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Will of Thomas Gerrade Armig of Trent, Somerset 1583/4

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Will of Thomas Gerrade Armig of Trent, Somerset 1583/4

Prob 17th Feb 1583/4
PROB 11/66/343
Transcribed by Helen Ford, from image on ancestry.co.uk
In the name of god Amen, In the yeare of oure Lorde god (one thousand five hundred eightie three, )And the fyftenth daye of July in the fyve and twentith yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lady Elizabeth I Thomas Gerrard of Trent in the Countie of Somersett Esquier (benige the unprofitable servant of God) doe willinglye and with a free harte render and give againe into the handes of the Lorde my God (my spirit) which he of his fatherly goodwill hath given me nothinge doubtinge, but that this my Lorde God for his mercies sake, sett fourth in the precious bloude of his derelye belovid sonne Christ Jhesus our alone Saviour and Redeemer, will wereine my soule unto his mercye, and place it in the company of his electe and blessed.And as concerninge my Body, then with good will and free harte I give it over, commendinge it to earth whereof it came And the same to be buried in the yle belonging to my house in the churche of Trent aforesayd.
Item my will is that Thomas Baskett, John Skerne, Robert Frampton, George Turbervyle, Thomas Martyne, Richard Lawrence, John Brouone the elder, John Frampton and Edward Knoyle esquiers and John Parham John ___ Edward Manne, William Gerard and Thomas Swetnam gent ,theye and the survivors of them shall stande and be seized of my mannors and ferrents? Of West Waddon, Broadwaye and Nottington in the countie of Dorset and of any one of them, and of all landes, tennementes, rentes, reversions, services, yssues, proffittes, commodities and advantage and hereditaments whatsoever belonging to them and everie of them, And their my saide fireindes & feoffees and the survivour of them shall likewise stand possesed of all my stockes of Kien, wether beastes and stockes of ewes that at the tyme of my deathe shall be pasturinge feedinge and goinge in and uppon all and singular my foresaid mannors and fee__ of West Waddon, Brodewaye and Nottingtoun foresaide and everye or any of theme, And theye my said freindes and feoffees and the survivours of them shall stande seized and possessed of all and singular the premisses with their appurtenannces and the saide stock of cattell to such intentes, uses and purposes, as hereafter are mentioned, lymitted and expressed in this my last will and testament, And untill suche tyme as the whole and intyer somme of One thousande and three hundred poundes of currant English money oute of the premisses befour specified be by theme or the survivour of theme received Shalbe to such uses intentes and purposes as herafter are lymytted and expressed,That is to saie, First I will that three hundred poundes that my sayde feofees shall first receive of my yearely proffitts and commodities afore specified, shalbe delivered unto my executors towardes the payment and discharge of my debts :
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Gerard, three hundred poundes for her preferment in marriage (conditionally that she have the consent of her eldest brother therein)
Item I give to the use of my sonnes James Gerrard, John Gerrard and Thomas Gerrard twoe hundred poundes for either and everie of them All which sommes of money my will is shall be ymployed by the discression of Thomas Martyn, John Parham, Edward Knoyle ,William Gerrard and Thomas Swetnam afore named and the survivors of them to the behhofe and profytt of my said children as the shall think to be moste best and firrest as well for the safety of the principall, as also for the lawfull increaseof that, that shall and maye remaine of the same, which increase my will is shalbe ordered as followeth that and uppon the receipt of the three hundred poundes for Elizabeth Gerrard there shalbe yearly allowed for her maintenannce fyfteene poundes, and the rest of the interest (yf any be) to be layde to her stocke, And uppon the receipte of the two hundred poundes for James Gerard, there shalbe yearely allowed him for his maintenance Tenne poundes and the rest to be layd to the increase of his stocke, And upon the receipt of the two hundred pounds for John Gerrard the like order to be observed? And soe for Thomas Gerrard Alsoe my will is that after the recepte of the somme of money above specified for the payment of my debts mydaughters portion shalbe next levyed by my saide feoffees of the yearlye profytts of the premisses and ymployed for her use and behoofe as above is specified, And evere of my sonnes theire portions not to be deliveres as theye are in age and to be ymployed for theme as above mentioned, and theire portions not to be delivered unto them before they accomplish severallie the age of thirtye yeares or be married. And yf yt happen the saide Elizabeth to decease before she do be comme to the age of thirtie yeares (not beinge maried) then my will is that two hundred pounds of her portion shalbe equally devided betwene her three younger brothers. And the other hundred poundes shalbe to the use of her elder brother. And yf ytt happen that any one of the three younger brothers doe decease before he commeth to the age of thirtie yeres (and not beinge then married) Then his parte shall soe to deceasse, shalbe equally devided betwene the twoe younger brothers and theire sister And yf twoe of the younger brothers doe decease beforetheye cometh to the age of thirtie yeares (not being married) then one of theire partes to be devided betweene the brother and the sister, and the other parte to the used of the elder brother And yf all three of the younger brothers doe deceasse before the age of thirtie yeares (nor benige married) then their sister to have twp hundred poundes of their portions and the rest to remaine to the elder brother Also my will is that yf anye controv[er]sye soe aryse amongst my saide children touchinge anye such portion as is appoynted theme by this my will, Then suche controv[er]sye shalbe determyned by my ov[er]seers and others my freindes afore specifyed without any farther lawe. Provided allwayes that yt shall not be lawfull for any person or persons that shalbe tenant or tenants in the howse and grounds of Weste Waddon above specifyed by the grannte of my aforesaid firendes and feoffes or any of them to doe amey waste in and uppon the same, but to take reasonable furses for fyer and frythes fo his hedge in and uppon the aforesaide premisses as shalbe sufficient and necessarye and not elsewhere to be ymployed withoute the consent of the afore named William Gerrard (Excepted and re__ued also to the use of the same William Gerrard and his heires all manner of trees and shrowds? of trees nowe growing or hereafter shall growe and be in and uppon the premisses, And all quarries allready broken and drawen att and none other to be broken nor drawen att (excepte yt be for the necessarye repayringe of the howses and walles aboute the groundes above mentioned nor any other of the groundes to broken upp [eaired?] nor sowen but suche as hathe bynee usually [eared?]and sowen before tyme wth’out y condisent of the above named William Gerrard.Also my intent and will and meaning is that my freindes & feoffees of my saide Mannors and farmes anove specified and exptressed and everie of them and the survivours of them shall at all tyme and tymes beinge thereunto required by my sonne William Gerrard or his heires enter and make a [twelve?] accounte unto the Overseers of this my will or to twoe of them of the twelve were__ of all and every somme or Sommes of money collected gathered imployed or bestowed by fource and vertue of this my laste will
Item my will is that as soone as the aforesaide somme of One thousand and three hundred poundes shalbe by my saide frendes and feoffees or by the survivour of them fully collected and gathered, That when all and singular the premisses w’th all stockes of cattell and sheepe or the severall payees of them shall comme and be to the use of my saide sonne William Gerrard and his heires forever'.
Item I give to all such as shalbe my servannts one quarter wages besydes theire ordincary eages
Item I give to the poore of the parishe of Trent twenty shillinges, and towards the mayntenance of the church there , tenne shillings
Item I give to the poore of the parish of Portesham tenne shillinges and towards the mayntenance of the church there other tenne shillings
The residue of my goods and [smudged and illegible] as well p’sonell as well. I give and bequeathe unto my sonne and heire William Gerrard whome I constitute and make sole executor of this my last will and testament And doe request Sir John Horsye Knight, Raff Horsye, Edward Seyntebarbe and John Fitzjames Esquiers to be the overseers of this my saide will
Dated the dae and yeare above written : By me Thomas Gerrard
Wittnesses unto this will Thomas Martyn, Thomas Swetnam, George Mylbourne? Robert Coxe, Thomas Cottoy,Robert Ellyatt p’son foresaide of Trent

Probate granted to William Gerrard

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