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Will of Sir Thomas Herris of Maldon Essex 1622

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Maldon, Essexmap
Surnames/tags: Harris Herris
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Transcript of the PCC Will of Sir Thomas Herris of Maldon, Essex, 1622.[1]

In the name of God amen the one and thirtith daye of Januarye in the yere of the Raigne of oure Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god nowe Kyng of England .. the Nyneteenth Anno Dnij: one thowsand sixe hundred twentie one I Sir Thomas Herris of Maldon in the Countie of Essex knighte beyng weake and sicke in bodye yet of good and perfect remembrannce (thankes be unto Almightie god) knowing that all men by nature are borne to dye Doe therfore make publishe and Declare this my last will and testament in writing in manner following. Ffirst I committ my soule into the handes of Almightie god that blessed Trinitie the father the sonne and the holie ghoste assuredlie beleving that all my synnes are pardoned and done awaye by and thoroughe the precious meritts and sufferinges of Jesus Christe my aloane Savyoure and that I shall have life ever lasting in the heavens after this life ended and my bodye I committ to Christian buriall at the discretion and appoyntment of the Ladie Cordelia my wellbeloved wife. And concerning my Landes and tenements hereunder mentioned and my goods and chattells I will and dispose thereof as foloweth: ffirst I will and authorise by this my will that my trustie and moste deere frends hereunder named viz my cosin Sir Arthur Herris Knighte my cosin Giles Browne Esquire and John Soan Gent or the Survivos or Survivor of them or the Executors of suche Survivor with all convenient speede next after my decease shall sell and put to sale my coppiehoulde Landes holden of the Mannor of Mondon Hall called or knowne by the name of Vincents or by any other name nowe in the tenure or occupation of … Spilman or his assignes with thappurtenances for the best price and to the moste advanntage he or they can make thereof And the moneys to be made or to arise of and uppon suche


sale thereof I will and give one halfe …………………… youngest sonne and the other halfe unto …………………….. rest of all my children parte and parte alike within three monethes next after the sayed sale And I will the one halfe of the Rents and profitts of the saied coppiehould Landes before and untill suche sale made to come or arise to be payd unto the sayd Vincent and the other halfe to my other children And my mynde and will is that for the better and more perfect assurance and conveying of the sayed coppiehould premisses uppon the sayed sale to the vendee or vendees thereof The sayed Ladye Cordelia my wife and Thomas Herris my eldest sonne and every of them and all and every other person and persons having or which shall have or lawfullie clayme to have any Estate or Interest in the coppiehould premisses or in any parte thereof by or from the sayed Ladie Cordelia and Thomas my sonne or any of them shall and doe uppon every reasonable request made to the sayd Ladye Cordelia and Thomas or any of them make and doe knowledge and execute all and every such Act and thing devise and devises in the Lawe be yt either in the Courte or out of the Courte of the sayd Mannor for the better and more absolute assuring and suer making of the coppiehould premisses and of every parte thereof with the appurtenances according to the Custome of the sayd Mannor unto the vendee or vendees thereof and theire heires as by the vendors or vendor aforenamed or the Executor of the Survivor of them or by the Counseile learned of them or any of them shalbe reasonablie devised or advised at the costs and chardges of the vendee or vendees in the Lawe and in the Court Baron of the sayd Mannor. In consideration whereof and uppon the condition of payment of money hereunder mentioned meant given and intended to Vincent Herris my sonne I will and doe devise my Capitall Mesuage called the ffreers or ffyrers in which I dwell and the Owthowses Edifices buildings Barnes Stables dovehouse gatehowse and all other buildinges and Offices to the sayd Capitall Mesuage belonging and the Courtyarde Yardes backsides gardens orchards and other the hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to or with the sayd Capitall Mesuage nowe lying used occupyed or enioyed: And allso all that parcell of meadowe or pasture called or knowne by the name of Beane meade conteyning by estimation seaventeene acres more or lesse nowe in the tenure or occupation of me the sayd Sir Thomas or my Assignes with thappurtenances lying and beyng in Maldon aforesayd unto the sayd Thomas Herris my sonne To have and to hould the saide Capitall Mesuage parcell of meadowe or pasture and other the premisses with theire appurtenances unto the sayd Thomas Herris and his heires Neverthelesse uppon condition that the sayd Thomas Herris his heires executors or assignes within one moneth next to ensue after the decease of the sayed Ladye Cordelia my wife shall well and trulie paye or cause to be payd unto the saied Vincent Herris my sonne or his assignes yf the sayed Vincent or any yssue of his bodie lawfulllie to be begotten shall then be living one hundred poundes of good and lawfull money of England at the nowe dwelling house of the aforenamed John Soane in Maldon aforesaied And I chardge and require the sayd Vincent my sonne his heires & assignes uppon and after payment of the sayd one hundred poundes to hym as is afore sayd uppon reasonable request to ratifie and confirme for and from hym and his heires unto the saied Thomas my sonne and his heires at the costs and chardges in the Lawe of the saide Thomas his heires or assignes The saide Capitall Mesuage parcell of meadowe or pasture and other the premisses therwith to hym devised as is aforesayd Provided allwayes that the sayd Ladie Cordelia my wife and Thomas Herris shall and doe assure from them and the heires of the sayd Thomas the sayd coppiehould Landes in Mondon with the appurtenances according to my expresse mynde and will afore heren declared. Item I give unto my servant Edward Vessey twentie poundes of lawfull English money to be payed by my Executrix within one moneth next after


my decease The Residue of my goods and chattells houshold stuffe ymplements of houshould plate Jewells and whatsoever els I have or may dispose that is Testamentarie I give fullie and whollie unto the sayd Ladye Cordelia my wife whome I do make constitute and appoynte sole and onlie Executrix of this my last will and Testament and to paye all my debtes which she dothe faithfullie promise to undertake dischargdge and paye within twoe yeres next after my decease or sooner (yf yt maye convenientlie be). In witnesse whereof to this my last will and testament I the sayed Sir Thomas Herris have put my seale and subscribed my name the daye and yere first above written. In the presence of ……

Thomas Herris

Read Sealed Signed and delivered in the presence of Arthur Herris Thomas Trowar Thomas Chese Samuell Cheese


… sexto die mensis Martij Anno Dni …millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo primo [06 Mar 1621] .. Dne Cordelie Herris Relicti dicti defuncti et Executrics ….


  1. Will of Sir Thomas Herris of Maldon, Essex. 06 March 1622. PROB 11/139/250. National Archives.



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