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Will of Rychard Styllwell, husbandman of Eashing, Surrey 1597

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Date: 1597 [unknown]
Location: Eashing, Surreymap
Surnames/tags: Stillwell Stilwell
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 39 times.

This is a transcription of the original will of Rychard Stylwell, husbandman of Eashing, Surrey. It was written on 27 April 1597 and proved at the court at WInchester on 19 July 1597[1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • Rychard styllwell of eshynge in the p[ar]yshe of godallmynge in the County

of surrey husbandman testator

  • crystyan my wyfe
  • John flodder witness
  • harry sturte witness
  • arnolde smythe witness
  • alyes sturte wydo witness
  • Jone sturte the wyfe of harry sturte witness

In the name of God Amen the xxvij day of Apryll in the yere of o[ur] lord god .....
........ I Rychard styllwell of eshynge in the p[ar]yshe of godallmynge in the County
of surrey husbandman beynge in p[er]fytt remembrance do ordeyne make & declare
this my last wyll & testament in manor & forme folowynge & first I gove &
bequeath my sowle unto allmyghty god my maker & creator & Jesns cyste my
only & sole Redemar throughe whome I trust to have forgevenes of all my synes
& my bodye to the yerth to be buryed in the Churcheyard of godallmyng afforesaid
Item I geve & bequeath unto It[e]m I wyll that crystyan my wyfe shall have
all my goods & catles whatsoever my debts beynge payd whome I ordeyne &
make whole executrixe of thes my wylle & testament & that the lord have use
upon me these beyinge wytnes John flodder harry sturte arnolde smythe
alyes sturte wydo & Jone sturte the wyfe of harry sturte

Probatum fuit Testamentu predi in 126 tor forma per mrum Thoma Ridley legu Ooctore vicariu in spualibus generalem &c decimo nono die Julij 1597. Commisseqs fuit Adni onmiubond or Coprane Rlre dici deft executric soli supromomiinat de bene &c dea solvend &t inrat &c silvo ire tuinfuugh REED no bands taken vpon this will oy msr Chancelors bride The cheuntris is sworne to this wyet the pxiits daye of July- 1597 ffran Faylod


  1. Will: "Hampshire, England, Wills and Probates, 1398-1858"
    Hampshire Archives and Local Studies; Winchester, England; Probate Records: Wills, Inventories and Administrations Proved in the Church Courts of Winchester Diocese, 14th Century to 1858; Reference Number: 1597b/69
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 62475 #37790 (accessed 26 February 2024)
    Will of Richard Stillwell, granted probate in 1597. Occupation: Husbandman.

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