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Will of Samuel Lamplugh of Kilham (1820-1872)

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Date: 2 Jun 1859
Location: Kilham, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdommap
Surname/tag: Lamplugh
Profile manager: Roy Walmsley private message [send private message]
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This is a transcription of the Last Will and Testament of Samuel Lamplugh of Kilham, Yorkshire, Farmer, who died on 18 April 1862.[1]

Spelling, punctuation, line breaks, and big bold text are as per the register copy. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

Individuals in the people list are linked to their profile if the profile exists, or are coloured red if not.

People List

People in the will, in the order that they are mentioned:

  1. Samuel Lamplugh, farmer, testator
  2. John Stephenson, occupier of messuage on the north side of town street
  3. Hannah Lamplugh, wife

Property List

Properties in the will, in the order that they are mentioned:

  1. Messuage on the north side of town street, Kilham.

Will Transcript

[Page 1]

This is the Last Will and Testament of me Samuel Lamplugh
of Kilham in the County of York Farmer which I make this second day of June
one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine I give and devise all that my messuage
or dwelling house with the outbuildings yard and garden thereunto adjoining and belonging
situate on the North side of the town street of Kilham aforesaid containing two roods
and thirty four perches or thereabouts late in the occupation of John Stephenson unto
my wife Hannah Lamplugh her heirs and assigns for ever & ever I give and bequeath
unto my dear wife absolutely such part of my household furniture livery china glass
pictures printed books and wearing apparel as she shall make choice of within one
calendar month after my decease and as will be sufficient to furnish a small house
and the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid to her within one calendar month
after my decease I give all the plate and ??????? goods I may die possessed of unto
the executors of this my will Upon trust to allow my said wife to have the use &
enjoyment thereof during her life And upon her decease the same shall become part
of my residual personal estate and be disposed of as hereinafter mentioned And I direct
that an inventory thereof shall be written by my executors as soon after my decease is
convenient may be and that one copy thereof shall be signed by my said wife and
ca??????? and kept by her and two other copies so signed shall be kept by my executors
I give devise and bequeath all that my freehold farmhouse with the outbuildings
cottages kilns and other buildings used in the manufacture of bricks and the
several closes of land containing two hundred and two acres two roods and eighteen
perches or thereabouts and all that my other close of ancient inclosed land called
"Town-end-close" containing one acre one rood and twenty eight perches of thereabouts
situate in the parish of Kilham aforesaid and now in my own occupation and that
of Thomas ????dham And all other the real estate of whatever tenure which at the
time of my decease I may be seized of possessed or have power to dispose of (except
what I have above devised to my said wife) And all my live and dead farming stock
implements and utensils of husbandry money and securities for money and all other
my personal estate and effects (except such parts thereof as I have hereinbefore otherwise
disposed of) unto Thomas Edward Plint of Leeds in the County of York Sharebroker
and Charles Cawood of Duggleby in the said County forever their heirs executors
administrators and assigns according to the natures and tenures thereof respectively
and for all my estate and interest therein Upon trust that they the said Thomas
Edward Plint and Charles Cawood or the survivor of them of the heirs executors
administrators or assigns of such survivor do and shall receive dispose of call in and
convert into money my said personal estate And in case I shall have a child or

Proving Transcript

Proved at York the eleventh day of June 1872


  1. Probate: "England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995"
    Principal Probate Registry; London, England; Calendar of the Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration made in the Probate Registries of the High Court of Justice in England
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 1904 #1294629 (accessed 14 February 2024)
    Samuel Lamplugh probate on 11 Jun 1872 in Yorkshire, England. Died 18 Apr 1872 in Yorkshire, England.

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