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Will of Sir George Garrett, Alderman of the City of London, 1648

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This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Sir George Garrett, Alderman of the City of London. George drew up his will on 8 August 1648, and add a nuncupative codicil on 19 November 1648. The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 7 December 1648. [1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • The image quality was adequate (black and white), and the handwriting legible.

Persons mentioned:

  • S[i]r George Garrett Knight Testator, wishes to be buried at the church of St John the Evangelist with his (unnamed) wife.
  • Children
    • George deceased
      • husband of Theodosia Stepkin, daughter of John Stepkin
      • father of George Garrett, Testator's grandchild. Receives £300
    • Thomas Garrett eldest son. Receives house in Watling Street, London, Executor of will and residuary legatee
    • Edward Garrett second son. Residuary legatee
    • Humphrey Garrett youngest son, under the age of 21 years. Inherits land in Woxbridge (Uxbridge). Executor of will and residuary legatee
    • Elizabeth
      • wife of William Northey Esqr, trustee of estate, one of the overseers of the will
  • right Hono[ura]ble James Earle of Suffolke Testator bought the Manor of Sutton Poynes in Dorset from him
  • Mr William Hitchcocke Draper, trustee of estate and one of the overseers of the will
  • Mr William Hawkins Merchant, trustee of estate and one of the overseers of the will
  • Elizabeth Peeters occupies Testator's property, Shoulder of Mutton in Woxbridge (Uxbridge)
  • Henry Nutkin Testator bought Copped Hall, Denham, Buckinghamshire from him
  • Mathew Smith Testator bought property in Iver, Buckinghamshire from him, now in occupation of Thomas Charles
  • Elizabeth Hales relationship unknown, 20 shillings
  • my Cozen Underhill forgiven debts
  • Mr Walker the Minister of the parish wherein I live £10
  • Mr William Speed Minister neere Chichester in the Countie of Sussex £10
  • the daughter of Richard Bruton late of London Clothworker deceased £30 in the hands of my brother Goodson
  • my loving brother Mr Thomas Garrett of Woxbridge £5 for a ring
  • three sisters, 40 shillings for rings
    • Sister Hitchcocke
    • Sister Munday also £10 a year for life
    • Sister Godson married to "my brother Godson" above
  • Cosen Warmouth 40 shillings for a ring
  • Cosen Row 40 shillings for a ring
  • my servant Anne Charleton £20
  • my servant Roger Cardwell £5
  • Mr Thomas Heygate 40 shillings for a ring. Witness to will
  • Mr Waters Clerke of Drapers Hall, one of the overseers of the will
  • my servant John Drurye one of the overseers of the will
  • witnesses to will
    • Tho Heygate
    • Jo: Heygate
    • Phillip Forster
    • John Pole
  • Mrs Underhill Neece unto the said Sir George Garrett £20
  • Sarah Underhill one of the Children of the said Mrs Underhill £10
  • Mr Thomas Northey and his wife who are brother in Law and sister to Sir George parents of William Northey, Elizabeth Garrett's husband
  • the Two Daughters of Tymothie Abbott of Woxbridge £10 each

[folio 182 recto]
In the name of God Amen I S[i]r George Garrett Knight
Cittizen & Ald[e]rman of London being sicke in bodye but of good and perfect memorie thankes be to
God Doe this present Eight day of August 1648, make and declare this my last will & Testament
in writing in manner & forme following And first & principallie I bequeath my soule into the hands
of Almightie God assuredlie beleeving to bee saved by the onlie meritts of Christ Jesus And
my bodye I Give to the Earth to bee decentlie though not Costly interred at the Charges of my Ex[ecu]tors
hereafter named in the parish Church of St John the Evangelist in the vault where my Wife
lyes buryed And as touching the disposicon of my estate both reall & personall wherewith it hath
pleased God to blesse me I Give and Devise the same in manner and forme following Inprimis I
Give and bequeath unto the parish of Woxbridge [2] in the Countie of Midlesex and the Churchwardens
and Overseers for the poore there and their Successors from tyme to tyme being All those my foure Acres of
meadow scituate lying & being in Moore feild in the parish of Killingdon [3] or Woxbridge aforesaid now in the
tenure & occupacon of John Grace Waggoner or his Assignes To the use of the poore people of the said p[ar]ish
of Woxbridge in manner & forme Following That is to say) Uppon the trust & confidence that they shall pay and
allowe to Sixe of the poorest widdowes that are accounted godlie an honest women there weekelie ev[er]y Sabbath
day Two pence a peece in mony and one penny a peece in Bread And that the Residue and overplus of the Rents
& proffitts of the said foure acres of meadow shalbee by them ymployed once everie yeare against the feast
of the birth of our Lord God, & shalbe by them divided to & amongst the said Sixe poore Widdowes

Item I Give & bequeath all that my Messuage or Tenement in Watlingstreete wherein I now dwell
comonlie called or knowne by the name or signe of the Blacke boy unto Thomas Garrett my Eldest
sonne and to his assignes for & during the terme of his naturall life And after his decease I Give
and bequeath I Give & bequeath the same to Edward Garrett my second sonne (in case hee shall
Survive the said Thomas To have and to Hould the same unto the said Edward Garrett and his
Assignes for & during the terme of his naturall life And after the Deceases of them the said Thomas
and Edward I Give & bequeath the said Messuage or Tenement unto Humphrey Garrett my youngest
sonne his heires and assignes for ever And as touching all that my share part or porcon of the
Mannor of Sutton Poynes and all and singular other the Lands Tenements & hereditaments which
I together with others did lately buy & purchase of the right Hono[ura]ble James Earle of Suffolke
and others All scituate lying & being within the Countie of Dorsett I Give and bequeath the
same unto Will[ia]m Northey Esqr my sonne in law Mr William Hitchcocke Drap[er] Mr William
Hawkins Merchant their heires and assignes forever uppon this trust and ^confidence Nevertheles That
they the said William Northey William Hitchcocke and William Hawkins shall withall
convenient speed sell the same unto the best benefitte and advantage, and the monyes
that shalbe raised by the sale thereof together with the rents that are incurred or shall
grow due untill the tyme of the sale thereof shalbe by them ymployed & disposed
of in manner and forme following (That is to say), the one Moity or halfe parte
thereof unto my said sonne Thomas Garret his Executors and assignes for ever, And
the other Moitye or halfe part thereof unto my said other sonnes Edward Garret and
Humfrey Garret to bee Equallie devided betwixt them their Executors and Assignes
for ever

Item I give and bequeath my Freehold Messuage Cottage or Tenement
which I purchased and which was latelie in the tenure or occupacion of Elizabeth
Peeters widdow or her assignes And my close of meadow or pasture called or knowne
by the ^name of the Shoulder of Mutton All Scituate lying and being in Woxbridge aforesaid
To the use of my said sonne Thomas and his assignes for and during the terme of his
naturall life And after his Decease to the use of my said other sonne Humfrey his
Heires and assignes for ever And whereas I have Surrendred or otherwise intend
to Surrender into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Colham All that my
Coppiehould or Customarye Close scituate lying and being neere the Towne of
Woxbridge being meadow or pasture ground called Popleyes close contayning
by estimacon Sixe acres more or lesse, And whereas I have alsoe surrendred into
the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Denham in the Countie of Bucks All

[folio 182 verso]
that my Coppiehould & Customarie Messuage Cottage or Tenement scituate and
being within the said parish of Denham called Copped Hall which was bought of
Henry Nutkin , both which surrenders are made or intended to bee made to such use and
uses as are or shalbee in my last will and Testament thereof menconed and Declared I Give
and bequeath all and singular the said Coppiehould premisses together with my 2 acres
of freehold Land lying in Southmeade unto my said sonne Edward Garrett his heires and
Assignes forever And wheras I have surrendred or intend to Surrender into the hands of
the Lord or Lady of the Mannor of Aver als Ever in the Countie of Bucks All that my
Coppiehould or Customary Messuage or Tenement with two Acres of land there and the
app[u]rten[an]ces which I purchased of Mathew Smith & now in the occupation of Thomas
Charles [4] or his Assignes to such use and uses ^also as are or shalbee thereof in my said
last Will and Testament menconed and declared

I Give and bequeath the same together
with my freehould house and close at Peazes lane End in Woxbridge aforesaid to the use
of my said youngest sonne Humphrey ^Garrett his heires and Assignes forever And as touching the
disposicon of my personall estate wherewith it hath pleased God to blesse mee Whereas
the one halfe ^part or Moytie thereof by the Custome of the Citty of London doth fall and
come to be devided amongst my said Three sonnes which are unprrovided for My will
and meaning is That the said Moytie or halfe parte bee soe Equallie devided
amongst them and out of the other Moitye or halfe part thereof I Give & bequeath
these Legacies hereafter following to bee paid unto the severall Legatees hereafter
named within a yeare next following after my decease And first I Give & bequeath
unto the Company or Corporacon of the Drapers London by what name or Title
soever them be incorporated the summe of One hundred pounds of lawfull English
mony And my will and meaning is ^that the same shalbe from tyme to tyme let out to sume
youing man of the same Company for the advancement of his Trade after the rate
of three pound p[er] Cent for everie yeare, and that the interest mony thereby growing
or arising shalbee paid once in every yeare to and amongst the poore of the said

Item I give and bequeath unto the precedent Treasurer & Governors
of the Hospitall of Christ Church London the summe of One Hundred pounds of
like lawfull mony to be layd out and imployed in the purchase of lands Tenem[en]ts
or Hereditaments and the rents & proffitts thereof to be yearelie paid and ymployed
to the use and for the benefitte maintenance and releife of the poore Children

Item I Give and bequeath unto the president Tre[asure]r and governores of Snt
Bartholomewes Hospitall the summe of Twenty pounds of like mony to the use
and for the benefitte maintenance and releife of the poore there

I give and bequeath to the Clerke of the parish of St John the Evangelist
wherein I live the summe of Twentye shillinges of like mony And to Elizabeth
Hales Twenty shillinges more

Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of the next
parish being St Augustines the summe of Tenne pounds of like mony and to bee
disposed of at the discrecon of the Churchwardens and Overseers for the poore
of the said parishe

Item I Give and bequeath unto the poore of the parishe
of Iver in the Countie of Buck the sume of Tenne pounds more to be distributed
amongst Twenty of the poorest widdowes of the said parish that and accompted
godlie and honest people at the discrecon of the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the said parish

Item I give and bequeath unto Threescore and Tennn poore
men that be ancient honest and Godlie men to bee distributed amongst them
at the discrecon of my Executors hereafter named the summe of fifteene shillinges
a peere in mony Item I Give to a poore man that begges at my dore and sells
laces the summe of ffortie shillinges to make him a Stocke

Item I give ^and bequeath unto
the foure prisons hereafter named (That is to say) the two Compters and
Ludgate and Newgate the severall summes of five pounds a peece to bee
distributed amongst the poore prisoners there at the discrecon of my said

[folio 183 recto]
Executors Item my will and meaning is that my Executors hereafter named should
not take any interest monyes of my Cozen Underhill either for the fiftye pounds I lent
him or for the fifty pounds for which I was bound with him, and which I have paid
together with the interest that was due for the same

And whereas my sonne George
Garrett deceased in his life time without any of my consent knowledge privitye or p[ro]curem[en]t did
intermarry with Theodosia the daughter of John Stepkin Esqr' and afterwards dyed before
any porcon was received leaving behind him George Garrett his sonne and my Grandchild since
which tyme the said John Stepkin hath caused a false & scandalous bill to bee exhibited against me
in my Lord Maiors Court Yet Nevertheles I Give and bequeath unto the said George Garrett my
Granchild the summe of Three hundred pounds of like mony And my will and meaning is that the
same shalbee placed out and disposed of by my Overseers hereafter named, soe and in such manner
that the interest thereof shalbee dulie paid ^unto the said Theodocia for the maintenance of the
said George my Grandchild, and that the principall may bee paid to my said Grandchild
at his age of one and twenty yeares or day of Marriage which shall first happen Provided
allwaies that if my Executors or Overseers hereafter named shalbee troubled molester or
sued for any of the matters in the said bill conteyned That then ^& in such case the said Legacie of
Three hundred pounds soe given unto my s[ai]d Grandchild as aforesaid shall cease determine and be
utterlie void to all intents & purposes And the said Three hundred pounds shalbee paid & goe unto my
said Three sonnes Thomas Edward & Humphrey to bee Equallie devided amongst them anything in
these presents conteyned to the contrarie hereof in any wise Notwithstanding.

Item I give & bequeath
unto Mr Walker the Minister of the parish wherein I live the sume of Tenne pounds of like mony
And to Mr William Speed Minister neere Chichester in the Countie of Sussex the sume of Tenne
pounds more of like mony Item I give & bequeath unto the daughter of Richard Bruton late of
London Clothworker deceased the debt of Thirty pound which I lent unto my brother Goodson & w[hi]ch
is still owing unto me by Bond

Item I give & bequeath unto my loving brother Mr Thomas
Garrett of Woxbridge the sume of five pounds of like mony which I entreate him to accept
kindlie to buy him a Ring therewith Item I give unto my Three Sisters (That is to say) my
Sister Hitchcocke my Sister Munday and my Sister Godson ffortie shillinges a peece to buy them
Ringes Item I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Mr William Northey
the sume of Fifty pounds of like mony Item I Give and bequeath unto my Cosen Warmouth [5]
and my Cosen Row ffortie shillinges a peece to buy either of them a Ring Item I Give and
bequeath unto my servant Anne Charleton the sume of Twenty pounds of like mony and to
my servant Roger Cardwell the sume of Five pounds of like mony Item I Give and bequeath
unto Mr Thomas Heygate the sume of fortie shillinges of like mony to buy him a Ring And I
make & ordayne two of my sonnes, That is to say my sonne Thomas and my sonne Humphrey
to bee the Executors of this my last will & Testament And I doe appoint the said Mr ^Wm Speed to
bee Tutor Guardian and Curator to my said sonne Humphrey during his minoritye And I doe
hereby appoint my sonnes Mr William Northey mr William Hitchcocke Mr William Hawkins Mr
Waters Clerke of Drapers Hall and my servant John Drurye to bee the Overseers of this my last will
and Testament intreating them to bee carefull to see my true intent and meaning herein to be
observed And I doe give them for their paynes therein to bee taken as followeth vidzt To my
sonne Will[ai]m Worthey the summe of Tenne pounds of like mony To Mr Will[ia]m Hitchcocke the
sume of Tenne pounds of Tenne pounds like mony to Mr William Hawkins the sume of Ten
pounds of like mony To Mr Waters the sume of Tenne pounds of like money and to the said John
Drury the sume of Twentie pounds of like mony, all the rest and Residue of my Jewells
plate Lynnen Housholdstuffe Goods and chattells not herein & hereby disposed ^of My debts & Legacies
being deducted I Give & bequeath unto my said Three sonnes Thomas Garrett Edward Garrett
& Humphrey Garrett to be Equallie divided amongst them. In witnes, whereofe I have here unto
sett my hand & seale to every Sheete contayning in all Eleaven sheetes And I have published
the same to bee my last will and Testament the said Eight day of August Anno Dmi 1648
And in the foure & Twentieth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of
God of England Scotland France & Ireland King defender of the faith &c George Garrett
Signed sealed published and delivered in the presence of Tho Heygate, Jo: Heygate, Phillip
Forster, John Pole

[folio 183 verso]
Memorandum That upon the Nineteenth day of November One Thousand sixe hundred
fortie Eight Sir George Garrett knt and Ald[e]rman of London did by word of month will & bequeath
unto the persons undernamed, the severall Legacies underwritten and this his will in this p[ar]ticulers
hee did desire might bee annexed as a Codicill to his last will and Testament in writing in the
presence of his sonnes Thomas and Edward Garrett and of William Northey (his sonne in
Law and his wife daughter of the said Sir George Imprimis Hee the said Sir
George Garrett did then Give and bequeath unto to his said daughter (wife of the said Mr
Northey and her Children, the one halfe parte of all his Jewells, Item to Anne his
Kitchen maide the summe of foure pounds of lawfull mony of England, Item to
Mrs Underhill Neece unto the said Sir George Garrett the summe of Twenty pounds
And to Sarah Underhill one of the Children of the said Mrs Underhill the summe of Tenne
Pounds And to the rest of the Children which the said Mrs Underhill now hath the summe of five
pounds a peece of like money Item to Mrs Munday (sister of the said ^Sr George, during her
naturall life the summe of Tenne pounds of like mony yearely to bee paid unto her by his
Executors by fiftye shillinges every quarter of an yeare Item to Mr Thomas
Northey and his wife (whoe are brother in Law and Sister to the said Sir George) the sume
of ffortie shillinges of like mony a piece to buy each of them a Gold Ring to weare in
remembrance of him Item to the Two Daughters which Tymothie Abbott of
Woxbridge in the Countie of Midds had by his last wife the summe of Tenne pounds
a peece of like mony: p[er] me Will: Northey Elizabeth Northey Thomas Garrett Edward Garrett

[Probate in Latin] This will written above (with the codicil annexed) was proved at London before the Honourable William Clerke Doctor of laws, surrogate for the Honourable Sir Nathaniel Brent knight Doctor of Laws at a commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury constituted the seventh day of December AD 1648 Judgement given to Thomas Garrett one of the sons of the said deceased and one of the executors named in the said will, to well and faithfully administer all and singular the rightful goods and credits of the said deceased after being first sworn. Judgement reserved for Humphrey Garrett son of the deceased and the other executor named in the will when he presents himself.


  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 206
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #736240 (accessed 13 January 2024)
    Will of Georgij Garret, granted probate on 7 Dec 1648. Died about 1648 in London.
  2. Woxbridge = Uxbridge
  3. Killingdon = ?Hillingdon
  4. best guess on name
  5. best guess, ?Warmouth ?Warmonth

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