Location: Tiverton, Devon, England
Surname/tag: Enchmarch
Transcript of the Last Will and Testament of Sarah (Bere) Enchmarch. Paragraphs and emphasis added to aid legibility. Original spelling and capitalisation preserved.
Transcribed by Ros Haywood from a copy held by the National Archives (UK); used under the terms of the Open Government Licence [You are free to transcribe, translate, index and quote from published or unpublished Crown copyright material among the records as extensively as you wish and you may publish the results in any format and any medium: in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence.]
THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me Sarah Enchmarch of Tiverton in the County of Devon Widow ffirst I commit my Soul to God who gave it and my Body to the Earth by a decent and Christian like Burial such as my Executors hereinafter named shall think proper hoping for a joyfull Resurrection to eternal Life And my worldly Goods I dispose of as follow (that is to say)
I give unto my two Sons Richard and ffrancis the sum of ffive hundred pounds Upon Trust that they or the survivor of them his Executors or Administrators do and shall either keep the same in his or their own hands paying Interest therefore from my decease to my Daughter Sarah Coade at the rate of ffour Pounds for each hundred Pounds for a year Or do and shall put and place out the same at Interest on such Security or Securities either publick or Private as my said Daughter Sarah Coade shall approve of by some Note in writing to be by her signed and attested by two or more credible Witnesses signifying such her Approbation and do and shall call in and place out the same again or any part thereof by and with such Approbation when and as often as my said Daughter shall think fit And do and shall constantly pay the accrewing Interest thereof unto her for her seperate and peculiar use exclusive of her present or any other husband or husbands with whom She may Intermarry and with which he or they shall no ways intermeddle nor shall the same or any part thereof be Subject or lyable to his their or any of their debts controul or disposition and her receipts alone whether Sole or under Coverture shall always be good and effectuall discharges for the same during her natural Life
And after decease my Will is that my said Sons or the survivor of them his Executors or Administrators do and shall pay the whole Principal sum of ffive hundred pounds and all Interest then due for the same to such Person or Persons and in such manner measure and proportion as She the said Sarah Coade by any Deed, Will or Writing to be by her signed and Sealed in the presence of and attested by two or more credible Witnesses shall notwithstanding her Coverture direct limit or appoint the same And for want of such direction limitation or Appointments the said ffive Hundred Pounds to remain to my Executors Provided nevertheless and my Will is that in case my said Daughter shall at any time after two years from my decease be minded to call in and receive the said ffive hundred pounds Then my said Sons shall pay her the who principal sum as well as the Interest if any then due for the same and her receipt notwithstanding Coverture shall be a sufficient discharge for the same
Item I give to the four Children of my Daughter Elizabeth Tozar ffive hundred Pounds to be paid them in two years after my decease and equally divided between them and if any or either of them shall happen to dye before that time Then my Will is that the share or shares of him her or them so dying shall be paid to and divided amongst the Survivors
Item I give to my Daughter Eleanor Coades two Children the sum of ffive hundred Pounds to be paid and equally divided between them in two years after my decease And if either of them shall happen to dye before that time Then my Will is that the share of her so dying shall be paid to the Survivor But if both shall happen to dye within two years after my decease Then the said ffive hundred Pounds last mentioned shall remain with my Executors In Trust for the seperate and peculiar use and benefit of my said Daughter Eleanor Coade exclusive of her present or any other husband and Subject to her power direction Will and disposal in like manner in every respect as the ffive hundred Pounds hereinfirst mentioned is hereby made subject to the power Will and direction of my Daughter Sarah Coade notwithstanding Coverture
Item I give to such Children of my Daughter ffrances Oke as shall be living at my decease the sum of ffive hundred Pounds equally to be divided between them and each to have his and her share thereof at the age of one and twenty years And if any or either of them shall happen to dye under that Age Then the share or shares of him her or them so dying to be equally divided amongst the Survivors And my Will is that the said sum of ffive hundred Pounds shall be paid to my said Daughter ffrances Oke or such other person or persons as she shall nominate or Appoint in two years after my decease In Trust for her Children as aforesaid
Item I give to such Children of my Daughter Mary Sealy as shall be living at my decease the sum of ffive hundred Pounds equally to be divided between them and each to have his and her share thereof at the Age of one and twenty years And if any or either of them shall happen to dye under that age Then the share or shares of him her or them so dying to be equally divided amongst the Survivors And my Will is that the said sum of ffive hundred Pounds shall be paid to my said Daughter Mary Sealy or such other person or persons as She shall Nominate or appoint in two years after my decease In Trust for her Children as aforesaid
Item I give to my Daughter Ann Enchmarch the sum of ffive hundred Pounds to be paid her in two years next after my decease
Item I give to my other three Grand Children Thomas Richard and Eleanor Enchmarch the sum of two hundred Pounds each to be paid them respectively as they shall attain the Age of one and twenty years And if any or either of them shall happen to dye under that Age Then I give the Legacy or Legacys of him her or them so dying to the Survivors or Survivor of them
And my Will is that all the several Legacys or sums abovementioned shall be paid with Interest from my decease after the rate of ffour Pounds for one hundred Pounds for a year Provided always that if any loss or losses shall happen to my Testamentary Estate and Effects by means of the Insolvency of any Debtor or Debtors exceeding the sum of ffive hundred Pounds within two years next after my decease Then my Will is that such loss or losses shall be equally born by my Executors And all my Legatees herein by me mentioned in proportion to their several Legacys and demands by virtue hereof
And further I give to my Nephews and Neices John Matthews William Mathews Elizabeth Stone and Eleanor Hardwick One hundred Pounds to be equally divided between them and to be paid in two years next after my decease But if any or either of them shall happen to dye before that time Then my Will is that the share or shares of him her or them so dying shall remain to my Executors
Item I give to my Cousins John Mary and Sarah Bere One hundred and ffifty Pounds to be equally divided between them and paid at their respective Ages of one and twenty years But if either of them shall happen to dye before his or her Share shall become payable the same shall remain to my Executors And my Will is that all the last mentioned sums shall likewise be paid with Interest as above
Item I give unto my Sons and Daughters and to my Sons and Daughter in Law ten Guineas each to buy themselves Mourning
And I give to my Reverend Pastor Mr John Kidde ten Guineas
Item I give to the Poor of the Congregation to which I belong ten Pounds to my two Servant Maidens who shall live with me at the time of my decease five Pounds apeice And to my two Chairmen at that time two Guineas each
Item I give unto my Son Richard my Brother Beres Picture set in Gold and the large Glass in my best Parlour with the Sconces and Pictures except those of my Daughters Sarah Coade and Elizabeth Tozer which belong to them respectively
Also I give to my Son Richard the ffurnaces Bottle racks and Shelves in the Cellar with the Dresser or Shelves and Cupboard in the pantry
Item all my Books I give to my said Sons Richard and ffrancis equally to be divided between them
And I give to my Daughter Sarah Coade my Silver Chocolate Pot and Chafing Dish
To my Daughter Elizabeth Tozer my Silver Tankard marked with her name a Porringer and the Milk Cupp
To my Daughter Eleanor Coade my Silver Salver six Arms spoons and the small Candlestick
To my Daughter ffrances my set of Silver Castors and Sauce Spoon
To my Daughter Mary Sealy my Pair of Silver Candlesticks One Porringer and a pair of Salts
To my Daughter Ann my sett of Silver Knives and fforkes six best plain Spoons and the Silver Waiter
To my Grand Son Thomas Enchmarch my Great Salver with my Arms and to my Grand Son Richard Enchmarch my Tankard with my Arms But if either of my said Grandsons dye under the Age of one and Twenty years his Salver or Tankard to go to the Survivor
And all the rest of my Plate Linnen and China Ware I give and bequeath to my six Daughters equally to be divided amongst them Except the little Tankard marked R.B. which I give to the Congregation to which I belong to be used at the Sacrament
All other my household Goods I give and bequeath to my Son ffrancis And all the rest residue and remainder of my Goods and Chattles of which nature or kind soever I give and bequeath to my said Sons Richard and ffrancis Enchmarch whom I constitue and Appoint whole and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made
And not doubting the continuance of that Love and harmony which to my great comfort has hitherto subsisted between my Children and which will always highly contribute to their own happiness I hereunto set my hand and Seal this first day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ffifty seven
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the abovenamed Sarah Enchmarch to be her last Will and Testament written on three Sheets of Paper to each of which She Subscribed her name and Affixed her Seal to this last Sheet in the presence of
I SARAH ENCHMARCH Widow do add this as a Codicil to my last Will and Testament and desire that it may be taken as part of the same (that is to say) I Will and direct that the persons whom in and by my said Will I have named residuary Legatees and Executors thereof and their Executors and Administrators do and shall out of such residuum as is thereby bequeathed to them well and truely pay or apply or cause to be paid or in their discretion applied the clear annuity or yearly sum of Thirty Pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain by quarterly half-yearly or other payments unto and for the Sole and seperate use benefit and support of my Daughter Eleanor the Wife of George Coade late of the City of Exeter Merchant for and during the term of her natural Life in such manner as to them my said Executors and the Survivor of them shall seem most beneficial for her my said Daughter personally and most proper for her personal Maintenance and Support and after the death of such persons as I have named Executors of my Will as aforesaid (if they dye in my said Daughters Life Time) Then in such manner asfor the purposes aforesaid shall seem most proper to my said Daughter herself jointly with the representatives of my said Executors but my Will is that the said George Coade shall not in any case have any controul or power whatsoever either over the sand Annuity or the payment or Application thereof or of any part or parcel thereof nor shall the same or any part thereof ever be Subject or lyable to his disposal or his present or future debts of Engagements
And in all other matters and Things I do ratifye and confirm my said Will In Witness whereof I have to this Codicil set my hand and also my Seal this twelfth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Sixty
The mark of Sarah Enchmarch
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the above named Sarah Enchmarch as a Codicil to her last Will and Testament in the presence of us
Mary Webber
Margret Hill
THIS WILL was proved at London with a Codicil on the Twenty Eighth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Sixty before the Right Worshipfull Edward Simpson Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Richard Enchmarch and ffrancis Enchmarch the sons of the deceased and the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattles and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer.
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