Location: Chingford, Essex
Surnames/tags: Leigh Leighe
Transcript of the PCC Will of Sir Robert Leighe of Chingford, Essex. 1612.[1]
In the name of God Amen the twelfe daie of June in the yeare of our Lord god one thowsand sixe hundred and twelve I Sir Robert Leighe of Chingforde St Pawly in ye county of Essex Knight beinge of good and perfect remembrance (thankes be to God) albeit weake of bodie, doe make and ordaine this my present last will and testament (all other former wills revoked and adnulled) for the order and disposicon of my goodes and chattells reall and personall in manner and forme followinge (that is to saie) ffirst I commend my Soule into the handes of Almightie god my Creator and of Jesus Ch: my Redeemer, hopinge assuredlie throughe the onelie merritts of his deathe and passion to be made pertaker of his everlastinge salvation And for my bodie I comend it to the earthe to be buried in the parishe Church of Chingford soe neere the bodie of my blessed Wife Mary as possiblie may be Item I bequeathe to my lovinge wife Elizabeth a nest of little wyne Bowles Item I will and bequeath to my eldest sonne Robert Leighe the Indenture and all my estate interest and yeares to come in my Mannor of Chingford Comites and all my Plate for and towardes the buyinge out of his wardshipp Item I bequeathe to my fower yonger sonnes (that is) Edward Leighe, Tho: Leighe, Grace Leighe and Anne Leighe all my estate in money due to me uppon Bills Bondes especialties & statutes, recognisonces or Judgementes together with such moneys as shall growe due to me from the Companie of the East Indian Marchants payeable as followeth (that is to saie) to my saide sonnes when they or either of them shall accomplishe & come to their lawfull ages of one and twentie ans, and to my twoe saide daughters when they or either of them shall accomplishe their ages of one and Twenties ans or ells be married which shall happen first And if it fortune any of my saide children to decease before they accomplishe their said ages, and before that tyme be not married that then I bequeathe his or her part of them soe deceasinge to the other of them then survivinge to be equallie devided amongest them towardes the increase of their saide portions to be delivered likewise unto them when they shall accomplishe their saide ages of one and twentie ans or ells be married as before. And if it fortune all my saide children to decease (as god dosend) before they shall accomplishe their saide ages of one & twentye yeares and be unmarried then my meaninge is that all and singuler the saide parts and portions of my saide children shall goe unto my eldest sonne Robert Leighe Item I bequeathe to my sonne in lawe Robert Hatton Esquire the somme of Twentie pounds in money and Tenne Poundes which I yett owe him of his thowsand Poundes which he had in marriage with my daughter Marye to whome I likewise bequeathe a Legacie of five Poundes Alsoe I bequeathe to my twoe grandchildren Richard & Marie Hatton five markes a peece Item I bequeathe to my sonne in lawe Arthure Herris a legacie of Tenne Poundes Item I give to my daughter Anne Herris fiftie shillinges a yeare untill she shall marrie at which time she is to receive of one fiftie Poundes when my meaninge is the saide fiftie shillinges a yeare to cease, Item I give to my sister Clarke a legacie of fortie shillinges Item I give to my sister Scott a ringe of twentie shillinges price Item I give to my sister Katherine Fforelyme one other Ringe of twentie shillinges All which legacies my will and meaninge is shalbe leavied and paide out of such moneys as shall come to the handes of my Executors whome I ordaine and appoint to be viz my worthie true freinde Sir John Brett of Edminton in the Countie of Midd. Knight (to whome for his paines in that behalf I bequeath twentie Poundes, my lovinge son in lawe Robert Hatton Esquire together with my yonger sonne Edward Leighe And my will is that my brother Scott shall execute the executorshipp for him untill he shall come to the age of seaventeene yeares Item I further will and bequeathe to my sonne Rob: (all my debtes paide, legacies performed and funerall expenses discharged) all my goods & chattells and houshold stuffe whatsoever, but my will and meaninge is that (accordinglie as to my best remembrance I am tyed by Covenant) my saide wife shall have the use of such furniture as is usuallie nowe occupied and noe other (exceptinge alwaies my plate) provided that she putt in good and sufficient securitie to my saide Executors that she will not doe nor suffer to be done any art nor arts thinge nor thinges whereby they may be spoiled but that it come after her decease to my saide sonne and if she doe that then her interest in them to cease and he to have them presentlie Item I give my olde and trustie servant John Ffullam a legacie of five Poundes Item I give to my Cosin Peter Beckingham a legacie of ffortie shillinges Item I give to brother Richard Scott a legacie of fortie shillings Item I give to Mr Bowe a ringe of Twentie shillings all which (as the other before) my true meaninge and intent is shalbe paide as before, that is out of my saide moneys. In Wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hande and seale theise beinge wittnesses (that is Rob: Hatton Peter Bettenham, Arth: Herris, Nicholas Bowe, Theodore Hanley, Ffrauncis Pattricke, Robert Leighe.
Probatum: Decimo sexto die mensis Julij: Anno Dni millesimo sexcentesimo duodecimo [16 Jul 1612] .. Richardi Scott et Roberti Hatton Armig Executorum ……
- ↑ Will of Sir Robert Leighe of Chingford, Essex. 16 July 1612. PROB 11/120/92. National Archives.
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