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Will of Thomas Earle of Crudwell Wiltshire 1618

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Crudwell, Wiltshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Earle, Erle
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Will of Thomas Earle of Crudwell Wiltshire 1618

Transcription of the will of Thomas Earle (abt.1562-abt.1617) of Crudwell Wiltshire. Proved in 1618.

Will of Thomas Earle, 1618

In the name of God Amen the thirtieth daye of Januarye Anno reni dej nostril Jacobj dej gratia Anglie Francis et Hibernie Regis fidej defensoris Decimo quinto et Scotia quinqrage simo primo Annoj Dej: 1617

I Thomas Earle of Escott in the parrishe of Crudwell in the Countie of Wiltes: yeoman finding by daylie example the uncertainitie of mans life and beyng certain that my body must walke the waye of all fleshe do therefore in my perfect memory declare and make this my last will and testament for the setlinge of my goodes wherewith God hath blessed me to come and remayne to amonst my children and other herein named according to my meaning herein declared: hoping therby to avoyde all occasions of strife and contention and mayntayne love & concorde between them after my death. And first with a repentant harte for my mani saults and synnes paste I yeald my ssoule unto Almightie God that created me with full confidence in his mercy and by the meritts of my Savyoure Christ to rise at the generall daye of Resurrecton amongst his elect and chosen: My bodye I leave to the earthe with such ffuneralls as shall please myne executrix whensoever yt shall please God to call me out of this transitory life by his visitation.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas Earle tenne pounds and to Elizabeth his wife I give fyv poundes.

Item: I give unto my said sonne my best ironbound wheeles and wayne.

Item: I give unto hym my greate chest the yoking stone the wainscot and glass aboute the howse, the cupboard the table board with frames and benches my best bedstead, my best bed with the furniture a dozen of pewter with the choise of the best brasse pewter and other howshoulds after the decease of Brigett my wife.

Item: I give unto my sayde sonne three score poundes fortie poundes wherof resteth in the hands of John Partridge and Thomas Kynge.

Item: I give unto hym the tearme of yeres which are yet to come unexpired of and in one house and a close therin to adjyning lying and byng in the deane Leasowes in the parish of Okessy.

Item: I give unto my daughter Margaret Partridge my second best bedsted and my second best bed with the furniture a dozen of pewter with the second choise of the brasse pewter and other howshould after the decease of Briget my wife.

Item: I give unto Bridget Partridge fiftie poundes and a score of sheepe which I latelie promised to give her towards her marriage.

Item I give unto Ellinor Partridge thirtie poundes.

Item I give unto Margaret Partridge twentie poundes.

Item I give unto John Partridge twentie poundes.

Item I give unto William Partridge twentie poundes.

Item I give unto Anthony Partridge tenne poundes. Item I give unto James Partridge tenne poundes.

Item I give unto Giles Partridge thirteen pounds six shillings eight pence.

Item I give unto Mary Partridge twentie poundes.

Item I give unto Sara Partridge twentie poundes.

Item I give unto Elizabeth Partridge twentie poundes provided always and my will is that theise partions before given unto Elinor Margaret John William Anthony James Giles Mary Sara and Elizabeth shalbe payde by my executrix unto my overseers hereafter named at suche tyme and tymes as they shall thincke fit and by my overseers to be set fourthe to the childrens best advantage provided also that yf either of theise departe this naturall life before they shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeres of daye of marriage that then my will is that his her or theire parte so dying shall come and remayne unto the other then living by equall portions.

Item I give unto my kynnesman Philip Greene five poundes.

Item I give unto Isabell Richard Green Johane Greene and Mary Greene to each of them fortie shillings.

Item I give unto my brother William Earle tenne shillings:

Item I give unto Isabell Earle and Margaret Earle daughters of my brother William Earle to each of them fortie shillings.

Item I give unto Rachell Woodward als Smythe the wife of Nicholas Woodward als Smyth twentie shillings.

Item I give unto Nicholas Douleman and Agnes Dowlman children of William Dowlman to each of them fortie shillings.

Item I give unto Roger Averye fortie shillings.

Item I give unto Anne Morse twentie shillings.

Item I give unto John Dowlman twoe and twentie shillings which he oweth me.

Item I give unto William Dowlman his sonne twoe and twentie shillings which Richard Shermor oweth me.

Item I give unto the sonne and daughter of William Dowlman the younger to each of them tenne shillings.

Item I give unto my kynnesman Thomas Dowlman fortie shillings which he oweth me.

Item I give unto Briget Penryn twentie five shillinges to which are pledged and pawned fourthe and I forgive her also tenne shillings which she oweth me.

Item I give unto John Earle Thomas Earle Mary Earle Elizabeth Earle Joyce Earle Margaret Earle and Susanna Earle the children of my cosin Thomas Earle clarke to eache of them tenne shillings.

Item I give unto William Beale Mathewe Beale John Beale Henry Beale Mary Beale Johane Beale and Margaret Beale the children of my cosin William Beale clerke to each of them tenne shillings.

Item I give unto ___ Dowlman of Okssey five shillings.

Item I give unto the poore of the parishe of Crudwell twenty poundes to be ymployed to the use of the poore there:

And whereas I have already given and delivered six poundes to the use of the poore of the the parishe of Okessy and five poundes to the use of the poore of the parish of Hankerton my will was and is that the sayed sommes of six poundes five poundes and the saied somme of twentie poundes shall from tyme to tyme and always be ymployed to ye only use of the poore of the saied parishes the use thereof to be distributed yerelie at the discretion of the minister and churchewardens.

And yf at any tyme hereafter yt shalbe converted to any other use then to the poore and so to remayne my will is that yt shall come and remayne to my sonne Thomas Earle or his executors.

Item I give unto the parishe churche of Crudwell fortie shillings to by ymployed towards the making of benches and desk rownde the channel for the fit receyvinge of the communicants.

Allso I desire my sonne Thomas Earle clerke and my cosin William Beale clerke to be my overseers and I give unto each of them ten shillings.

Item I forgive William Sherborne of Ashbie the debt which he oweth me.

Item I forgive George Robbins of Okessy the debt which he oweth me.

Item I forgive Robert Ricketts of Okessy the five shillings which his wife oweth me.

Item I forgive Richard Canter the debt which he oweth me.

Item I forgive Hugh Salten the debt which he oweth me.

Item I forgive John Partridge eight poundes and tenne shillings which he oweth me.

Item I forgive Thomas Partridge the fourteen poundes which he oweth me.

The rest of all my goodes chattells and debtes not before given and bequeathed (my leagacys payed and ffunerall expences dischardged) I do freelie give and bequeath unto Briget my wife whome I do make my full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament not doubting but that she will performe the same according to my tru meaning and intent herein. And I doe hereby adnull and revoke all former willes and testaments by me made.

Thomas Earle

Theise bearing witnesse: Thomas Earle clerke Thomas Harding Willm Earle William Beale clerke.

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