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Will of Thomas Baldwin (Baldynge) 1570

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Will of Thomas Baldwin (Baldynge) 1570
ANF will register Liber 23 (Annyson) fo. 24 - Baldwin (Baldynge), Thomas, of Hingham 1570

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. Li, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops.

Persons mentioned in Will:

  • Thomas Baldynge, testator of Hyngham
  • Mary his wife
  • George Baldynge, his son
  • William Baldynge, his son
  • Symonde Baldynge, his son
  • Mary Baldynge his daughter
  • Elizabeth Baldynge, his daughter
  • Symonde Bircham, supervisor of his Will
  • John Whytred, witness
  • John Norton, witness
  • John Lynton, witness
  • John Fuller, witness

In the name of god amen the fyftene daye of
December in the yere of our lorde god a thousande fyve
hundreth thre score and nyne I Thomas Baldynge of
within the Countye of Norff[olk] and within the
diocys of Norwiche beynge hole of mynde but sycke in bodye
praysed be god consyderynge the mutabylyte of thys worlde
and the frayltye of manes natuer myndynge my selfe to
p[re]pare toward the jornye of vertue and to dyspose that talent
that god have made me stewarde ever in suche wyse as maye
be to god honor and glorye and the discharge of my soule
make this my testament and last wyll in maner and
forme followinge that ys to saye Fyrst I bequeth my
soule unto god the father by whose sonnes death I trust to
be saved and by the p[re]syous blude shedynge to be p[re]sented
cleane withowte spott of synne before his father in the pre=
=sence of Marye hys mother and all hys holy angelles
therto rayne with god in joye and blysse for ever
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And my bodye to the earth from whence yt came therto rest in
hope of resurrection to eternalll lyfe at the generall daye of the
lordes judgement and for the dystribution of my temporall
goodes Fyrst I geve and bequeth unto the poore people in
Hyngham the some of thertene shillinges and fower pence
that ys to saye one noble the E[a]ster nexte after my dysceas
and the E[a]ster nexte after the other Syxe shillinges and eyght
pence to be payde by my executors: Item I geve and bequeth
to Marye my wyfe all my howses and landes bothe fre and
bonde for terme of her naturall lyfe and she to kepe yt in sufficient
rep[a]raciones and to make neyther stryppe nor wast of woode nor
timber durynge all her sayde naturall lyfe and after the dysceas
of Marye my wyffe I wyll that George Baldynge my sonne
shall have all my howses and landes to hym and to hys heyres
for ever and yf yt shall fortune my sonne George to departe
thys mortall lyffe withoute issue of hys bodye lawfullye
begotten then I wyll yt to remayne unto Wyll[ia]m Baldynge
my sonne to hym and to hys heyres for ever and for wante
of issue of Wyll[ia]m my sonne to Symonde Baldynge and to
hys heyres for ever. Item I geve and bequethe unto Wyll[ia]m
Baldynge my sonne Fyve poundes that ys to saye to be payde
by George my sonne one yere after my wiffs dysceas Fyftye shillinges
and the nexte yere after that Fyftye shillinges Item I geve and
bequeth unto Symonde my sonne Fyve poundes that ys to
saye twelve monthes after my sonne Wyll[ia]m ys payde Fyfty
shillinges and the nexte yere after that Fyftye shillinges It[e]m
I geve unto Mary my daughter Forty shyllinges to be payd
unto her at the age of eyghtene yeres by my executryxe It[e]m
I geve and bequeth to Elyzabeth Baldynge my daughter Forty
shyllinges at the age of xviij yeres by myne executryxe: The
resydewe of all my goodes movables and immovables I geve them
holy and soly to Mary my wyffe whome I do ordeyne constitute
and make the sayde Marye my sole executrix and she to receyve my
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debtes and paye my debtes and I make Symonde Bircham of
Hyngham my sup[er]viser and he to have for hys paynes sixe
shyllinges and eyghte pence and hys costes wytnes John Why=
=tred John Norton John Lynton and John Fuller with others

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