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Will of Roger Jenyns, of Hayes, 1693

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Hayes, Middlesex, Englandmap
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The Will of Roger Jenyns of Hayes, Middlesex, written 16 February 1690/1, codicil 25 March 1693, proved 31 August 1693.[1][2]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People mentioned in the Will, not necessarily in order

  • Roger Jenyns of Hayes, Middlesex (Testator)
  • John Jenyns (Eldest son)
    • Jane, daughter of James Clitherow of Boston (Son John's wife)
  • Roger Jenyns (Second son)
  • Joseph Knight (Cousin)
    • Joseph Knight (Joseph's son)
  • Thomas Jenyns (Third son)
  • Thomas Jenyns Esq (Brother, deceased)
  • John Wolfe (Cousin)
  • Sarah (Wife)
  • John Hill of Frogmer senior (relationship unknown)
  • Mrs Jane Holmes (relationship unknown)
  • Joseph Hope (relationship unknown)
  • Mr [P?]eycons (an official?)
  • Witnesses to Will: John Jenyns, John Cox, James Clitherow, Thomas Finch
  • Witnesses to codicil: Roger Jenyns, Thomas Jenyns, Joseph Hope, Elizabeth Hope, Anne Higgs

Land aquired from:

  • Woer
  • Collett
  • Thomas Birchills (deceased)
  • John Parlett, Thomas Parlett
  • MrBall
  • Sir John Hewett Bt


  • Edith Weekes
  • Mr John Robson
  • Mr Maximilian Walsam

In the Name of God Amen
I Roger Jenyns of Hayes in the County of Midd[lese]x Esqre
being at [erased] this time thankes be unto God in perfect health sence
and memory revokieing all former and other wills by me at any
time heretofore made doe now by these presents ordaine & make
this my last will and Testament in manner following in the first
place I leave my spirit in the hands of Almighty God the Father
of all good spirits my body I leave to be disposed by my Executrix
hereafter named desireing her ^that I may be buried onely in a private
manner and my body laid (if conveniently, may) in the chancell
of the Church of Hayes for the Estate which it hath pleased God
to bless me withall I have for the most part already Setled the
same by deedes and other sufficient conveyances in the Law on
the marriage of my eldest sonn John Jenyns with Jane the
daughter of James Clitherow then of Boston Esqr since deceased
which settlements I doe hereby confirme and ratify and alsoe I
have setled by sufficient conveyances in the Law on my second
sonn Roger Jenyns certaine Lands to hold to him and the heires
of his body which Settlement I doe alsoe hereby confirme and I
doe further give and devise unto my said sonn Roger Jenyns
all my five hundred and sixty acres of Fenny Land or Mariss
ground following that is to say ninetie acres part of two hundred
acres in Hale Fenn Comon and Sedge Fenn a Severall by Welney
next Welney [erased] | A | part of the first lott alsoe ninetie
acres part of two hundred acres in Hale Fenn Comon and Sedge
Fenn by Welney | B | part of the sixth Lott alsoe ninetie acres

[page 2]
part of one hundred ninetie five acres in Hale Fenn and Sedge Fenn by Welney (C)
next unto the remainder part of Sedge Fenn part of the - - seaventh Lott and the
said three peices or parcells of Hale Fenn lyeth on the South side of the South
greate Banke of new Bedford River or the hundred foote River alsoe one
hundred and ten acres part of one hundred thirtie one acres lying in Sutton
Mead Lands next unto Middlemore part of the first Lott alsoe Fortie three
acres taken out of Holwood part of seaventie six acres called West Fenn neare
Sutton Meade Land (A) part of the eleaventh Lott alsoe all that one hundred
acres lying in Grunty Fenn (A.) part alsoe of the said first Lott all which said
Lands are part or parcell of the ninetie five thousand acres part of the great
Levell of the Fenns called Bedford Levell and which was given by Act of Parliam[en]t
towards the Drayning thereof and lyeth within the Isle of Eley and County
of Northfolke To have and to hold the said five hundred and sixty acres
of Fenny Land with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said
Roger Jenyns my sonn and his heires and Assignes forever subject
nevertheless and lyable to such Leases and payments as I have or
shall make and change thereon by any writing under my hand & seale
[one and a half lines deleted]
Item I give and devise unto my said
sonn Roger Jenyns and unto his heires and Assignes forever all the
Lands and hereditaments following that is to say all my Lott or share
of ground conteyning five acres two woods more or less as it was sett
out and devided and allotted unto me out of Colne Comon in the
County of Huntingdon and lyeth next my adventure Land taken out
of Holwoods aforesaid alsoe all my Lott or share of ground purchased
of one Collett lying near the Middlemore Fenn and Meade Lands
contayning five acres more or less. alsoe a little peice of ground
purchased of one Woer and laid for away from Colne Towne into
Meadelands aforesaid alsoe all that peice of ground with a Comenable
house thereon standing called Bramcell or Lumbellowes lying in the
parish of Sutton in the said Isle late Thomas Birchills dec[ease]d togeather
with a Lott or share in Middlemore Fenn held of the Deane & Chapter
of Ely with their and every of their appurtenances which said Lotts or
Lands being all or most Coppy hold I have surrendered in the respective
Mannors to the use of my will but in case any of these Lotts or Lands
shall happen to descend or come to my Eldest sonn John Jenyns as heire
unto me then I doe desire and appoint him (and I hope he will soe doe
to surrender or convey such Lands and premisses to his said brother
Roger or to his use soe as they may be enjoyed with the aforesaid Fenn
Lands hereby given to my sonn Roger Jenyns being purchased for
the convenience thereof alsoe I give and devise unto my said sonne
Roger Jenyns and unto his heires and Assignes forever all my Lott
or share of Land contayning fourteen acres more or less decreede
unto me out of [Quell?] Comon in the County of Norfolke and lying ^next London Loade
and the aforesaid Fenn Lands in Neatemore alsoe all that peice or parcell
or severall Fenny Land contayning sixty acres more or less lying in
Londiners Fenn in Northfolke and lately purchased of John Parlett &
formerly Thomas Parletts severall ground alsoe I give and devise unto
my said sonn Roger Jenyns all those severall closes peices and parcells
of Land and Meadow called the forty eight acres and the three acres
be ^the same more or less and alsoe the Tennement called Melmes and the
twenty nine acres of Meadow and pasture lett with the same and the

[Page 3]
five acres and two woodes by what other names they are called being
[...] Lease unto my cozen Joseph Knight for the terme of his life and his
sonn Joseph Knight which said lands are part or parcell of the Mannor
or ^reputed mannor of Colefee in Kingston Seymor and Clevidon in the County of Somersett
and alsoe all that seaven acres Close now or late in the possession of Edith
Weekes part alsoe of the said Mannor and all other the Landes & grounds
whatsoever parcell of or belonging unto the said Mannor and other the
hereditaments in Kingston Seymor and Clevidon aforesaid by me
left unsould part of the said Mannor or reputed Mannor and all Quit
rents and other rents by me reserved on the said Lands or Mannor
or on any part thereof To have and to hold the said severall and
respective Closes Lands rents and premisses unto the said Roger
Jenyns my sonn and unto his heires and assignes forever provided
alwayes and on this condition that my said sonn Roger Jenyns shall
pay or sufficiently secure the payment unto my said Deare wife his
Mother the sum[m]e of one hundred pounds of lawfull money to her
content and satisfaction within six monthes after my decease and if my
said sonn Roger shall not soe doe that then I give and devise all the afores[ai]d
Lands and rents in Sumersetshire unto my said Dear and loveing
wife and unto her heires and Assignes forsever Item I give and devise
unto my third sonn Thomas Jenyns and unto his heires and assignes
forever all that or those one hundred and twelve acres more or less of
Fenny Land or Moorish ground lying in Waterbeach Fenn by garden
Tree in the County of Cambridge and part of the nineteenth Lott formerly
the Land of my brother Thomas Jenyns Esqr dec[ease]d and is part of the said
ninetie five thousand acres given for drayning of Bedford Levell as
aforesaid and now in possession of Mr John Robson as tennant there
alsoe I give and devise unto my said Deare and loveing wife all those
two hundred and forty acres of like Fenny Land part also of the said
ninetie five thousand acres and taken out Cottenham Comon in the
said County of Cambridge and part of the said nineteenth Lott To have
and to hold the said two hundred and forty acres unto my said ^deare wife
during the terme of her naturall life and from and after her decease
then I give the said two hundred and forty acres unto my said sonn
Thomas jenyns and unto his heires and assignes forever subject &
lyable neverthelesse to the payment of the annuity payable unto my Cozen
John Wolfe for about three yeares yet to come charged thereon Item
I give unto my said Deare and loveing wife Sarah all plate Jewells
goods and chattles and other personall Estate whatsoever belonging
unto me at the time of my death Item - give unto the poore of the parish of
Hayes aforesaid ten pounds and unto the poore of Northwood
Southall and Norcott five pounds which said sum[m]es of money is to be
disposed of and given to such poore inhabitants therein living as my
Executrix shall direct and appoint and to be paid unto them within three
monthes after my decease Item I give unto John Hill of Frogmer Senr five
pounds and unto Mrs Jane Holmes five pounds for all other things
necessary and convenient to be done I leave [deleted] to be ordered and
directed by my said wife who I doe hereby make nominate & appoint
sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament and I doe direct
hope and pray that my said sonns will in all things be obedient and
dutifull to their mother who I amd sure will be kind unto them and
live in love amongst themselves and not let small matters create

[Page 4]
difference amongst them In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand &
seale this sixteenth day of February in the year of out Lord God one thousand
six hundred and ninetie and in the the [sic] third yeare of the reigne of King
William and Queene Mary &c Roger Jenyns Signed sealed published and
declared by the said Robert [sic] Jenyns the Testator to be his last will & Testament
in the presence of us the parties hereunder named who in the presence of the
said Testator subscribed our names as Witnesses John Jenyns John Cox
James Clitherow Thomas Finch ./

Whereas I Roger Jenyns Esqr did on or about the
sixteenth day of February in the yeare of out Lord one thousand six hundred
and ninetie make my last will and Testament now I doe hereby declare that
I doe add this as a Codicill to the said will and desire it may be taken as
part of my will as fully as if it had beene first incerted therein Item I give
and devise unto Sarah my deare and loveing wife and to her heires and
assignes forever all that four hundred acres lying and being in Westmore
North of Bedford River and part of the first Lott of which she has already
a settlement of yeares to dispose of as she thinkes fitt and is part of the
ninetie five thousand acres parcell of the greate Levell of the Fenns and
I doe appoint and direct the Trustees in whose names it stands charged
with. to convey and assigne over the same accordingly alsoe I give and
devise unto my said deare and loving wife and unto her heires and
assignes forever all those four hundred acres lying ^in Westmore South .[E?].
and alsoe all those sixteene acres in Rampton Comon part of the seaventh
Lott within said last mentioned Lands were lately purchased of Sr John
Hewett Barrt as by his conveyance inrolled in the Corporations bookes
may more fully appeare alsoe I give and devise unto the said Sarah
my deare and Loving wife the severall peices and parcells of Fenny
Land following that is to say, all that fifty acre peice described in the
Lott booke Westmore South .Q. the fifth peice from Welney part of the
nineteenth Lott. alsoe all those one hundred and five acres described in
the said Lott book Ladus Fenn .F. part of the seaventeenth Lott alsoe
all that Eighteen acres and twenty pearches part of one hundred
twenty two acres and twenty pearches parcell of one hundred thirty
three acres and twenty pearches described in the said Lott Booke Mr
[P?]eycons severalls by Hobbs dyke in March part alsoe of the said
seaventeenth Lott. and now in the possession of Mr Maximilian
Walsam and formerly were the Lands of Mr Ball and purchased
in the names of me and Joseph Hope by my direction To have and to
hold to her and her heires and assignes forever Signed sealed
published and declared by the said Roger Jenyns the Testator as
a Codicill to the said will this five and twentieth day of March
one thousand six hundred ninetie three in our presence who see
him deliver it as his act and deede Roger Jenyns./ Thomas Jenyns
Joseph Hope Elizabeth Hope Anne Higgs ./

[summary of Latin probate]
Probate of the Testament and codicil granted at London, Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the last day of August 1693 to Sara Jenyns widow the relict and executrix named in the will.


  1. PROB 11/415/477 Description: Will of Roger Jenyns of Hayes, Middlesex Date: 31 August 1693 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
  2. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 415
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #978746 (accessed 8 August 2023)
    Will of Rogeri Jenyns, granted probate on 31 Aug 1693. Died about 1693 in Hayes, Middlesex, England.

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