Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Hammond
Contents |
Introductory Notes
This is the last will and testament of Thomas Hammond, Regicide. The will was dated 17 August 1657 and probate was granted 27 April 1658.[1]
At the time of his death, Hammond was living at the Manor House in Byfleet, Surrey.
Persons mentioned
- Mrs Martha Hammond: Second wife
- Elizabeth Hammond: Daughter, under age of twenty one years
- Mary: Daughter, under age of twelve years
- Martha: Daughter, under age of twelve years
- Jane: Daughter, under age of twelve years
- Katherine: Daughter, under age of twelve years
- Henry Hammond: Son, under age of twenty four
- Temple Hammond: Son, under age of twenty four
- Thomas Temple of Frankton: Brother of first wife
- Henry Whitfield of Grays Inn
I Thomas Hammond of Byfleet in the County of Surrey Esq
being sicke of body though of perfect memory and understanding considering
the frailty of humane flesh and being desirous to setle and dispose of
both my reall and personall estate doe make this my last will
and testament. Imprimis I doe give and bequeath unto my beloved
wife Mrs Martha Hammond for her Joynture and in lieue of and
in barr and full satisfaction of all her dower which she may have or
clayme of or in any of the Mannors lands tenements & hereditaments
of me the said Thomas Hammond, All that my Messuage called
Byflet House with the gardens and orchards and soe much of the said
Parke called Byflet Parke being parte of the demeasnes of the
Mannor of Byflet as lyeth betweene the said howse called Byflet
House and the Towne gates of Byflet, and also all those peeces or
p[ar]cells of land called the Sandfield. The flax close, the tenn acres and
the Pigeon howse mead lyeing on the sideof the River of Byflet
togeither with the power and liberty of holding and keepeing of
Courts and all the previledges and immunities to the same belonging
with the issues and profitts thereof, and also all those the paper
Mille and Corne mill with their and every of their appurtennes
togeither with those Eight acres of land parcell of the parke called
Byflet Parke called by the name of the old Mannor, and that peece
called the Wheat peece and the peece called the little meadowe as the
same now are in the occupation of John Harris, and also all those
my lands tenements and hereditants lyeing and being in ye p[ar]ish
of Laleham in the County of Middx. To and to hold the afores[ai]d
premisses unto my said wife for and dureing the terme of Her
naturall lief. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my daughter
Elizabeth Hammond the some of five hundred pounds to be paid
unto her at her age of one and twenty yeares, and until the same be
paid unto her my will is that she shall have for her mayntenance the
some of thirty pounds yearely. Item I doe give unto my daughters
Mary, Martha Jane and Katherine the some of five hundred pounds
apeece to be paid unto them at their severall ages of one & twenty
yeares and until the same be paid my will and meaneing is
that they shall have for their mayntenance until their age of twelve
yeares the some of sixteene pounds yearely and from thence until their
age of sixteene yeares the some of twenty pounds yearely and
from thence until their ages of one and twenty yeares
the some of thirty pounds yearely and my will is that in case any
of my said daughters should dye before their severall ages of one and
twenty yeares that then the portion of the daughter soe dyeing
shalbe devided equally betweene the surviving sisters except the
party dyeing shall happen to have cchildren, and then the same to
goe to her children equally, and as touching and conserning
the rayseing of portions and mayntenance for my said daughters
my will and my meaneing is and I doe hereby devise & bequeath
that my said wiefe and such person or persons as my said wiefe
shall nominate and appoint under her hand or by her last will
and testament (in case my said wiefe should dye before the
tyme hereafter comitted for the rayseing of the said portions)
shall take and receive the issues and profitts, of all that other
parte of the said Parke and demeasne of the said Mannor of
Byflet lyeing on the other side of the river, and all those two
Acres of meadowe lyeing in the Comon field of Byflet without
the parke called the kings peese, and of all those my lands tenements
and hereditaments called Bredgar scituate lyeing and being in Bredgar
in the County of Kent until my sonne Henry Hammond hereafter
named shall or might attaigne unto his Aige of Twenty fower years
and of all those my howses lands and tenements and hereditaments lyeing
and being in Acton, and After the decease of my wiefe of all these my
lands in Laleham aforesaid until my sonne Temple Hammond shall
or might attayne his Aige of twenty fower yeares and in case
my sonne Henry Hammond shall dye before the said Aige of fower
and twenty yeares that then my said wiefe and such person or p[er]sons
as she shall so nominate and appoint shall mreeive the issue & profitts
of all my lands hereafter limitted to my said sonne Henry until
my said sonne Temple Hammond shall or might have attayned
to the said Age of fower and twenty yeares as aforesaid, and in case
my said sonne Temple Hammond shall dye before the said Age of
Twenty fower yeares then my will is that for the better rayseing of these
porcons that my said wiefe and such person or persons soe nominated
as aforesaid by her shall sell all those lands in Acton aforesaid for
the said portions and in case that my said wiefe should dye before
that my said sonne Henry Hammond shall attayne unto his said age
of Twenty fower yeares that then my will and meaneing that such
person or persons as she shall soe nominate and appoint shall
receive the issues and profitts of all the lands, tenem[en]ts & hereditaments
of all those lands hereafter given to my said sonne Henry until
he shall or might have attayned his fair age of twenty fower yeares
and of all thos elands hereafter given unto my sonne Temple
Hammond untill he shall or might have attayned his said age
of Twenty fower yeares and in case my said sonne Henry dye
before the said age, then all of those lands hereby given unto him
until my said sonne Temple shall accomplish his said age provided
allways and my meaneing is that if my said wiefe and such
person or persons as she shall soe nominate as aforesaid shall
finde that the issues and profitts of all those lands so lymitted as
aforesaid for the raysinge of porcons shall not be sufficient thereunto within the lying lymitted as aforesaid that then it shall and may be lawfull and I doe hereby
devise that the said lands called Bredgar in Kent and the lands in Acton in
the County of Middx or such or soe much of them as my said wiefe
or such person or persons as she shall soe nominate or appoint as
aforesaid shall think fitt shalbe sold for the rayseing of the portions
aforesaid and whereas my wiefe is now with child for a p[ro]vision
for that child if it shall please God it shall live, because the same
is not capable of any thing to be given it in case I dye before it
be borne if my wiefe shalbe delivered and the child shall attayne
to the Age of one yeare, I doe give and bequeath unto my said wiefe
the some of five hundred pounds to be raysed as aforesaid which
I doe desire her to give unto the said child if she please and in case
the said child shall dye before the said age of one yeare then this
devise to my said wiefe of this last five hundred pounds shalbe void.
Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said sonn Henry Hammond
all those my lands tenem[en]ts and hereditam[en]ts except the same be sold as
aforesaid called Bredgar in the County of Kent, and all those my lands
called Cole Banner lands in the Realme of Ireland, and I doe give and
bequeath unto him after the decease of my wiefe the said mannor and
Mansion howse and the Parke and Mills of Byflet aforesaid, To have
and to hold to him for and dureing the terme of his naturall liefe with
power to my said sonne to make a joynture to any wiefe or wiefes
which my said sonne shall happen to marry the remaynder thereof
unto my loveing brother Thomas Temple of Frankton in the County
of Warwick & Henry Whitfield of Grayes Inn in the County of Middx
esqs and the survivors of them for and dureing the naturall liefe of my
said sonne Henry the remaynder thereof unto the first begotten sonne of
of my said sonne Henry and the heires males of his body and for want
of such issue unto the second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth
nyne and tenth sonnes of the body of my said sonne lawfully to be begotten
and the heyres males of their bodies lawfully begotten as the same
and in seniority and for default of such issue the remaynder thereof
u8nto my sonne Temple Hammond and his heires for ever. Item I doe
give and bequeath unto my sonne Temple Hammond after the decease
of his mother all those my lands and tenements in Laleham in the
County of Middx aforesaid and if the same be not sold for the rayseing
of portions as aforesaid I doe hereby give unto him all those my lands and
and tenem[en]ts in Acton aforesaid and also all those lands now allotted unto
me or to any in trust for me by the Comittee for money lent for the
releife of Ireland. To have and to hold to him and the heires males of
his body and for want of such issue to my sonne Henry Hammond
and his heires for ever, and if it happen that my said sonns or anie
of them shall dye without sonns but yet having daughters that then the
party that is hereby made his heire or to whom the same is given after
the decease of the party soe dyeing shall give and pay unto the
daughter or daughters of the party soe dyeing the some of five hundred
pounds a peece within two years after the decease of the said partie
and if it should happen both my sonns to dye without issues of their bodies
as aforesaid then my will is that my said daughters shall have all the
aforesaid lands tenements and hereditaments to them and their heires
part and part like equally to be divided they paying unto the daughters of
either of their said brothers the portions soe comitted as aforesaid. Item
I doe make my said wiefe Mrs Martha Hammond my full and sole Executrix of this my last will &
Testament and doe hereby give and bequeath unto her all my personall
estate goods household sti=uff chattells and debts whatsoever. Except the
lease of the lands of Cole Banner in Ireland formerly given to my
sonne Henry. In Witnes whereof to each sheet of this my last will
and testament I have sett my hand and seale this seaventeenth day of
August One thousand six hundred fifty seaven. Tho: Hammond. Read signed sealed and
published as his last will and testament in presence of Henry
Whitfield, Lucey Dngley, Hester Whitfield, Gilbert Barrow. Item
findeing uppon consideracon that the portion of land already sett out
by me heere for payment of my daughters portions aforesaid will not
be sufficient thereunto, I doe hereby revoke and make the former Limitation
of estate to my sonns or any of them void as touching and concerning
the Mannor Howse Parke lands and Mill of Byflet aforesaid and
I doe hereby devise and will that the same or any part or parcell thereof as to my
said wiefe shall seeme fitt or such p[er]son or p[er]sons soe nominated
by her as aforesaid shallbe sold for the paym[en]t of the portions aforesaid
and that my wife & such person or persons as aforesaid nominated
and appointed by my said wiefe shall have full power & authority to
lett sett alien and sell the same for the payment of the portions
aforesaid and in case the same be sold then my will is that soe much
of the money as shall remayne over and above the portions aforesaid
shall remayne in my wifes hands and she to have the use of it
dureing her liefe and after her decease in case she doe not purchase any
land therewith which I desire she would and setle the same upon my
sonnHenry in the same manner as this was limitted to him
before that then he shall have the residue of the money after her
decease. Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth for augmentation of her
portion for her care of me in my sickness two hundred pounds more
and my will is that if the child my wiefe goes with be a sonne
he to be his brother Temples heire. Published and declared as his
last will and testament in the presence of Henry Whitfield
John Baber, Hester Whitfield, John Dingley Katherine Bestney
Proved 27 April 1658
- ↑ Will of Thomas Hammond of Byfleet, Surrey. 27 April 1658 PROB 11/276/132
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