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Will of Thankful Frewen of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex (1657) TNA PROB-11-263-75

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: St Andrew, Holborn, Middlesex, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Frewen
This page has been accessed 97 times.



This is a transcript of the last will and testament of Thankful Frewen (1591-1656), dated 25 September 1656 and proved at London on 18 March 1656/7.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks as per the original. Bold text for names is for ease of reading. ff has been rendered as F, and abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets]. Question marks (?) have been added where words or letters are uncertain or ineligible.

People Mentioned

People in the will, in the order that they are mentioned.

  • Thankful Frewen
  • John, nephew
  • William, nephew
  • William Frewen, nephew
  • Samuell Frewen, nephew
  • Thomas Frewen, nephew
  • Doctor John Frewen, nephew and executor
  • Doctor Accepted Frewen, brother and executor
  • Sir Charles Harbord, friend and executor
  • Doctor George Joyliffe, cousin and overseer
  • Stephen Frewen, brother and overseer
  • Tho? Peirson, witness
  • Edward Barington, witness
  • John Sharpe, witness
  • Anne Joyliffe, cousin's wife
  • Judith Frewen, wife of nephew
  • Master Michael Honywood, friend
  • Master John Julyan
  • Mary Garten, servant to sister Mary
  • Mary Bigg, sister

Property List

Property in the will, in the order that they are mentioned.

  • Copyhold lands in Northiam
  • Land in the Parishes of Northiam, Beckley, Pett, and Icklesham, Sussex
  • Lands in Newenden, Kent

Will Transcript

[Page 1]
In the name of God Amen
I Thankfull Frewen of the Parish of Saint Andrew Holborne in
the Countie of Middlesex Esquire doe make and ordaine this my
last Will and Testament revoakeing all former Wills by me made
And first I bequeath my sinfull Soule into the mercifull armes of
my blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ whome I stedfasthe
beleive and hope to finde the salvation which is layed upp for all
those that love and feare him. As for my weake and frayle bodie I comitt
it to the Earth decently to be buried att the discretion of my Executors and
Overseers And out of that Temporall Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to
Blesse me First I give and Devise to my Deare Sister Three hundred pounds
in monie and all such household stuffe of mine and She had in her possession
during my absence from England and the use of the rest during her Life
and continuance in the house Unto her two Sonns John and William
I give one hundred pounds a peece And to my two Nephews William
and Samuell Frewen One hundred pounds a peece and to theire Brother
Thomas Fiftie pounds To the poore of the parish of Northiam Five pounds
and to the poore of Pett Icklesham and Nowendon Fortie shillings a peece
As for my Coppiehould Land in Northiam surrendred to the use of my last
Will I doe hereby devise the same to my Nephew Doctor John Frewen for
his life and after his decease to his first issue male for Life and the heires
male of such issue male And for want of such issue male Then to his
Second Third and fourth issue male for Life successivelie and to the issue
male of such issue male successivelie And for want of such issue male
Then I will and devise the same To his Brother Thomas for life with the
like remainders To his First, Second, Third and Fourth Sonnes for life
and theire issue male for life Successivelie and not otherwise and for want
of such issue Then I will and devise the same in like manner and not
otherwise To my nephewes William and Samuell Frewen for Life
Successively and for want of such issue male Then I devise the same to
my Nephew Thomas Frewen of the Innerer Temple and his heires for ever
And as for my Freehould Land in the Parishes of Northiam Beckly Pett
and Icklesham in the Countie of Sussex I will and devise the same
to my Nephewe Doctor John Frewen In such manner as by a Deed bearing
Date the Seventh Day of Aprill in the nynth Yeare of the late King
with such alterations and reborations of the uses therin Declared as I have
since made And my Lands in Newenden In the Countie of Kent To my
Nephew Thomas Frewen In such manner as it is by deed alreadie

[Page 2]
upon him And all the rest of my goods chattells and personal Estates
hereby Disposed I give and bequeath the same I give and bequeath the same after
my Debts Legacies and funerall expenses payd and discharged unto my nephewe
John Frewen and of this my last Will and Testament I make my deare brother
Doctor Accepted Frewen my Honored Freind Sir Charles Harbert Knight and
Doctor John Frewen my Executors and Doctor George Joyliffe and my Brother
Stephen Frewen my Overseers thereof in Witnes whereof I have new unto putt
my name and seale the Five and twentith day of September in the Yeare of
our Lord according to the Accompt used in England One thousand six hundred
Fiftie and Six Th[hankful] Frewen Signed sealed published and declared in the presence
Tho? Peirson Edw[ard] Barington John Sharpe

I doe desire and request the Executo of my last will and testam[ent]
according to the trust and Confidence I have alwared? reposed in them to
pay and satisfie the Legacies hereafter mentioned as Duely and fullie
as if the same Legacies were mentioned in my said last will [and] testam[ent]

Inprimis I doe give unto my
brother Accepted Frewen one of the Executors of my last Will and
Testmant the summe of Ten pounds in gold Item I give unto my
loving Freind Sir Charles Harbord the other Executor of my said
last Will the summe of Five pounds Item I give unto my Brother
Stephen Frewen one of the Supervisors of my said last Will the summe of
five pounds Item I give unto my cousin George Joyliffe Doctor in phisicle
the other Supervisor of my said last Will for his greate care and paines
toward me during my sicknes the summe of twentie pounds Item I give unto
my Neece Anne Joyliffe the Wife of the said Doctor Joyliffe the summe of
Thirtie pounds Item I give unto my Cousin Judith Frewen Wife of Thomas
Frewen Sonne of the above named Stephen Frewen one Suite of my Fiape?
which came last out of Holland Item I give unto my loving Freind and also
acquaintance Master Michaell Honiwood one gold ring of the value of
forrtie shillings Item I give unto my very loving Freind Master John Julyan
one gold ring of the value of forty shillings Item I give unto Mary Garten
Servant to my Sister Mary Bigg for her care and diligence towards me
during my sicknes the Summe of fortie shillings Item I give unto my Man
John Sharpe the summe of twentie shillings Item I give unto the said
John Sharpe my Suite and Cloate which I last made for my selfe
Item my further desire is that what remaines of my personall Estate which
I doubt will be but little (my debts and legacies being paid and my funerall
charges defrayed be disbursed amond the poore disprused and distressed
Clergie men but especially to those who were of my acquaintane and this
to be done att the discretion of my above named Executiors And for the
more certaintie there in my will and desire is That my Executors shall
give and dispose the summe of Fiftie pounds amongst theise poore
Clergie men on full of this my legacie and intention towards them and
the remainder of my personall Estate shall be for the benefit of my
Nephew and Executor John Frewen according to my Will Ac[cepted] Frewen
C[harles] Harbord John Frewen

Proving Transcript

Thie will is y Codicill moved was proved att London
the Eighteenth Day of March In the year of our Lord God One
Thousand Six hundred fiftie six English Style before the
Judge for probate of Wills and granting Adninistrations lawfullie author
ized by the oath of Doctor John Frewen the nephewe and one of the Executors
named in the above written Will To whome Administration of all and singular
the goods Chattells and Debts of the said Deceased was granted and Committed
he being first legallie sworne trulie and faythfullie to administer the same
reserving power to DrAccepted Frewen Sir Charles Harbord ye other Ex[ecutors] to make like  ??at? so they shall come & desire ye same

Research Notes

There is Latin In the margin of the probate section. I shared it with the transcription assistance channel on Discord. Here is what we have so far:

I think it basically says that on 11 Dec 1666, administration of the goods left unadministered by John Frewen was granted to Stephen Frewen (name omitted from clip at top right), brother to Thankful Frewen. I can't make out in the second half what happened to all the executors named in the will - they may have died or renounced the executorship. Anderson-68563 17:53, 23 February 2024 (UTC)

  • Dr. John Frewen died 1659
  • Dr. Accepted Frewen died 1664
  • Sir Charles Harbord died 1679


  1. National Archive
    Reference: PROB 11/263/75
    Description: Will of Thankfull Frewen of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex
    Date: 18 March 1657
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew (accessed 15 January 2024)

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