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Will of Samuel Calloway

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Surry County, North Carolinamap
Surnames/tags: Calloway Callaway
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Will of Samuel Calloway, written 12 April 1825, proved in open court August Term, 1837.

State of North Carolina Surry County April the twelfth in the year of our lord Eighteen hundred and twenty five.

I Samuel Calloway Senr of Said County and State former, being of perfect mind and memory, thanks be unto God for his blessing I therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dy, Do make and ordain this my Last Will and testament as touching such worldly Estate as providence has blessed me with in this life.

I give and devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form first of all my just debts and funeral charges must be paid.

as I leave my daughter Nancy Lakey as much as I give all the rest land in addition I give and bequeath to her twenty shillings more to be by her greatly enjoyed.

Next I give and bequeath to my son Ferree Calloway, three hundred & thirty acres of land whereon he now dwells and I do maintain the same good with other things that I have given him and I do deem it his lawful property.

Next I give to my son James Calloway seventy five acres of land a part of the tract that I now live on, bounded by the lines that we have agreed on and marked. I maintain the same good with all the other things that I have given him as his lawful property.

Next I give to my son John Calloway the part of the land that I now live on for the maintenance of him & his mother during life and one cow & calf & one horse beast if there is any left at my death. I maintain it good with all the rest I have given him.

Also I give all the rest of my stock, house hold and kitchen furniture to my beloved wife Mary Calloway during life.

Next I give my son Samuel Calloway a sartain tract of land on the north east side of the creek bounded by the lines that Thos Alford (?) run with all the things I have given him all of which I bequeath and maintain to be his lawful property to be equally engaged by him.

Next I give the tract or parcel of land I allotted off for my son Isaac Calloway to my grandsons William C.P. Calloway, Joseph S Calloway, A Jackson Calloway & I Ferree Calloway, sons of Isaac Calloway, on the south side of my land bounded by the the lines that Thos Alford (?) run, it being a part of the land I now live on and all other things I give them to be their right and property to be enjoyed by them and further give and bequeath to my son Isaac Calloway, ten shillings.

Likewise I constitute make and ordain my two sons Ferree Calloway & James Calloway, my only and sole electors of this my last will and testament and do utterly disallow and revoke all and every other former will or testament and executors by my name noted willed & bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other. In witness my hand & seal the above day and date written.

Signed sealed by the said Samuel Calloway Senr his last will and testament in the presents of us.

Samuel Calloway

Mary Swain

John (his x mark) Day

Surry County August Term 1837

The execution of the foregoing last will and testament of Sam'l Calloway was duly proven in open court by the oaths of...


  • Ancestry.com. North Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998, Surry County, North Carolina. Record of Wills, 1771-1963; Surry County Superior Court Records, Wills, Vol 4-5, 1827-1867.

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