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Will of Thomas Lockett

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Date: 24 May 1841 [unknown]
Location: Warren, Georgia, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Lockett
Profile manager: James Gibbons private message [send private message]
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Will of Thomas Lockett (1761-1841)

“Georgia, Warren County

In the name of God amen.

I Thomas Lockett of the county and State aforesaid - being in the decline of life and in feeble health, at present but feeling myself of sound disposing mind and memory, do hereby make and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner and form following, (to wit), I commend my Soul to God, (believing in Jesus Christ) and my body to the earth in decent burial, And as to my temporal goods I give as follows,

Item first, my wish is that my Executors to pay all my just debts -

Item second, I give and bequeath unto my son Reuben Winfrey Lockett, two negroes named Lewis and Celia, to him and his heirs forever, also I give him five hundred dollars to purchase him land with -

Item third, I give and bequeath unto my son Solomon Lockett two negroes named Austin and Yellow Mary to him and his heirs forever,

Item fourth, I give and bequeath unto my grand daughter Temperance R. Gaulding two negro girls named Julia and Becky, one good Bed and furniture and a good eighty dollar horse, bridle and saddle which I give and bequeath unto her and her heirs forever; provided however that should my said grand daughter die before she arrived at lawful age or die without bodily heirs, then the said property to return and become apart of my Estate, to be divided as the rest hereafter named.

Item fifth, I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Lockett five hundred dollars in addition to what I have heretofore given him, to purchase him land with.

Item sixth, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Temperance Lockett, during her natural life, or widowhood, all the rest of my Estate both real and personal, of every description, except the land whereon I now live, with all I own adjoining and two negro fellows named Moses and Cliet, which land and negroes I wish my Executors to sell and dispose of if they can to advantage any way they may judge best, the money arising therefrom I wish to be applied to the payment of my just debts, and to be divided as hereafter directed, and provided my beloved wife Temperance Lockett should marry I give her three negroes named Hall, Big Mary, and Hannah.

Item seventh, I give and bequeath unto my son Solomon Lockett, after the death or marriage of my beloved wife, all that tract or lot of land I now own on which my son Reuben W. Lockett now lives lying in Marion County, containing two hundred two and half acres adjoining my son Cullen Lockett and Lot Williams, which land I give to him and his heirs forever, and my will is that my beloved wife and son Solomon live on and work said lot of land jointly or separately so long as my said wife should live provided she should not marry -

Item eighth, I give and bequeath unto my four youngest children Cullen R. Lockett, Thomas Lockett, Reuben W. Lockett, and Solomon Lockett after the death or marriage of my wife Temperance Lockett each five hundred dollars apiece, and after such sums are paid out, I then wish the whole of my Estate if there is any left then, to be equally divided between all my children hereafter named, share and share alike, (to wit) Martha Lewis, Green H. Lockett, Osborn Lockett, Cullen R. Lockett, Thomas Lockett, Reuben W. Lockett, and Solomon Lockett.

Item ninth, I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my beloved wife Temperance Lockett, with my two sons Cullen R. Lockett and Thomas Lockett, executrix and executors of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other wills by me made. In testimony when whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of May, Eighteen hundred and forty one. (1841.)

Thomas Lockett {Seal}

Signed, Sealed, published, and declared in the presence of

Adam Jones

Joel Hall

Jeptha M. Cody


  • Warren County, Georgia Wills Book 1829-1852, Page 151

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