Location: Hatfield, Essex
Surname/tag: Barrington
Transcript of the PCC Will of Sir Thomas Barrington, 1581.[1]
In the name of god amen the sixte daie of ffebruarey in the yeare of our Lord god 1580, I Sir Thomas Barrington knighte beinge of perfecte memoryc (praised be god) doe ordaine make and constitute my laste will and testamente in manner and forme followinge, ffirst I bequeathe my soule to allmightie god, the father the sonne and the holye ghoste, I will that all my debtes be duelie contented and payde as nere as conveniently theie maye, as theie fall due. Item I will that my Executors shall take and sell all my woodde and tymber growinge aboute in the grounds called Garlandes towardes the performance of this my testament and laste will, and also within the parrishe of Hatfelde. Item I doe bequeathe to my sayde executors for the performannce of this my present will and testamente in and for paymente of my debtes and legacyes my whole interest and tearme of yeares which I have to come in the Rectorie and personnage of Hatfelde within the Countie of Essex. Item I doe geve to the eldest daughter of my daughter Harris fortie poundes, And desir that there be geven to everie of my howshoulde servants which hathe served me by the space of a yeare or more twentye shillings over and besydes theire hire or wage. Item I will that Richarde Clarke in respecte of his honest .. he by my Executors largelie considered, And that uppon his accompte & reconinge all such accerage be paide to him as shall appeare that is in surplusage towardes him. Item I doe geve to my sonne Frannces eighte hundred poundes besechinge him to be dutifull lovinge and obediente to my deare wiefe his mother. And that in any wise he dothe followe the good advise of her and others in this my sayde will named and to avoide the felowshippe and councell of lighte undiscrete and evill advised people Item I doe geve to my sonne Henrie one thowsande poundes and duringe the tyme he shalbe beyonde sea fower score poundes wishinge him also to be dutifull and obediente to his sayde mother. Item I geve to Thomas Byrles that waitethe on my sone Henrye beyonde sea tenne poundes a quarter duringe the tyme he shall remaine there with my said sonne. And for the pformannce hereof I doe make constitute executors of this my will my sayde lovinge wife, the righte honnorable Henrye Earle of Huntingdon, Sir William Cordell, Sir Gilbert Gerarde knights and Andrewe Greye esquier to either of which laste writed fower for theire paynes I doe geve tenne poundes apeece. Item I geve to the poore of Hatfeilde twentie shillinges ymmediatelie after my decease and twentie shillinges at Michaelmas nexte, In presence of us witnesses John Gybon Jhon Symyngs Edward Doddinge R Yonger Richard Waron Ffrannces Cromwell William Norton
Probatum: .. Secundo die mensis Maij Anno Domini millimo quingentesimo octogesimo primo [02 May 1581] .. dominie Winifride Hastings als Barrington relicte et .. Executor ..
- ↑ Will of Sir Thomas Barrington. 02 May 1581. PROB 11/63/237. National Archives.
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