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Will of Thomas Kendall of Rackheath, Norfolk 1619

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Date: 1618 to 1619
Location: Rackheath, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Kendall
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 21 times.

Will of Thomas Kendall of Rackheath

In the name of God Amen
November the seaven tene in the yeare of our Lord God one
thousand six hundred and eightene I Thomas Kendaall of
Rackheath Singleman, beinge of good mind and perfect memory
praised be God Doe make and ordayne this my Last will and
testament in manner and forme following

First I commytt my
soule into the hands of almightie God my maker and Redeamer
hoping assuredly by the merritts of Jesu Christ my Saviour
that I shall dye the death of the righteous and my Soule shall
enter into the Kyngdome of heaven and remayne w[i]th my Redeamer
for ever And I will that my body shall be buryed in the church

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tarde of Rackheath or wheresoever it shall please God to call me
out of this miserable worlde

Item I give and bequeathe unto
Ann Nichols my sister Ten pounds of good and lawfull mony
of England part of forty pounds w[hi]ch my father hath given
unto me To be payde unto the saide Ann in manner and forme
as William Kendall my brother shall paie it unto me the sayd
Thomas yf it please God that I outlyve my father

I give and bequeath unto An Kendall my Goddaughter the daught[er]
of Willi[am] Kendall my brother fower pound of like English mony
To be payde the same day twelvemonth after that my Sister
Ann is as should be payd

Item I give an bequeathe unto Richard
Bridgett and Will[ia]m the three other children of my brother
Will[iam] Kendall three pounds To be devided equally betwist them
that day twelvemoneth after that my Goddaughter An is payde
her fower pounds>br/>
Item I give and bequeath unto Sara, Ann
Gemellia, Robert Elizabeth and Mary the six children of
Nicholas Kendall my brother six pounds To be payde & equally
to be devided betwixt them the same day twelvemoneth after
that the three children ofmy brother Will[iam] Kendall ar payde
their lebacie w[hi]ch I have given them

Item I give and bequeath
unto Richard, John, Thomas, Elizabeth and Phillipp the children
of John Kendall my brother fyve pounds To be euqally devided
amongest them the same day twelve moneth after that the six
children of my brother Nicholas Kendall ar payde

Item my will
and mynde is that my Executrix shall bestowe fyve pounds of
good English money to defraye my buraill chardges, and to
bring my body decently unto my grave

Item I give to the repayeing
of the church xijd And to the poore of Rackheath one shilling<br/<
Item I give unto Alice Nicholls widdowe xs

Item I give unto
Elizabeth Steers ijs And my mynde is that the saide Elizabeth
shall have the xs w[hi]ch I have given to' her mother Alice yf she
depart form this world before me
Item I give unto Margarett
Mott? twelve pence

And unto Joan Holl one shillings

Item I give
unto Elizabeth Kendall my sister in lawe ten shillings

Item I give
and bequeath unto my god children twelve a peece

Item of this
my will and Testament I make and ordayne Will[iam] Kendall my
Brother sole Executor he p[er]forming my will and paieng the fore

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sayde legacies according to my mynde, and to bring my body de=
cently unto the grave.

In witness hereof I have hereunto sett
my hand and seale the day and yeare above written in the p[re]sence
of thes Will[iam] Barnes Teste Ed. Parys Signe Tho, Kendall

Item my mynde and will is that forty shillings part of the
fyve pounds w[hi]ch I willed should be bestowed about my buriall
to be employed in this order First hereof I give ten shillings
to the rep[ar]ation of Brinton CHurch And thirty shillings
to be commytted and delivered into the hands of some honest
man W[i]th good assurance for the paieng of the yearly firme
thereof on Christmas day yearely to the use and benefitt of
the poore of Brinton in the Countie of Norf[olk] soe long as
this wolrld shall endure. And the ferme of the said money
to be distributed according to the good discretion of the
Churchwardens of the same parrishe

Item I give and
bequeathe unto An Nicholls my Sister my chist at Brinton
And this I have adioyned unto my will to be p[er]formed by
my foresaide Executor Will[iam] Kendall as truly and duely
as the rest

In witness hereof I have hereunto sett to my
hand and seale the three and xxth daie of November A[nno].....
Signum Thome Kendall Read, sealed and delivered the
second tyme to the above written in the presence of Robert
Brigge and John Tanton


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