Location: Churchill, Somerset, England
Surname/tag: Latch
1 C. 2 lpe name o 3 Eco Amen 4 The twenty sixth day of Aprill - Anno Dni one thousand or hundred 5 fiftie and twoe I Thomas Latche of Oves Langford in the parishe of 6 Churchill in the Countie of some sett Esqr being sicke of Bodie yet of perfect 7 mind and Memory prased be God doe make and ordeine this my last will 8 and Testament in manner and forne followeing ffirst and princevally I most 9 willinglie desire to yeild vp my soule into the hands of Allmightie God my 10 maker humbly desireing a continuall encrease of my weake Assurance of 11 his never fayleing acceptance thereof washed and made perfect in the 12 blood of his sonne Iesus Christ my Redeemer the Mediatour And my 13 body to the comon Mother the Earth will assured that it shall come forthe att 14 the asurrection And as for such worldlie Rood which God in bound ye 15 hath here made mee Stewart of yeisrose of it to his praise that gave it 16 mee as followeth Inprimis Because by my deathe the Annuitye of 17 fifty pounds per Annum by mee settled vpon my elders sonne John sa
his present maintenance will cease and determine my Will is that hee shall have and hold for his life the Messuage or Tenement wherein I now inhabite in verlaugfore aforesaid with all Lands and Appurtenances thereunto belonging worth seaventy pounds per Ammin or thereabouts And alsoe my messuage and Mill in Overlangford aforesaid with the Land and Appurtenances thereunto belongening with mitye pounds perstumun or thereabouts And I give unto him twenty poune to bughin a Sumer Nagg or my sadle Gelding with all my rideing Ffurniture at his Choice Item whereas I have contractes for Vurchared in fee and fully paied for the Iuheriture of the Messuages Mille and divers Tenements and Lands herein after menconed lyeing in Bauwell and Churchill and which were a parcell of the Mannor of Bauwell in the Countye of Somersett and of the lands late of the Bishorricke of Bathe and Welle and which according he are granted conveied and assured to Edmond Latche and Rovert atche twoe of my Louis and theire heires forever by the Trustees of that my noble Lord St John now Lord cheife Justice of the Comon Pleas whoe by his appointmt. and to hiowse have taken the Assurance of the whole Mannor of Bauwell Now according to a Deed of declaration of vies made of my part thereof betweene mee and my said sonns Edmond and Robert Latche Idee hereby I doe hereby appoint and declare my will and meaneing to be as touching the premisses to by meeurchased and paied for as followeth (vizt) (doctare my will to be and doe hereby give the Irish Mille Tenement wth the Land hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongeing scittuate lyeing a Bauwell aforesaid benige and which late were in the tenare of John Leman Junr and now of his Selict for the life of Edmond Wattes Junr to Mary heunt my daughter and her vse for tearme of her life And after her deathe to such of her children and this usee to whome shee shall by her will or other wryteing certified by twoe credible Mituesses lymitt or appoint the same for such Estate or Estates and Interest as shee shall thereby lymitt or appoint And in the fault of such Symitacons orlichomtment to the use of the heires of the body of the said Mary Hunt shee and they payeing yearlie after the deathe of the said Edmond Watts unto my sonne Augustine the summe of eight pounds verd hum during his life onlie which said sume my will is should be paied unto him quartertie by equall perconed Item as toucheing the Icheritaine of the said mesuage or Tenement in Churchill wherein: I dwell with the Lands and Appurtenances thereof after the deather Surrenders fforfeitures or other determinacon of the Coppiehold Estate of my twoe sonns John and Samuell which they successivelye are to hold and enioy for the tearme of theire lives by virtue of the Corrie I bought thereof to my selfe and them made I clee declare my will accordingly and I doe hereby give the same to my said sonne Robert Latchand his heires forever Item as toucheing the halfe gard Land in & verlangford late Irishes wherein I have Estate for my life I declare my will to be to the use of my said sonne Robert Latche for his present maintenance And I doe hereo give the same whimand his heires forever Item as touching the teneing in lonlangford in the teuure of John ffiler wth the Lane & Appurtenance thereunto belongeing on which are twoe lives in being and alsoe a ruinone Cottage and an Acre of ground late in the tonure of John Lovelwhere on there are foure lives in being I doe declare my will to be and accordinglye. I doe give the same for the use of and to my sonne Augustine Litch and his heires forever Item as touching the twoe Tenements in Langford late in the Tenure of John Litbeat with the Lands and Appurtennces there to over belongeing I doe declare my will to be to the vse of and accordingly I doe give the same to my said sonne Edmond Latche and his heires
forever Item as touching my Rectorie and Parsonage of Congressurie on the
said Countie of Somersen with the Tythes Rents profitts benefitts & Comodities
thereof which by like Deede of vses I have considered unto my brother Wolfe and
my Cozen Mr. ffrancie yeomane I doe hereby declare my will and meaning
to be and doe appoint that the same shalbe to the payment of my Debts
and Legacies hereby given my debts being onlie foure hundred pounds due
vnto my sonne Huntand for that purpose to be sould away by mine & executo
and verseere if they see it fitt but if mine Executor shall pay or well secure
the said fence hundred pounds debt to theire litening and as it is articuled
behoeene vs and shall make due and full satisfaction of my Legacies then-
they the said Miles Wolfe my brother and Mr. Francis yeomans shall
upon request to them or to the survivor of them or the Executor of such
Nervivor grant and make over the same to him my said Executor Item my
Tenement called Willinge att Stocke and all other my Chathes Goods stocke
Cattle Corne Hay households tuffe and personall Estate whatsoever I give to my
said sonne Robert Latch whome I make Executor of this my will for the better
rayseing money for the payment of my debts and Legaciee from I give unto
hny said sonne Robert Latch and his heires forever All and singular the parcells
of ground Lands and hereditaments within the parishe of Churchill aforesaid
whereof I am seized in fee either in possession revertion or remainder both by
my owne purchase and alsoe by discent att the same the better to enable him to
pay my debts and Legacie, And if my sonne Robert Latche shall refuse to be
my Executor and to pay and performe as aforesaid then I doe recoke and
recall all Legaries hereby to him given and bee on the tearmes give the same
vnto my sonne and daughter Bunt and on his refusall doe make them mine
Executors Item my Right Tythe and Interest as well of and in the Parsonage
Tythes Rent and Lands of Easthewish and Westhewishe as alsoe of and in a tenem
and Lands att sameford late Mr Bornes Lands I give and Release the same to
my said daughter Mary Hunt Item whoe as I hold for a tearme
determinable on the life of my said sonne John Latch certaine close & called
Linerudges Lady Meade and other Lands by Lease from Sr. Gennings
bright of the Rathe I give the same to my said sonne Augustine Latche for his
present Mayntenance to defray present Misery and it is att present no more to
vrevent his Excesse And I give unto the same Augustine my sonne the sume
on Annuity during his life onlye of foure pounds to be paied unto him quarterlie
by my executer out of the Tenenement I live in to begine the first quarter
day after the deathe of my sonnes John and Samuell Latch Allouys provided
to give mine Executer a Release and discharge from all such Legacies as he may
Clanne of the quifte of his Mother or brother Joseph deceased ffor I must
lease him to the lawe to recover that of his brother Samuell in whose hand
it is Item I give to William Manfeild and Allice Marshman my Oosenant
servante thirke shillinge a peace to be vaied them att my buriall above what
they are to have by Covenant for Wages soe as they be dwelling with mee at
my deathe and shall serve out theire Barme, wth my Executors. Item I give
to the Poore of the parishe of Churchill forty shillings to be described by
mine Executer within few daies after my decease estem I give to my good freind
Mr Thomas Edwards Parson of Hingston Semour the sume of three bonnes
and to his wife forty shillings Item I give unto my brother Miles wife
the sume of three pounds Item I give all my weareing an parellexcent
Veloot vnto my sonne Augustine to tthe them I give unto my soune Samuell
Latch the sume of forty shillings Item & give my gold Ring with a white stone
Item I give unto my daughter hsunt in regard
of her dilligence and Care over mee in my sicknesse the sume of twentye
pounds the first Legacie to be paied after the payment of my debts and to
every one of her Children forty shillings to be paied unto them att the
of one and twenty yeares or att theire respective daies of maryage which 6 shall find happen And last of all I doe desire and constitute the aforesayd 7 fug 8 Mr Thomas Edward and my brother Miles Wolf to be the Oversee of 9 this my last Will and Testament And I doe hereby hereby revoke and mak 10 vold all former Wille and Testaments by mee made In Witnesse whereof 11 I have to this my last will and Testament conteined in their foure shee to of 12 payer sett my hand to everyurheete and sealed them togeather & acknowledge 13 and published the same the aforesaid twenty sixth day of Aprill Anno dno 14 one thousand six hundred fiftie and twoe. Thomas Litch Witnesses at the 15 publisting hereof John Soodson the marke of Thousand Georgory Mary Willett 1 3 Will was proved att London the seaventeenth 2 day of September in the yeare of our Lord Oct. according to the Comontacon 3 of the Churche of England one thousand six hundred fiftie five before the right 4 wo George Parry & octo. of Lawes surrogate to the right woll Sr. Namaniell 5 Brent Knight doctor of Lawes and Mr or Reever of the prerogative Court 6 lawfully appointed by the vathe of Robert Latch Cent the sonne and Executo 7 named in the said will to whome the administracon was Comitted of all and 8 singule the goods thattles and Debts of the said eeceased hee the said 9 Robert Latch being first sworne in due forme of Lawe well & faythfullye 10 to admuister the same 11 Exs
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