Location: Benenden, Kent, England
Surname/tag: glover
This is a transcript of the will and testament of Thomas Glover, of Benenden, Kent. It is divided into two parts:
- a testament—used to dispose of some of his personal property (e.g. goods and chattels), and
- a will—mainly used to dispose of his real property (e.g. land).
His will and testament was dated 30 May 1511 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 13 November 1511 by Edmund Roberth and John Ramysden, two of his executors.
Source: The National Archives. Reference: PROB 11/17/94.
This transcript retains the original spelling, capitalisation and punctuation. Headings and paragraph breaks have been added to improve readability.
In the name of god amen the xxxth day of the moneth of May In the yere of or lord and mt vc xj. I Thomas Glouer in the pisshe of Benynden in my hole mynde and goode remembrabce made my testam[e]nt in this wise
ffirst I bequeth my soule to god almighty to our lady seynt mary and to all the holy company of heven And my body to be buried in the churche of seynt George at Benynden forsaid before the ymag[es]of seynt SIthe and seynt Antony / Also I bequeth to the high aulter there for my tithes and offeryng[es] necligently forgoten vj s viij d / Also I bequ[eath] to the highe aulter of Sandherst xx d
It[em] to the high aulter of Cranebroke xl d And I ordeyne A tap of A lb of wax to breune before thymage of or blessed lady in the Suthchauncell of benynden by the space of ij yere next aft my decesse in the Sandaies and other holydaies in tyme of godd siince[?] doyne / And so to be renewed as often as his be nede durying thesaide yeres / Also / three other taps of wax of half A pound a pece to breune in thesaid church of benynden before thymag[es] of seynt Sithe seynt Antony and seynt Nichas in man[ner] and forme as it is to or lady assigned / Also I ordeyn xx s for to bye A booke called A manuell to [?] in the churche of Benynden that to be bought wtin the yere next aft my decesse / Also I bequeth to eu[er]y of my godchildren iii d. Also I ordeyne vj s viij d to the repeyring and mending of [the?] footway betwene my mansion and Teldene mille / that to be doon wtin the yere aft my decesse / Also I will that the[re]? be made a dore to the vtter porche dore at the Northside of the churche of Benynden wt ij. wyndowes of wood to the side wyndowes beyng in the saide porche / Also I will that myn execut doo make in thesaid chruche of benynden befor thesaide ymage of seynt Sithe and seynt Antony an aulter / And to thesaid aulter I ordeyn A chalice pece l s. Also A seriall[?] vestment pece l s. and also A prynted masse booke / Also I ordeyne to an honest preest to syng for my soule my fader and moder soules and for all castey[?] soules in the said churche of Benynden at thesaide aulter before seynt Sithe and seynte Antony the first yere nexte after my decesse by the space of an hole yere x m[a]rk[es]. Also I ordeyne to an honest preest to syng the fourthe yere nexte after my decesse in thesaide churche of Benynden at the abouesaid aulter for my soule my fader and moder souldes &c by the space of an hole yere v m[a]rke /
It[em] I ordeyn to Ric my son my second fetherbedd A matreas / ij. bolsters / ij. pillowis suche as was his moder[es] A white testor[?] / ij. peyre of sheetes] whiche were Jamys glov[er] myn vnkyll / ij. payre of canvas shet[es] / iiij. blankett[es] A cou[er]lyd which was thesaid James Glovers /
It[em] I ordayn to thesaid Richard another cou[er]lyd A rede chest and A blacke chest which was his moders /
It[em] I ordeyn to thesaid Richard vj. silu[er] sponys next the best my maser A Russett harneys gyrdill gilte / A tabilclothe of diap my bed my great brasse pott Another lytell brasse pott A stelid panne A brode panne vj platers vj disches and vj sawsers / And the Residue of all my stuff of household not assigned nor bequethed I will that it be devided betwene Agnes my wif and my / ij. yong sones by the dicrecion off my feoffe[] and executo[rs] Also I ordeyne to thesaid Richard my cupburde /
It[em] I ordeyne to Johanis my daught[er] v scheep / And to Agnes my daught[er] ij. sheep The Residew of All my good[es] my dett[es] bequest[es] and fun[er]all expenc[es] first paid I ordeyn it unto the disposicon of Edmund Roberth John Ramysden thelder and James Ev'yndey the younger which I make myn Executors that they dispose it for the helth of my soule which to theym may be seen most expedient & necessary by their discecion
This is the last will and ordeyn[a]nce of me thesaid Thomas Glouer made at Benynden the day and yere aboue written And in the iijde yere of the Reigne of king Henry the viijth And declared by me p[er]sonally to Robert Cryor Edmunde Roberth John Ramysden thelder Barthyn Wulf Richard More and James Ev'yden the younger my feffers /
ffirst I wll that my said feoffe[] shall suffer Agnes my wif and her assigne[s] to occupy and take the profitt[es] of my mes[suage] that Robert ffrench now dwellith yn forthwt / all thoo land[es] lying fro thesaid messuage to Walkeherst crosse on bothe the sid[es] of the strete terme of her widowhode keping thesaid Agnes or her assigne[s] competent / repacions ] And to paye the rent[es] therof for the terme that she occupie it /
Also I will that myn execut or their assigne[s] pay or doo paye to thesaid Agnes my wif the first yere after my decesse vj li xiil s iiij d. of vsuall money of England therof to pay to thesaid Agnes & to her assigne[s] at my moneths daye iij li vj s And at the yeres ende after my decesse to paye thesaid Agnes or her assigne[s] iij li vj s viij d. Residue of thesaid vj li xiij s iiij d
ffurthermore I will that my said execut or their assigne[s] pay to thesaid Agnes and to her assigne[s] yerely after thende of the first yere after my decesse vntill John and Stephen my sonnes comth to their age of xxiiij. yeres v li a yere vsuall money of England to be paid at ij. termes of the yere by equall porcions to be paid /
And for fawte of payme[n]t of thesaid v li / it shalbe liefull to thesaid Agnes and to her assigne[s] ti distreyne in all suche land[es] and ten[emen]t[es] as is to thesaid John and Stephen my sonnes assigned by this my p[re]sent will / And if thesaide Agnes aye[] bemaried than I will that all suche land[es] and rent[es] as thesaid Agnes occupieth [?] of her widowhoth remayn after thentent and forme of this my will folowing /
Also I will that thesaid Agnes shalhaue yerely during her widowhod xvj lodd[es] of woode for her fewell And all the ryst therof for fagott to be had owte of my lond[es] called ffrenyngh[a]m to besold and caryed at the cost[es] and charge of thesaide Agnes or of her assigne[s] / Also I will that thesaide Agnes my wif haue vj kene the best that she can chose / Also I will the she haue my best mare /
Also I will that my said feoffe[] or their assigne[s] deliu[er]e or cause to be deliu[er]ed to Richard my son whan he cometh to thage of xxiiij yeres my principall mes[suage] that I dwell yn & all my lond[es] and ten[ement]t[es] sett lying and beyng wtin the hundred of Cranebroke except my land[es] called Appulbyes and all my lond[es] called ffrenyngh[a]m on bothe sides of the strete to haue to hym to his heyres and assign' for eu[er] in the meane tyme to be receyved by my said execut or assign' for the keping of my children to the fulfillyng of my will and to paying of my dett[es] and bequest[es] theof I ordeyne to thesaid Richard toward his lernyng the first yere after my decesse x m[a]rk[es] and then thesaide Richard to haue yerely till he come to his said age of xxiiij. yeres / xij m[a]rk[es] a yere /
Also I will that my said feoffe[] & their Assigne[] deliu[er]e or cause to be deliu[er]ed to Stephen my son whom he cometh to his age of xxiiij. yeres all my lond[es] and ten[ements] sett lying and beyng wtin the pisshes of Tenterden and Halden To haue to hym to his heyres and assign' for eu[er] the profitt[es] of the said lond[es] and ten[emen]t[es] in the meane tyme to be receved by my said execut ir assign' for the keping of my children to the fulfilling of my will and paying of my dett[es] and bequest[es] therof I ordeyne toward the payment of thesaid v li / which is to thesaid Agnes assigned l s. Also I ordeyne to the yerely fynding of thesaide Stephen my son tyll he cometh to thesaid age off xxiiij. yeres liij s iiij d. to be paid at / ij. termes of the yere / And the Residew of the profitt[es] comying of thesaid lond[es] and ten[ement]t[es] be to the paying of the rent[es] keping repacions to paye my dett[es] and bequest[es] and to the fulfillying of this my will
Also I will that mysaid feoffe[] or their assigne[] deliu' or cause to be delivu'ed to John my son whan he cometh to his age of xxiiij yeres all my lond[es] and tent[es] feet lying and beyng wtin the pisshes of Rolnynden Hawkeherst lyde and Stone and all thesaid thos lond[es] and tent[es] which the said Agnes my wif occupieth terme of her widowhode and all my lond[es] called Appulbyes lying in Benynden and all my lond[es] and tent[es] called Pullontonys and A crofte of lond lying to the saide Pullontons as the ffootway goeth on' to Rolnyndon / And all suche lond[es] as John Tucke Math Lecke and Thomas Hareworth holdeth and occupieth to ferme and all my lond[es] called ffrenyngh[a]m on bothe sides of the strete / and a mede att Chestynden To haue to hym to his heyres and assign' for eu[er] / the issues and profitt[es] comyng of thesaid lond[es] and ten[ements] in the meane tyme be receyved by my said execut or assign' fo the keping of my children to the fulfillyng of my will and paym[en]t of my dett[es] and bequest[es] Therof I ordeyne to thesaid payme[n]t of thesaid v li / which is to thesaid Agnes assigned L s. Also I ordeyne to the yerely fynding of thesaid John my son till he cometh to his said age of xxiiij. yeres / liij s iiij d to be paid at ij. termes of the yere / And the Residue of the profitt[es] comyng of the said lond[es] and tent[es] be to the paying of the rent[es] the keping of repacions to pay my dett[es] and bequest[es] and to the fulfillyng of this my will
Also I will that when as thesaid John and Stephen my sonnes come to their said age of xxiiij yeres that mysaid feoffe[] or their assign' deliu' all suche lond[es] and tent[es] as is to theym assigned fynding sufficient suertye to mysaid execut for payme[n[t of thesaid v li / whiche is to thesaid Agnes assigned that is to say owte of thesaid Johnis parte / L s. and owte of thesaid Stephens part / L s. at / ij. termes of the yere to be paid duri[n]g the lif of thesaide Agnes /
Also I ordeyne to the mariage of eche of my doughters / xx li of vsuall money of England to be paid win two yeres next after they be maried and by the hand[es] of mysaid execut or their assigne[] and either of my doughters to be others heyre if any of theym dye vnmaried
Also I will and ordeyne that mysaid feoffe[] haue into A stocke to Richardis part ij. oxey / ij sterys of iiij. yere age iiij kene A plough A cornewen[] A portlvene[?] and / ij. courtis[?] till thesaid Richard comys to his said age / And when he comys to his saide age then he to haue a deliu' of the abovesaid stocke.
It[em] I ordeyne to thesaid RIchard my gelding vnbroken
And the Residue of all my quycke catell not assigned be to the fulfillyng of this my will / and to paye me dett[es] & bequest[es] Also I ordeyne to thesaid Agnes my wif / iiij. semes of whete and iiij. semes of otys Also I will that if any nede by to sell my lond[es] than I will that myn executors sell all my lond[es] and tent[es] lying and beyng wt the pisshe of Bydynden in the best pace that they can and the money therof to be receyved by myn executors and be to the fulfillyng of this my will and to the paying of my dett[es] and bequest[es] / And if noon nede be to sell no lond[es] than I will that my said lond[es] and tent[es] in Bydynden be deliu'ed to thesaide John my son when he come to his said age in fee symple /
Also I will that mysaid executors haue the Rewle and gydyng of my childern during their noonage / except my yongest dought[er] whiche I will that Agnes my wif haue in her Rewle and keping / And thesaid Agnes to haue yerely off mysaud execut for the keping of the childe xl s / a yere tyll thesaid child come to thage of xij. yeres /
And if the said Richard decesse wt his said age of xxiiij yeres wout yssue of his body begoten lawfully / then I will that Stephyn my son haue all suche lond[es] and tent[es] as it to Ric assigned in fee symple / And all suche lond[es] and ten' as is to the said Stephyn assigned be deliu'ed to thesaid John my son whan he comys to his said age of xxiiij yeres in fee symple /
And if thesaid John decesse wt his said age of xxiiij yeres wt yssue of his body lawfully begoten than I will that thesaid RIchard haue all my lond[es] called Appulbyes and all my lond[es] called ffrenyngh[a]m lying on the westside of the strete there in fee symple and all the Residew of thesaid lond[es] and ten' be deliu'ed to the said Stephyn whan his comys to his age of xxiiij yeres in fee symple /
And if thesaide Stephen decesse wtoute yssue of his body lawfully begoten wtin his saide age of xxiiij yeres than I will that thesaid Ric haue all my lond[es] called Appulbyes and all my lond[es] called ffrenyngh[a]m lying on the westside of the strete there in fee symple / And all the Residue of the[] lond[es] and tent[es] be deliu'ed to thesaid John when he comys to his saide age of xxiiij. yeres in fee symple /
And if bothe my yongest sonnes decesse wtout yssue of their bodies lawfully begoten wtin their said age of xxiiij yeres than I will that thesaid Richard haue owt of their part[es] yerely x m[a]rche A yere / And the Residue of of thesaid yssue and pfitt[es] comyng of thesaid land[es] and tent[es] be receved by mysaid execut or assign' till that this my present will be obsued[?] and fulfilled / And than thesaid lond[es] and ten' be deliu'ed to the said Ric to his heyres and assigne[] in fee symple / paying then thesaid Ric or his assign' to thesaide Agnes or to hir assigne[] thesaid v li which is to hir assigne[] by this my will during hir lif
And if all my sones decesse wtoute yssue of their bodies lawfully begoten wtin their said age of xxiiij, ueres than I will that my doughters then beyng on lyve haue all my lond[es] and tent[es] lying and beyng wtin the pisshes of Benynden and Cranebroke in fee symple to be devided by the discrecion of my said feoffe[] and executors and of other good neighbors And all my lond[es] in Sandherst to remayn to Richard Bygge my nevew in fee symple / And the Residue of all myn other lond[es] and tent[es] not assigned I will that mysaide execuors and feoffe[] sell in the best price that they can /
And themoney therof to be distabuted in forme folowing that is to sey to bye A sewte of browne blew / or of browne violat [...] in the churche of Benynden to to the valor of xl li / It[em] to bye an Antyphonar' to thesaide churche of Benynden / x li /
It[e]m I ordeyne of thesaid money receyved of thesaid lond[es] and tent[es] sold to an honest preest / to syng in thesaid churche off Benynden on seynt Sichis ault for my soule my fader and moder[es] soules and for all xp[] soules by the space of vj. yeres / xl li /
It[em] to an honest preest to syng in the churche of Tenderden for my soule my faderand moder[es] soules by the space of an hole yere / x m[a]rc :
It[em] to an honest preest to syng in the churche of Cranebroke in likewise by the space of an hole yere / x m[a]rc /
It[em] to an honest preest to syng in lyke forme in the churche of Sandherst by the space of an hole yere x. m[a]rc :
It[em] I ordeyne to Agnes my wif if she then be a lyf xx li / And the Residue of thesaid money of thesaid lond(es & ten' so sold to be distabuted in almes deed[es] and mendyng of fowle weyes and in other deed[es] of charities by the discrecion of mysaid executors and feoffe[] /
Provided alwey that if thesaid Richard my son vexe or trobull / or make any clayme title of interesse of any lond[es] and tent[es] which is to thesaid John and Stephen assigned by this my will I will that my said feoffe[] or their assigne[] deliu' to hym or them the whiche thesaid Richard so troublith all such lond[es] and tent[es] as I bought of Walter Robeth Esquire and of Willm Amys of Cant and all suche lond[es] at Sodden whiche descended to me after the decesse of John Glover my fader in fee symple /
Also I ordeyne to thesaid Agnes my wif all the salte in the werkehouse and all my wollis colorid and vncolorid.
Also I will that mysaid feoffe[] deliu' wtin A yere next after my decesse to John Honbard all suche lond[es] and housyng as I late bought of hym paying thesaid John to mysaid executors x mrco / of / vsuall money of England whiche x mrco
I ordeyne to an honest preest to syng for my soule my fader and moder[es] soules &c in the church of Benynden on seynt SIthis aulter by the space of an hole yere &c /.
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