Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Soame Wills
Will of Stephen Soame (abt.1708-bef.1765)
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of Stephen Soame of Little Thurloe, Suffolk, England. It was written on 28 june 1762 and proved at London on 16 January 1765. [1][2]
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned
- Stephen Soame Esquire, Testator
- Ann Soame, wife
- Henry Soame, eldest son, Executor
- Stephen Soame, youngest son
- Anna Maria Charlotte Soame, daughter
- Charles Longueville Esquire
- Marshe Dickenson Gentleman
- Richard Bryon, previous tenant
- George Allen, tenant
- Ambrose Thompson, tenant
- George Free, tenant
- Richard Teversham, tenant
- Witnesses: Thomas Goostry, Wm Frogatt, George Griffin
[Page one]
Stephen Soame
This is the Last Will and
Testament of me Stephen Soame of Little Thurlo in
the County of Suffolk Esquire made this Twenty Eight
day of June One Thousand and seven hundred ..... and
sixty two whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release
bearing date respectively the fifteenth and sixteenth
days of May which was in the year of our Lord One
thousand seven hundred and thirty two the said
Indenture of Release being expressed to be made
between me the said Stephen Soame and Ann my
Wife of the one part and Charles Longueville of the
Inner Temple London Esquire and Marshe Dickenson then
of the parish of Saint Thomas the Apostle in the City
of London Gentleman of the other part All that one
thirty sixth part or share of the Money or half part of
the New River Water Cutt and Stream and profits thereof
brought from Shadwell and Amureh? or either of them
in the Countys of Herford and Middlesex or one of
them to London and other adjacent places commonly
called the Kings Moiety and one full thirty sixth
part or Share of all Hereditaments whatsoever relating
unto or concerning the same and all manner of
profits and Advantages whatsoever thereof And also
one full and intire thirty sixth part of the said
Moiety or half part of all Fines Sums of Money Rents
Reservations Benefits Profits and Commoditiys whatsoever
that at any time or times thereafter should or might be raised
had made Levies or gotten by means of the said New River
or Water Work or of or by reason of the Conveyance of
the Water thereof in or by any parts or places or unto
or for any person or persons whatsoever And also all
that Messuage Tenement or Farm with the Lands
thereunto belonging or therewith then occupied or
enjoyed situate lying and being in or near Little
Thurloe aforesaid formerly let to Richard Bryon and
then or then late in the tenure or Occupation of
George Allen his undertenants or Assigns and let
to him at the yearly rent of Forty four pounds and
also all that Messuage Tenement and Farm called
Normans Farm with the Lands and Hereditaments
thereto belonging or therewith occupied or enjoyed then
[page two]
or then late in the occupation of Ambrose Thompson situate
lying and being in the parish precincts or Territories of
Carleton in the County of Cambridge and Little Thurloe aforesaid
or one of them or near thereto adjoining and now let at the
yearly rent of Twenty one pounds and also all that Messuage
or Tenement and Farm with the Lands and Hereditaments
thereunto belonging situate and being in the parish
precincts or ^Liberties of Little Thurloe aforesaid or near thereunto
adjoining then or then late in the Tenure or Occupation
of George Free his undertenants or Assigns and let to him
at the yearly rent of thirty eight pounds and also all that
Messuage or Tenement with the Lands and Hereditaments
thereunto belonging situate and being in Little Thurloe
aforesaid then or then late in the Occupation of Richard
Teversham his undertenants or Assigns and let to him at
the yearly rent of Eleven pounds together with the
appurtenances were conveyed and assured to the said Charles
Longueville and Marshe Dickenson and their Heirs To the
several uses intents and purposes and upon the Trusts and
under the several provisoes in the said Indenture of Release
after expressed Limitted and appointed and hereinafter in
part mentioned (that is to say) to the use of me the said
Stepehn Soame and my Assigns for the term of my Life with
remainder? to the said Trustees to preserve contingent
remainders and after the decease of me the said Stephen
Soame To the use of the said Ann Soame for her life
for her jointure and in Barr of Dower and after the Deaths
of me the said Stephen Soame and the said Ann my Wife
and the decease of the survivor of us to the use and behoof
of such Child or Children of the Body of me the said
Stephen Soame on the body of the said Ann my Wife
begotten or to be begotten for such Estate and Estates and
in such Shares and proportions and with and under such
powers restrictions Limitations and Agreements and in such
manner and form as I the said Stephen Soame should at
any time during my Life by any Deed or Deeds Writing or
Writings under my hand and seal to be by me Sealed and
delivered in the presence of two or more Credible Witnesses
or by my last Will and Testament in writing to be in
like manner attested declare limit or appoint and in default
of such Declaration Limitation or Appointment to such
other Uses as are therein mentioned as in and by the said
Indentures of Lease and Release Relation being thereunto
..ad may more fully and at Large appear And whereas
the said Stephen Soame have now issue by the said
Ann my Wife three Children namely Henry Soame my
Eldest Son Stephen Soame my youngest Son and Anna
Maria Charlotte Soame my Daughter Now in pursuance
and by Virtue of the Power and Authority to me the said
Stephen Soame given and reserved in and by the said
Indenture of Release and of all other Powers and
Authoritys whatsoever in me vested or reserved or any ways
[Page three]
enabling me thereunto I the said Stephen Soame by this
my last Will and Testament by me duly executed under
my hand and sSeal in the presence of the persons whose
names are intended to be hereunder written a Witnesses
attending the execution thereof do declare limit and appoint
that from and after the decease of me the said Stephen
Soame and the said Ann my Wife and the Survivor of
us all and singular the said one full thirty sixth part
or share of the Moiety of the said new River Water called
the Kings Moiety and also all and singular other the
Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments which in
and by the said in part recited Indenture of Release
were so conveyed and assured unto and to the use of
the said Charles Longueville and Marshe Dickenson and
their Heirs as aforesaid shall remain continue and be
in the said Charles Longueville and Marshe Dickenson and
their Heirs to the use and behoof of my said three
Children for such Estate and Estates and in such parts
and proportions as hereinafter is mentioned and expressed
of and concerning the same that is to say as for ^touching and
concerning all that the said one ^full thirty sixth part or
Share of the Moiety of the said New River Water called
the Kings Moiety with the Appurtenances to the use
and behoof of my said Son Stephen Soame uuu uu uu
uu uu uu uu uuu uuu and my said Daughter Anna Maria
Charlotte Soame to be equally divided between them share
nd share alike to take as Tenants in common and not
as joint Tenants and the several and respective Heirs
and Assigns of my said son Stephen Soame and Daughter
Anna Maria Charlotte Soame for ever but in case
my said Daughter should happen to dye in my Life
time then I declare Limit and Appoint the whole
thereof to the use and behoof of my said Son Stephen
Soame his heirs and Assigns for ever Provided always
that in case my said Son Stephen Soame should
happen to dye in my life Time or in case my older
Son Henry Soame should happen to dye in my life time
whereby my said Son Stephen Soame would become my
elder Son then and in either of the said Cases I declare
limit and appoint the whole of my said Share in the
said New River Water To The use of my said Daughter
Anna maria Charlotte Soame her Heirs and Assigns
for ever but I do earnestly recommend it to my said
Daughter in case she shall happen to dye sïngle and
unmarried to have her share and Right therein unto
her said Brothers or one of them and as for touching
and concerning all and singular other the Messuages
Lands Tenements Hereditaments in the said Indenture of
Release comprized with their Appurtenances I do hereby
declare limit and appoint the same to the use and behoof
of my said Son Henry Soame his heirs and Assigns for
ever provided always that whereas it is ^<sp>my</sup> mind and
[Page four]
Intention that my said Son Stephen Soame and Daughter
Anna Maria Charlotte Soame shall have and enjoy only
the Sum of Six thousand pound between them as their
portions now I do hereby expressly declare limit or appoint
and that in case my said Eldest Son Henry Soame shall
within? twelve months next after the decease of me the said
Stephen Soame and the said Ann my Wife and the Survivor
of us pay or cause to be paid unto his said Brother and
Sister respectively the Sum of Three thousand pounds each
in case they shall be both living at the time of my
decease or the sum of Six Thousand pounds unto the
Survivor of them that then and in such Case the said
New River Water Share and other the premises so by me
hereinbefore limitted and appointed to and to the use of
my said Son Stephen and Daughter Anna Maria
Charlotte Soame and their Heirs and Assigns as aforesaid
shall from thenceforth continue remain and be to the
use and behoof of my said Son Henry Soame his Heirs and
Assigns for ever but in case my said Son Henry Soame
shall neglect or refuse to make such payments unto his
said Brother and Sister or the Survivor of them as aforesaid
within the space or time hereinbefore Limitted for the
payment thereof or in case it should appear or be determined
that I have no power to make this proviso then and in
either of the cases aforesaid I expressly declare limit and
appoint that the Hereditaments and promises comprized in
the said Indenture of Release shall remain continue and
be to the use and behoof of my said three Children in
such Shares and proportions and for such Estate and Estates
and in such manner and form as I have hereinbefore
first limitted and appointed of and concernind the same
and that the said hereditaments and promises shall in either
.... Cases aforesaid go to and among my Three Children
in the same manner as they woud have done had not this
provisoe being made or inverted this provisoe or any thing
herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding
and as to all that my mansion House at Little Thurloe
aforesaid with the Gardens and appurtenances thereunto
belonging I Give and devise the same unto my said Dear
wife Ann Soame and her Assigns for and during the Term
of her natural Life and from and immediately after ^her decease
I give and devise the same unto my said Son Henry Soame
his heirs and Assigns for ever And as to all other my Manors
Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever
whereof I have power to dispose I do in the first place
subject? and Charge the same with the payment of an
Annuity or Clear Annual Sum of Ten pounds To my Servant
John Taylor during the Term of his natural life which I
will? shall be paid him by equal half yearly payments
at Michaelmas and Lady Day and that the first payment
be? made on the first of those days which shall next happen
after my Decease and subject and Chargeable with the payment
[Page five]
of the said Annuity I Give and devise the same unto my
said Son Henry Soame his heirs and Assigns for ever Also I
Give and bequeath unto my said Wife Ann Soame ^the use for her
Life of all my Household Goods Pictures Plate Linnen China
and Furniture of all kinds which at the time of my decease
shall be in or about my said Mansion House or the outhouses
and Gardens thereunto belonging and from and after her
Decease I Give and bequeath the same unto my said Son Henry
Soame his Executors and Administrators to and for his and
their own absolute Use and Benefit for ever and as to all other
my personal Estate and Effects of what nature or kind soever
the same be after and subject to and charged and chargeable
with the payment of my Just Debts and Funeral Charges
and also with the payment of such Legacys Sum and Sums
of Money & Bequests as shall hereafter be by me given or
bequeather by any Codicil or Codicils to be by me hereafter
made I do hereby Give and bequeath the same and all my
Estate Right and Interest therein unto my said : Son Henry
Soames his Executors Administrators and Assigns absolutely
.for ever And Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and
Appoint my said Son Henry Soame sole Executor of this
my Will and hereby revoking and making void all former and
other Wills or Testamentary dispositions by me at any time
heretofore ^made do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I the said Stephen Soame the Testator have
hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal the Day and year
first abovewritten — Step. Soame Signed Sealed Published and
Declared by the said Stephen Soame the Testator as and for
his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have
hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in his
presence and in the presence of each other. Thomas Goostry
Wm Frogatt. George Griffin.
This Will was proved at London on the Sixteenth
Day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven
hundred and sixty five before the Worshipful George
Harris Doctor of Laws and Surrogate of the Right Worshipful
George Hay also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
by the Oath of Henry Soame Esquire the Son of the said
deceased and sole Executor named in the said Will to whom
Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and
Credits of the said deceased was granted he having been
first sworn duly to Administer.~.
Research Notes
- ↑ Will of Stephen Soame of Little Thurlow, Suffolk
- Reference: PROB 11/905/214
- Description: Will of Stephen Soame of Little Thurlow, Suffolk
- Date: 16 January 1765
- Held by: The National Archives, Kew
- ↑ Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858", database, The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 905, Ancestry uk Record 5111 #475086 (accessed 17 September 2023), Will of Stephen Soame, proved on 16 Jan 1765. Died about 1765 in Little Thurlo, Suffolk, England.
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