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Will of Sir Richard Gifford

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The Will of Sir Richard Gifford. This includes the will from several generations of Richard Gifford.


Richard Gifford #1 (1577–1643)

This is the will of Sir Richard Gifford #1 of Kings Somborne, Southampton, England.[1]


Written: 14 June 1643
Died: November 1643
Buried: 28 November 1643 at King's Somborne
Proved: 25 November 1647


  • Wynnyfred [Winifred] [Wallop] Gifford.

She was the daughter of Sir Henry Wallop [(1531–1599)] of Farleigh Wallop, and the Katherine Gifford who was sister of his father Henry Gifford; therefore, his wife was his first cousin.


  • Dame Bridgett [Gifford] Powlett [Pawlett/Poulet] (sister)

Like Richard #1, she was the daughter of Sir Henry Gifford of Kings Somborne. She married Sir Hercules Pawlett, 3rd son of Sir William Pawlett, Marquess of Winchester [at whose death, his long-time mistress Jane Lambert married Sir Gerrard Fleetwood]; they had two sons: Hercules and William Pawlett.

[Note: His other sister Katherine Gifford married Sir Henry Wallop; she died in 1599 so is not mentioned here in his will.]


  • Richard [Gifford] #2 (son, and sole Executor)
  • Wynnyfred [Winifred] [Gifford] (daughter)
  • Anne [Gifford] (daughter)


  • Robert Wallopp, Esquire


In the name of God Amen
the Fourtenth Daie of June Anno Domino one thousand Six hundreth fortie
three of Sir Richard Gifford of Kings Somborne in the Countie of Southton
Knight, being sick in bodie, but of good and perfect memory and understanding
(Praised be my God) Doe make and ordayne this my last Will and Testament
as followeth vizt (?): Inprimis I bequeath and --- my Soule --- the hands of
God my Creator and Redeemer, And my bodie to be buryed in the parish

[Page 2] church of Kings Somborne aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath unto Dame
Bridgett Powlett my Sister one Annuitie or yearlie rent charge of Tenn (?) pounds
per Anum during her life. Item I give and devise onto my Daughters Wynnyfred
and Anne severally one Annuitie or yearlie rent charge of Thirtie pounds
a piece per Anum during such tyme as they and either of them shall live
single and unmarryed over and besides the Nintie pounds per Anum which they
receive from my --- Robert Wallop Esquire. And when they or either of them
shall marry, I give unto them one hundred and fiftie pounds a piece towards
their --- over and above the portion already in hands of the said Mr
Wallop. All which said severall Annuities my will and meaninge is that bee
yearlie paid at the Feaste of St Michael Tharchangell [The Arch Angel] [29 September] and the Annunciation
of the Blessed Virgin Mary [25 March] by equall and even portions duringe the --- and
tymes aforesaid And shall bee --- out of and chargeable upon all my Mannor
Lands tenements hereditaments or --- whatsoever. Item I devise unto Dame
Wynnyfred my beloved wife one Annuitie or yearelie rent charge of two
hundred pounds per Anum to bee --- as aforesaid and payable in forme
aforesaid duringe her life, In home and satisfaction of all --- and ---
Which I desire (?) her to ---. Item to her the rest of all such goods and household
stuff and soo much of the dwellinge house wherein I live as she shall thinke
fitt duringe her life. And all other my houses lands tenements hereditaments
leases (?) goods chattells reall (?) and personall Estate whatsoever towarde the
paymente of my Debts and performance of this my will and funerall. I give
And bequeath unto my Sonne Richard whome I make my Sole Executor.
Witness my hand and seale the day and yeare aforesaid Richard Gifford
Witness Listor --- Hugh--

Probatum [in Latin] ...

Richard Gifford #2 (–1662)

This is the will of Sir Richard Gifford #2 of Kings Somborne, Hampshire, England.[2]

Richard Gifford #2 was the son of Sir Richard Gifford #1 and the supposed widower of Sir Gerrard Fleetwood's daugher (Anne ?). Therefore, he is the "grandson Richard Gifford" mentioned in Gerrard's 1657 will.

According to his will, he had "four children", who he mentioned were all younger than 21 in his 1661 will. This would be the three sons mentioned in his will, and one more.

  • Richard Gifford #3 (abt.1654–1679). Eldest son & heir
  • Dutton Gifford
  • Gabriel Gifford
  •  ? Gifford

He was "very sick" at the time of making his will, and desired to be buried in King Somborne Church, and left his goods, cattle, corn, implements, &c., house, plate, and jewels to his executors. "except such jewels and household stuff as are now remaining in the hands and custody of Joan Sutton, wife of Walter Sutton, and were delivered to her to keep for the use of my children, by my late wife and myself."

His executors were to sell those goods left in their hands for the payment of his debts, as also his "lands, as well leasehold as freehold, for the same purpose, and for the education and maintenance of his [unnamed] four children till they severally attain the age of twenty-one — the three younger to have 300 pounds a piece at their majority, and the surplus money to remain to the eldest son [no name given].

His executors were his kinsman Hugh Haswell [Halswell], Esq., John Tynte, Esq., Thomas Edmonds, Esq., and John Kelsey, Esq. (of Piddleworth), and Francis Rivett, Esq., overseer. Witnesses, Thomas Eads, Thomas Poore, John Aycriggs.

Note: An overseer of a will supervises the activities of the executor(s).

Regarding his executors, Hugh Haswell [Halswell] (abt.1597–1672) and John Tynte (1617–1679), there are some interesting relationships between them and the Gifford and Wallop families.

Richard Gifford #2's mother Winifred (Wallop) Gifford, wife (and first cousin) of his father Richard Gifford #1, and daughter of Sir Henry Wallop of Farleigh Wallop, had an older sister Bridget Wallop who married Sir Nicholas Halswell (1566–1633). Their son was Rev. Hugh Halswell [Haswell] (abt.1597–1672), who had inherited the eleventh century Halswell Park estate in Goathurst, Somerset [southwest of Bridgwater] with its magnificant manor house and park.

The Tudor house still existing today was built in 1536 for Robert Halswell (1588–1626), which passed to his son Sir Nicholas Halswell, who married Bridget Wallop, and then to Hugh Halswell in 1633. He had no male heirs so it passed to his daughter Jane, who married John Tynte of Chelvey, another wealthy Somerset family, then to her son 1st Baronet Halswell Tynte (1649–1702), who was named the executor and sole trustee of his son Richard Gifford #3.[3]


Written: 16 December 1661 [13 King Charles II]
Died: ?
Buried: ?
Proved: 17 February 1661/2



  • None mentioned


  • None mentioned


  • Joan Sutton, wife of Walter Sutton


  • Hugh Haswell [Halswell] Esq.
  • John Tynte, Esq.
  • John Kelsey, Esq. (of Piddleworth),
  • Francis Rivett, Esq., overseer


  • Thomas Eads
  • Thomas Poore
  • John Aycriggs


In the Name of God Amen The Sixteenth
Day of December in the Thirteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign Good King
Charles the Second of England I Sir Richard Gifford of King Somborne in the County of
Southton Esq. being sick in body but of perfect memory thanks be given to God I make
and devise this my last will and Testament in mannor and --- following First I
give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God --ing through the ---
of Jesus Christ to be Saved, and my body to the Earth from whom it came to be Decently
buryed att the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named in the --- Church of King Somborne
aforesaid Also I give and devise all my goods chattell --- implements of house house
--- --- --- and Jewells whatsoever (--- --- and household stuff as are
now remaining in the hands and custody of Joane Sutton wife of Walter Sutton and
were delivered to her to keepe for the use of my Children by my late wife and
--- which said goods --- --- implements of house and household stuffe --- and
Jewells --- before ---) I give my said Executours forthwith to sell and dispose
of toward the payment of my Debts, Also I Devise and bequeath onto my said Executors
All my Lands --- Leasehold --- --- --- The further payment of my Debts which
shall appear unto my said Executors be --- and loyally for soe much of the said
Lands as shall satisfie my Debts as aforesaid And alsoe I desire my said Executors ---
of the rents --- and proffitts and Sale of my Lands to --- --- for the --- and
maintenance of my foure children until they shall severally and respectively be and
attain to the age of one and twenty yeares, And alsoe that my said Executors out of the
rents --- and profitts and Sales of my lands -- aforesaid doe satisfie and pay unto my
their --- of the children the some of Two hundred pound a piece ------ att their
severall and respective ages of one and Twenty yeares And if itt shall happen within of my said
younger children to Dye before they shall attaine to their severall ages as aforesaid then my
will is that --- --- and person of such children --- --- I give to --- and --- ===
the survivor or survivors of them, And my will is that after the said Debts are paid and
--- --- --- aforesaid for my said young children as aforesaid that --- the
over --- of the --- --- --- out of the rents --- and profitts and --- of my
lands at aforesaid shall --- and be unto --- --- And alsoe all such parte of
my Lands as shall be unsold --- and --- unto my said --- --- to be
--- and --- by him att --- age of one and twenty yeares, Alsoe I give unto
my oldest son one gold ring --- --- which was --- --- --- and ---
of Sheets and pillow-- which --- wife desire nay be --- --- --- att five age
of one and twenty yeares, And my will is that --- --- very --- of the ---
and --- that my executors are likely to undergoe by no --- of them Doe not at anytime
or finds --- after --- --- or trouble my said Executors or either of them ---
any --- --- --- upon any --- whatsoever, And I doe hereby make ---
and appoint my --- --- --- --- Esq. John Tyne Esq. Thomas
Ed-- Esq. John Kelsey Gentleman of Pittleworth Executors and Francis Rivett Esq.
overseer and an a --- of this my last will and Testament --- --- unto
said of them the some of Tenn Shillings apiece to buy them a Ring ---
--- I have hereunto --- my hand and seale the Day and year --- written

[Page 2] --- of Richard Gifford Signed sealed and published in the presence of the
marks of Thomas Eads Thomas --- John Ayrigge.

Probatum [in Latin] ...

Richard Gifford #3 (1654–1679)

This is the will of Richard Gifford #3 of King Somborne in Hampshire.

Richard Gifford #3 was the son and heir of Richard Gifford #2. He was the eldest of the "four children" mentioned in Richard #2's will.

Richard Gifford #3 of King's Somborne, Hampshire, died before 5 November 1679, when his will was proved.[4]

He born about 1654, based on his age 18 when he went to Oxford in 1672.

Richard #3 was married, but nothing is known of his wife. They had a "daughter Anne Gifford", since she was mentioned in his will to inherit his "worldly goods", and all the "lands and houses in the county of Somerset that formerly belonged unto her mother".

This Richard #3 matriculated at Hart Hall, Oxford University in 1672–3 at age 18, but very little is known of his career beyond the fact that he dated his will on 12 July 1678, as "of King Somborne, Esquire".

He had at least two brothers, Dutton Gifford and Gabriel Gifford, since they were also mentioned in his will's bequests. He gave to his brother Dutton Gifford all his lands and houses in King Somborne, Stockbridge, and Romsey, "he paying unto my brother Gabriel Gifford one third part of all the rents ... To Dutton Gifford the lease of my Park at King Somborne and the lease of Tanner's farm in the said parish."

Note that the executor and sole trustee named by Richard Gifford #3 was Sir Halswell [Haswell] Tynte in Somerset, who was the son of John Tynte and Jane Halswell, daugher of Rev. Hugh Halswell; Hugh and John were executors for his father Richard Gifford #2's 1662 will.


Written: 12 July 1678 Died: before 5 November 1679 Buried: before 5 November 1679 Proved: 5 November 1679


  • His "late wife" was mentioned, without her name; daughter Jane inherited her mother's worldly goods, lands, and houses in Somerset.


  • Anne Gifford (daughter)
  • No sons mentioned


  • Dutton Gifford (brother)
  • Gabriel Gifford (brother)
  • No sisters mentioned


  • None mentioned


  • Sir Halswell [Haswell] Tynte of Haswell in Somerset. His father John Tynte and maternal grandfather Rev. Hugh Halswell were executors in his father Richard Gifford #2's will.


In The name of God Amen

I Richard Gifford of King Somborne in the County of Hampshire Esquire being
very sicke and weake in body but having a perfect and sound understand
(Praised be God) Doe make and constitute this my last will and Testament
in manner and from following (That is to say)

I surrender up my soule
Into the hands of God my maker hopeing by the m--- of Jesus Christ
my Saviour to find hereafter the benefitt of a blessed resurrection

As for my
worldly Estate I give and bequeath unto my deare Daughter Anne Gifford All the
Lands and houses in the County of Somersetshire that formerly belonged or appear
--- unto her mother

Item I give and bequeath by this my last will and
Testament unto my deare brother Dutton Gifford All my Lands and houses in
King Somborne Stockbridge and Rumsey in the said County of Hampshire or else
where be the said Dutton Gifford yielding and paying unto my brother Gabriell
Gifford yearly one third part of all Rents proffitts and advantages whatsoever
That may --- be made of and raised out of the said lands and houses in the said
County of HantShire

Item I give and bequeath unto my said Brother Dutton
Gifford the estate of my Park at King Somborne As alsoe the Lease of Tanners
Farme in the said parish and County aforesaid --- the said Dutton Gifford yielding
And paying unto my brother Gabriel Gifford the third part of all Rents proffitts
And advantages whatsoever that may be made out the said Parke and Farmes

Item I give and bequeath by this last will and testament All my
Personall Estate after my Debts and Funerall expenses are paid unto my said
Brother Dutton Gifford and to my said Brother Gabriel Gifford to be equally
Divided between them

To this my last will and testament I desire and impower
My deare Cozin [Cousin?] Sir Haswell Tynt of Haswell in the County of Somersettshire to
--- Executor and sole Trustee in respect of all professed therein mentioned

July the 12th 1678 Richard Gifford Signed sealed in the presence of Richard Gifford Robert --- Anne --- the market of Mary M--

Probatum fuit [in Latin] ...


  1. Will of Richard Gifford
    Will of Richard Gifford of King's Somborne, Hampshire,
    PROB 11/202/408, 25 November 1647, The National Archives, Kew.
    Will of Richard Gifford (1647)
  2. Will of Richard Gifford #2:
    Will of Richard Gifford of King Somborne, Hampshire,
    PROB 11/307/280, 17 February 1662, The National Archives, Kew.
    Will of Richard Gifford (1662)
  3. Halswell Tynte:
    Cokayne, George Edward (1825–1911), editor of the "Complete Peerage",
    Complete Baronetage: Baronetcies of England (1611–1797),
    Volume 4, Creations [E.]: 1665–1707, Exeter, Willliam Pollard & Co., 1904.
    Cornell University Library, Internet Archive, Tynte, or Tint, Page 61. (accessed 19 September 2022)
    Halswell Tynte
  4. Will of Richard Gifford #3:
    Will of Richard Gifford of King's Somborne, Hampshire,
    PROB 11/361/192, 5 November 1679, The National Archives, Kew.
    Will of Richard Gifford (1679)


Doug Warren created this free-space page for the wills of several generations of Sir Richard Gifford, while working on the profile of Sir Gerrard Fleetwood for the England Project Orphan Trail 2.

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