Location: Uffington, Lincolnshire, England
Will of Sir Thomas Trollope of Casewick written 9 August 1725, proved 12 December 1729 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in London, Administration to Thomas Trollope and William Noel, the executors. [1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
Beneficiaries of the will in the order that they appear:
- Thomas Trollope of Casewick (testator)
- John Trollope (son)
- Thomas Trollope (son)
- Henry (son)
- William (son)
- Ann (daughter)
- Noel (daughter)
- Catharine (daughter)
- Frances (daughter)
- Ganmer (daughter)
- Andrew Foyster and Richard Waters (servants)
- William Noel (son in law)
- Grandchildren unnamed
- Witnesses: Andrew Foyster, Mary Quarles, Joseph Otter.
Previous owners of property purchased
- Sir Richard Cust
- John Waters
- Elizabeth Saunders
- Francis Dillingham
- Mrs Azlack
- Hippolite Jackson
- Anthony Trollope (brother)
- Sister Trollope (sister)
In the Name of God Amen
I Sir Thomas Trollope of Casewick in the County of Lincolne
Barronett being of sound mind and memory Do make and ordaine
this to be my last Will and Testament Imprimis I humbly resigne
my soule to God who gave it hopeing through the death and
passion of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to obtaine Everlasting
life And as for my worldly Estate unsettled I dispose the same
as followeth First I give to the poore of the Parish of Uffington
in the said County of Lincolne the sum[m]e of Twenty pounds to be paid
and distributed by the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named
within three monthe[s] next after my decease out of my personall
Estate Item I give to the poore of the Parish^es of Ufford Ashton and
Bainton in the County of Northton Tenn pounds and to the parishes
of Barholme Gretford Braceborow Baston and Tallington to
the poore of each Towne Three pounds to be paid and distributed
in the same time and manner Item I give to my Sonn John Trollope
my Fee Farns Rent of Ninety three pounds and foure shillinges
per annum payable out of the Mannor of Edington Romsey in the
County of Wilts[hire] to him and his heires forever Item I charge upon
my personall and Testamentary Estate the severall legacies
and sum[m]es of money hereinafter given to my Children and first
I give to my sonn Thomas Trollope the sum[m]e of Twelve hundred
poundes for Discharging the incombrance on the Fee Farme rent
of Fifty Nine pounds Sixteene shillings per annum ishuing out
of the Mannor of Fornell charged with that Sum[m]e for my younger
Children And I also give to my sonn Thomas the sum[m]e of Two
hundred pounds and all my household goods I give to my son John
the sum[m]e of Six hundred pounds I give to my sonn Henry the sum[m]e
of Six hundred pounds I give to my sonn William the sum[m]e of
Two Thousand and three hundred pounds and all my Bookes I
give to my Daughter Ann the sum[m]e of Two Thousand and Six
hundred pounds besides a devt of Two hundred and Fiftie
pounds due to her on my Note I give to my Daughter Noel the
[Page 2]
sum[m]e of Three hundred pounds I give to my daughter Catharine the
sum[m]e of two Thousand and Three hundred pounds I give to my
Daughter Frances the sum[m]e of Two Thousand and three hundred pounds
I give to my Daughter Ganmer the sum[m]e of Two Thousand and three
hundred pounds And I will that the said Legacies or sum[m]es of
money given as aforesaid shall be respectively paid to such of my
said Children as now are or shall be attthe age of one and twenty
yeares at the time of my death within two yeares next after my
Decease with interest from my decease and to such of them as shall be
then under that age the same shall be paid when they shall
respectively attain that age or be marryed with interest likewise
from my decease but I will that no more of such interest shall be
paid them whilst underage or unmarryed as aforesaid then will
be sufficient in the judgement of my Executors to educate and
maintaine them respectively And if any or either of my said
Children shall dye before the said age of one and twenty yeares
unmarryed then his or her said Legacie so charged upon my
said personall and Testamentary Estate as aforesaid shall goe
equally among all my Surviving Children and my son Thomas
So Surviving to have his respective share thereof And soe
likewise if any of my Children should dye before my death nott
leaving and Children his her or their share or shares nott before
given to them shall be equally divided among the Survivors and
so much as shall be given and advanced by me after the
makeing of this my Will to any of my said Children in my life-
time shall be reckoned and accounted as part of their share
given by this my said Will Item I give to my deare Sister Trollope
the sum[m]e of Fiftie pounds Item I give to me two Servants
Andrew Foyster and Richard Waters to each of them Tenn
pound if they be liveing with me att the time of my death
Item I give all that my Farme and lands in Barholme in the
said County of Lincolne which I purchased of Sir Richard Cust
And all that my Farme and Cottages at Uffington in the said
County purchased of John Waters and all my lands called
the Moore Closes in Bainton in the County of Northton
purchased of Elizabeth Saunders And all ny lands in Bainton
aforesaid purchased of Francis Dillingham And all my Farme
and Cottage in Ufford in the said County of Northton
purchased of Mrs Azlack and all my lands and house in Ashton in the
said County of Northton purchased of the Executors of
Hippolite Jackson and all my lands and Tenements late my
Brother Anthony Trollopes in Baston in the said County of
Lincolne the moiety of which I lately purchased of my sister
Trollope I give all the said lands tenements and hereditaments
with their and every of their appurtenances unto my son
Thomas Trollope and my Son in law William Noel their
heires and assignes In Trust by sale or otherwise as they ^shall see
my personall and Testamentary Estate provided alwaies
nevertheless that in case of any deficiency my said son Thomas
shall pay such deficiency by the time and times the same ought
to be paid by this my Will Then the aforesaid devise of my said
[Page 3]
lands aforesaid to my sonn Thomas Trollope and William
Noel and their heires shall be void I give to me sonn in law
William Noel the sum[m]e of One hundred pounds for his trouble of
being one of my Executors And I do alsoe make my said sonne
Thomas Trollope and William Noel Executors of this my last
Will and testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett
my hand and seale this 9th Day of August in the yeare of our
Lord 1725. I give to all my sonns and daughters Twenty pounds
a peoce for mourning and to all my Grandchildren Tenn pounds
a peice for mourning Tho Trollope. Signed Sealed and published by
the Testator Sir Thomas Trollope to be his last Will and
Testament in our presence who Subscribed our names as
witnesses hereunto in his presence Andrew Foyster Mary
Quarles Joseph Otter.
- ↑ [https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D685315 PROB 11/634/151 Description: Will of Sir Thomas Trollope of Casewick , Lincolnshire Date: 12 December 1729 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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