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Will of Sir Henry Hobart of Blickling 1626

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This is a transcript of the register copy of the will of Sir Henry Hobart of Blickling, Norfolk, England, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in Westminster. [1]
It was written on 20 July 1625 with a codicil added 23 September 1625.
Sir Henry died on 29 December 1625.
The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury at London on 7 March 1625/6.

The second and third pages are incomplete - in the list of monetary legacies most of the actual sums of money are not entered. These have been indicated by [blank].

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as the register copy of the will and now catalogued with the Prerogative Court of Canterbury wills at The National Archives at Kew, Surrey, England.
Paragraph breaks at the change of subject in the text, and highlighting are my own for ease of reading.
Abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets]
Capital F has been rendered as F rather than ff.

Persons mentioned

  • Wife (Dorothy Hobart nee Bell)
  • Eldest son and heir John Hobart
  • Second son Miles Hobart
  • Nathaniel Hobart - third son (he and subsequent sons are not numbered in the will, but are named in age order)
  • James Hobart - fourth son
  • Thomas Hobart - fifth son
  • Robert Hobart - sixth son
  • Edward Hobart - seventh son
  • Henry Hobart - eighth son
  • Daughter Elizabeth - unmarried at this time
  • Daughter Frances - unmarried at this time
  • Granddaughter Dorothy Hobart ("Little Doll") daughter of son John and his first wife (deceased)
  • The Lady Frances Hobart - Frances Egerton, second wife of son John
  • The Lady Finch - Frances Bell, niece of Sir Henry's wife, married to Sir Heneage Finch
  • Sir Heneage Finch - married to Frances Bell. One of the executors of Sir Henry's will
  • Nephew Miles Hobart of Little Plumstead, Esquire
  • Chaplains Mr Gataker, Mr Houldsworth and Mr Bucklye
  • Richard Glover Sir Henry's land agent
  • Richard Burton Sir Henry's land agent
  • Many man servants and maid servants listed in text
  • Cousin James Hobart
  • Sir John Payton Sir John Peyton, Bt father of Frances Peyton, first wife of son Miles Hobart
  • Mr Gouldsborough
  • Lord Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury (deceased)
  • Sir Thomas Fleming knight, chief Justice of the Kings bench deceased
  • Sir ( ) Fleming, his son and heir
  • Sir Thomas Trevor - executor

Places mentioned

  • Blickling Hall, Norfolk, which son John is expected to finish building
  • House at Highgate
  • House at Great St Bartholomews, London
  • House at Chapel in the Fields, in the City of Norwich
  • Lands in Aylisham (Aylesham) Norfolk
  • House and farm at Banham, Norfolk

In the name of God Amen I Sir Henry Hobart of
Blicklinge in the countie of Norffolke knight and Baronett, chief Justice
of his Ma[jes]ties court of Com[m]on pleas at westmi[nste]r Doe this twentieth day of Julie
in the yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God
kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland the first And in the yeare of
our Lord God One thousand six hundred twentie and five Make and ordaine this my
last will and testament for the things therein conteyned in manner forme and order followinge

First and above all things I yeeld upp my soule to Allmightie God the
Father, the sonne, and the holie ghoste, beseechinge the Divine maiestie notwithstandinge
my sinfull life by w[hi]ch I deserve eternall death to vouchsafe me a Crowne of life for
the merritts of my Saviour Jesus Christ, who dyed for me freeinge me thereby from
the curse of my synne and clothing me with his righteousnes by faith in him Inconfidence
whereof I lye Downe in peace expectinge the resurrection of the iust when my body and
soule beinge reunited shall live for ever in the presence of God My bodie I comitte to
the earth And will that it be buried at Blicklinge in the buryinge vault there w[i]thout
vaine pompe or unecessarie charge.

I give and bequeath to my most Deare and lovinge
wife all her chamber plate , and utensills for the her chamber of all sorts (saving the three
flatt bowles given me by my cosen James Hobart, w[hi]ch I give to my eldest sonne) And I
give her also all my cupbord of white plate [2] w[hi]ch goeth abroad daiely for the service of
my table and house And the one halfe of all my silver Dishes, silver plates and other silv[er]
vessell, (except the two voiders of silver [3]) Alsoe I give to my eldest sonne, the other halfe of
all my said silver dishes and silver plates and other vessell of silver, and the said two voiders
of silver.

Item I give to my said wife in guilt plate, the guilt bason and Ewer waighinge
one hundred and fourteene ounces and as many gilte cuppes (as besides that guilt bason
and ewer) before given her) will make one hundred pounds beside fashion at her choice, leaving
the greatest and most massive guilt plate for my eldest sonne, that is for my house

And I doe
alsoe give to my saide wife all such my hangings carpetts, beddinges and other housholdstuffe of all
kindes as have beene com[m]onlie used at my house at Highgate, and all my lynen and naperie
that is used either at Highgate or St Bartholemewes being used to be removed from the one
place to the other for com[m]on use in either place And I doe alsoe give her one chest of fine
Lynen conteyninge: In Damaske, i one little drinkinge cloth, 2 two longe tableclothes, two
cupbord clothes, two square clothes, three longe towells, 4 dozen and tenn napkins, one old table=
cloth, one cupbord cloth, one square cloth and towells: / In Draper : / one longe tablecloth, one
square boardcloth, three dozen and tenn napkins, one cupbord cloth, one longe towell: In holland,
one pillowbeere wrought in silke and gold, six paire of sheets, six paire of pillowbeers ;

I give unto my said wife the Damaske bedd wherein she hath used to lye in Childbedd together
with the counterpainte, canepie, chaires, stooles, and other furniture belonginge to it, and
one large downe bedd and bolster with two fustian blanketts, and one woolbedd, for w[hi]ch shee
yeelds me a bedd of blacke velvett, ymbroidered with shippes made by her self

Item I give
her the hangings the two bedds and all other the furniture of her lodginge Chamber at St Bar=
tholemewes, and her cabinetts and the Chests there, whereof one was given her by Sir John
Payton', and fower silver dishes with guilt rimmes, and two flatt candlesticks of silv[er]
w[hi]ch Sir John Payton gave her and six fruite dishes of silver of the twelve that I had
of Mr Gouldsborough, All w[hi]hc doe use to stand uppon her cupbord in her chamber

Item I give her a suite of Chaires and stooles of crimson and white tuff taffita stand=
inge in the gallarie of St Bartholmewesmade of a garment of her owne, and the
Pintadoos latelie bought by mee, and one China quilt of yellow canvas, and one
coverlett of Stammell [4] bordered with blacke velvett, and the couch chaires & Stooles
and other things made and to be made of it

Item I give her my two best Coaches
and the coach horses

Item I give her all her Jewells of all sorts for she hath promised
me faithfully to bestowe the best part of them uppon my two Daughters Elizabeth

[page 2]
and Frances at her departure or before

Item I give to my second sonne Miles Hobart
all my plate utensills of chamber, Bookes and other thinges of Seriants Inne, and
all my gownes and robes both of scarlett and others willinge him to followe his studdie that
he maie be fitt to weare them if God will

Item I give unto my eldest sonne all other my
plate, silver and guilt, and all other my silver vessell, hangings carpetts beddings, and
other my household stuffe of all sorts, and namely two newe suites of lynen Damaske, at my
houses of St Bartholmewes London, Chaple in the feilds at Norwich, and Blicklinge in
Norffolke, exceptinge at my house in Highgate, and except as before or hereafter shalbee
by me excepted or otherwise bequeathed or appointed And I likewise give him all stuffes
either whole or broken, provided for houshold stuffe at the places aforesaid not yet made upp
& namelie all things that are laied up and conteyned in the Cipres [5] chest standinge in
the gallerie at St Bartholmewes wherein are divers things of good value, that were his mo=
theres w[hi]ch I give him by her consent w[hi]ch else I wuold not All w[hi]ch I will my said sonne care=
fullie to preserve and maintaine and transmitte to the heires males of my familie for the
time beinge (together with my coate and cheife house at Blicklinge, and that of Chaple in
the feilds in Norw[i]ch and such things as I have given him with them) to contynue soe longe
as it shall please God the Master or all, yet I meane not to barre him to give a compe=
tency to his worthie wife ( if she survive him) w[hi]ch he shall doe well to provide himselfe, for
else he will leave the one and the other but bare;

And where the late Lord Gilbert
Earle of Shrewsburie deceased was pleased to give me one hundred pounds in gold, w[hi]ch I
receaved of the hands of his countesse Dowager since his death I will my said oldest sonne
to make a cuppe of gold of the same value besides that fashion and to sett uppon it his Lo[rdshi]ps:
coate of armes, towards w[hi]ch I give him my coller of SSes [6], w[hi]ch I first borowed and after bought
of Sir ~ Fleminge knight [7] sonne heire and executor of Sir Thomas Fleminge knight, chief
Justice of the Kings bench deceased, for w[hi]ch I paid Fowerscore and seaventeene pounds, or
beinge the waighte of it in gold besides fashion And that Cuppe I will to goe w[i]th my house
as before

And of this part of my will I make my wife and eldest sonne my Executors, to
the end they may possesse them selves of their severall parts as I means them And them I
require to see my funerall performed and my Tombe made at such proportion of charge
as I shall hereafter appointe, for w[hi]ch I will make allottment not out of their meanes.

I give unto my deare wife the som[m]e of fower hundred pounds to keepe my house the quarter
of the yeare next after my decease

And to my eldest sonne the som[m]e of 200 Li.

And to my sonne Miles the som[m]e of 40 Li.

To my sonne Nathaniell and James to either of them the som[m]e of 40 Li.

And to my other fower sonnes Thomas Robert Edward and Henrie and to every of them, 40 Li.

To my daughters Elizabeth and Frances to either of them to make a Jewell the som[m]e of [blank]

To little Doll daughter to my eldest sonne by his late worthie wife deceased the the som[m]e of [blank]

To my very good and noble Daughter the Ladie Frances Hobart to make her a Jewell the som[m]e of [blank]

To my lovinge neece the Ladie Finch the som[m]e of [blank]

For the performinge of my funeralls I
appointe in all the som[m]e of 300 Li. whereof I would have one hundred pounds given and discreetly
distributed in and amongst the townes where my landes lye in Norff[olk] by the discrec[i]on of my
Executors & 300 Li. For the erectinge of a convenient tombe for me and myne, w[hi]ch I would
have putt in the Chauncell of Blicklinge church I appointe the the som[m]e of 100 Li. This I will doe
in my life if I can convenientlie; my word that I chose and use under my coate of Arms is
(Ane supra) And the other hundred pounds or more lett to be bestowed in blacke and agreable fourmes
I give likewise to my eldest sonne towards the finishinge of my house at Blicklinge, (yf it please
God I depart this life before midsom[m]er next the som[m]e of [blank] And I give him alsoe all such
materialls of Timber stone load yron bricke and other things of all sorts w[hi]ch I shall have
ready at Blicklinge for that worke, and for w[hi]ch I shall have paid at or before my decease
money I cannott give here , but I give him the mannor of Olton &c (that I buye of Mr Page)
in fee simple, but the materialls here menconed he shall have.

I give unto my nephew Miles
Hobart of little Plumsted Esquire, towards the repaire of his house there (as I promised his)

[page 3]
his father whilest he lived) besided one houndred pounds w[hi]ch I have given him alreadie the som[m]e
of one hundred pounds more

Item I give unto my worthie friends that have been my Chaplaines
Mr Gataker, Mr Houldsworth and Mr Bucklye to every of them the som[m]e of [blank] I give to these
my men servannts in household, Thomas Hills, Thomas Lambe, John Ridley, Nicholas Kett [blank] a peece
And to Richard Griffith and to William Watson to every of them [blank]

Item I give to Thomas
Meade, Nicholas Blackbourne, Richard Thornton, to every of them the som[m]e of [blank]

Item I give
unto John Whitinge and to Thomas my footman, and William Whitinge to every of them the som[m]e
of [blank] And soe to John Baldwin if he depart not my service, or else he to loose his parte

Item I give unto Joane West my wives auncient chambermaide the som[m]e of [blank]

Item I give
unto these women (Mary Bourne, Mary Hallyard, Prudence Miles Jane Bastian to every one of
them [blank]

Item I give unto Anne Dickman widdowe Cooke, Rachell Addmas, Margarett Lillye
Alice Peirson, to every of them [blank]

Item I give unto my servant Richard Glover [blank] a yeare
For two yeares, requiringe him to attend uppon my affaires till they be settled because he can
finde and sort my Writings and showe Distinclie the Distribuc[i]ons of my children partes
better than any man And I require him to see things inrowled and perfected accordinge to
myne intent and directions, that my younger sonnes be not Deprived of their due

Item I
give unto my servant Richard Burton [blank] by yeare for two yeares also Requiringe him
likewise to Doo his part with all fidelitie in the things within his knowledge and managinge
nowe Touchinge the payments of my debts and yearlie som[m]es raisings of the porcons for my two
Daughters Elizabeth and Frances, Exhibicons to my younger children that are yet under the
age of one and twentie yeares And discharginge of my Funeralls and legacies and the like
I have sett an order for them all by my writinge (Bearinge date the tenth daie of this present
Moneth of Julie) of disposicon declaracon and direction, whereby I have as distinctlie as I
could expressed both what they are and howe the same are to be raised and respectively
satisfied and discharged, whereunto I add that the two hundred pounds per annu[m] therein
appointed to be paid duringe tenn yeares after my decease, by my sonne Hobart and other my
sonnes in respect of the Mannors of Halstead and Stixwold &c (if they come to them) shalbe
bestowed uppon exhibic[i]ons of my fower younger sonnes, and of my daughters (if there shalbe
cause) or for the increasinge of the porc[i]ons of those sonne w[hi]ch are yet with the least, To
w[hi]ch said writinge I refered my generall Executors to be informed thereby of their receipts
and payments where I will desire to pursue and execute my said directions in the said
writings conteyned whereunto likewise I desire my Foeffees and Leassees in trust (wherein
my saide Executors or some of them have a great parte, to be alwaies assistinge & furtheringe
accordinge to me true meaninge therein expressed Except I shall atherwise direct here=
after by any other my writinges, or last will in writinge in all or in part not diminishinge
my two daughters porcons therein allotted with plaine alterac[i]on soe by mee made

I give unto my eldest sonne Sir John Hobart the Office of the Baylwicke of the Dutchie
of Lancaster in the counties of Norffolke and Suffolke, and the other offices & things
therewith grannted, willinge him to putt in the execution of them ftt and honest persons
that maye use them honestlie and instlie And I thinke Bigge and Leman, that nowe are
my deputies Doe soe, I give also to my said sonne the lease of the Mannor of Aylisham
nest Blicklinge w[hi]ch I precured of his Maiestie when he was Prince, Alsoe where I
have latelie this last Trinitie terme, purchased of the right H:[onoura]ble Thomas Earle of
Arundell and Surrey Earle Marshall of England an handsome dwellinge howse and
Farme in Banham in the countie of Norffolke called Banham Haughe conteyninge 240
acres of land or better And where it hath pleased his Ma[jes]tie to give warrant to my Lord
[Threr] [8] that as I shall assure to his highness his heires and successors land of equall or
better yearlie value than his Ma[jes]ties said Mannor of Aylisham in the Countie of Norffolke
That then his Lo[rdshi]ppe should cause the said mannor of Aylisham to be conveyed to me and
my heires, and to give or doe accordinglie : the said Mannor of Aylisham is of the yearlie
value of 44 L 0 s 7 d by yeare and noe more beinge all in rents Coppihold and free, and
havinge noe demeasnes at all; for w[hi]ch I will cause the said house and land to be conveyed

[page 4]
to his Maiestie in Fee simple, beinge worth 20 Li p[er] annu[m] more, and take it againe of him againe in fee
ferme to yeeldinge to his Ma[jes]tie his heires and Successors fiftie five pounds per annu[m] for ever
Of this I have spoken with my lord Tr[easur]er who likes the course well if therefore this bargaine
wilbe performed after my Death Then I will that the said house and lands be soe conveyed to
his Ma[jes]tie by them that hand the estate in it and taken aganie by my eldest sonne And the rent
or fee farme assured as aforesaid by reservac[i]on And the said Mannor of Aylisham to be past to
my said eldest sonne and the heires males of his bodie with like remainders asfor at all my sonnes
accordinge to their senioritie and the remander in fee to my heires But if that Bargaine on
his Ma[jes]ties part be not to be obtained I shall then dispose of that house and land called Banham
Haugh otherwise or as I shall think best

Item where have bought the third part of the house
and land of Highgate where I nowe dwell (beinge Coppihold) of John Bond Esquire (the other
two partes beinge his younger brethrens that are under age) and have taken surrender of it in
the names of certaine of my servants in fee simple uppon my trust My meaninge is and soe
I requires my said servants that after their admittance w[hi]ch is not yet taken (and therefore
must be looked to that the times be not overslipt) for w[hi]ch the fine to be paid for by me and my exe=
cutors, they either surrender my said part to my wife to terme of her life or Else suffer her soe
to enioye it and the fee simple of it to be surrendered to such of my younger sonnes as I shall appoint
or els to be to my eldest sonne and heire and his heires And touchinge the houses at Sainte
Bartholmews that I have of the earle of northumberland I have yet noe longer terme in it but till
Michaellmas next But if I renue my terme (as it is in talke betweene us) Then I will dispose
them and the nowe terme (if God will) But the money that I lent in respect of those houses I
have disposed to and for my daughter Frances amongst other som[m]es

Nowe one principall charge
I give to my children that they agree succour and assist one another as becometh bretheren the
sonne of a Father that hath beene indifferent to them all And hath (as much as was possible) soe
devided and bonnded their porc[i]ons as that without wifull iniurie they cannot one pretend to the
part of another But if any question shall arise amongst them I require them in the name of
God by the right and authoritie of a Father (who whilst he lived) was a peacemaker to others)
that they degenerate not But referre their controversies first to their friends And if they cannot
prevaile I then turne to the great Offices of Justice in the Kingdom for the time beinge
aswell in courts of equitie as of Lawe (in whome present and to come I presume to have left some
interest in their love and memories of their deceased friend) that they accordinge to the occasions
wilbe pleased to interpose their wisdome and authoritie and over rule their passions & summarily
in private heare and determine their differences, w[hi]ch I command them as absolutely to obeye And
if they shall not out of their frowardnes addresse themselves to these great offices I then require
my wife their mother and mine Executors to be suters to the said great p[er]sonages in my name
to end the same But I doe humblie thanke God I have noe cause to cause to suspect my such unkinde
disposicon in any of my children But because they are many and not all come to proofe I putt
all strength to this caution, aswell for their good as myne owne reputac[i]on, and especially for
blessinge of God (w[hi]ch will accompany their concord) And the like request I make concer=
ninge my wife and executors, and all others whome it may concerne that noe waie be given to
suites in lawe But that if any questions arise they maye be composed by friends without noise
or otherwise sum[m]arilie decided as before I have wishes; Nowe touching the suplusage & residue
of all my estate in lands goods debts and creditts, and whatsoever else remayninge yet in my power
that is either in my selfe, or others my friends trusted for me, and noe waie yet given devised
conveyed, or by any writinge directed or appointed to be disposed (over and above the charges
lyinge uppon me and my estate, and the satisfyinge of them (w[hi]ch I have (I verilie thinke) fully
and p[ar]ticularlie expressed either in the writinge indented before menc[i]oned or in this my last
will I shall hereafter (if God will) when I shall at leisure advise of it , and consider howe
thinges fall out, take such further order and make such dispositic[i]on and declarac[i]on from time
to time, as shalbe founde dittest and most convenient for me and myne And of this my last will
and testament in the generall part (not preindicinge the p[ar]ticular Executorshippe to my
wife and sonne before assigned) I make and constitute my very deare and worthie Friends

[page 5]
and Allies Sir Thomas Trevor knight one the Barons of his Maiesties court of exchequer, Sir
Henage Finch knight Recorder of the cittie of London, Sir John Hobart knight my eldest sonne
my generall Executors, desiringe them all in the right of a faithfull and Lovinge friend, and
Father, that they will take more than ordinary paines and care to looke into and understand my
estate and the circumstances of the same, and to advise direct order and execute the best waies
and meanes to effect and compasse the ends and purposes, that I have expressed in this my last
will, and in the writinge of disposic[i]on declarac[i]on and direction before menc[i]oned, bearing date
the tenth daie of this present moneth of Julie for the well performinge whereof I shall leave
(if God blesse it) sufficient , And I appre my selfe that my sonne for soe much as concernes
him, or must come from him towards the performance of it, wilbe readie to doe his part, and to
paie aswell as to receive what I have appointed And I am likewise assured that my said friends
will labor in a worke soe pious and charitable whereuppon the good and peace of me and myne
doth soe much depend, as I would have performed in like case for them (if if had beene my lott)
And I give unto these my Executorsm and to every o them one hundred poundsm as a testimonye
of my love, not in waye of recompense in any sorte And I com[m]and my servannts Richard Glover
and Richard Burton, to attend them, and inform them of all things that they knowe, and namely
corninge the parts and porc[i]ons of my children, and the severall evidences of the same, which
maye be sorted soe, as everie one maye have his owne And I likewise desire my loving friends
Owen Shepheard, and John Smith Esquires to be aidinge to my said Executors, and to my wife &
children, in the settinge lettinge and manageinge of my estate and Landsas there shalbe cause
To whome I give viz[et] to either of them the som[m]e of [blank]

Nowe lastlie to conclude this worke
in the name of God ( as it beganne) I doe beseech the Allmightie God to blesse this my last will w[i]th
good successe, and the persons whome it maye concerne with his grace And to make me more mindfull
of myne and theire future estate, in the eternall and heavenlie inheritance, then in this vanishinge
and transitorie passage : / Henry Hobart :/ witnesses Richard Glover, Thomas Lambe, J:
Ridley :/

Memorandum That this three and twentieth daie of September in the
said first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles I the said Sir Henry Hobart
have added to this my will (w[hi]ch I leave in full force) these clauses followinge; Whereas by reason
of my many children I have beene enforced to sett out many porc[i]ons for them, and sometimes to
make changes and Alterac[i]ons accordinge to severall occasions amongst them, And have by those meanes
made my selfe in the greatest part of my lands but Ten[n]ant for terme of myne owne life, in
some others left my selfe noe estate at all, But have conveyed then ym[m]ediatlie to some of my
sonnes, knowinge that as they receave them of my free meeie guifte, soe they wilbe ruled by me in
things that shalbe holden by me convenient concerninge them and their estates And therefore
I have made leases of them without Fines, and with reservac[i]ons of rents, to the reasonable
value of them, that there might be noe losse to either partie , uppon the failings of the termes
I have neverthelesse thought fitt by this my last will , to declare to my wife my eldest sonne
and other my children (w[hi]ch my declaration I assure my selfe will stand for a lawe to them in this
behalfe) That in all cases where I have made any lease or leases of any my lands which are
to cease or deternine by my death That they shall suffer the said lessees their Executors admini=
strators or assignes to hold the same, till the feast of St Michaell the Archangell next after
my death, to the end they may evioye the same the whole yeare, and take the whole yeares profitt
with convenient libertie and use of thebarne roome [9] for some time after as shalbe requisite
The said Lessees givinge assurance to them, to whome it shall app[er]taine, for payment of such
part of the yearlie rent or payment, as shalbe behinde and not paid nor due to me in my life
time, For soe much at ought to have beene paid in my life time, shall remaine foe and
paid able to my Executors, and not to any other; And for the residue of the time of such
their intended termes to come after my death, I should wish that they could agree together
to contunue them by newe leases, like the former w[hi]ch I have made equall & indifferent
(as I think) for both parties And with the advise of good and experienced friends, whose

[page 6]
opinion and Counsell I wishe my said wife and children to use in such cases as those, of whose
fidelitie and dexteritie in this kinde I have had good proofe ; And whereas I have in some two
or three cases made reservac[i]on of rents paieable aforehand at the desire of the parties
themselves, that could not otherwise in some speciall case give fitt assurance, I doe will my
executors (if any rent bee at my death paied before hand) That they shall repaie the like
som[m]e to the person to whome it should have beene paied (if the reservac[i]on had been made paieable
yearlie or half yearlie accordinge to com[m]on cause) and not aforehand, w[hi]ch waie of payment
shall satisfie the reverc[i]onor [10], that he take noe less by the payment aforehand And then for the
contynuance of the possession of the Lessee, for the one whole yeare, for w[hi]ch that whole yeares
rent is paied and paieable beforehand and other conveniences thereuppon, I wishe the course
before advised to beholden and observed : / Henry Hobart : /

Probate [in Latin] granted at London on seventh day of March Anno Domini by the English calculation 1625 [11]
To Sir Thomas Trevor, knight, Sir Henage Finch, knight and Sir John Hobart knight and eldest son of the deceased.


  1. Will of Sir Henry Hobart in: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Series PROB 11 Piece 148 (Hele) Ancestry permalink Ancestry sharing images Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Accessed 17 July 2021
  2. White plate is pewter or tin
  3. voider of silver - a silver tray to clear away the remains of a meal.
  4. stammel: a coarse woollen red cloth.
  5. Cipres: Cypress wood
  6. The Collar of Esses, a livery collar made of gold S shaped links. Wikipedia contributors, "Livery collar," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Livery_collar&oldid=1032654894 (accessed July 15, 2021).
  7. First name omitted in text and replaced with squiggle
  8. Lord Treasurer ?
  9. "Barne roome" : the use of a barn for harvested crops
  10. reversioner : a person who possesses the reversion to a property or privilege.
  11. 7 March 1625/6

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