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Will of Roger Wright of Hingham 1571

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Hingham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdommap
Surnames/tags: Wright Wrighte
Profile manager: Susan McNamee private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 62 times.

This is a transcript of the register copy of the will of Roger Wright of Hingham, Norfolk, England. It was written on 9 February 1570. It was probated on 2 March 1570[1]

The image quality was good. There was some bleed-through and ink blots on the last page but the handwriting very legible.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]

Persons Mentioned:

  • Roger Wright - testator
  • Margaret - testator's wife, executrix
  • Robert Wright - his son, under 21 years of age
  • Mary Wright - his daughter
  • Richard Lyncoln - testator's wife's son (step-son), executor
  • Alice Entwhistle - testator's sister
  • Katheryn Brooke - testator's wife's daughter (step-daughter)
  • William Entwhistle - testator's brother-in-law
  • Bartholmew Cage - testator's servant
  • Agnes Bobett - testator's servant
  • Thomas Bidwell - testator's servant
  • Thomas Dand - lease land from testator
  • Walter Pike - sold land to testator
  • Will[ia]m Beele - sold land to testator
  • Robert Buryayne - sold land to testator
  • Thomas Brooke - witness
  • James Alden - witness
  • John Cady - witness

In the name of god amen the xjth
day of February in the year of our lord god 1570 and in
the xij yeare of the rayne of our Soveranyne lady Elizabeth
by the face of god Quene of England France and Ireland
Deffender of the faith etc I Roger Wright of Hingh[a]m
in the county of Norff[olk] beinge in good and hole mynde
paysed be god make and declare this my present testatment
and last will in maner and forme followinge _
setting voyde and adnulling all other testatments and last
will by me made in tymes past Firstly I bequethe
my soule unto the handes of allmyghty god my body to be buried
in cristian sepulter within that perriste what I shall
chance to departe from my naturall lief

Item I will
that myne executors shall distribute in the daye of my
buriall unto pore people fortye shillinge in money

Item I give and bequeth unto the pore men boyes in
Hyngh[a]m three shilling fower penne and unto
the pore men boyes in Great Elingh[a]m a[n]other three shillinge
fowere penne

Item I will and my mynde is that Margaret my wief shall have all my pasture inclose
caled Albries Closses in Hengh[a]m aforesaid
now in the forme of Thomas Dand together with
the lease grounde lieng within the said pasture to hause
and to holde the same pasture Inclose
to the same Margaret and her assignes
during the hole terme of her naturall life together
with the said lease ground in casse the same lease
shall solonge continues and I will that after her decease
the same pasture inclose and every parte thereof shall
remayne unto Robert Wright my sonne his heyeres and
assignes forever together with the saide lease grounde
untill the end of my terme therin

Item I will that
myne executor and there assiynes shall have
th[e] occuping of all that my tenement within th[e] appurten[a]nce
Situate and being in Hengh[a]m aforesade which I lately
purchased of Walter Pike and of these fyve
akers of lande being in Hengh[a]m aforesaid which
I lately purchased of Will[ia]m Beele to have
and to hold the same tenement and fyve akers

Page 3

of lande to myne executors and there assynes they
suffciently reparing the houses or the same tenemete
and with th[e] ynpechement or nexte from the daye of
my decease untill Mary Wright my daughter
shall accomplish she th[e] age of one and twenty yeare or that
such age shallbe accomplished in effect and I will
that then the same tenement and fyve akers of lande
shall hollye remayne unto the same Mary Wright
my daughter hir heyeres and assynes for ever

Item I will doe give and bequeth unto Richarde
Lyncoln my wifes sonne to his heyeres and assynes
forever all that myne inclose beinge in Hengh[a]m which
I lately purchased of Robert Buryayne

Item I will and my mynde is that the said Margaret my weif
and her assynes shall have th[e] occupyng and profyhtes
with th[e] ynpechement of waste of all and singuler the
rest of my messuage land tenemente medoweos pasture
and hereditarmente bothe free and copihold wheresoever
they lye or be not before willed or devised from the
daye of my decease untill such time and the same
Roberte Wright my sonne shall accomplishe that
or one and twenty years or such age shallbe

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accomplished in effort and I will that then imediatlye
uppen the same Roberte my sonne that accomplish his
said age of one and twenty years all and singuler the
same messauge lande and tenement medowoes pasture
and hereditaments both free and copihold not before
willed nor devised shall holye remayne unto the same
Robert my sonne his heyeres and assynes for ever
provided allwais and my full intente and mynde is
that my said wief and her assignes in the meane tyme
untill my said sonne shall come to his said age of one and
twentye yeares shall cause the same my sonne to be
abel and sufficently found and brought _ at sole
to remayne with part of the profyhts _ out
of the said hereditament devised unto him duringe
the nonage of my saide sonne any thinge aforesaid
to the contrary not withstanding furthermore provided
_ I will my full intenete and mynde in case yet
shall chance both the said Robert Wright my sonne
and the said Mary Wright my daughter to departed
from there natnurall lifes before eyther or any of them
shall accomplish th[e] age of one and twenty years

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with oute any yssuue of any of there two bodyes
lawfully begotten that then all the said messuage lande tenementes
medowes pastures and hereditamente both free and copihold
which I have willed and devided in remaynder unto the
said Roberte my sonne and unto the said Mary daughter
and unto eyther of them my said weife terme therein aford
specified to hir and hir assignes alwayes paid and reached
according to the term meanyng afore mentioned shall be paid
by myne executor in case they bothe shalbe then alive
or by one of them in case one of them shalbe then alive
and the other then deceased or by the executor of myne
executor in case both myne executors shall then be
departed from there naturall life and the one halfe
of the mony thereof comyng I doe will give and bequeth
unto the saide Margaret my wief her executor and
assignes and I will that then every of the children of
Alice Entwhistle my sister shall have twenty shillinge
a yeare as it maye or shalbe raysed of the same said
or saide so thereof chansing to be made and leekewise
the said Richarde Lyncolne twenty shillinge thereof
and Katheryn Brooke my wifes daughter other
twenty shillinge thereof and all the residue of

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the mony thereof comying I will shallbe given and
distributed unto pore people and further more I will
and my mynd is in case it shall so come to passe that
just occasion shall serve that the same premisses
should be solde in forme aforesaid that then Will[ia]m
Entwhistle my brother in law should have the presen
ment to bye them before any other having for the same
and any other wille resonable year and paye any thynge
aforesaide to the contrarye notw[ith]standing

Item I doe give
and bequeth unto the said Roberte Wrighte my sonne
sixe ewes to be delivered ymediatly after my decease

Item I doe give and bequeth unto Marye Wright my
daughter other six ewes to be delivered iImmediately
after my decease

Item I doe give and bequeth unto
Mary Wright my daughter other sixe ewes to be
delivered imediatly after my decease

Item I doe give and bequeth to Bartholmew Cage my servant
twelfe penne and to Agnes Bobett my servante twelfe
penne and to Thomas Bidwell twelfe penne

Item all
the reisdues of my goode cattal and debtte not before
nor hereafter geven nor bequethed I doe fully and holy
give and bequeth them unto the said Margaret my

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my wief hir exectutors and assignees performing the _
of this my present testatment and last will and (illegible)
my charge as I shend th[e] any within my any (illegible)
more over I doe ordayne and make the said Margaret
my weif and the said Richard Lyncolne executors of this
the same my testatment and last will giving
unto the same Richard Lyncoln for his paynes herin
to be taken forty shillingin In witnes whereof hereunto
I have sett my seale the daye and yeare being the _
hereof in the presence of Will[ia]m Entwesel Thomas
Brooke James Alden and my selfe John Cady with otheres


  1. Will of Roger Wright of Hingham, 1570, Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich Wills and Adminstrations, Register copy wills, v. 23, Norwich Record Office; digital images, FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 7904831image 172-175 of 401.] Accessed 5 March 2022

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