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Will of Sir Richard Williams alias Cromwell 1546

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Surnames/tags: Williams Cromwell
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This is a transcription of the Will of Sir Richard Williams alias Cromwell written on 20 June 1544 (in the 36th regnal year of Henry VIII) and proved in London 1546 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

The spelling is as per the spelling in the version in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury register. Abbreviated words and omitted letters are indicated by italics. The line breaks and highlighting are my own for ease of reading.

In the Name of God Amen
the twentie day of June in the xxxvj th yere of the reigne of our Souvereigne Lorde Henry the viii th by the grace of god King of Englande Ffrance and Irelande defender of the faithe and in earthe Supreme hedd of the churche of Englande and Irelande

I Sir Richarde Williams otherwise called Sir Richarde Crumwell Knighte one of the gentlemen of our saide Soveraigne Lorde the Kinges pryvie chamber mynding to Sett and have my mannours landes tenementes and all other my hereditaments and all my goodds and cattalls in suche state and order that whensoever it shall please god to call me out of this worlde there shall and may apear a plaine declaration of my mynde and dispoicion of the same In most healthe and parfitte remembrance doo make this my last will and testament of all my householde stuffe ---tts plate debts leases and all of my gooddes and cattalls

And in the same will and testamemt doo devise twoo partes of my mannours landes tenementes hereditamentes sec decided in three partes as by this my testament and last will hereafter shalbe deceased and sett out as at la---

And ffirst I bequeth my Soule to the marcie of almightie god and my body to be buried in the p'ishe churche of that towne or place where it shall chance me to departe this --- liffe according to the godly and laudable ussage and ceremonies of the churche w'th suche ffunerall expenses to be hadd and expended at the same as by myne execut' shalbe therein thought requysitt

And I will and give to Henry Crumwell my sonne and heir apparannt ffyve hundred pounds in redy monye to be taken and levied ymmediateley after my deathe of the proffittes of my mannours landes and tenementes --- fyve yeares after my decease and theis ffyve hundreth poundes to be delyvered when he comyth to his full age of xxi yeares for the furnishing of his howsholde plate and other his necessaries and in the meane tyme the same monie to be in the keping of Andrewe Judd one of myne executors The same Andrewe uppon the --- of the same monye finding sufficient suerties to the --sent of myne executors suche as they shall therefor able and mece to be bound for the tr-- payment and dilymers thereof at the said age

And if it fortune the saide Henry to dye before he come to the saide age of xxi yeares Then I will the saide gifte and legacie made to hym to be paide and then suche p'son or p'sonnes as shall inheritt my landes as hereto me or to my saide sonne at there full age or ages have the said five hundreth poundes to the purpes before expressed

And I will that myne executors have all my ffarmes and leases w'th all the issues and proffittes that shall rise and come clerely of the'ynn towards the payment of my debtes and p'fourmance of this my last will and testament by the space of tenne yeares --- after my decease

And after those years ended Then I give and bequeth to ffraunces my sonne all that my ffarm --- and interest of my howse in Scr--eth And all that ffarm --- and interest for --- of the parsonnage of Stevenheth To holde and occupie the saide ffarmes unto the saide ffraunces his executours and assignes during all the residue of the yeares compriste in severall Indentures of Leases of the same ffarmes

And my executors to have as well the profetts and ordering of the same ffarmes as of the saide Ffranncis unto the saide ffranncis come to the age of xviii years and to bring hym upp therein

And the residue that shall remayne before his necessary finding to be delyvered to hym in monye as a stocke at the same age And all the residue of my ffarmes and leases after the saide tenne years expired I will and give to my said sonne Henry

And if it fortune the saide Henry and Ffranncis my sonnes to dye before the saide ages The I will that such p'son or p'sonnes as shall by the order of the lawes of this realme by Inheritance as heire to me or anny of my saide sonnes heire my --anners Landes and tenements shall after the saide tenne years ended and this my testament fully p'formed gave the saide Ffranncis and I give to the Kynge hyghness three of my best horsses such as it shall please please his grace to have

And I bequethe [new page] to Joane my brother Walter Crumwell daughter two hundreth pounds starling for her only advancement to a marriage to be delyvered at suche tyme as she shall be married if she be ordered by myne executors and contented to take suche husbande as myne executors shall name and think mete for her or ells my gifte to her to be void

And --ers I give and bequeth to Ann one other of the daughters of my said brother two hundreth poundes to and for her only advancem't in marraige to be delyvered to her the day of her marriage if she be ordered by myne executors and contented to take such husbande as myne executors shall name and think meete for her or ells the said gifte to her be void

And if in case Thomas Winyfelde my Warde will be contented to take any of the saide daughters to his wiffe Then the saide gifte and bequest to that daughter whiche he shall marry to be voide And if the saide Thomas will not marry anny of theym Then myne executors to sell his marriage And the money coming of the saide sale to be to the ---mainice of this my testament

And I give and bequeth to Sir John Willliams Knight twoo greate horses after the Kinges grace hathe chosen

And to my Lord Crumwell one great horse

And I give and bequethe to Susanne my maide to and for her advancement in marriage tenne pounds

And I give to Swallowe myne Attorney yn the Chequer tenne pounds

And of this my testament and last will I do make and constitute Sr Edwarde Northe Knighte Channcelo'r to the Kinges majestie of his graces Courte of An--tutacions Gabriell Donne clerk Andrew Judd William Coke Philipp Lentall and Richard Sarvington gent myne executors to whome I comytte my hole truste and confidence for th execution of the same

And I give to the saide Sr Edwarde Northe for his paynes fiftie poundes To the saide Gabriell Donne ffoutie poundes to the said Andrewe Judd fourtie poundes To the saide William Cook fourtie poundes And to the said Philipp Lentall other fourtie poundes

And I will and give to my Lady Dennys Sr Thomas Denny wiffe the best gowne of my late wiffes and her best ymbellishment which Lady Denys I make one of my Supervisours of this my testament and laste will she to putt myme executors in remembrance to the honest and vertuous bringing upp of my children and p'formance hereof

And also I doo make John Aylworthe and Thomas Tunny gent my other Supervisours hereof

And I will and give to the saide Henry my sonne all my howshold stuffe at my howses at Bygging and Hinchingbroke in the County of Hunt and the same stuffe to be delyvered to w'thin six weekes after my deathe by Inventary indented unto the saide Richarde Sarvington to th intent that he shall safely kept the same the the saide Howse of Bigging unto my saide sonne to his full age of xxj years And if the saide Henry die before he come to that age then that suche p'son or p'sonnes as shalbe heire to the said Henry my sonne to have the saide stuffe and the same to contynue in the keeping of the said Richard Sarvington unto his full age

And in case the said Richard Sarvington dye Then the residue of myne executors to appoynt further honnest men from tyme to tyme to the keeping thereof as the same stuffe may be kepte safely and delyvered according as I have aforedeclared

And also I give and bequeth to John Leche ffyve poundes yearly Unto my said sonne come to his full age so that he attende uppon the saide Richard Servington for the dressing keping and ordering of the saide stuffe And if the saide John dye then my Executours to appoynt a nother honest man to that office whom they shall think mete And so from tyme to tyme allowing and giving the same person ffyve poundes yearley for his meate and waiges

And by this my last will and testament I the saide Richard devyde and severall my mannours landes tenements Rents reversions [?] and hereditamentes in three partes as hereafter ensueth that is to say the mannous of Ramsey withe Bygginge [1] and all my Landes tenementes and hereditaments in Ramsey and Bygging in the saide County of Hunt the mannour of Ramsye [?] w'th henghmongrove w'th all my landes and tenements therein to the mannour of Up---- w'th all my Landes tenements Rentes and hereditamentes taken as parte or parcell thereof w'th the p'sonnage there And the Mannour of little Raveley in the saide Countie of hunt: And also the moytie of the manno'r of Boroughton in the Countie of hunt certeyn Lands ten'ts and howses in Butteshin and Cambridge in the Countie of Camb: And certeym landes and tenements in Hunelden in the Countie of Rutland to funde and be for one parte of the saide three partes.

Of which saide mannours Landes Tenementes and hereditamentes I the saide Sr Richarde make no will nor devyse but the same to descende immediatly after my deathe to myne heire whiche saide mannours Landes and tenements ---- live and sett out for the thirde parte of my landes tenimentes and hereditamentes in three partes devided the same to be in the kinges highes handes w'th the warde of myne heire if I fortune to die and the same heire w'th -- age yett provided whereas I have granted to the saide Richards Servington the Keping of my house called Bigging and the Baylewike of my saide mannours Lande and tenementes of Ramsey Bygging Linrye Upwoodde and Raveley w'th a ffee of Threteen poundes six shillinges eyght pence for the rest of his liffe for the same for his goodde sarvice to me don whereof he hathe no patent

That I the saide
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Sr Richarde Williams doo will give and grannte to the saide Richarde Servington the keping of my Howse called Bigging and the office of the Baylewike of all my saide mannours Landes and Tenementes for terme of his liffe

And will give and grannt unto the saide Richarde Servington for his ffee one yearly Rent of xiij L vj S viij d out of the saide mannours Landes and tenementes To have and to holde the saide yearly Rent of thirteen poundes six shillinges eight pence to the said Richarde Servington and his assignes for terme of his liffe to be paide yearly at the ffeastes of Th' annunciation of o'r Lady and Saint Michaell Th'archanngell by evry porcons And if it fortune the saide yearly rent or anny parte th'r'of to be behinde at anny day of payment th'r'of during his liffe That then at every suche tyme it shalbe le-full to the saide Richarde to distreyne for the said Rente in that same mannours of Landes and tenementes

And also I will and devyse to the saide Richard Servington the saide parsonage of Upwode and Rapeley for the terme of xv years next after my death The saide Richard yelding and paying yearly to myne heires or theire assigns thirteen poundes six shillinges and eight pence for the same of yearly Rent during the same yeres at the ffeastes of the Annunciation of o'r Lady and Saint Michaell Th'archanngell anny thing in this my last will before expressed to the contrary notw'thstanding

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