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Location: Birling, Kent, England
Surnames/tags: Neville Bergavenny Nevill
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This is the will of Sir George "5th Baron Bergavenny" Neville KG KB (abt.1469-bef.1536).
He wrote three wills that were in effect at his death (the earlier ones not having been revoked by the later ones). They were registered with the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.[1] The probate date was 4 July 1536.
There is an abstract available at the National Archives but it has innaccuracies such as stating that the executors would have wardship of William Broke.[2]
There are three wills and none of them seem to have been replaced by later wills. They are in this order in the PCC document:
- Will of 4 January 1535/6 (Henry VIII 27)
- Will of 24 January 1529/30 (Henry VIII 21)
- Will of 4 June 1535 (Henry VIII 27)
- Probate
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- Page 1 of first will
- Page 2
- Page 3 (older will)
- Page 4
- Page 5
- Page 6
- Page 7 start of older will
- Page 8
- Page 9 - with probate
In the transcriptions below spelling is mostly as in the probate copy. Abbreviated words are expanded in [square brackets]. Names of people and places are in bold introduced for ease of reading.
Line breaks are added in the text so that the lines match the probate copy. Extra paragraph breaks are added between sections for readability. Page breaks are indicated by dividing lines and in edit mode by HTML comments with page numbers.
Transcription of will of 4 January 1535/6 (Henry VIII 27)
In the name of god Amen The iiijth [4th] day of June the yere of our lorde god
a thousande fyve hundred thirtye and fyve and in the yere of the 'Reigne' of our Soveraigne Lorde king henry the viijth
the xxvij I George Nevill knight lorde hole and parfect in minde and memorye lawdes be unto allmighty
god do ordeyne and make this my present testament in manner and fourme folowing
First I bequeath my soule unto allmighty
god my maker and my Redemer my bodye to be buried in the parrishe churche of Birling in the Countie of Kent
Also I wille
that every thinge the be dvy[...] aboute my funeralls and all other charges concerning the same after the discrecione of
myn[e] executours as they shall devise for the same
Also I will that myn[e] executours doo pay all my detts that I do owe
by the law and conscience
Also I wille that myne executours doo make or cause to be made to every parsonne or p[ar]sonnes
restitucion that hathye cause rightonshe[rightiouslye] to complaint and so proved and known before them as they shall thincte good accor-
ding to their discernment
Also I wille that my foresaid executors have the rule guyding and custodiye of Thomas
Fenyie Lord Dacre during all the noneage of the foresaid lorde Dacre and that they have perceyve and take of the kings
highness towardes the charges of the fynding of the Lord Dacre one hundred poundes sterling yerelye during the nonage of
the same Lorde Dacre as apperithe by a paier of Indentures of conven[...]ntes made between the kinges highnes and me concerning
the wardeship and mariage or the same lorde Dacre
Also I will that my foresaid executours have the Rule guyding and
custodye of John Semtleiger Esquier during all the noneage of the same John Semtleiger and they have pericyve
and take towardes the charges of the fynding of the same John Semtleiger all suche summe of monney as is or herafter
shulde be due unto me comprised and specified in a paier of Indentures of covnntes made betwene me and Dame Anne
Semtleger granndemother unto the foresaid Semtleger concerning the mariage had and solmnized betwene Kateryne
Nevil my daughter and the same John Semtleiger
Also I wille myne executours ordre John Chayny Sonne and heire
apparente of Sir Thomas Chayny knight according to the coven[...]ntes made betwene the said Sir Thomas Chayny and me
and suche Revenues as be appointed unto him also
Also I wille that myne executours do ordre William Broke Esquier sonne
and heire apparannte of George Broke knight lorde Cobham according to the Coven[e]ntes made between the said Lord Cobham
and me and such revenues as be to hym appointed also
Also I give and bequeath to Ursula my youngest daughter towardes her
mariage xij Thousand m[a]rkes sterling to be taken by myn[e] executours and th[e ]executours of the longest lyvez of them of the
revenues and profites of all my Manours landes and tenements in the Counties of Sussex Surrey Kent and London which
I have appointed by my wille for the performance of this my testament soo the said Ursula folowe the Councell of myn[e]
executours in her mariage.
Also I will that myn[e] executours have perceyue levye and take of the thussues profites and
revenues of those ajamionne landes and tenements the whiche I have assigned unto them by my last wille declared one
thousande markes sterling therei[..] to discharge and save harmles dinere and manny of my freindes and fru[...]uts that now>br/>
standeth boundes unto the kinges hyghnes in the same sonne of one a[t]j.m[...]rest for the wardeship and mariage of the forsaid
Thomas Fynes Lord Dacre and by the foresaid ivritinges obligatory therof made to the kinges hyghnes for the sure payment
thereof plainnly apperith
Also I will that myn[e] executours have receyne levye and take of th[e] issues profites and
Revenues of those ajannonre landes and tenements the whiche I have assigned and appointed unto them by my laste
will nyne hundren pounds sterling therei[t]n to satisfye content and pay unto the foresaid Thomas Chayny so to
discharge all and singulier liondes by writing obligatory made by me the foresaid George Nevill unto the foresaid Sir
Thomas Cheyny for the sure payment and paymentes of the foresaid nyne hundred pounds sterling in and for consideration
of mariage had and solemnised betwene the foresaid Margarete Nevill my daughter and the foresaid John Chaynye
according to the tenure purparte and effecte of our payer or Indentures of covennites made betwene me and the fore-
said Sir Thomas Chayny of and for the premisses
Also I wille that myne executours aforesaid have Reveyue [or Receyoe] leveye and
take of th[e] issues profites and Revenues of the foresaid ajannours landes and tenements the whiche I have assigned and
appointed unto them by my last wille sixe hundred marks sterling therew[i]t[h] to satisfy content and pay unto the
foresaid George Broke lorde Cobham so to discharge all and singulier bondes and writinges obligatorye made by
me the foresaid George Nevill and the foresaid George Broke for the sure payment and payments of the foresaide
vj C m[a]r[k]s sterling in and for consideration of mariage had and solemnized betwene the foresaid Dorathye Nevill and
the foresaid William Broke after the tenure pureparte and effecte of one paier of Indentures made betwene me [and] the foresaid
Sir George Broke of and for the premisses
[remainder of transcription to be done ]
Transcription of will of 24 January Henry VIII 21 (1529/30)
[transcription to be done ]
Transcription of will of 4 June Henry VIII 27 (1535)
[transcription to be done ]
Transcription of probatum
[transcription to be done ]
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Wills of Selected Famous Persons. Digitized images. Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 1. The National Archives, Kew, England.
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 25
Ancestry Record 5111 #874482 (accessed 9 January 2021) - ↑
National Archives ABE/20T - Probate (PCC) of testament and will (4 Jun 1535) of George Nevill, kt, Lord Bergavenny
ABE - Archive of the Nevill Family of Eridge Castle in Frant, Marquesses of Abergavenny
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