Location: Kendal, Westmorland, England
Surname/tag: Thornburgh
In The name of God amen the xvijth daie of the month
of maye & the one and fortie yeare of the Reigne of oure moste
gratiouse sovereigne ladie Elizabeth bie the grace of god queen
of England Franc[e] & Ireland Defendait of the faith &c & the yeare
of oure lord god 1599. I Rowland Thorneburrowe of Whitwell
w[i]th in the countie of Westmerland gentlema[n] beinge sick in
bodie yett neverthelesse whole in mynd & of good & p[er]fect
Remembranc[e] praysed be vnto my good god For the same Dod
ordeyne & mayke this my last will revoking all former willes
in mannor & Forme Following[e]. Fyrst & principallie I com[m]it
& com[m]end my soule in to the handes of almightie god my creator
& redemer by whose p[re]tiouse death & bloodeshed I hope to
have Full remission of all my sins & to be Receyved into his
Everlasting kingdome & I com[m]ytt my bodie to the earth from
whenc[e] yt came & to be laid w[i]th in my parisshe churche of
kendall doinge & discharging all deuties For my said burial
w[hi]ch of right belongeth and ap[er]tayneth. It[e]m yt is my will
that all my good[es] and chattel[es] w[hi]ch god haith lent be equally
devided among[es]t the sonnes and doughters of Mr Will[ia]m
Thorneburrowe of hampsfeild & of Mr nycholas Thorneburrow
of Whitwell videlit Mr Rowland Thorneburrowe, Will[ia]m
Thorneburrowe, Thomas Thorneburrow, Thomazin
Thornburrowe thelder & Thomazin Thorneburrowe Junior
& Doratye Thorneburrowe my Debt[es] & Funerall expenses
Discharged, whom I make executors of this my last will
& Testament. Recordes heareof George pearson, clerk
& Edward winster.
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