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Will of Thomas Holand 1473

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Date: 25 Jan 1473 [unknown]
Location: Devon, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Holand Holland
This page has been accessed 52 times.

This is a copy of an abstract in the Oswyn Murray Collection of the will of Thomas Holand of Cowick, near Exeter, Devon, enrolled in the records of the Mayor of Exeter on 25 January 1472/73.

A description of the Oswyn Murray collection can be found in the Devon Wills Project.

This will is found in the Second Series, on Family Search Library film number 916914 under the standardised surname form Holland.

List of persons mentioned

  • Thomas Holand, the testator
  • Mawte (Maud) or Matilda, daughter of the testator,
  • [William Cowley (recte Bowley), engaged to Maud]
  • Elizabeth, wife of the testator, inherited lands at Alphington for her life
  • William Downe, former occupant of one of Thomas's houses in Exbridge
  • Roger, son of the testator, inherited lands at Chagford and South Tawton
  • wife of Master Roger Keys, to advise Maud on her marriage
  • Master John Eggecombe, to advise Maud on her marriage
  • Thomas, son of the testator, inherited lands at Powne
  • John, son of the testator, inherited lands at Beare, Crediton and Hokeway
  • Robert, son of the testator, inherited lands at Hethe, Fayrewode and Gopplewall
  • Margaret, unmarried daughter of the testator


Date of Will 25 January 1472/73.

(Exeter) Mayor's Court Roll. 12/13 Ed. IV. Monday, Feast of
Conversion of St. Paul. 12 Edw. IV.[1] [Will of Thomas
Holland, produced in Court by Matilda, daughter of the said
Thomas, who is betrothed to William Cowley].

This ys my wille that Elizabeth my wyfe have terme of hire
lyfe all my londes & tenementis yn the pariche of Synt Thomas
yn Coweke strete except my londes and tenements yn Exwike
and the howse that William Downe dwellit ynne at Exbrigge
ende also I wolle that my lands & tenements yn Morton
Beare Crediton Hokeway Shepewashe Exwike Powne Hethe Fayrewode
Widecombe and Barnestaple the prophets therof to pay my
dettes and the sale of my wode yn the pariche of Whitstone
Also I wolle that Rogger my sone have all my londes &
tenements yn Chageforde and in South tawton. Also I wolle
that the place that William Downe dwellit on that hit be
desposed to the mariage of my doghter Mawte and the profits
therof onto soche tyme that she be wedded by the wyfe of
Master Rogger Keys, Master John Eggecombe and Elizabeth my
wyfe & that all this be do by the vyse of the said Rogger
John & Elizabeth & after my dettes payed I wolle Thomas my
sone have all my londes & tenements in Powne to hym & to his
heyres of his body comyng and for defawte of soche ayers
retorne on to the right ayers of Thomas Holand fader onto
the said Thomas. Also wolle that John my sone have my
londes and tenementes yn Beare Crediton & yn Hokeway to hym
& to his ayers of hys body comyng & for defawte of soche
ayers retorne on to the right ayers of the said Thomas
fader onto the said John. Also I wolle that Robert my sone
have alle my londes & tenements in Hethe Fayrewode & in
Gopplewall to hym & to his ayers of his body conyng & for
defawte of soche ayers onto the right ayers of the said
Thomas fader onto the said Robert. Also I wolle that my
place at Exeter be disposed the prophets therof to the mariage
of Margarete my doghter if she be maryed by the said Eliz.
Also I wolle that the reversion of my londe at Alphyngton
when hit falleth that Eliz. my wyfe have terme of her lyfe.
En wittenes hereof I putte to my sele & my syne manuell.

Thomas Holand


  1. Monday, Feast of Conversion of St. Paul. 12 Edw. IV. = 25 January 1472/73

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Categories: St Thomas, Devon