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Will of Thomas Atdam 1606

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Will of Thomas Atdam 1602

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document. Crossings through have been included struck out. Inserted text are written in superscript and bold text are for my own ease of reading. Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F. Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].

Persons mentioned in Will:

  • Thomas Atdam, testator
  • Agnes, his wife
  • John Atdam, his son
  • William Atdam, his son
  • Grace Chamberlyne, his daughter
  • Richard Chamberline, Grace's husband
  • Agnes Machen, his daughter
  • Steven Machen, Agnes's husband
  • Dorothie Atdam, his daughter
  • Margret Bushe, his daughter
  • Francis Bushe, Margret's husband
  • Susan Rope, his daughter
  • John Rope, Susan's husband
  • Alice Lincoln his daughter
  • Alice's children, unnamed
  • Peter Atdam, his son
  • Mary Bird, his daughter
  • Henry Bird, Mary's husband
  • Thomas Atdam, his son, deceased
  • Thomas Atdam, son of Thomas deceased and grandchild
  • John Longe, witness
  • John Cowper, witness
  • Robert Cowper, witness
  • Mr William Mallowes, witness

In the name of God Amen the xxvijth
daye of May 1602 & in the xliiij th yeere of the reigne of o[ur]
most gratious sovreigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of
England France & Ireland, Queene defender of the faythe
I Thomas Atdam of Hengham in the countie of Norf[olk] butcher
and within the d[i]oces of Norwich beinge wholl of mynd and of p[er]fecke
remembrance lauded by god doe ordeyne & make this my last will
& testam[e]nt in manner and forme followinge that is to sye refusinge
settinge voyde and anullinge all other willes and testam[e]nts in
tymes past by me made, First and principally I comend my sowle
into the hands of allmightie god my maker and Jesus Christe my
redeemer & god the holly ghost my sanctifier, trustinge to innoie ye
glorious company of the trewe and imortall god amonge the s[ain]tes
in heaven & body to be buryed in the churchyard of Hengham aforesaid
att the chancells and by my father and mother Item I give & bequeath
unto everie poore household of Hengham aforsaid ijs to be distributed
unto the ** my buryall by my ex[ec]trix or her ass[ign]ees Item I give
& bequeath unto Agnes my wellbeloved wife and to her ass[ign]ees duringe
the wholl terme of her naturall lyfe the use occupation **
of all my messuage or messuages tenem[en]t or tenem[en]ts sit[ua]t lyinge and
beinge in Hengham aforsaid, w[i]th the yards orchards & gardens
unto the or any of the app[er]teyninge or belonginge w[i]th ympechment
of waste, in ** ** whereof I will my full intent and
meaninge is that the said Agnes shall not challenge demand or
recon by dower or intereste of dowrie in any p[ar]te or p[ar]sell of ye
p[re]misses heretofore sould by me to John Atdam my sone nor yet
any other p[er]son or p[er]sons in her name or righte whatsoever and if
she shall or any other p[er]son or p[er]sons in her name or righte shall
then I will my said sonne John or his heires shall enter and
take twoe p[arc]les of the p[re]misses abovesaid before given to my
said wife duringe her lyfe, accordinge to the trewe meaninge
hereof w[i]th such profitts as they shall rise of the said p[arc]les without
doing waste and after her decease I will give bequeath
& devise all the said messuage or messuages tenem[en]t or tenem[en]ts
sett lynge & beinge in Hengham aforesaid w[i]th the yards orchyards
& gardens unto then or any of the belonginges or app[ur]teynings unto
page 2
William Atdam my sone his heires & ass[ign]ees to the only use and
behooff of the said Wm Atdam my sone his heires and ass[ign]ees forever
so as the said Wm Atdam his heires ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees shall
well and truly paye or cause to be payd unto Grace Chamberlyne
my daughter the wife of Richard Chamberline
to her ex[ecu]tors ad[ministra]tors and
ass[ign]ees vijli of lawfull mony of England and to Agnes Machen
my daughter the wife of Steven Machen
ex[ecu]tors ad[ministra]tors &
ass[ign]ees xliof lawfull mony of England & to Dorothie Atdam
my daughter
to her ex[ecu]tors ad[ministra]tors & ass[ign]ees x li of lawfull mony of
England, and to Margret Bushe my daughter the wife of
Francis Bushe
to her ex[ecu]tors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees the some of xli
of lawfull mony of England and to Susan Rope my daughter
the wife of John Rope
to her ex[ecu]tors ad[ministra]tors and ass[ign]ees xiij li vijs viijd
of lawfull mony of England, and to Alice Lyncolne my daughter
or to her children
iijliof lawfull mony of England and to Petre
Atdame my sone
his ex[ecu]tors or ass[ign]ees vli of lawfull mony of
England and to Mary Bird the wife of Henry Bird my daughter
vijli of lawfull mony of England and to Thomas Atdame my
granchild the sone of Thomas Atdame late decesed xls of
lawfull mony of England in manner and forme followinge t[hat] is to
saye w[i]thin one yeere nexte after the decese of the said Agnes my
wife vli p[ar]cell of the said viijli unto the said Grace her
ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees and to the said Agnes Machen, her ex[ec]utors
ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees, w[i]thin twoe yeeres nexte after the decese of the
said Agnes my wife vli p[ar]cell of the said xli, and to the said
Dorothie Atdame her ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees w[i]thin three yeeres
nexte after the decese of the said Agnes my wife vli p[ar]cell
of the said xli, and to the said Margret Bushe her ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors
or ass[ign]ees vli p[ar]cell of the said xli, w[i]thin fower yeeres nexte after
the decese of my said wife, and to the said Susan Rope her ex[ec]utors
ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees w[i]thin five yeeres nexte after the decease of my
said wife vli, p[ar]cell of the said xiijli vjs viijd and to the said
Grace Chamberlyne her ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees w[i]thin six
yeeres nexte after the decease of my said wife iijli beinge the full
residue of the said viijli and to the said Agnes Machen her
ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees w[i]thin fower yeeres nexte after the decese
vli full residue of the said xli and to the said Dorothie
her ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees w[i]thin viij yeeres nexte after ye
decese of my said wife vli full residue of the said xli
and to the said Margret Bushe her ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees
w[i]thin ix yeeres after the decese of my said wife five poundes full
page 3
residue of the said xli and to the said Susan Rope her ex[ec]utors
ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees w[i]thin x yeeres nexte after the decese of my sayd
wife vli p[ar]cell of the said xijli and to the said Susan
her ex[ec]utors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees w[i]thin xi yeeres nexte after the decese
of my said wife iijli vjs viijd full residue of her said xiijli vis
viijd, and to the said Alice Lyncoln my daughter or to her
children iijli of lawfull mony of England w[i]thin xij yeeres
nexte after the decese of my said wife w[i]th before in this my
last will and testam[en]t unto her or her children and to the said Peeter
Atdame my sone, his ex[ec]utors or ass[ign]ees his or there vli, before given
in this my testam[en]t and last will to him or them, w[i]thin xiij yeeres
nexte after the decese of my said wife and to the said Mary
Bird my daughter w[i]thin xiiij yeeres nexte after my wifes
decese her said vili , likwise to her before given by this my
testam[en]t and last will, and to the said Thomas Atdame my gran=
=child w[i]thin x yeeres next after my said wifes decese his said xls
likwise to him before given by vertue of this my testam[en]t and
last will, all w[i]th sev[er]all p[a]yments are to be made in ye church
porch of Hengham aforsaid, otherwise if yt shall happne the
said W[illia]m Atdame his heires ex[ecu]tors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees or any of
them to make default of p[a]yment of any of the said sev[er]all
legaces or gifts att the daye tyme and place where the same
oughte to be payd as is aforsaid, contrary to the truew intent
in that behalf *** above lymited, that then and att all
tymes after I will, my full intent and meaninge is yt
shall and maye be good and lawfull unto everie or any of the
p[er]son or p[er]sons before said unto whom the default shalbe
made, in to all and singular the p[re]misses w[i]th the'appurtanences
before given unto the said William & to his heires to enter
& the p[ro]fitts comodities and herein therof cominge to take
have & inioye untill yt hath fully answered and payd ther
sev[er]all legacies or gifts, any thing or things above said in this
my present last will and tesetam[en]t to the contrary then not
w[i]thstandinge, p[ro]vyded all wayes that if the said Richard
Chamberlyne and Grace his wife nor eyther of them nor
the ex[ecu]tors or ass[ign]ees of eyther of them shall not paye or
cause to be payd to the said W[illia]m Atdams or his certayne
attorny his ex[ecu]tors or ass[ign]ees att or in my nowe ** howse
in regarde of the use of xls w[i]th the said W[illia]m hath payd for
the debts of the said Richard quarterly xjis of lawfull
page 4
monny of England duringe the terme of ye naturall
lyves of ** the said Thomas Atdame and Agnes my wife
and the longer lyver of ** the first payment to begine at
the first of St Michaell th'archangell nowe nexte insusinge
accordinge to the trewe meaninge hereof then I will vli p[ar]cell
of her legacy of viij <sup?li</sup> shalbe utterly extincte and non payd
and the said W[illia]m Atdame his heires ex[ecu]tors ad[ministra]tors or ass[ign]ees
therof to be meekely discharged for ever by vertue of this
p[ro]viso (any) thinge or devise abovesaid in this my last will
and testam[en]t to the contrary then notw[i]thstandinge I
give and bequeath unto the said Agnes my wife all and
singular the rest of my goodes cattells chattells debts and
utensills of houshold by what tytle or name soever they be called
not before given in this my last will and testam[en]t wherof
make sole ex[ec]utrix of this my last will and testam[en]t to the
intent she shall see my body decently buryed to the earthe
the mother of all flesh and further p[er]forme the same
so may as to her belongeth and bestowe the goodes so may
as she cane spare amonge her children accordinge to her
promise to me made I witnes whereof hereunto I have
sett my hand and seale the daye and yeere first above
writtne These be mye wittnesses John Longe,
John Cowp[er] Robert Cowp[er] and Mr William Mallowes

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