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Will of Thomas Herdson of London 1521

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The will of Thomas Herdson, skinner, of London. It was written on 28 December 1521. The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 4 March 1521/2.


Thomas Herdson, skinner, will proved 4 March 1521/2, Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers, class PROB 11, piece 20: Maynwaring (1520-1522), The National Archives, Kew, England; "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858," database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 18 April 2021), Image 358 of 473 (subscription required).

Transcription Notes:

  • Spelling and grammar as in the original image, except that paragraphs have been added to increase readability
  • Abbreviated words (eg where the common bar mark appears) have been spelt out in full, where the full spelling was obvious


In dei nomine amen The yere of our lord Mt vh xxjth the xxviij Day of December I Thomas Herdson Skynner of hole mynde make my testament and last wille in this maner

First I bequeth my soule unto almighty god and to our lady saint mary and to all the holy company of hevyn And my body to be buried in the Churche porche by my wife

Item I geve to the high awter iij s iiijd

Item I will have a trentall of masses in my parishe Churche the Day of my buriall

Item I geve to my father my Tawny gowne of medley furred with blak lambe and xxs in money And I will he shalhave every yere as long as he lyvith xxs yf my goodes be sufficient

Item to Thomas Herdson iijli and to be kept till he com to the age of x yere to scole of my goodes

Item I geve to William Wylson beside pappey my blak gown furred

Item I geve to Thomas Waules my Russet gowne furred with fox poots

Item I geve to Hugh Torgest my Ray gowne furryd wt kyddys

Item I geve to my brother John Herdson my tawny gowne furryd with blak lambe and boge

Item I geve and bequeth to my son Henry Herdson all the Residue of my goodes my debts paide and legacies And if it fortune he to decesse then I will the next of my kynne that is to sey my brother John Herdson and myn apprentice John Clerk shalhave the thirde parte of my goodes And the secunde parte to the Skynners Hall to dispose for me And the Residue to dispoase for my soule by the discrecion of John Godde marchannt Taillor and Henry Bothby that was my servnt

Item I will the forsaid Henry Bothby shalhave the use of my goodes that remayneth to the use of my sonne Henry Herdson till he come to the age of xxti yere. And yf so be that god sende fo the forsaid Henry Bothby that then I will Hugh Torgose shalhave the custody of the same goodes to the behove of my forsaid sonne Henry. And then he to make a lawfull accompt to him And also the leese of the house I dwell in And the forsaid Henry Herdson my sonne I make him and ordeyn myn executour hole. And John Godde marchannt Taillor Overseer of this my last will And I geve to him for his labour iijli in money And all suche Rekenynge as is betwixt him and me from the begynnyng of the worlde untill this day for my cawse I forgeve him

Item I geve Henry Bothby all the Rest of my weryng gere not bequest except my best gowne. Item I geve to Sir Robert Hardyng preest xs to pray for my soule Witnesse of this my last will Sir Robert Hardyng prest William Wilson and Hugh Targose

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