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Will of Symon Fyfelde or Fyfeild alias Lowe of Bromley, Kent

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Date: 17 Mar 1578 to 17 Mar 1578
Location: Bromley, Kent, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Lowe Fyfeild Fifeild
Profile manager: Jason Tilley private message [send private message]
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This is a transcription of the will of Simon Fyfelde or Fyfeild alias Lowe of Bromley, Kent.[1]

In the name of God Amen This is the Last will and testamt of me Symon Fyfelde als Lowe of Bromley in the Countie of Kent [?] made the XXth Day of Januarie in the Seventeeth yeare of the Reigne of oure most gracious Sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of England, France, and Ireland Queen [?] First I bequeath my soule unto the handes of almightie god my maker and Redeemer, And my bodie to be buried in the parishe Church of St Magnus the Martir in London wth such convenant f[?] and distributions of almes at my burial as to my executor hereafter named shalbe thought good This as towthinge the disposicon of all my landes, Tenements, and hereditament, goodes, and chattells what soew First I give to margarett my well beloved wife all my Landes and Tenements lienge and being in the County of Surry for tearme of her naturall life yf the so longe kept her forf sole and unmarried And further I doe appointthe devise unto my said wife, one Annufte or yeare bye Rente of one hundred poundes by the yeare to be ussinge and yearly paide out of all my Lands and Tenements in Lyncolnshire and in the Countie of Northhampton for tearme of her naturall lief in full recompent of all her dower that she maye clame of all or anie my land and Tenement. A I further will the same yearly Rent to be paide yearly to her, or her Assigns shere she shall appointe it, at the forme? u small tearmes or feastes of the yeare That is to saye the feastes of St Michaell The Archangell the nativitie of oure Lord the Annunciation of oure Ladie the Virgin, and the Nativitie of Saint John Baptiste, or wthin six weekes after emh of the said feastes that shall first happen next after my death And if yt happen the saide Annuitie or yeare for Rente to be behinde in parte or in all after time of the saide feastes and times in wch it shoulde be paide as is aforesaid That then it shall and may be Lawfull to and for my said wief to enter into the said Landes and tenements in the Counties of Lincolne and Northhampton, and there? to different as well for the saide Annuitie as also for fynt poundes for and in the name of a penaltie for nonpayment of the saide Annuitie and the diffresse there taken wth her to detane and kepe until she be of the saide yearly rent and penaltie and thanerages thereof fullie fulfilled, contented, and paide And I will that after every suche payment she shall seale and delyed such reasonable Acquittance for end it payment for made is Tymothie Lowe my eldest sone his heirs or assigns shall make and bringe to her and request her to seale and delyd And further I will that my siad sone Tymothe shall wthin six weekes next after my decease, at his own costs, and charges, make and doe order suche dvte for the Lawfull and Sufficient confirmation and affirmament? of the saide Annuitie or yeare by rent of A hundred poundes to my saide wief for and in the name of her Dower that she shall or maye claime of all my Landes and Tenements by bonde or otherwise as she or her councell? learned? shall thmcse best whereby she shall and may quietlie?, pereme, receant? and take the same during her lief And further I doe absouitthe devise to the saide Timothie Lowe my eldest sonne All my Landes, tenements, and hereditaments whatsoed they be lieinge and beinge in the saide Counties of Lincline and Northhamptom, and in the Countie of Kent To thirtent that he shall be the better hable to paye the said Annuitie, or year the Rent, and other somes of money hereafter declared And for full satisfaction of all such parte and porcon as he canne or maye chanuc of duie of my goodes, or by force of anie legacie of Elizabeth Sympson his grandmother To have and to holde All the saide Landes except the Lecsoric? and personage of Stpnige) to him the saide Tymothie, and to the said Tymothie, and to the heires male of his bodie lawfullie begotten And for default of such issue I will that the sonde Landes shall remaine and come to Thomas Lowe my second sonne, and to the heirs males of his bodie lawfully begotten And for default of such yssue I will the said Landes shall remaine and be to John Lowe my youngest sonne, and to the heires males of his bodie Lawfully begotten And for default of such yssue to remaine to my said sonne Tymothie and his heires for tw And if he doe refuse or faile to make the saide assurance? in convenient tyme after request to him made (no defualt being in my saide wief) Then I will that all the bequethes and legacies of Landes or other things to the said Tymothy in this my will devised shalle voide, and that then the said Thomas Lowe my sonne shall have all the same Landes in Lincolne there and Northampton there to him and to the heirs males of his bodie Lawfully begotten. The remainder thereof for default of such issue to the saide John Lowe, and to the heires males of his bodie the saide Thomas or John makinge to my said wief a sufficient assurance for the trewe payment of the saide Annuitie or yearlie rent during her naturall lief And to have and to houlde the saide personage and Rectorie of Depinge unto my saide sonne Tymothie for tearme of the lief of Margarett my wief with Item I will and devise after the decease of my saide wief, all my messuages, Landes, tenements, and hereditaments wch I have wthin the Citie of London, wch I purchased of the wardones, and fellowshipp of the Companie of Marcham Taylors of London unto Thomas Lowe my seconde sonne To have and to houlde the said Landes and Tenament unto my said sonne Thomas, and to the heires males of his bodie Lawfully begotten provided alwaies and I will that after my decease, and before he enter, into the same Lands and tenements, or rectine? and issues, rentes, or proffitts thereof he shall make unto my Executor A sufficient Acquttannt? or discharge in writinge of all such parte and porcon as he may claime of anie of my goodes, And also shall make a sufficient bonde obligatone in the some of five hundred markes to Elizabeth Andrewes my daughter with condicon for the trewe paymt all the premisses in London shall remaine to my saide sonne Timothie Lowe, and to the heires males of his bodie of his bodie lawfully begotten And for defaulte of such yssue the some to remaine to John Lowe my youngest Sonne, and his heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten And for default of such yssue to remaine to Tymothis Lowe my first sonne, and to his heires fore[ever] Item I give and bequethe after the decease of my saide wief unto my saide sonne Thomas, and to the heires males of his bodie the saide Rectorie or personage of Depinge Item I will and bequeth after the decease of my saide wief unto John Lowe my Thirde sonne in full satisfaction of all his parte and porcon of all my goodes, and of his grandmothers Legacie, all my said Landes, and Tenements, lienge and beinge in the Countie of Surr To have and to holde the sonne of the saide John Lowe after the death of my saide wief or ymmediately after such time as she shall marrye, to him and to the heires males of his Bodie Lawfully begotten, uppon condicon that the saide John when soew he that be required after my death doe in convenient tyme after make unto my Executor a sufficient discharge in writing of all such part and porcon as he shall or maye claime of anie? my goodes, or for anie Legacie, other then is hexsin? expressit given And for default of such yssue all the premisses in the Countie of Surry to remaine to the saide Tymothie Lowe my sonne, and to the heirs males of his bodie Lawfully Begotten And for default of such yssue to remaine to the saide Thomas Lowe my sinne, and the the heires males of his bodie Lawfully begotten And for default of such yssue the same Landes and Tenemente to remayne to my right heires forever Item I give and bequeth Thirtie poundes of remnant? money of England to and amongsth my daughter Elizabeth Andrewes children to be paide and equally divided amongst them all by sedall? and even porcons by my executor, at the sewall funds of thiere sewall marraiges, or at theire sewall times of there sewall ages of Twentie and one yeares wch soever of them forsee happeneth And it one of them happen to die before theire marriage and before the age of Twentie one yeares Then I will that all the parte and porcon of him or them so dienge of the saide some of money shall come remaine and be equallie devided amongst all rest of my saide Daughters children wch shale survive Item I bequeath unto the saide Tymothie my saide eldest sonne, all my goods and Chattells both Reall and personall, of what kinde or qualitie soew they be to his ownerst and behoost, after my funerall charges borne, and my debts and Legacies paide and this my will fulfilled sowinge all my wives apparell for her bodie both Lynnen and Wollen and others, and all her Frills and ornaments by her at anie time worne, and all my goodes, and Chattells other than money or plate nowe beinge at my howse at London Bridge, at the time of my decease all wch goodes and chattells, and ornaments I doe frelie give to my saide wief to her owne only ewse and the saide Tymothie my sonne I by theis presents doe make, constitute, and ordaine to be my sole executor of this my Last Will and Testament & Certifheles my plain intent and meaninge is and I will that margaret my saide welbeloved wief shall have, use, occupie and enioye, the one halfe ormoyetie of all my plate, and of all and singular the reasidue my siade goodes and Chattells before by this my will given and bequeathed to Tymothie my saide sonne for and duringe her naturall lief yf the the saide margarett doe so louge lyne sole and remained And I will that all my said plate and goodes (except before excepted) shalbe equally devided into twoo parts and porcons by my trustie frendes Henry Jones Doctor of the Civill Lawe, and John Rogers dritezen? and grocer of London whom I make overseers of this my will, wthin twoo monthes next after my death, and I will yt after devision my saide wief shall have her choise, wth moietie the she will have use and occupacon as is aforesaid And after her decease or marriage Then I will that the whole use, occupacon, interest, and propertie of all the saide plate goodes and chattells wch he had in occupacon, and of all other my goodes, chattells, and ryhtes, not before bequeathed shall remaine, and come wholie unto my saide sonne Tymothie, his executors, and assignes Item I will that my saide sonne Tymothie shall sane harmeles my saide sonne Thomas of all such bondes wherein he findeth bounde for me Item I give unto Thomas the sonne of my Daughter wheler, and to Thomas the sonne of my daughter Aldersaye, to each of them ? salte of silver gilte Item I give to Henry drowrhe my man Twentie poundes, and to my Svannt Katherine Gregorye Tenne poundes In witness what of I have herunto sett my hande, the daie and yeare forste ibone written Symon Lowe – This last will was xed, published, signed and sealled vicesimo octano Januarye 1577 by the aforenamed Symon Lowe with presence of Ro. Attinson, John Barrett D. of phisuke, John Rogers


  1. "Discovery," database, The National Archives (https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D963068 : accessed 4 Nov 2021), Will of Symon Fyfelde or Fyfeild alias Lowe of Bromley, Kent, 17 March 1578; citing PROB 11/60/165, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Wills and Letters of Administration.

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