbands goods and Cattall Which
were lefte to her and her children all whiche I will she shall have allowed by my executors to her and her
chy children clerely besyds these my gifts and legac[ie]s accordinge to the Laste Will of her said late husband
Item I bequeath to the poore peoples box within Sante Ellins church xxs to be distributed to the poore
Item I give and bequeath to Anne Steynar my daughter, and to the heires of her boddie lawfully be=
gotten all that the saide house or manc[i]on that I doe dwell in with thapp[u]rten[a]nces with all the saide
Standers and ymplements before rehersed.
Item I doe give and bequeath to the saide Anne and to the heirs
of her boddie lawfully begotten all the howses and gardens that I lately purchased of Robarte Newdicke
And the messuage or tennemente now in the occupac[i]on of Thomas Manchester and toe messuage[s] or
Tennements nowe in the occupac[i]on of Henry Nicholls als hosier and one other messauge or ten[emen]te
nowe in the occupac[i]on of Thomas Pantinge with theire app[ur]ten[an]ces, all whiche premisses doe lye in a street
cawled the graye fryers street within the saide Cittie of Worcester /
Also I doe bequeath unto the saide
Anne and her heires one other messuage with thapp[u]rten[a]nces in the p[ar]ish of Sainte Andrewes within the
saide Cittie in the whiche Rob[er]t Clarke bocher doe dwell and inhabite, And also iiij acres of meddowe
grownde in Pychecrofte which I lately purchased of RIchard Holborow now in the occupac[i]on of george
Weber bocher with allso the Close and barne at the townes ende in the parrish of Sainte Peter whiche I
purchased of John Alderforde gentleman To have and to holde all the saide messuage[s] tennements gardines
meddoe grownde Closse and barne with theire app[u]rten[a]nces to the said Anne Steyner my daughter, and
[folio 228 verso]
to the heires of her boddie lawfully begotten for ever And for lack of suche heires, the same to rev[er]te and come to
the heires of Alice Chamberlaine and Ellenor Flyt my daughters And for lacke of suche heires the same to
remaine and come to my syster Jane Eton and to the heires of her boddie lawfully begotten.
Item I doe
farther give and bequeath to the said Anne Steynar my doughter all suche leac[e]s takings indentures
and terme of yeres whiche I have or shall have of the demyse and grannte of the baylifs and com[m]analitie of
the Cittie of Worcester concerninge my howses gardens orchards meddow grownde ten[emen]ts or other heredi=
taments, and allso all those leac[e]s Indentures and terme of yeres whiche I have concerninge Sainte martens
Croftes Sainte Ellins Arbor and other lands whiche lately did belonge to the Comannders of St Wolstone [2]
nere the Cittie of Worcester To have holde and enioye all the same leac[e]s takings Indentures and terme of
yeres and other the premisses with theire app[u]rten[a]nces to the saide Anne her heires and assignes duringe all
suche yeres and terme as be to come in the same leac[e]s takings and Indentures /
Item I doe give and bequeath
to the said Anne Staynar ij hundred pounds of lawwfull monney of Englande / And also I doe give one
hundreth and xxLi to be equally devided betwene Margaret Stayner, and Hellenor her Syster, and to the
longeste live[r[ of them.
Item I doe give and bequeathe to yonge John Stayner an hundred pounds.
Item I
give and bequeath to Robarte Afflite Sonne and heire to my daughter Hellynor all those my mylles
landes tennements woods waters and heriditaments with theire app[u]rten[a]nces with in the parrishe or
Lord shipp of Stoke p[ri]or and Kiddermynster in the Countie of Worcester And all those my lands and
Tennements which I have in the porte feildes nere the Cittie of Worcester which did belong to the
Chauntery in the parrish churche of St. Ellyn in the saide Cittie and all those thre messuage[s] or
Tennements with thapp[u]rten[a]nces lyenge in the highe streete within the same Cittie which I p[ur]chased
of Richard Grafton weaver with allso the leace which I had of Richard Mucklow of a meddoe
Grownde lyenge withoute sainte martens gate To have and to holde all the saide landes tennements
milles waters and hereditaments and other the premisses with theire app[u[rten[a]nces to the saide Roberte
Afflyt and to the heires of his boddie lawfully begotten / And for lacke of suche heires the premysses to
reverte discend and come to the foresaide Anne Staynar my daughter, and to the heires of the boddie
of the saide Alice Chamberlaine lawfully begotten for ev[er].
Item I give and bequeath to the saide Robert
Afflytt ccLi of lawfull monney of England / The same to be putt into the custodie of the chamber of
the Cittie of Worcester before one yere be expired after my deceas untill the saide Robarte come to the
age of xxj yeres. And yf hit happen the saide Robarte to dye before the saide tyme, then I will the
same shall remaine and come to my said daughter Anne and to the heires of my saide daughter Alice
equally to be devided betwene them.
Item I Will that Margaret my wief have yerely during her
her lyef vLi oute of the Issues and proffitts of my land at Kydermynster before given to the saide
Robarte Afflyt to be paied at ij termes in the yere that ys to saye, at the feast of thannunciation of o[u]r
Ladie and Sainte Michaell tharchangell by even porc[i]ons or within one moneth next after ev[er]y of
the saide Termes or feasts And for lacke of suche paymente to be truly made to my said wief as ys
aforsaide hit shalbe lawfull for my saide Wief to enter uppon the saide lande at Kyderminster and
to enioye and take all the proffitts therof duringe her lyef, any gifte or thinge menc[i]oned before in
this my Will not withstanding.
Item I give and bequeath to the heires of Alice Chamberlaine
my daughter all those three messuages or tennements lyeng in the Cokinstreate now in the
tenure of Richard Bell John Hussey and Will[ia]m Patricke / And also all and singuler those lands
howses Tennements and rents with theire app[u]rten[an]ces lyenge within the Cittie of Worcester
as also in the Countie therof now in the occpac[i]on of Richard Brewar Thomas Knott Richard
Prince and Thomas Spooner and the cheef rente of vjs vjd goinge forth of mr porters howse
and iiijs yerely paied by the guardyanes of the churche of Sainte Swithens and viijs by yere
for a parcell of tythe at Colwall and ijs by yere of John Erles of Colwall, all which premisses
did belonge to the late Monasterye of Tewkesbury whiche I purchased of Thomas Shelden and
Lawrens Payner gentleman / And all those landes tennements and hereditaments with theire
App[u]rten[a]nces lyeing at Clarken Leppe with the lands that I lately purchased of Walter Hanbury
[folio 229 recto]
lyeng within the parrish of Kemsey [3] and St Peters aforesaide which did belonge to the Chauntery or
fyndinge of a preest in the parrish churche of Sainte Ellyn aforenamed And also all that capitall messuage
or tennemente called the Cardinall hatt now in the tenure of Roger Bury and an other tennemente in
Sudberie within the parrish of sainte peters aforesaide which did belonge to the fyndinge of a preeste
in the saide churche of sainte Peter now in the tenure of Bean. And also a close and a barne with thapp[u]r=
ten[a]nces lyenge without Sudbury gate which I lately purchased of Isabell Cotterell Widdow nowe
in the tenure of Thomas Mawlten To have and to holde all the saide landes tennements and other the
premisses with their app[u]rten[a]nces to the heires of the saide Alice Chamberlaine my doughter of her boddie
lawfully begotten for ev[er]. And for lacke of suche heires the same to remaine and come to the saide Anne Stain[a]r
and Robarte Flyte and to the heires of their boddies lawfully begotten And for lacke of suche heires the same
to rev[er]te and come to the foresaide Jane Eton and to the heires of her boddie lawfuly begotten.
Item I doe give
and bequeathe to the sonne and haire of the saide Alice Chamberlaine my doughter ij hundreth pounds
of lawfull monney of Englande. And to Thomas Chamberlaine sonne of the saide Alice CLi of lawfull
monney of Englande All whiche monney I Will shalbe putt into the custodie of the chamber of the
Cittie of Worcester untill they come to thage of xxj yeres unles they be married before / And yf hyt
fortune any of them to dye before the saide tyme then I Will that the same remaine to the longest lyver of
them. And yf hit fortune them both to die before the saide tyme, then I Will that the same remaine and
come to theires of Anne Stainer and Robarte Afflyt to be equally devided betwene them.
Item I will
that Margaret my wief have yerely duringe her lyef vLi coming oute of the issues and proffits of
my lande at Clarken Leppe before given and bequeathed to the heires of the saide Alice my doughter
to be paied at the saide termes and tymes by equall porc[i]ons as the other vLi before named cominge
oute of my landes at Kytherminster / And for lacke of suche paymente hit shalbe lawfull for the saide
Margaret to have and take into her owne hands and possession all the issues and proffitts w[hi]ch
shall come of all that saide lande at Clarkenleppe duringe her saide lyef.
Item I give and bequeth
to the saide Anne Stainar and to the heires of my saide doughter Alice Chamberlaine all that my
lease of the Woodds and Underwoods called perry woods wheresoev[er] they lye within the Soyle
so that they yelde and deliver unto Margaret my wief duringe her Widdo estate the third p[ar]te
therof at ev[er]y tyme when the same shalbe fallen, takinge of her for the charges of the fawlinge of
her said parte And yf hit shall happen my saide wief to marry or to die / Then I Will that all that
third parte remaine and come to Rober Afflitt sonne and heire of my saide daughter Ellenor
Item I
Will that there begiven yerely to the poore of Sainte Ellyns parrish the daye of my buriall vjs viijd
and to the poore of the trinitie Almeshouse vjs viijd And to the poore in Throgm[or]tons almeshouse
iijs viijd by the guardyans of Sainte Hellens parrish and to them for theire paines to distribute
the same ijs. All which some of xviijs viijd I Will and appointe to be taken oute of the Issues
and proffitts of the lands and tennements which I lately purchased of Griffith Estwicke lyenge
within the parrish of Sainte Andrewes within the Cittie of Worcester /
Item I doe give and
bequeath to my syster in lawe Alice Clarke xLi And to my syster in lawe Margaret Ingram fyve
pounds and to her sonne Robarte Ingram vLi And to my syster in lawe Elizabeth Goughe xLi
I doe give to my brother in lawe Thomas Kiniate xLi And to Will[ia]m Kinneate that ys prentis w[i]th
Roger Wade vLi And to Ellenor his syster vLi
Item I give and bequeath to Jane Eton my syster
lxLi And to her sonne John Eton xxxLi which xxxLi I woolde sholde be bestowed by the dyscrec[i]on
of my executor and ov[er]seers uppon some taking or farme by the whiche he maye the better lyve all the
the dayes of his lyef and not otherwise.
Item I doe give and bequeathe all the stones of Gyes halle
withine the late graye fryers to the mainten[a]nce of the Wawles of the Cittie of Worcester and
suche other necessary things as appertaine and belonge to the saide Cittie uppon condic[i]on that my
heires executors and assignes maye quietly enioye all the stone walles aboute my pastures orchards
and gardens in the saide late Graye fryers.
Item I doe give and bequeathe to Thomas Bell five
Item I doe give unto ev[er]y one of my serv[a]nts both men and women xxs a pece.
Item I
doe give and bequeath to Rowlande Eton my little gilte Cuppe and a littell salte of silver
[folio 229 verso]
parcell gilte. Item I Will that ther be given to the poore at my burial xxx Li at my monethes mynde [4] xx Li And
at my yeres mynde xx LI
Item I doe give and bequeath towards the foundac[i]on of a freescoole to be had within the
saide Cittie of Worcester one hundredth pounds of lawfull monney of Englande to be bestowed uppon some
lands for the mainten[a]nce of the same scoole for ev[er] ov[er] and besids a Statute of xijLi by yere Whiche they
have alredde in execuc[i]on. And I Will that the M[aste]r and Scollers of the same Scoole shall come yerely upon
the daye of my buriall to the place where my Corps shall lye and there uppon theire knees to praye
for my fathers soule my mothers sowle for my soule my wief and childrens soules and for all Christen soules
besides theire daily prayer for us morning and eveninge in the Scoole
Item I give and bequeathe to ev[er]y
godchilde I have iijs iiijd
Item I doe give to my daughter Anne Staynar and to the heires of her
boddie lawfully begotten all that my leace and terme of yeres which I have in the howse next to my
howse belonginge to Sainte Albons Church
Item I bequeath to my occupac[i]on vijLi wherof I
woolde shoolde be spente amongest them at my buriall xls And the VLi remaining to be bestowed
uppon the hawle belonging to the saide occupac[i]on.
Item I doe give and bequeath to my loveing freende
Roger Folliote xls and a blacke gowne.
Item I Will that there shalbe bestowed by my executor upon
the waies at marten Hosingtree betwene Worcester and Wiche xLi
Item I give and bequeath to
my mill man my best Cowe my best heifor and xls in monney.
Item I give and bequeath to every one of
my Ten[a]nts that be weavers xxs And doe forgive them all the debts they doe owe me.
Item I doe
give and bequeathe to Roger Wade my neighbor xxs
Item I wil that yf Margaret my wief my
sonne in lawe John Staynar, my sonne in lawe Bryan Chamberlayne, my daughters sonne Roberte
Afflyte, or any other for them or in theire behalf do varie troble contende or strive on with the other
by lawe or otherwise contrary to this my Last Will and mynde, that then his or their porc[i]on or p[ar]te
of monney and goods that shall so contend or strive with the other to remaine and come to suche of
them that shalbe quiet and contented with this my laste Will / And they that shall so moleste thothers
to be clerely voyde from all the bennefitts of this my saide Will and testamente touchinge monney and
goods, anythinge before menc[i]oned or given to them to the contrary notwithstandinge.
Item I give and
bequeath to the com[m]oners of the Cittie of Worcester which be none of the Chamber of the saide Cittie,
and suche as be not cessed [5] at vLi in goods and Upwards to the quenes Maiestie for the Subcedie and
suche as be cessed at vLi in goods and upward to be reputed for oon of the saide Commoners / All that my ten[emen]te
with thapp[u]rten[an]ces called or known by the name of the Antilopp beyeng in the brode streate within
the Cittie of Worcester of the yerely rente of iiijLi xs by yere / And all those howses or Tennements
in the parrish of Sainte Andrewes within the saide CIttie now in the tenure of Emonde Lokeer of iijLi
xiijs iiijd by yere / and all that tenements in the parrish of sainte Swithins nowe in the tenure of
Will[ia]m Gibbes of xijs rente by yere, the issues and proffitts of all which houses and tennements I will
shalbe imployed and bestowed forev[er] for the discharge and paymente or so farr as hit will stretche of
soche Taxes fyftines subcedies and contribut[i]ons harnessinge of men for the warres or other paiments
which shall from tyme to tyme be staced and laide uppon the saide poore com[m]oners of the same Cittie
and to no other use / And I doe ordaine and appointe the Chamberlaine of the Cittie of Worcester
for the tyme beinge to be ov[er]seers and collectors for the reparac[i]ons and rents of the said Tennements
and howses, And they to take yerely for theire paynes oute of the proffitts therof ijs betwene them
equally to be devided / And yf hit shall happen the same hereafter to be conv[er]ted to any other use then
this my Will in this behalf Then hit shalbe lawfull for my daughter Anne Staynar and her heires
the heires of my doughter Alice Chamberlaine, the heires of my daughter Elenor Flytt and the
heires of them and every of them to Enter uppon the foresaide tennements and howses with theire
app[u]rten[a]nces and the same to enioye and have amongst them equally devided, anythinge before menc[i]oned
to the contrary notwithstandinge / And hit shalbe lawwfull for the heires of my saide children once ev[er]y
yere or oftner yf neede shall require to calle the saide Chamberleynes to accompte and to understand
howe the saide rents and reparac[i]ons is imployed made and bestowed, and yf the saide rents or their
Issue of the tennements before rehersed be bestowed to any other use then ys above named, then I
Will the same shall reverte and come to the heires of my saide daughters for ev[er]
Item I will that
[folio 230 recto]
yf Margaret my Wyef be not contented to stande to this my gifte and appointmente to her by this
my Will and testamente but will seecke the bennyffitt whiche she maye have otherwise of my
lands or goods by the lawe or custome of the Cittie of Worcester Then I will she shall have
noe bennefitt of this my bequest to her before made nother of landes nor goods but the same to be clerely
voide to all intents and purposes.
Item I will that the bayliffs and Chamber of the Cittie of
Worcester after they have possession of the sommes of monney apointed to theire custodie shall
not deliver oute from them the same to any person or persons but only to the father of suche children
to whome I have given the same / And that uppon suche good and sufficiente bonds and sureties
for the same, that the same maye come to them whome I have given the same or for lacke of them
or any of them to suche as remaine alyve as they the saide Bayliffs Aldermen and Chamber will
answer the same in the name of the Whole Cittiee or elce to lett the same remaine in their saffe
custodie untill the tyme appointed before in my saide will /
Item I give and bequeath to Sr Thom[a]s
Lynsey parson of sainte Ellins xxs. The residue of all my goods moveable and unmoveable not
here in this my Laste Will givem nor bequeathed I give and bequeath to John Staynar my sonne
in law whoe I doe ordaine and make my executor for thaccomplishmente of this my saide will
and testamente / And also I doe ordaine and appointe to be ov[er]seers of this my saide will Thomas
Walsgrove Alice Flytt and Brian Chamberlaine my soones in lawe / Witnes hereunto Sr
Thomas Lynsey my Curate Thomas Walsgrove Bryan Chamberlaine Roger Folliot with
divers others
Probate [in Latin] This will was proved at London before Master Walter Haddon Doctor of Laws at a commission of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 17th day of September AD 1561. Judgment granted to Justinian Kydd procurator for John Steyner the executor named in this will, to administer etc the goods etc
- ↑ Will of Robert Yewle, 1561:
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 44
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #878054 (accessed 4 September 2022) - ↑ St Wulstan
- ↑ perhaps Kempsey
- ↑ Months mind, a service for the deceased, held one month after the death
- ↑ assessed
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