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Will of Thomas Leynthale Esquire of Latchford, Great Haseley 1550

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Lenthall family The Will of Thomas Leynthale Esq., of Latchford, Great Haseley, Oxfordshire was written on 26 October 1547, and proved in London, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, on 22 October 1550.[1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting legibility good, a bit of fading on right hand side.

Persons mentioned:

  • Thomas Leynthale (testator)
  • William Leynthale (father, deceased)
  • Edmond Waighte (his "litle boy", it's not clear if this is a ward, a servant etc.)
  • William Leynthale (son, joint executor)
  • Lady Fowler (relationship not given, presumably deceased)
  • Elizabeth Leynthale (wife)
  • William Norres (relationship not known)
  • John Willy (father in law)
  • William Babham
  • John Leynthale (younger son)
  • Richarde Leynthale (younger son)
  • Tempest (son [in law or son?])
  • Robert Mortymer (party to a bond)
  • Edmonde Gadbery (party to a bond)
  • Thomas Williams (tenant of property in Herefordshire)
  • Mr Christofer Wescot (joint executor)
  • parson Harrops (seems to have left an obligation in his will)
  • Symond Seyntclere
  • John Beryton (cousin)
  • Sir John Broune Knight (overseer)
  • John Habham (cousin, overseer)
  • Witnesses: Johanne Batty. Richardo Savage Thomas Bonnde

Thome Leynthale
In the name of god Amen The xxvjti daye of October in the first yere of the
Reigne of our most dreade Soveraigne lorde Edwarde the Sixte by the grace of god kinge of
Englande Frannce and Irelande defendo[r] of the faithe and in earthe of the churche of England
and also of Irelande the supreme hedd / And in the yere of o[ur] lorde god th[ousan]t vc xlvijti. I Thomas
Leynthale of lacheford in the Countie of Oxen esquire / being of whole mynde and in good p[er]fytt
remembrance. Laude and prayse be unto almightie god, do make and ordeyne this my p[rese]nt testament
and last will in maner and forme folowing / First I com[m]ende my soule unto Almightie god my
maker and redemer / and my bodye to be buryed in the p[ar]ishe churche of peter and paule in greate
haseley before the trinitie aulter where as my father William Leynthale lieth buried Item I
wyll at the daye of my buriall my bodie be buried w[ith]oute pompe or pride / and in suche sorte as
myne Executours shall thinke best to be for the hono[ur] and glorie of Almightie god, And also a
Sermonde to be preached in the said parishe churche of great haseley / I will also to be distributed
at the daye of my buryall to every poore p[er]sonne inh[ab]iting within the same p[ar]ishe of great haseley
iiijd ahouse in almes, w[ith] some refection of bread and drynke / Item I will that apone the day
of my monethes mynde, and the daye of my Anniversarie there shalbe preached one s[er]monde
And like distribution to the poo[re] as at my buryall / Item I will that my sonne Willyam leynthale
yerely during his lyfe. shall cause once ayere a sermond. to be preached in the same p[ar]ishe churche of
great haseley / Item I will the prechar to have for ev[er]y sermond preached in the same parishe
churche of greate haseley . fyve shilling[es] / Item I will and give to the amending of highe and
Noyons ways when as myne Executours shall thinke most expedient by o[2]viijd / Item I give to
Jerome my late s[erva]nnte vjs viijd / Item I bequeathe to my litle boye Edmond waighte xls to be
paide by myne Executours with in ayere next after my deceas / Item I bequeathe to every of
my godchildren a shepe to be delivered to them or to their next frende of their kynne to their
uses by myne Executours with in three dayes next after my monethes mynde / Item I bequeathe
to my sonne William Leynthale as necessary Implement[es] otherwise called [...] of my[n]
house at Lacheford . that is to saye / my great Chest in the great Chamber / and one other cheste
in the presse chamber . and astanding wynyng presse / the malte querne in the larder house
the skrene of Irone . and all my chest[es] and cofers with my Evidences therin what so ev[er] they be
and all my bedsted[es] w[i]thin my house of lacheford aforesaid . to gethers w[i]th the hanging rackes
whiche were the Lady Fowlers with the Irone barre in the Kichyne chymney / the residue of all
other utensills and household stuf being in my house of lacheford before not bequeathed . I give
and bequeathe to Elizabeth my wyfe and to my sonne William Leynthale equally to be distri
buted and devided betwene them bothe / my said wyfe having the first election and choyse of
every kinde of thinge . and my sonne the seconde . and then my saide wyfe the thirde and so
fourthe unto division be made after suche manner and forme betweene every of all the said
utensills and householdstufe (Plate and all my Cattalls and beastes of what kynde soe
they be only excepted) Item I give and bequeathe also to my said wyfe all her apparell &
her Juell[es]. aswell of golde silver . stone as of any other kynde of Juell[es] / Item I bequeath to
my said wyfe all my shepe Catalls and beastes whiche have her eare marke & pitche mark[e]
And also foure fetherbeddes with the bolsters . whiche I have in the George Inne at haydenhet[es]
to gethers w[ith] all thother ymplement[es] there in the same Inne / Item I bequeath and give to my son[n]e
William Leynthale all my leases in landes and tenement[es] which I have for and termes of yeres
what so ev[er] they be w[ith]in the Realme of Englande / Also I give and bequeath to my said sonne
William Leynthale and to his heyres forev[er] all my right title and Interest whiche I have or
aughte to have by the survivo[ur] of and in Wike place and bradeley with there Appurten[a]nc[es] in
Cookeham in the Countie of barkeshire sometyme, William Norres whiche I bought of my father

[Page 2]
in lawe John Willy and William Babh[a]m Executours to the said William Norres having autoritie
to sell the same by the will of the said Will[ia]m Norres / Item I will that John Leynthale & Richard[e]
Leynthale my yonger sonnes shall have to them and the longer lyver of them for terme of there
Naturall lyves one Annuitie or Annuall rent of xiiij £ vjs viijd be levied yssuing going &
comyng oute of my Manno[r] of Lacheford within the Countie of Oxeford . and of all my other
Landes tenement[es] and hereditament[es] w[ith]in the Countie of Oxeford and w[ith]in the Countie of hereford
with clause of distresse for non payment thereof at suche dayes and feast[es] according to the teno[r]
purporte and effecte of acerteyne dede of grannte to them made by me thesaid Thom[a]s Leynthale
and the said William Lenthale my sonne and heyre appar[e]nnte of me the said Thomas Lenthale
The date of whiche dede is the eight[h] daye of Maye in the xxxv[...] yere of the reigne of the late
Kinge of moste famous memorie henry the viijth father to o[ur] said sov[er]aigne Lorde Kinge Edward
the Sixte / And in case the same grannte be insufficient in the lawe for lacke of Counseill lerned
for lacke of oportunytie of tyme or for any other cause / I wyll and require mysaid sone will[ia]m
Leynthale apon my blessing that he and his heyres do make and delyver or cause to by made
and delivered unto my said yonger sonnes John and Richarde one other newe sufficient dede of
Annunitie of like some of xiij £ vjs viijd for terme of their lyves and the longest liver of them paiable
at lyke dayes and termes . with like clause of distresse as by them and by their Counseill learned
shalbe divised and advised / and that done and made accordingly / thother former dede of the same
to be by them surrenderyd and cancelled / Item I give and bequeathe to Elizabeth my said wyfe
one of my Saltes of silver w[ith] acover at her election / and the silver Cuppe whiche my sonne
Tempest gave me and foure silver spones / Item I bequeathe to my said wyfe Twentie poundes
in money to be paide by myne Executors w[ith]in one yere next after my deceas / Item I will and
bequeathe to my said sonne William Leynthale one salte of silver and foure silver spones and A
gilte goblet of sylver / And where as by the last will and testament of my fath[er] William.
Leynthale, thabbot and Covent of the late monastery of Thame shulde have agrannte of
one Annuitie of xviijs yerely for evermore oute of my fee symple landes whereof my said father
and my mother his wyfe have made estate to diverse p[er]sonnes as feoffes in the same for the
suertie of the said Annuitie of xviijs or ell[se] to give to thuse of thesaid Abbot and Covent or to
their Successors twentie pounds in money in full satisfaction and recompence for the same
Annuitie of xviijs / for whiche to be one my said father William Leynthale / Robert Mortymer
and Edmonde gadbery stande bounden by their Obligac[i]ons every of them in tenne mark[es]
And to receyve thesaid Obligacions and acquitan[ces] for the same under the Covent seale of
the same monastery discharging my self thereof / I will and charge my saide sonne William
Leynthale to make payment of the said twentie poundes in satisfaction of the said Annuitie
of xviijs to o[ur] said Soveraigne Lorde the Kinge or to any other p[er]sone op p[er]sonnes havinge
interest in the same and whiche may discharge the said bonnde Obligatorye / of my father
William Leynthale Robert Mortymer and Edmond Gadbery And [that] he receyve the said
bonds to be cancelled . w[ith] a sufficient acquitance and discharge for the summe /. I will and
charge my sonne John Leynthale upon my blessing for and in discharging of my conscience
that he suffer and parmyt Thomas my Te[nn]ant to inhabite and dwell in my house in pechefilde
in Wygemor Lande in the Countie of herforde and further to have [...] and enyoie my
olde lease to hym made . all and singuler the landes pastures com[m]yns and woodes to the same
belonginge in lyke man[ner] and forme as he the said Thomas Williams hadd the daye of the making
Withoute payinge of any more rent for the same but only tenne shilling[es] the whiche my said
sonne dyd encrese to this owne use / over and above my olde rent / Item I give & bequeath
to Edmonde Waight my litle boye / fyve poundes over and besides xls in my will expressed
To be delyv[er]ed at the discrestion of my Executours when the shall see any preferment for hym
Item I will and nominate that William Leynthale my sonne shall stande and be charged for
the fullfilling of parsone harrops will in all thing[es] in lyke man[ner] and forme as I my self
was charged by the same wyll / Item I will that my sonn William Leynthale do stande
[...] to his owne use to hym and to his heyres for ever of certeyn landes in haseley called
Catermayns . giving therfore in Almes to the poo[re] people dwelling in haseley for my soule
and all Christen soules fyve poundes / Item I give and bequeathe to Symond Seyntclere
one shepe / Item I give to my Cosyn John Beryton xs / And the residue of all my goodes
and Catalls plate and redye money what soev[er] yt be not before bequeathed my debtes
paide / I frelie give and bequeathe to my said sonne William Leynthale / Item I do ordeyne
constitute and make my said sonne William Leynthale and Mr Christofer Wescot myne
Executours of this my saide testament and last will and to have full poore and auctoritie to
execute every thinge therin conteyned according to the purporte and effecte of the same
Item I give and bequeathe to the said Chr[ist]ofer Wescott one of myne Executours for his
Labour and paynes to be taken in and upon thexecution of this my p[rese]nte testament xls in

[Page 3]
money Also Overseers and sup[er]viso[rs] of this my p[rese]nt last will and testament to be executed and done
accordingly . I make and ordeyne S[ir] John Broune Knight and my Cosyn John Habham whome I
instantly desire and require to take the paynes burden and care thereof and for their paynes taken
in and upon the premisses: I give to the said S[ir] John Broune xiijs iiijd And to my Cosyn John babh[a]m
other xiijs iiijd to be paid by myne Executours over and besides their costes and charg[es] aboute the
execution of this my testament / In witnes whereof I have putto my seale and subscribed my name
the daye and yere above written His [...] Johanne Batty Richardo Savage Thomas bonnde
with other [...] / By me Thomas Leynthale /


  1. PROB 11/33/377 Description: Will of Thomas Leynthale of Lacheford, Oxfordshire Date: 22 October 1550 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
  2. The 'o' seems to be a filler to stop anyone writing in front of it.

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