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Will of Thomas, Earle of Lincolne

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Will of Thomas, Earle of Lincolne

In the name of God amen. I the right honorable Thomas Earle of Lincolne knowing that as death is certayne so the hower of death to be most uncertayne beyng in good healthe and of perfect memorye (thankes be given to ye Almightie god) Intending and proposing to provide for the disposing of that estate which god of his greate mercey hath made me owner of and for those whomeyt hath pleased god to committ unto my care and chardge do make and ordayne this my last will and testament the Eleventh day of Januarye in the yeare of the Raigne of the Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England ffrance and Ireland kynge defender of the faithe or the sixteenth abnd of Scotland the [tiwe] and fiftieth [Amog Im] one thousand sixe hundred and eighteen ffirst I bequeathe and commend my soule into the handes of my moste blessed savyorre Jesus christe and my bodye to be interred and entombed where yt shall please got to appoynte. Item I do wil devise give and bequeathe unto the right honorable Sir Theophilus ffines knighte of the Bathe Lord Clinton and Saye my sonne and heire apparant and his heires Also that my mannor of Sempringham with all and singular the royalties rightes & mebers and appurtininces whatsoever to or with the same had used belonging or appteyning And also all other my mesuages landes tenements and hereditaments whatsover lying existing of beying within the towne or parshe of Sempringham &in the countie of Lincolne: To have and to hould to huyme my sayed sonne and his heires forever so as his heires executors administrators or assigned do well and truly pay and discharge or cause to be payed and discharged all and singular my debts and sommes of money which shal be by me owing and unpayed at the tyme of my death within fyve yeres next after my decease provided allwayes that if neither my sayed sonne & heires executors adminstrators nor assigns nor any of them shall [tentre] paye and discharge all and singular my debts and sommes of money by me owing at or before the end and expiration of the sayed fyve yeres Then my will and meaning is and I doe hereby devise give and bequeath all that my sayed mannor of Sempringham with all and singular the rights members and appurtaining whatsoever to ro with the same had used belonging of appurtayning: And all and singular my sayed mesuages landes tenements and hereditaments unto George Ashton Esquire and Henry Miller of little Stoneton gent and their heirs To have and to hold to them and their heirs for ever So as they their heirs executors and Administrators or assignes or any of or some of them do well and [tenfie] payed and discharge or cause to be payed and discharged all and singular my debts and sommes of money which shalbe by me owing at the tyme of my death within twoe yeres next after the end and expiration of the sayed fyve yeres. Item I do will devise give and bequeath unto the Ladye ffrances my daughter twoe thousand poundes of good and lawfull English money soe as she marrye with the consent allowance and approbation of the righte honorable Elizabeth [nomie] Countess of Lincoln her mother to be payed unto her her executors & administrators or assignes at or in the Temple Churchee nighe Londonin manner and forme following viz: one thousand pounds upon the day of her marriage or within fortie dayes next after and the other thousand poundes within one yere next after her sayed marriage: And I do further will devise and bequeath unto her my sayed daughter for yer mayntenince three score poundes yerelie of like English money until suche tyme as her sayed Legacy or portion shall growe due and become payable to be payed at or uppon the two [usuall] ffeasts in the yere that is to saye At or uppon the feast daye of the annuntiacon of blessed Ladye St. Mary the vergn and St Michasell the archangell by even and equal portions and in or at the place aforesayed Item I do will devise give and bequeath unto the Lady Arabella my daughter two thousand pounds of the lawfull English money soe as she marry with the consent allowance and approbation of the right honorable the Countess of Lincolne her mother to be payed unto her executors Administrators or assigns at or in the sayed Temple Churche in manner and forme following viz one thousand pounds at or uppon the day of her marriage or within fortie dayes after And the other thousand pounds wihtin on eyere next after her sayed marriage: And I does further will devise and bequeath unto my sayed daughter Arabella for her mayntenince three score poundes yerelie of like lawfull English money untill such tyme as her sayed Legacy or portion shall growe due and become payable to be payed at or uppon the tow usuall ffeasts in the yere that is to saye at or uppon the ffeaste day of the Adnnuntiacon of our blessed Ladie St. Mary the vrign and St. Michael the Archangell by even and equall portions and in or at the Temple Churche aforesaid. Item I will devised and bequeath unto the Ladye Susan my daughter two thousand poundes of like lawfull English money soe as she marry wtih the consent allowance and Approbation of the Sayed Countess of Lincoln her mother to be payde unto yer her executors Adminstrators or Assignes at or in the sayed Temple Churche in manner and forme folowing viz one thousand poundes at or uppon the day of her marriage or within fortie dayes after and the other thousand poundes within one yere next after her said marriages: And I doe further will deviswed and bequeathe unto my sayed daughter Susan for her maintenance three score poundes yerelie of the like lawfull English money unitl such tyme as her sayed Legacy or portion shall growe due and become payable: To be payed at or upon the two usuall ffeasts in the yere that is to say at or upon the ffeast of the Annuntiacon of the blessed Ladie St. Mary the virgn and St. Michaell the Archangell by even and equall portions in or at the Temple Churche aforesayed Item I do will devise and bequeath unto she unto the Lady Dorcas my daughter two thousand pounds of like lawfull English money & soe as she marrye with the consent allowance and approbation of the sayed Countess of Lincoln her mother: To be payed unto her her Executors Administrator or assigns at or in the sayed Temple Churche in manner and forme folowing viz one thousand poundes at or uppon the daye of her marriage or within fortie dayes next after and the other thousand pounds within one yere next after her sayed marriage; And I do further will devise and bequeathe unto my sayed daughter Dorcas for her mayntennce three score poundes yerelie of like lawfull English money untill suche tyme as her sayed Legacy or portion shall growe due and become payable to be payed at or uppon the two usuall feasts in the yere that is to saye at or uppon the ffeaste day of the annuntiacon of our blessed Ladie St. Marye the virgin and St. Michael the Archangell by even and equall portions and in or at the Temple Churche aforesayed. Item I do will devise and bequeath unto the Ladye Sara my daughter two thousand poundes of lawfull English money so as she marrye with the consent allowance and approbation of the sayed Contess of Lincolne her mother to be payed unto her her executors Administrators or Assignes at or in the sayed Temple Churche in manner and forme folowing viz one thousand poundes at or uppon the daye of her marriage or within fortie dayes after and the other thousand within on yere next after her sayed marriage And I do further will devise and bequeathe unto my sayed daughter Sara for her mayntennce three score poundes yerelie of like lawfull English money unitll such tyme as her sayed Legacy or portion shall growe due and become payable ot be payed at or uppon the two usuall ffeasts in the year that is to say at or upon the ffeast daye of the Annuntiacon of our blessed Ladye St. mary the virgin and St. Michael the Archangell by even and equall portions in or at the Temple Churche aforesaid Item I do will devise and bequeath unto the Ladie Elizabeth my daughter one thousand poundes of good and lawfull English money so as she doth not entermarrye with nor take husband one John Beresford late my servant and so as she do marrye with the consent allowance and approbation of the sayed Countess of Lincolne her mother to be payed unto her her Executors Administrators or Assigns at or in the sayed Temple in manner and forme folowing viz ffyve hundred poundes at or uppon the daye of her marriage or within fortie dayes after And the other fyve hundred poundes within one year next after her said marriage. And I further will devise and bequeath unto her my sayed daughter Elizabeth for her mayntennnce if she shall not entermarrye with nor take to husband the sayd John Beresford fortie poundes yerelie of like lawfull English money untill such tyme as he sayed Legacy or portion shall growe due and become payable to be payed at or uppon the two usuall ffeasts in the year that is to say at or uppon the ffeast day of the annuntiacon of our blessed Ladie St. mary the virgin and St. Michael the archangell by even and equall portions and in or at the Temple Churche aforesaid provied allways and my will and meaning is that yf my sayed daughter Elizabeth hath allreadie or shall hereafter intermarrye with or tkae husband the sayed John Beresford that then and from therefourthe she shall not take or receyve any benefitt or commoditie by this my last will and Testament. And that then and from therefourthe all Legacye annuities and sommes of money hereby devised and bequeathed unto her shalbe [absolncehe] voyde [fenscate] and of none effect. Item I doe will devise give and bequeat unto William Plasted gent thirteene poundes & thirteene shilling four pence yerelie of good and lawfull English money for and during his naturall life to b payed unto hym on his Assigns at or uppon the two usuall ffeasts in the yere that is to saye at or uppon the ffeaste day of the annuntiacon of oure blessed Ladie St. mary the vrigin and St. Michael the Archangell by even and equal portions at or in the Temple Churche aforesayed. Item I do will devise & bequeath unto Clinton Whichcooke gent my servante thirteene poundes thirteene shills four pence yearlie of good and lawfull English money for and during his naturall life to be yerelie payed unto hym or his Assignes at or uppon the two usuall ffeastes in the year that is to saye at or uppon the ffeast daye of the annuntiacon of our blessed Ladye St. Mary the virgin and St. Michaell the archangell by even and equall portions at or in the Temple Churche aforesaid. Item I do will devise and bequeath unto Henry Roper gent my servent thirteene poundes thirteene shillinges fouer pence yearlie of good and lawfull English money for and during his naturall life to be yerelie payed unto hym and his assignes at or uppon the two usuall ffeasts in the yere that is to say at or uppon the ffeast daye of the Annuntiacon of our blessed Ladye St. Mary the virgin and St. Michael the archangell by even and equall portions at or in the Temple Churche aforesayend Item I do will devised and bequeath unto henry Bothe my servant tenn poundes yerelie of good and lawfull English money for and during his naturall life to be yerelie payed unto him of his Assignes at or uppon the two usuall ffeasts in the yere that is to saye at or uppon the ffest daye of the Annuntiacon of the blessed Ladye St. Mary the virgin and St. Michael the Archangell by even and equall portions in or at the Temple Churche aforesayed. Item I do will devised and bequeath unto my sayed Sonne Sir Theorphilus ffines Lord Clynton and his heires All those my manners of Paynton Harbling Stone Burtharpe Theerkingham and Billingbroughe with all and singular theire and every of theire royalties rightes members and appurtinnces whatsoever to or with them or [eith] of them had used belong or apperteyning And allso all other my manners parsonages rectories mesuages landes tenements and hereditaments whatsoever lying existing or beying within the townes and parishes of Poynton Horbling Stone Burthorpe & Thirtingham and Billingbroughe or in either of them: And allso all that my parsonage or [rectarne] of Tymberland with all the tythes offerings and oblations there to belonging: To have and to hould to hym my sayed sonne and his heires for ever So as he his heires Executors Administrators or assigns do well and trulie paye and satisfye all and singular the Legacyes Annuities and sommes of money by me in this my last will and testament to any person or persons whatsoever devised or bequeathed at or uppon the dayes of payment in whych the same shall growe due and become payable: provided allwayes that yf my sayed sonne his heirs Executors Adminstrators no assignes nor any of them shall well and trulie satisfie and paye all and singular the sayed Legacies Annuities and somes of money by me to any person or persons in this my last will and testament devised or bequeathed at or uppon the sayed dayes of payment in whih the same shall growe due and become payable then my will and meaning is. and I does hereby devise give and bequeath all those my sayed manners of Poynton Horbling Stone Burthorp Therkingham and Billingbrough with all and singular theire and every of theire Royalties Rightes members and appurtinances whatsoever to and unto them and either of them had used belonging or apperteyning And allso all other my manners parsonages rectories mesuages landes tenements and hereditaments whatsoever lying existing or beying within the townes and parishes of Poynton Harbling Stone Burthorp Threekingham and Billingbrough or in either of them And allso all that my parsonage or rectories of Tymberland with all the tythes offerings and oblgations thereunto belonging unto the sayed George Ashton and henry Miller and their heires to have and hould to them and theire heires forever Soe as they theire Executors Adminstrators or assigns or any one or some doe well and trulie satisfie and paye all and singular the Legacyes Annuities and Sommes of money by me to any person or persons in this my last will and testament devised or bequeathed at and uppon the saied dayes of payment in which the same shall growe due and become payable or within convenyent tyme after they beyng lawfullie demanded And I the said Thomas Earle of Lincolne do hereby make and ordayne my sayed Sonne Sir Theophilus ffynes Lord Clynton my sole and lawfull Exexutor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the sayed Thomas Earle of Lincolne have to every sheete of this my last will sett my hand and seale. Thomas Lyncolne. Testes: Robt Brett, Erasmus Earle, [___] Smythe


"Will of The Right Honorable Thomas Clinton Earl of Lincoln", Reference: PROB 11/134/238, The National Archives, Kew. Link to downloadable copy at nationalarchives.gov.uk.

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