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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Lincoln
Will of Thomas Lincoln of Carlton Rode 1555
https://nrocatalogue.norfolk.gov.uk/index.php/lincoln-thomas-aged-of-carleton-rode and at Family Search.org https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSN8-19PB-C?cat=278818
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document. Crossings through have been included struck out. Inserted text are written in superscript and bold text are for my own ease of reading. Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F. Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
The scribe has written 'o' in many instances in place of 'a' and where obvious this has been replaced with an 'a', for examples landes in places of londes.
Persons mentioned in Will:
- Thomas Lincolne, testator
- Johan Cole, daughter
- Robert Lincolne, son
- Robert Lincolne, brother
- William Lincolne, son
- John Lincolne, son
Other acquaintances and witnesses mentioned:
- Richard Powndre
- Richard Yongman
- Stephen Pile
- Agnes *ale
- John Proctour
- Richard Pile
- John Joley
- William Ringell
- William Edward
- Richard Page
- John Page
- Thomas Machen
In the name of god amen
The fourth daie of Aprill In the
yere of our lorde god a thousande
five hundreth and liiij tie I Thomas
Lincolne of Carlton Rode in
the countie of Norffolk beinge somewhat
streken in age but of holl and perfight
remembrance thankes be unto god
make this my last will and testament
after this mannor and forme folow=
=inge First I bequeath my sowle
unto god allmightie and unto Jhesus
Christ his onlie sonne by the meritte
of whooes death and passion I beleve
to have remission of my synnes and
salvacion of my sowle and my bodie
to be buried wheare it shall please god
Item I bequeath to the parson or minister
in Carlton aforesaid for tithes and
oblacions negligentlie forgotten and
unpaid aight pence Item I will to
be delte amonge poore people of Carl=
=ton the daie of my buriall three shil=
=lings and fower pence Item the same
daie at Bunwell two shillinges
page 2
Item I give unto Johan Cole my dawter
thirtene shillinges and fower pence
to be paied in two yeres Item I give unto
the reperacion of the high waie at a
stroke for my brother Robert and me
fortie shillinges Item to the waie at Wat=
=carby Mileham five shillinges and
aight pence Item I give unto Robert
my sonne my tenement landes
withall the landes both free and
copie thereto belonginge excepte viij
acres whereof seaven acres lieth in
Nether redinge and one acres called
crabtree medowe to him and his heires
forever Item I give to the same Robert
my tenement Hirminges together
with fower acres of fre lande holden of
Mettingham and thre half acres
purchassed of Richard Wr** and seaven
acres copie called pipes and hobbes to
him and his heires forever Allso I give
to the same Robert my best gowne
Provided allwaie and I will that
Robert my sonne shall not have nor
enoye anye of my landes before given
unto him excepte he will deliver a
sufficient and a lawfull estate of the
aight acres that he stande infeoffed in
called nether redinge and crabtree medow
to Will[ia]m his brother and his heires
forever Item I give unto Will[ia]m my
sonne my tenement platmaker other
wise called Gibbes purchassed of
Stephen Pile with the landes both
and copie to him and his heires
forever Moreover I will that ye same
page 3
Will[ia]m shall have the aight
acres before excepte whereof seaven
acres leyeth in nether redinge and one
acre called crabtree medowe to him &
his heires forever and all those landes
that he stande with me in copie Item
the same Will[ia]m shall have one acre
leyinge in Bunwell by the land of
Richard Powndre that I purcha=
=sed of Richard Yongman to him
and his heires for ever. Item I give unto
John my howse and landes both free
and copie together as thei lieth in
Carltonne to him and his heires
forever excepte one pircell called
Fremans which I give unto Agnes
*ale for tearme of hir naturall liffe
except John my sonne will give to ye
saied Agnes everie yere and yearlie
duringe hir liffe thre shillinges and
fower pence then he to have and enioye
it to him and his heires forever
Item I will that the same John my
sonne shall have all thos landes
that I houlde of Mr Harre to him &
his heires forever Moreover I
will that the same John shall have
all those landes that he stande in copie
with me leyinge in Besthorpe and
Wymondham and all my free landes in
Wymondham to him and heires for
ever Item I give unto the same John
my chambre holl as it is and a
spruse chest Item I will have given to
the poore people of Carltone and
Bunwell every yere and yearlie
duringe the space of two yeres at
two diners tymes in Lente that is to
page 4
saie at Carltonne the first fridaie
in cleane lente twentie pence and in
Bunwell on good fridaie twentie
pence for my sowle my good frindes
sowles and all good christian sowles
provided all waie that if anye fawl[t]es
or variance shall hereafter chance
in anye parte of this my last will and
testament I will it shalbe reformed
by the advice of my supervisor and
other good counsell. The residew of
all my goodes moveables and cattales
unbequeated I putt to the disposicion
of John my sonne whom I ordeyne
and make my executor and for su=
=pervisor I constitute and make John
Proctour person of Carlton and he
to have for his labor tenne shillinges
Thies witnesses Richard Pile John
Joley Will[ia]m Ringell Will[ia]m Edward
Richard Page John Page Thomas
Machen and other
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