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Location: Peldon Hall, Essex, England
Surname/tag: Munt
This is a transcription of the will of Samuel Munt-2. It is written with exactly the same spelling as the original, within the limits of understanding of the handwriting. The original line breaks were not maintained, and paragraph breaks were added where I saw fit to improve readability. Bjorkgren-1 16:36, 9 March 2022 (UTC)
- Ancestry.com, "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858," database on-line, {{Ancestry; The National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11, Piece 275. Ancestry Record 5111 #962952 (accessed 9 March 2022), Will of Samuelis Munt of Peldon Hall, Essex, England, granted probate on 23 Feb 1657.
- image 187/443: Ancestry Sharing Link
- image 188/443: Ancestry Sharing Link
See also:
- Mersea Museum, Mersea Archive Research Group ("MARG"), list of transcribed documents, MARG_211_011, "Will of Samuel Munt of Peldon Hall 1653 National Archives PROB 11/275/327," transcribed by Elaine Barker, July 2020, viewed 10 Mar 2022, part of the Mersea Island Museum Collection
- Ancestry.com, Tucker Family Tree, Ancestry Profile: #322319425133 for Samuel Munt. Some sources don't appear to be for the same person, but this is where I came across the will transcribed here.
In the name of God : Amen: November the Sixteenth in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand sixe hundred fiftye and three I Samuell Munt of Peldon Hall in the County of Essex yeoman, beinge sicke in body but of perfect minde and memory (thanks be to God for it) doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner as followeth.
I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almightie God that gave it trustinge throughe the mercyes of Jesus Christ to be raysed up at the Last day when this corruption shall putt on incorruption And this mortall Sinoutallibye?
And I Bequeath my Bodie to be buryied in the Churchyard of Peldon by the appointment of myne Executors.
And for my worldly goods which it hath pleased God to lend me I give and bequeath them as followeth
Inprimis I give and bequeath to Samuel Munt my eldest sonne one tenement and twelve acres of land called Popes and millers or by what name on names the same hath beene called lyeinge and beinge in Clacton Magna withalll and singular the appurtenaunce thereunto belonging to him and to his heirs for ever Item I give unto Samuell Munt my sonne Fiftye poundes to be paid him by myne Executor, within one year after my decease
Item I give unto Humphry Munt my sonne one hundred pounds to be paid by myne Executor part of it to binde him semost? an Apprentice and the rest to be paid to him when he shall accomplish the age of one and twentie years And my Will is that my Executors shall for three years before the tyme last mentioned be expired allowe him fower poundes per Annum for the use thereof And if he shall dye under the said age then fifty? pounds sveveoin? shall be divided so my sonne Samuell Munt and my daughter Suanny? Barnard equally
- I born? I give renou? my snne? grandchildren Sarah and Mary Barnard ~ 6 followon? To Mary Barnard my Tendmons? palled? Chambers? (lyesing and beinge in Thorpe) or by what other name or names the forms? hath borne pallad? name in the sommed? and ormoation? of Thomas Button? Lifemige? to my grandchild Sarah Barnard my donecment? short pallad mooney or by no has other name or names the samst? hath borne rollad And my mind is that they shall have Eenioye? she said teuennensy? when they shall accomplishe the age of one and twenty years And if either of them dye under that age, the ones? shall the others home
- Alsoe I will that John Barnard father of the said Mary and Sarah shall under miso? one bond of thirtye pounds, unto my Supervisor within one month after my dencasors? for the dur? keepinge in sufficient repaire both the said dentmonle? for which the share noreant the nents? roufill? my grandchildren name to the age before pudmonds?
- I born? I give unto my daughter Franny Barnard the sum of Tenne? pounds to be paid to her by myne Executors within three months after my denagro?
- I lem I give unto my sonne John Munt the sume? of twenty shillings to be paid by mine Executors when he shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares Then I give unto my sonne John Munt one thousand lyrnige? and borigr? in Holland parba? palled wood? house and tomb with all? and fuigrdor? the appurtenances thororm??? belonging to him and his hining? of his bodie lawfullie? begroffic?? for ever And my wish is that he shall have and enjoye the same when he shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie years ~ ffm? this mom? my will is that if the said John Munt shall dye without any heire of his body lawfullie begotten, then the said Tonomand? shall fall to his brother Humphrye Munt to him and to his heirs of his bodye lawfullie begotten
- I hom I give unto Elizabeth Rands my maide for? and fortye? shillings to be paid to her by myne Executors within one month after my doreasre?
- I bom I give unto John Munt of East Banfold? my brothers sonne three pounds to be paid by myne Executors within three months after my demase?
- I sem I give unto Robins? Alofonnder? the younger? livonigras? Elmghod? loall? ofne sume of ffive pounds to be paid by mine Executors within one yeare of my denesies?
- I tom I dor androi.... to have five poundes ???? design? the afhes? fistor? my daughters nofinst? said party? onid? questions to be paid rnds? my shurs? said daughters Mary Sarah and Annie? by my brother John Lucas ~~ his ??????? or administrators? no hi?? my said daughters shall accomplishe or? same to their sorte???? over ??? ???? ages of one and twentie yeares And anouse? any of my said daughters sada.... this ???? ???????? life before she shall accomplishe her mespbsdienie?? age as aforesaid, then this her portion to be payable to the Executors as Survivors
- I hope my Will and meaninge? is, that I ?????? give and bequeath my household goodes to my three daughters Mary Sarah and Annie
- Then my Will and Testament and full mitoset? and meaningre? That my antioard? stocke of goods in the yard bolongnigne? to my trade? or otherwise shall ? ni? romemond? bye me sold for the payment of my debts and finenall? expenses and the probation of this my last will Then my will is that saine? part of the pine? of my said house shall I forward? to my said debts and discharge of other memaffaires? as aforesaid
I bone I do give my brother John Licrab? to be my Executor of this my last will and testament I likewise declare this to be my last will and testament written? my hand and I seale? the marke and seale of the said Aline? mortimer?. Published sealed signed Earfuoso? ?????? this had? my last voice in the penaforme? of Rich & Swansey the marke of John Grogaris' son.
This will was proved at London the nynth day of February in the yeare of our Lord God according to the nomafaran? of the Church of England one thousand sixie? ~ hundred fiftye seaven before the Judges for probate of voices? and grauntnige? administrators lawfully authorized By the oath of John Lurab? the brother and Executor shecnsis? named to mhome? was rousffed administraror? of all and singular the goods chattells? and debtes of the said deceased? ??? boingre????? groovi?? by vorhub? of a Comission nococ? and sueency? to administer ???? ????
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