Location: Braintree, Suffolk, Province of Massachusetts Bay
Surname/tag: Basse, Bass
Location: Braintree, Suffolk, Province of Massachusetts Bay
Surname/tag: Basse, Bass
This page has been accessed 96 times.
Will of Samuel Basse
- In the name of god amen may the 11th 1694 I Samuel Bass of Brantry being but infirm in body but sound in my understanding and memory and not knowing how soon or sudenly the lord may plese to call mee out of this world and in consideration of my gret chang hastening upon mee I doe therfore make constitute and declare this to be my last will and testament and doe hereby revoke and null and vherly make void all and all manor of wills formerly made or caused to be made by mee first I give my soule unto god through Jesus christ my a lord saviour with whom I hope have had comunion with in my life and I hope he will not forsake mee in deth and I desire to rely alone upon the mercy of god through the meritts of my above lord and saviour Jesus christ my dear redeemer my mody I leve to be buried decently at the descretion of my executors and for that which god hath graciously given mee of the things of this life after the pyament of all my honest debts my will is as foloweth
- first I give to my son John Bas ten acres of salt marsh also a wood lott in the captens plain alredy set out to him and my malt hous and the orchord before the malt hous also half the well and half the Kichin as also som lands in the stony field he hath in his posesion also a quarter part of my upland in the farm after legasies to my two daughters is payed this is Mary Capen and Sarah Peniman and if [there?] be any marsh after the ten acres a pees to my three sons is taken out if ther be any overpeash I give to my son John Bass
- 2ly I give to my son Thomas Bas ten acres of salt marsh and a wood lott in captens plain already laid out to him also a quarter part of the upland at the farm and after the two legasies above specified is payed
- 3ly I give to my son Joseph bas ten arres of salt marsh which I value at a hunderd pounds also I give him the hous he liveth in and the orchord on the back side of it and the fresh medow at the est end of it and I give hima felther bed which he lieth on and all the furniture and bedsted belonging to it all which I valeu at a hundred pounds also I give him my barn and two acres of land part of which my barn standeth on: reserving liberty for yard room and pasage for my son John to his barn also I giv my son Joseph bas two acres of land at the hed of the whom lott & one acre joyning to the two acres which was John Dasitts part of a five acre lott and I give my son Joseph bas half my Kichin and half my well & liberty to it and I give him seven acres of land in the stony feeld wher my cows use to pasture all which I value at a hundred pounds also I give him a wood lott alredy set out to him in the captens plaine together with what stock and movables I have alredy given him al which I valew at a hunderd pounds also I give my son Joseph bas a quarter part of my uploand at the farm after the legacies above specified ar payed and what I have given my son Joseph bas my will is that he shall not alinate or sel itt away without the aprobation of his two brothers & if he have children he may give it to them or if he have need to spend it he may fo his own comfort & suply and if he mary a wife he may give her a hundred pounds of it and no more and the rest which I have not now disposed of he may give to any of his relations by blod as he shall see meet :
- 4ly I give Samuel bas carpenter seven acres of pasture lands in the stony feeld together with the salt medow he hath alredy in posesion as also a quarter part of my uplands in the farm after the legasies above specified are payed also half the wood lott given to my son Joesph in the captens plain and sixty pounds out off Josephs estate if he hath no children nor spend it
- and I give Joseph bas juneor sixty pounds out of Josephs estate exept he hav children or have need to spend it and all this to be aftermy son joseph bases decease
- 5thly I giv my dauther mary Capen fourty pounds and my dauther Sarah Peniman twenty pounds all to be payd out of the uplands at the farm or otherwise to content also to my daughter capen & peniman 5 cows
- 6ly I give to John Bas juner my malt house if he outlive his father and two acres of planting land in the stony feeld and four acres of pasture lands in the stony feeld and about half an acre at his door wher his barn
- 7ly I give to my grand daughters exepting Sarah Biling: all my movable houhold goods and Hanah Walsbey is to share with them to be equaly divided amonst them after my deceas that is share & share alike only I have lent my son Joseph my fether bed and long table and six [stexes] during his life the which they ar to hav after his desease
- & what I have herein given to my children and grandchildren I hereby give it to them ther heyres forever only with those reservs of my son Josephs estate and what particular parsills of land I have formerly given to any of my children or grand children I doe hereby ratify an confirm the same to them & their heyres forever
- and if ther by any uplands undisposed of in this will I give to my two sons John Bas and Thomas bas who I nominate and appoint to be executors of this my last will and testament leving all to their care and discretion according to my mind and will afore expessed
- & in testimony where I the sayd Samuel Bas hav put to my hand and seale the day & year above writen
- before sighning thes words were enterlined: the word: lott: also to my daughter capin and peniman five cows
- Samuell Basse
- signed sealed published and declared by Decon Samuel Bas to be his last will and testament in the presenc of us Robret Feild William Thayer Samuel Tompson
[The following is written in the left side margin]
- My mening is in that expresion of my will that the fourty pounds and three cows which I have given to my dauther Mary Capen should be to her and her heyres foreve my will is that it is to be aounted as my son John Caes estate and shall be equaly divided among his children as wittnes my hand Samuell Bass
Suffolk County, MA: Probate File Papers. Case 2200. Link to case file at
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