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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: fleetwood
The Will of Sir Gerrard Dutton Fleetwood, son of Colonel Dutton Fleetwood, and grandson of Sir Gerrard Fleetwood.[1]
Written: 11 August 1699
Died: 1699 in St Martins in the Fields, Middlesex, England
Buried: 1699
Proved: 23 January 1699[/1700?]
- Dame Mary Fleetwood
- Colonel Dutton Fleetwood (father)
- None mentioned
- None mentioned
- Sir Henry Salusbury
- Dame Elizabeth [Vaughn], 2nd wife of Sir Henry Salusbury, daughter of John Vaughn, Earl of Carbery; they married about December 1641 (17 Charles I). Elizabeth was the mother of Anne Salisbury, who was the wife of Dutton Fleetwood and the mother of Sir Gerrard Dutton Fleetwood.
- John Hamblett
- Edward Perkins
- Ann --ibbert
- Mary Ellard
- John Stanley
To all Christian People to
Whom these presents shall come Sir Gerrard Dutton Fleetwood of the
parish of St Martins in the Fields in the County of Middlesex knight sends
greeting whereas Sir Henry Salusbury of Lleweni in the County of Denbigh
Knt. And Baron by Deed bearing date the 10th of June 1619 and first
thereupon duly executed upon his marriage with Dame Elizabeth Daughter
To the Lord Chichester (?) did for the considerations therein mentioned ---
and grant to the said Lord Chichester (?) and others certain lands therein
named lying in the Counties of Denbigh --- and Anglista from and
[Page 2]
after his decease and the said Dame Elizabeth to their heirs males and for want
of such to his right heirs with a provis-- that if they should have but one
Daughter the --- should stand seized thereof (being of the value of
three hundred pounds per ann untill the Sum of two thousand marks
should be paid their said Daughter which was --- and married to Colonel
Dutton Fleetwood and who were father and mother to the aforesaid
Gerrard Dutton Fleetwood to whom in their said lifetime now to the said
Gerrard the said two thousand marks nor any part thereof nor interest for the
same or not yet paid --- yet that the said Sr Gerrard for the ---
love and natural affection which he hath and beareth to Dame Mary Fleetwood
his now wife and for a better provision for her in case she survive him such
for defraying the charge of his sickness (if any happen and his funeral
expenses and for other good causes and considerations him hereunto moving
--- the said Sir Gerrard hath given granted bargained soule assign set over and
deliver unto John Hamblett (?) of (blank) in the County of Surrey Gentleman and
Edward Perkins of St Martins le Grand London --- their heirs Executors
administrators and assigns the said Sum of two thousand markes and interest out
for the same and --- right title and interest thereto and to the Lands for securing
the same and all Deeds evidences and writings whatsoever any way relating to said
--- the same and all such moneys as shall be due to him the said Sir
Gerrard at the time of his decease from his majestie his heirs and --- as
Pay and salary to him as out his Majesties honorable Band of Gentleman pensioners
And all that Sum of one hundred pounds lent by him upon the fund on --- and
Also all his Bedding linen plate looking glasses pictures tables chairs brass pewter
And all other his goods and chattells whatsoever which no --- Dye possessed of
On shall be then due to him to have and to hold all and singular the said two
thousand marks and interest for the same and all the lands tenements and
promises so --- for securing of the same and all Deeds evidences and
writings relating to and concerning the same and all such pay or salary as
shall become due hereafter from his said Majesty to the said Sir Gerrard as
aforesaid and all and singular the said Bedding plate and all other his said
goods and chattells aforesaid whatsoever unto the said John Hamblett (?) and
Edward Perkins their heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever in trust
and to and for the only proper use benefitt and --- of the said Dame
Mary Fleetwood her Executors administrators and assigns to the end and
purposes and for the considerations aforesaid and to and for not other use
Intent or purpose whatsoever and the said Sir Gerrard doth hereby for
himselfe his heirs Executors and administrators covenant promise and grant to
and with the said John Hamblett (? And Edward Perkins their Executors
Administrators that they the said John Hamblett and Edward Perkins their Executors
administrators and assigns shall --- and quietly have hold enjoy receive
And take the said two thousand marks and all interest due for the same and
All the lands for securing the same and all the writings relating thereto and all
--- --- as shall be due from his said Majesty and his --- as pay and
salary and all and singular the said Boding plate and other goods and
chattells whatsoever herein before mentioned or intended to be hereby
given granted and assigned to the uses aforesaid without the lawfull ---
suit trouble or disturbance of him the said Sir Gerrard his heirs Executors or
Administrators or of any other person or persons whatsoever and of the better
Enabling them to receive and enjoy all the said promises hereby granted
[Page 3]
and assigned he the said Sir Gerrard doth hereby authorize and empower them
The said John Hamblett and Edward Perkins their Executors administrators and
assigns to --- and perform all and every such needfull and necessary
thing and things as shall be thought requisite and lawfull to be done in
And about the promises in witness whereof he the said Sir Gerrard Dutton
Fleetwood hath hereunto set his hand and seale this eleventh Day of August
In the year of our Lord 1699 And in the eleventh year of the reign of our
Sovereign Lord William the third by the grace of God of England Scotland
France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith. Ger Dutton Fleetwood
Sealed and Delivered upon the double six penny stamped paper in presence of
us Ann --ibbert Mary Ellard John Stanley.
Dicefimo tertio [in Latin] ...
[The End]
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