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Will of Sir Thomas Cornwallis 1605

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Date: 1604 to 1605
Location: London, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Cornwallis
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Will of Sir Thomas Cornwallis of Brome, Suffolk, England. Proved on 06 February 1604/05. (The National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England. Ref: PROB 11/105/106.)


This is a transcription of the original will of Sir Thomas Cornwallis, knight, of Brome in Suffolk. The will was written on 26 March 1604. The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in London on 6 February 1604/5. Spelling, punctuation and line breaks as per the original. Paragraph breaks (at start of new bequest) and bold text are my own for ease of reading. ff has been rendered as F, and ligatures and abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets]. Indecipherable words are indicated by (?).

Persons mentioned: Sir Thomas Cornwallis - the Testator Great-grandfather - not named Dame Anne Cornwallis - the Testator's late wife Sir John Cornwallis - the Testator's father Dame Mary Cornwallis - the Testator's mother (the daughter of Edward Sulyard) Dame Lucy Cornwallis - the Testator's daughter-in-law (wife of the Testator's son, Sir William Cornwallis, and daughter and heir of Lord Latimer) Sir William Cornwallis - the Testator's eldest son and Executor Sir Charles Cornwallis - the Testator's son Dame Anne Cornwallis - wife of Sir Charles Cornwallis Dorothy Cornwallis - daughter of Sir Charles and Dame Anne, the Testator's grandchild Sir William Cornwallis - son of Sir Charles, grandchild of the Testator Thomas Cornwallis - younger son of Sir Charles, grandchild of the Testator William Crowe - Receiver of the Testator's revenue Lady Elizabeth Kitson - the Testator's daughter Mary Cornwallis - the Testator's youngest daughter, “unfortunately married to the Earl of Bathen” Earl of Bathen - the Testator's son-in-law Duke of Norfolk - deceased, who gave Sir Thomas an Italian clock Ralph Sheldon - Esquire, the Testator's cousin Michael Hare - Esquire Edward Grimston - Esquire John Cornwallis - Esquire, the Testator's nephew, eldest son of the Testator's brother Richard Cornwallis Doctor Steward - the Testator's friend Doctor Creake - the Testator's friend Mary Warren - the Testator's sister, late wife of Roger Warren Edward Sulyard - the Testator's nephew, of Wetherden Sir John Sulyard - knight, son of Edward Sulyard Thomas Sulyard - gentleman, the Testator's nephew and godson John Bedingfield - Esquire, of Redlingfield William Archer - Esquire, the Testator's cousin William Cornwallis - attendant of the Testator's son, Sir William Cornwallis Robert Morse - Surveyor of the Testator's lands William Rix - Steward of the Testator's household Thomas Covell Robert Cornwallis - attendant in the Testator's chamber during his illness Edward Shaw - the Testator's cook Robert Brady - the Testator's tenant farmer Nicholas Wyard - the Testator's tenant in Brome William Smythe - owner of a tenement sold to the Testator Robert Baxter - the Testator's tenant

Executor to the will: Sir William Cornwallis - The Testator's eldest son

Surveyors to the will: Lady Elizabeth Kitson - the Testator's daughter John Cornwallis - the Testator's nephew

Witnesses to the will and its codicil: Robert Morse John Sherwood William Crowe Thomas Morse Walter Ward

10:24, 28 July 2022 (UTC)10:24, 28 July 2022 (UTC)10:24, 28 July 2022 (UTC)10:24, 28 July 2022 (UTC)Carroll-12825

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T[esta]m[entum] Thome Cornwallis

In dei nomine amen The sixe and twentithe daie of Marche in the seconde yeare of the Raigne of owre Sovereigne Lorde James by the grace of god Kinge of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Defend[er] of the faithe etc and of Scotlande the seaven & thirtithe Anno Domini one thowsande sixe hundred and fower I S[i]r Thomas Cornwallis of Brome in the Countie of Suff[olk] Knighte doe make my last will and testament wherein I mynde to dispose as well of the sepulture of my Bodie as of all my redye money plate Jewell[es] Armo[u]r moveable goodes Graine Cattells Chattells Implem[en]t[es] of Howsholde and Husbandrie whatsoev[er] in manner and forme followinge. Firste I com[m]ytte my sowle to almightie god and to his deerlie beloved sonne Jhesus Christe my Redeemer and Savioure by whose bitter death and passion I truste to have remission and forgivenes of all my Synnes And to owre blessed Ladie St Marye the Virgin and to all the holye Companye of heaven Item I will that my Bodye (yf I departe w[i]thin one hundred myles of Brome aforesaid) shalbe carried thither and be buried in the Isle of the churche there with my greate Graundfather made and I enlarged. And to be buried by the Bodye of Dame Anne my late welbeloved wief (whose Soule I beseeche Jesus to assoile) under the Toombe made for my selfe & my saide wife And I will the bodye of my Father S[i]r John Cornwallis (whose Soule I beseeche Jhesus alsoe to assoile) shalbe removed by the appoyntem[en]t of my Executor at suche tyme as he shall thinke meete from Barkh[a]msteed in Buckingh[a]m shire where he died (attendinge on Prince Edwarde as Stewarde of his Howshold) and layde in the same Isle in Brome Churche afores[ai]d under the Toombe that I have made and sett up for him and Dame Marie my Mother the Daughter of Edward Sulyarde of Essex Esquier. Item I will that Blacke viz Blacke broade clothe for gownes and Cloakes or Coates shalbe bestowed uppon my children and serv[a]untes and to suche of my Frendes servaunt[es] as shalbe pre[sen]te at my Fun[er]all and to none other and black Frize Gownes to Five poore menn and Five poore women of Wilton in Cleveland in yorkshire And to two poore menn and two poore women of theis severall Townes followeinge (that is to say) of Brome, Oacley, Thrandeston, Aye, Palgrave & Sturston in the sayde Countie of Suff[olk] Tinetshall, Thorpe and Croale in the Countie of Norff[olk] to be worne at the discrecion and appoyntem[en]t of myne Executor to be worne uppon the daie of my Funerall and obsequy by suche of them as can convenientlie be there in person w[hi]ch daie I will shalbe kepte w[i]thin suche shorte tyme after my deceasse as the same may be convenientlie compassed and to be done in suche frugall and decent sorte w[i]thoute pompe for soe is my verie true meaninge but to the comforte of the Poore as shall seeme best to myne Executor accordinge to the propo[r]cion of my poore callinge meane wealthe and livinge. Item I give and bequeathe Twentye poundes of lawfull money of England to be distributed to the poore Inhabit[a]unt[es] of suche Townes as I am Owner of by the appoyntem[en]t of myne Executor uppon the daie of my Fun[er]all or in shorte tyme after Item I bequeathe towardes the reparac[i]on of Brome Churche Sixe poundes thirtene shilling[es] and fower pence of like money to be bestowed there as neede shall requier in suche sorte as shall seeme best to myne Executor and the Churchewardens w[i]th the best Inhit[me]nt[es] (?) for the tyme beinge. Item I geve and bequethe to Dame Lucy Cornwallys my Daughter in Lawe one of the Daughters and heires of the Lo[rd] Latimer wief to my Sonne S[i]r William Cornwallys Knighte a pott all guilte w[i]th a fast cover and fayre pounced all over. Item I geve and bequethe to Dame Anne Cornwaleys nowe wife to my Sonne S[i]r Charles Cornwalleys Knighte my Jewell w[i]th a Chayne whereon hangeth a peece of an Unicornes horne garnished w[i]th gouled and w[i]th seaven Dyamond[es] one Ruby and two pearles w[hi]ch I usuallie weare prayenge hir to leave the same to Dorothie Cornwaleys her Daughter my graundchilde. Item I geve and bequeathe to the sayde S[i]r Charles Cornwaleys my sonne theis severall and particuler legacies followeinge to be delyvered unto him within one monethe next after my deceasse (That is to saie) Sixe Corslett[es] all blacke w[i]th the Burgonet[es] and Furniture unto them Sixe Frenche Halbert[es] Sixe bills and Tenn Pikes All w[hi]ch parcells of armoure be or late were at my howse in Norwiche in the possession of the saide S[i]r Charles And alsoe all my Utensill[es] Implem[en]t[es] in Howshold and Howsholdstuff whatsoev[er] contayninge alsoe at my sayde howse in Norwiche Item I geve and bequeathe to the saide S[i]r Charles my sonne in sylver plate theis parcells followeinge (viz) one Neaste of Goblett[es] w[i]th a cover pounced parcell guilte p[er] oz Fower score seaven ounces Twoe Lyvenge pott[es] w[i]th covers p[er] oz Threescore twelve ounces One Dozen of sylver spoones w[i]th Knoppes guilte p[er] oz nynetene ounces One Chaffingdishe p[er] oz fourtie three ounces three quarters Fower smalle Cuppes p[er] oz Thirtie ounces A Magdalene Cuppe w[i]th a Cover p[er] oz Eleven ounces three q[uar]ters Sixe silver Plates p[er] oz Fourtie seaven ounc[es]

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A deepe Bason and Ewer in my Chamber p[er] oz A Neaste of Bowles w[i]thoute a Cover p[er] oz Fourtie fower oz The w[hi]ch saide severall p[ar]cells of plate my Will is that the saide S[i]r Charles my Sonne shall leave the same after his deceasse to his sonne my Graundchilde S[i]r William Cornwaleys Knighte Item I geve and bequeathe to Thomas Cornwaleys my Graundchilde the yonger sonne of the saide S[i]r Charles one hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to be payde to him by myne Executor w[i]thin one yeare next after my deceasse. Item I geve and bequeathe to Dorothie Corne waleys the Daughter of the saide S[i]r Charles one hundred poundes of lawfull monye of England due unto me by the saide S[i]r Charles Cornwaleys my sonne by one obligac[i]on bearinge date the Fiftenthe daye of Februarie in the three and thirtithe yeare of the Raigne of the late Queene Elizabeth (dtlsoe ?) Threescore one poundes and three shilling[es] as soe muche oweinge unto me by hir saide Father uppon a Reckoninge over and above all allowaunces as appeereth by twoe Byll[es] written by William Crowe Item I geve and bequeathe more to the sayde Dorothie Fortie poundes of lawfull money of England w[hi]ch maketh the som[m]e of my sayde guyfte Twoe hundred & one poundes the last sayde Fortie poundes to be payde to the sayde S[i]r Charles my sonne to the use of the saide Dorothie by myne Executor w[i]thin twoe yeares next after my deceasse. Item I geve and bequeathe to the Ladye Kitson my welbeloved Daughter my Ringe w[i]th a Table Diamond therein that I doe usuallie weare Item I geve and bequeathe to Marie my youngest Daughter unfortunatelie married to the Earle of Bathen (over and above all the Implem[en]t[es] Beddinge and all other Furniture nowe belonginge or used in the Chamber where shee lieth And also over and besides all the parcells of Naperie Lynnen and severall peeces of plate Whiche Naperye Lynnen and plate is particulerlie expressyd and sett Downe in a byll indented whereunto I have subscribed my name and bene lefte owte of myne Inventorie because I have given the same unto her in my lief tyme and delyvered them absolutely her owne One Bell (?) Salte of silver w[i]thoute a cover p[er] oz tenn ounces Item twoe sylver dishes whereof one of the myddle sorte and one of the lesser sorte Item two Bedsteed[e]s for serv[a]unt[es] furnished w[i]th Featherbedd[es] Boulsters pillows Blankett[es] and Coverlett[es] to everie one of them. Item my Italian Clock w[i]th the plummett given unto me by the late Duke of Norff[olk] Alsoe an amblinge gueldinge or tenn poundes of lawfull money of England to buye her one w[i]thall And my Coach w[i]th the Harneys and furniture unto yt Alsoe Hanging[es] of Verders sufficient to hange her a convenient chamber or twentie poundes in money to buye her the same The saide Beddinge amnblinge gueldinge Coache w[i]th the Harneis and furniture & hanging[es] of Verders and other thing[es] before to her given my Will is the same shalbe payde and delyvered to the said Marie my Daughter or hir assignes by myne executor or his assignes w[i]thin one monethe next after my deceasse and to be chosen sett owte and appoynted by the said La[dy] Kitson my daught[er] Item I geve and bequeathe to the saide Marye my Daught[er] Five hundred mark[es] of lawfull money of Englande yf shee (bona fide) by the consent and advise of the saide La[dy] Kitson my daughter the sayde S[i]r Charles Cornewalleys my sonne Ralphe Sheldon Esquier my lovinge Cosyns Michaell Hare Esquier and Edwarde Grimston and John Cornwalleys my Nephewe and of my verie good Frendes Doctor Steward and Doctor Creake or the more p[ar]te of them or the more p[ar]te of the Survivors of them under their handes in wrightinge shall com[m]ence suite for restituc[i]on (ad societatem coningalem) to the Earle of Bathen hir Husbande or for the recoverie of Dower in his Landes to be paide to the saide Marye my Daughter by myne Executor in manner and forme followeinge (that is to saie) at the Feastes of St Michaell the Arch[a]ungell or the Annunciation of owre blessed Ladye w[hi]ch shall firste and next followe after the comencem[en]t of the sayde Sinte one hundred marck[es] and soe forthe one hundred marck[es] everie yeare then next followeinge until the saide Legacye of Five hundred marck[es] be well and trewlie satisfied and payde to the saide Marye or hir assign[es] the sayde suite proceedinge and contynewinge in lawe. Item I geve and bequeathe to Marye Warren my Sister the late wief of Roger Warren Esquier fyne blacke clothe for a mourninge gowne for hir and one Ringe of valewe Sixe and twentie shilling[es] eighte pence Item I geve and bequeathe to my Nephewe John Cornwalleys Esquier the eldest sonne of my broth[er] Richard fine blacke clothe to make him a gowne or a cloake. Item I geve and bequeathe to my Nephewe Edward Sulyarde of Wetherden Esquier clothe fine for a cloake And to his sonne S[i]r John Sulyard knighte blacke clothe to make him a mourninge gowne. Item to Thomas Sulyard gent[leman] my Nephewe and godsonne fyne blacke clothe to make him a cloake To Raphe Sheldon Esquier a Ringe of goulde to be made for him w[i]th an Inscripc[i]on or Motto (ut mihi sic meis) [2] Item to John Bedingfield of Redlingfield Esquier a blacke cloake To my Cozen William Archer Esqr A peece of plate of the value of Sixe poundes thirteene shillinges fower pence w[i]th myne Armes

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uppon yt And alsoe to William Cornwalleys whoe attendeth on my sonne S[i]r William Tenn poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be payde unto him by myne Executor w[i]thin seaven monethes next after my deceasse. Item my Will meaninge and intent is that all myne Apparrell not beinge vellett or silken shalbe given and distributed amongest such of my serv[a]unt[es] as have served me five yeares or above at the discrec[i]on of my sayde sonne S[i]r William and the said Marye my Daughter whoe knowe best their service and my likinge of the same Item I will that myne Executor shall keepe howse at Brome and geve my Serv[a]unt[es] meate and drinke that will tarrye for the space of three moneths next after my deceasse In w[hi]ch tyme suche of my Serv[a]unt[es] as my sayde Executor shall not like to entertaine maye provide themselves of other servic[es] And further I will that suche of my serv[a]unt[es] as have served me fully the space of fyve yeares in howsholde next before my deceasse shalbe paide there wages for one whole yeare followeinge next after my deceasse. Item I geve and bequeathe to those of my Serv[a]unt[es] hereafter named theis Legacies followeinge viz To Robert Morsse S[er]veigher of my Landes a peece of plate w[i]th myne Armes To William Crowe Receiver of my Revennewe my new Russett cloake w[i]th Buttons and my Jerkin of vellett To William Rixe Stewarde of my howse To Thomas Covell To Robert Cornewallys attendinge in my Chamber Tenne poundes of lawfull money of Englande and suche Apparell as my saide sonne and daughter shall bestowe on him Item I desier my saide sonne Sir Wm: Cornewaleys to gr[a]unte unto Edwarde Shawe my Cooke the Reverc[i]on of the Fearme where his Father dwelleth at some reasonable Rent w[i]th good coven[a]untes for reparac[i]ons his saide Father and mother havinge verie unconscionablie muche decayde the howse Item I will and charge my sayde sonne S[i]r William and my Will and earnest desier and meaninge is that he suffer all my Fermo[ur]s to whome I have made any lease or dimise by Indenture to enioye quietlie their Leasses and Fearmes accordinge to the tenor and true meaninge of their severall Leasses they behavinge themselves to him and his in duetifull mann[er] & in such good order as becometh duetifull Fermors to doe And whereas under my handwrightinge I have promised and given to the said Robert Cornewaleys the Reverc[i]on of the Tenem[en]t in Cacley late Aldhowses nowe in the Ferme of Robert Brady for tearme of his lief And to Nicholas Wyard the Reverc[i]on of a Tenement in Brome w[hi]ch I purchased of William Smythe nowe in thoccapac[i]on of Rob[er]te Baxter for terme of his wives lief My desier is and I charge the said S[i]r William my sonne that as they shall severallie come to his handes he gr[a]unte to the said Robert Cornewaleys Nich[ol]as Wyard the said Tenement[es] accordinge to the true meaninge of the said severall wrighting[es] subscribed w[i]th my hande The residue of all my plate Jewell[es] Chattells and Cattells whatsoev[er] not before bequeathed I geve and bequeathe to my sayde Sonne S[i]r William Cornewaleys to the intent that he shall carefully performe and fulfill this my last will and testament in all poynt[es] accordinge to my trewe meaninge Of the w[hi]ch sayde last will and testam[en]t I doe make the saide S[i]r William Cornewaleys my sonne my onelie and sole executor earnestlie charginge him (as my truste is he will) to have a speciall care to the full performaunce thereof in forme aforesaid accordinge to my trewe meaninge & intent herein. And of this my last will and testam[en]t I make Supervisors the said Ladye Kittson my Daughter and the said John Cornewalleys my Nephewe. In wittnes whereof I the said S[i]r Thom[a]s Cornewaleys have hereunto sett my sealle to a Labell in the Toppe thereof & signed everie leaffe w[i]th myne owne hande in the pre[sen]ce and testimonie of Robert Morsse John Sherwood William Crowe and Thomas Morsse Thomas Cornwalleys

An Addic[i]on made by me the saide Sir Thomas Cornwallys the sixte daie of November Anno R Regund... (?) Jacobi sup[er]d[i]c[t]o etc secundo w[hi]ch I will shall stande and be of the same force that my former Will is for such thing[es] and to suche persons as hereafter followe vizt I give and bequeathe to Robert Cornwaleys who hathe verye diligentlye and paynefully attended uppon me all the tyme of my sicknes a yearelie payment of Five mark[es] of lawfull mony of England to be paide unto him by myne Executor everie yeare duringe the lief of Rob[er]t Brady my late Serv[a]unte at the Feaste of the Annunciat[i]on of o[ur] blessed Ladye and St Michaell Tharch Angell by even port[i]ons The firste payment thereof to begynne at either of the saide Feast[es] w[hi]ch shall firste and next happen after my deceasse. Item I geve and bequeathe to my saide daughter Marye unfortunatelie married to the Earle of Bathon over and above the Legacyes before to hir geven Twenty poundes of lawfull monye of England w[hi]ch I desier my said Executor he woulde delyver unto hir in good goulde Thomas Cornwaleys Wittnesses Elizabeth Kitson William Crowe Walter Warde

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Probatum fuit Testamentu[m] Suprascript apud London coram ven[er]abili viro D[omi]no Johanne Bennett milite legu[m] D[o]c[t]ori Surrogato ven[erabi]lis viri D[omi]no Johannis Gibson militis legum etiam D[o]c[t]oris Curie Prerogative Cantnar (?) mag[iste]r Custodis sive Com[m]isarii l[egi]time constituti Sexto die Mensis Februarij Anno D[omi]ni iuxta (cuesorm ?) et comput... (?) Ecclisie Anglicane millesimo sexcentesimo quarto Juramento D[omi]no Will[ia]mo Cornwalleys milit[is] filii n[atu]ralis et l[egi]timis D[i]c[t]o Defuncti et Executoris in huismodi testamento noiati Cui com[m]issa fuit admin[istra]c[i]o[n] omnu[m] et singulorum bonorum Jurimm (?) et creditorum eiusdem Defuncti De bene et fideliter administrando eadem d[ic]to sancta Dei Ev[a]ngelia iurat[um] etc

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