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Will of Samuel Suffolk of Nuneaton, proved 1847

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The Will of Samuel Suffolk of Nuneaton. Written and signed 7 April 1840. Samuel died 20 February 1847 and the will was proved 9 April 1847 at the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry. [1]

(Outer Cover) Cov[entr]y 9th April 1847 T[estator] Samuel Suffolk de Nuneaton 2 Ex. C. Inf. 600£

Application for probate by William Bull of Nuneaton in the county of Warwick Merchant and Tom John Craddock of the same place Gentleman Executors named in the last Will and Testament of Samuel Suffolk late of Nuneaton in the County of Warwick Hair Dresser deceased, who died on or about the twentieth day of February 1847 Sworn of ninth day of April 1847

This is the last Will and Testament of me Samuel Suffolk of Nuneaton in the County of Warwick hair dresser as follows I give and bequeath unto my sister Mary Orton of Nuneaton aforesaid widow who now resides with me All my household goods and furniture and Household effects to and for her own absolute use and benefit she thereout paying and discharging the expences of my funeral and I Give devise and Bequeath all and singular my Messuage Cottages lands tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being in Nuneaton aforesaid and in Hinkley in the County of Leicester with their respective Appurtenances And also all my Monies and securities for Money Debts Effects Chattels and personal estate not before bequeathed unto my two friends William Bull of Nuneaton aforesaid Merchant and Tom John Craddock of the same place Merchant their heirs executors Administrators and Assigns To hold the same unto the said William Bull and Tom John Craddock their heirs executors Administrators and Assigns for ever according to the nature and quality of the same respectively Upon several Trusts nevertheless and to and for the several ends intents and purposes herinafter limitted expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say) Upon Trust that they the said William Bull and Tom John Craddock or the Survivor of them his heirs of Assigns do and shall in the first place ratify and confirm and complete the contract for sale of my said messuage or Tenement at Nuneaton aforesaid which I some time since made withe Mrs Sarah Cox of Nuneaton aforesaid Victualler and about which a Suit is now pending in the High Court of Chancery to compel a specific performance of such Contract in case such suit should be determined in my favour or otherwise to sell and dispose of the said Messuage or Tenement and premises and also my said Messuages or Tenements and Premises situate in Hinkley aforesaid either by public auction of private Contract for teh best price or prices that can or may be reasonably obtained for the same respectively And in the next plave doa dn shall call in and convert into money all my said personal Estate which shall not consist of money and by and with the money arising from the sources aforesaid Upon Trust that they the said William Bull and Tom John Craddock or the survivor of them his heirs executors or Administrators do and shall in the first place pay and satisfy all my just debts the charges approving and executing this my Will and carrying the same into effect and also the costs charges and expences of the said Chancery Suit and of the sale or Sales of my said Real Estate and p--sant after the several payments and deductions aforesaid Upon Trust to put and place out at interest upon good deal of Government Security or Securities

[next page] the residue of the Monies to arise as aforesaid in their or his own names or name and to alter vary and transposesuch Security or Securities when and so often as they or he shall thing fit and proper

And upon futher Trust to and and apply the Interest Dividends or proceeds of such Monies as the same shall become due and payable half yearly unto her my Sister Mary Orton and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life for her and their own use and benefit And from and after her decease Upon Trust to pay such Interest dividends interests or proceeds in the like manner unto my sister Ann the wife of William Cooke and her assigns for and during the term of her Natural life for her and their own absolute use and benefit And from and immediately after the decease of the Survivor of my said two sisters Mary Orton and Ann Cooke Upon Trust that they the said William Bull and Tom John Craddock or the Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators do and shall call in such Monies and pay and equally divide the same unto and amongst my nephews and nieces the sons and Daughters of my said sister the said Ann Cooke my Brother David Suffolk My sisters Jane Lawrence and Elizabeth Adkins and the children of my Brothers in law William Floyd and Joseph Floyd the Brothers of my late wife (except Mary Harvey the wife of William Harvey and one of the Daughters of the said Joseph Floyd whom I desire and declare shall not participate in this my bequest) who shall be living at the death of the Survivior of them my said two Sisters Mary Orton and Anne Cooke to whom I also give and bequeath my said residuary Real and personal Estate accordingly share and share alike to and for his her and their own several and respective absolute use and benefit And my Mind and Will is and I do hereby direct and declare that the Receipt and receipts of my said Trustees or of the Survivor of them or the heirs of such Survivor shall be a good and effectual discharge of discharges to the Purchase or Purchases of my said Real Estate and every part thereof and for all other purposes under this my Will and that after such Receipt or receipts given such purchaser or Purchasers or other persons shall be absolutely acquitted and discharged therefrom and shall not be obliged to see to the application of the Money in such receipt or receipts expressed to be received or be answerable to accountable for any misapplication or nonapplication thereof in any manner howsoever And also that they my said Trustees or the Survivor of them shall and may by and out the Monies that shall come to their hands by virtue of this my Will deduct and reimburse themselves and himself all costs charges damages and expences that they or either of them shall or may bear sustain expend be at or be put unto in or about the execution of the aforesaid Trusts or in anywise relating thereto or be reason or means of the aforesaid Suit in Chancery or in the management or settlement of the same neither shall they my said Trustees or either of them be answerable for the other of them or for the acts deeds neglects or defaults of the other of them but each of them for his own acts deeds neglects and defaults only and Lastly I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint the said William Bull and Tom John

[next page] Craddock Executors of this my Will hereby revoking all former and other Wills or Will by me at any time hereforeto made and do declare this alone to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Samuel Suffolk the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament written and contained in three sheets of paper set and put my hand and seal that is to say to the two first sheets hereof my hand only and to this third and last sheet hereof my hand and Seal this seventh day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Testator Samuel Suffolk as and for his last Will and Testament n the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses Geo. William Craddock A G Craddock Mary Ann Hoad

Coventry the 9th April 1847 Let a Probate of this Will be granted to William Bull and Tom John Craddock the joint Executors named herein They being duly sworn and also that the personal estate will not amount in value to the Sum of 600£

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