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Will of Thomas Henburie, gentleman of New Brentford 1619

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Date: 1619 [unknown]
Location: Brentford, Middlesex, Englandmap
This page has been accessed 48 times.

Potentially a parent of Edward Hanbury

The Will of Thomas Henburie, gentleman of newe Brainford was written on 22 August 1619, and adminstration was granted on 6 September 1619 at London, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, to Elizabeth Henburye the relict and executrix.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

  • Thomas Henburie (testator)
  • Elizabeth Henburye (wife)
  • Thomas Grover (tenant)
  • Edward Handburye, schoolmaster
  • Mabell Newball (daughter)
    • William Newball (Mabel's husband, deceased)
    • Elizabeth Newbald, Anna Newball, William Newball (Mabel's youngest children)
  • Elizabeth Wilson, wife of Robert of Limehouse (daughter)
  • Phillis Hunnington (maid servant)
  • Edwarde Henburye (son, presumably a different Edward to the previously mentioned)
  • William Smithe, victualler and Henry Martyn, shoemaker (overseers)
  • Witnesses: John Chappell, William Smith, Richard Hinton, Henrye Martyn

In the name of God amen: I Thomas
Henburie of newe Brainford in the Countye of Mid[dlesex] gentleman beinge
verie sicke of body but perfect of memorie and sences (thank[es] be to God) doe
make and ordaine this my last will and Testament the twoe and twentith daye
of August in the seavententh yeare of the Raigne of oure sovereigne Lord Kinge
James of England Scotland France & Ireland def & of Scotland the
three and fiftithe anno D[omi]ni 1619. Imprimis I bequeath my Soule into the
handes of allmightye God my Creator and Redeem[er] and my Body to Christian
Buriall in the Northe Isle of the Chancell under the Toombestone that my Grand//
father was buried in in Braynford churche Item concerninge my Landes and Tenement[es]
I will and dispose in manner and forme followinge (vizt) Imprimis I will give & bequeth
to my lovinge wief Elizabeth Henburye all that the howse I nowe dwell in and the
Cottage or Tenement latelie in the tenure or occupac[i]on of Thomas Grover w[i]th all
yeardes Wayes Stables and Outehowses thereunto belonginge And alsoe that howse
or Tenement wherein Edward Handburye Schoolemaster nowe dwelleth in after the
decease of the said Edward To have and to houlde the said p[re]misses to the sayd Elizabeth
for Terme of her naturall lief And after her decease to Mabell Newball widdowe late
wief to William Newball and her three youngest children (vizt) Elizabeth Newbald
Anna Newball and William Newball equallie to be devided amongest them after the
sayd Mabells decease and theire heires forever Item I will give and bequeathe to my
Daughter Elizabeth Wilson the wief of Robert Wilson of Lymehowse in the Countye
of Essex Victualler twoe acres of Freehould Land lyenge next to Braynford Towne
in the Parrishe of Yealdinge and to her heires forever. Item I give unto the Poore of
newe Braynford Tenn shilling[es] to be bestowed amongest them uppom the day of
my Funerall. Item I give unto my mayde Phillis Hunnington Three shilling[es] and
fower pence besydes all her wages Item all the rest of my Goodes chattels moveables
and Implements of Howshouldstuff whatsoever (exceptinge three thing[es]) that is to saye)
an anncient Salte my best Coverlett and my best Carpett w[hi]ch I give unto my wel//
beloved Sonne Edwarde Henburye I give unto my lovinge wief Elizabeth Henburie
whome I make my sole Executrix And I utterlie revoke and reverse all former Wills
Legacies and request whatsoev[er] heretofore by me made And doe absolutelie confirme &
pronounce this to be my lawfull last will and Testament by these pr[esen]t[es] And for
my Overseers hereof I doe nominate and appoynte William Smithe of newe Brain//
ford Victualler and Henry Martyn of the same Shoomaker And for theire paynes I
give unto eache of them Five shilling[es]. In wittnes hereof I have hereunto sett my
hande and sealle the daye and yeare above written. Thomas Henburie: Item my mynde
will and intent is that my daughter Mabell Newball and her heires forever shall
have that one howse and Backsyde w[hi]ch I have in the Parrishe of Norwood nowe in
the tenure or occupac[i]on of the widdowe Eatherington Signed & sealled & delyv[er]ed in the
pr[esen]ce of us whose names are hereunder written John Chappell William Smith Richard
Hinton Henrye Martyn /././. Probatum

Probate in Latin in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in London, administration granted to Elizabeth Henburye the relict and executrix on 6 September 1619


  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 134
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #957461 (accessed 21 September 2023)
    Will of Thome Henburie, granted probate on 6 Sep 1619. Died about 1619 in Newe Brainford, Middlesex, England.

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