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Location: Hingham, Norfolk, England
Surname/tag: Adcocke
This is a transcript of the register copy of the Will of Thomas Adcocke of Hingham, Norfolk, England. It was written on 8 December 1566. It was probated on 15 November 1567. [1]
The image quality was fair and the handwriting very legible.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
Persons Mentioned:
- Thomas Adcocke, Testator
- Robert Adcocke, son
- Issabell(Elizabeth), wife
- John Studde, sold property to Testator
- Maydalyne Adcocke, daughter
- Elizabeth Adcocke, daughter
- Thomasyn Adcocke, daughter
- Edythe Adcocke, daughter
- Brian Hopkinson, Supervisor of Will
- Thomas More, witness
- Thomas Amyas, witness
- ? Magges, witness
- Robert Constable, witness
In the name of god Amen
The eighe daye of December in the
yeare of our Lord god agl CCCCC lxvjth
and in the xth yeare of the raigne of our
most gracious Soveraigne Lady Eli=
zabeth by the grace of god quene of England
France and Ireland Defender of the faithe etc.
I Thomas Adcocke of Hingham in the
countie of Norff husbandman beinge in
parfyhct myde and memorye praysed
be god do constiture ordaine and make this
my Testatment and last will in manner
and forme followinge Firste ad clerly
adnithillatinge and makinge void and
frustrate all other my willes and testa=
mentes at any tyme before by me made or
devised firste and principallie I comende
my soule to almightie god my onlie maker
redemer and savior by the wrightes of moste
deathe and passion I truste to be saved and
my bodye to the cauthe from whence I
came Also I give and bequeathe to the
releife of the poore people in Hengham
aforesaide two shillinges to be distributed
by myne Executrix
Item I will that shallbe
bestowed amongste the pore people in brede
and des drinke by the disrection of my
Executrix at my burall fower shillinges
Item I will that Robert my sonne shall
have teh midowe being par]cell of my Lease
Growndes called the Kranckalle which I toke
uppe of my Lord Morlie and beinge _
in the _ of the same Robert for terme
of his naturell life All the residewe of my
Lease growndes houses landes and ten[e]tes
w[hi]ch I howlie by lease of the said Lord Morlie
with all and singulor then appurtena[n]ces and
comodities I wholly give and bequeath them
to Issabell my wife to have and to howlde to
hir and hir Assinges for the tearme of hir
naturall life in such ample manner and forme
as I howlde the same of my saiid Lord Morlie
Also I give and bequeath to the said Elizabeth
my wife my tenements w[hi]ch I boughte of John'
Studde abutted in Hengham aforesaid with
all and singular the appurtena[n]ces and comodi=
ties to have and to howlde the same to the
saide Issabell and hir assignes _ for
tearme of hir naturall life and after the decease
of the said Issabell I will that my said tenemente
called Studdes with the appurtena[n]ces and also all
other my lease landes growndes houses and te=
nementes with their appurtena[n]ces shall whollye
remaine to the said Robert Adcocke my sonne
and to his heires of his body lawfulli begotten
and for default of suche issues of the remainder
therof to the ryghte heires of me the said Thomas
Adcocke for ther upon this onli condition
followinge that is to saye that the said Robert his
Executors or assignees do pay or cause to be
paide unto or the saide tenemente Studdes
fortie shillings oflawfull mony of England within
Page 3
within two years nexte after the decease
of the said 'Issabell to my fower daughters vizt
to Maydalyne Elizabeth Thomasyn and
Edythe to eythes of them tenne shillings
And also to paye or cause to be paide to the
said Thomasyn and Edithe after the decease
of the said Issabell if the said Issabell chanse
to dye within eiyght yeares before th[e] end of
the tearme of the lease aforesaide _
to Thomasyn this tenne shillings and iijd
and the said twentie shillings and eighte
pennes to the said Edithe
Item I give and
bequeathe to the said Robert my sonne my bed=
sheet and my hanginge in my chanbers w[hi]ch
I now lie in my _ my graete
chorges my greust brasse potte and my
cowle in the kitchen
Item I give and
bequeathe to the said Edythe my dauwter my
myddle greute panne my leaste brasse potte
and Pawtes Dyshe a cubbord in my bedde
chamber a longe tuble uppon my changes
with ij the itles and one bullocke of th[e] age
of two yeares
Item I will that the said
Edithe my dawter shall have the tearme
of the medow and clse now in the
_ of the said Robert my sonne for
one fulle yeare next after my decease
Also I will that my wifes Executors
shall have _ _ to change _
my wifes goods by the space of fiften dayes
Page 5
Dayes next after her decease And also I
will that if it fore me my said wife to
grannte or lette owe her heires landes ten[eme]nts
on lease grownde duringe the said tearme
that then Robert my sonne to have the _
_ threof havinge as muche as any other
will have for the same The residewe of all
my goodes and chattalles as well moveables and
not moveable and ymplements of household
not before bequeathed I whollie give them to
the said Issabell my wife whome I ordane
and make my sole Executris Also I do
ordaine Brian Hopkinsonne my Supervisor
to whome I give for his paines ijs In witness
wherof I first sette my hand and seale the day
and yeare firste above written These being
wittnesses Thomas More Thomas
Amyas Magges and Robert Constable by
me Thomas Adcocke
- ↑ Will of Thomas Adcocke, Husbandman of Hingham, Norfolk, England, 1567, ANF will register Liber 22 (Gottes) fo. 12 NorfolkRecordOffice Viewable at a Family History Centre FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DS8045268.] Accessed 30 May 2022
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