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Will of Thomas Longe

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 19 Nov 1593 [unknown]
Location: Semington, Wiltshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Longe
This page has been accessed 185 times.

Transcription of the will of Thomas Longe of Semington, written 14 June 1593 and proved 19 November 1593.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People mentioned in will

  • wife Joane
  • Robert (under 28)
  • William (under 29)
  • John (under 28)
  • Anne (under 30)
  • Jane (under 26)
  • Marye (under 30)
  • Edwarde
  • Thomas
  • Cosen Thomas Chafyn of Litle Ambrosbury
  • Brother in Law William Yerbury of Trowbridge
  • Cosen Henry Longe of Southweeke
  • Henry Longe thelder, William Yerbury, William Buckle (clerk), Edward Longe and Henry Longe of Semington
  • William Briant, William Lane, Walter Howse and Roger Weale

[Dated above in Latin the Fourteenth of June 1593, 35th regnal year of Queen Elizabeth]

I Thomas Longe thelder of Semington within the parrishe of Steple Ashton being sicke in bodye
but of good and perfect memorye I thank my god therefore Doe make my Last will and
testament in manner and forme following / First I give and bequeathe my Sowle into
the handes of Almighty god my Creator and onely Redeemer And my Bodye to be buryed in
the Chapell of Semington aforesaide / Item I give to the Cathedral Churche of Sar[um]
twelve pence / Item I give to the poor prisoners of Fisherton Anger twoe shillings Item I
give to the Chappell of Semington for breaking the grounde to burye me six shillings &
eighte pence / Item I give to my poore neighbors William Briant William Lane / Walter
Howse and Roger Weale to eache of them a pecke of Wheate and a pecke of maulte Item I give
and bequeathe to Robert my Sonne Fifty pounds of Currant Englishe money to be paide unto
him at his age of eighte and twenty yeares / Item I give unto William my Sonne Fifty pounds
of Lyke Currant Englishe money to be paide to him at the age of nine and twenty yeares /
Item I give unto John my Sonne Fifty pounds of Lyke money to be paide unto him at his age of
eighte and twenty yeares / Item I give unto Anne my Daughter Fifty pounds of Lyke currant
money to be paide her at the age of thirty yeares / Item I give unto Jane my Daughter
Fifty pounds of Lawful englishe money to be paide unto her age of six and twenty yeares Also
I give to the saide Jane one Cowe / item I give unto Marye my Daughter Fifty pounds of Lyke

[Page 2]
Currant englishe money to be paide unto her at her age of thirty yeares / Item my Will is that if any
of my Children aforenamed happen to dye before the age aforesaide That then theire Legacye or legaceis
shalle and remaine thoue halfe to the rest of my Children surviving the other halfe to my Executors Also
I will that if any of my Daughters shalbe Unmarryed at theire severall times and ages before mentioned That
then her or theire Legacye or Legaceis shall remaine in the handes of my Executors untill the Daye of theire
mariage. And in the meane time my saide Executors to allowe them meete and sufficient maintenance /
Item I give to Edwarde my Sonne all my Landes in Heywoode within the parrishe of Westbury under the
playne Comonly called and knowen by the name of Teinnes? Lease with theire appurtenances and to his
heries for ever ymediatly after my decease / And also all my Lands at reading in the County of Barks
called the Beares Inne with all theire appurtenances after the Decease of Joane my Wyfe uppon
Condicion that the saide Edwarde my Sonne shall well and truly paye the severall Legaceis at every
severall time unto the abovenamed William and John my Sonnes and Marye my Daughter as is aforesaid
And also to make over all Such Right clayme and interest whiche my said Sonne Edwarde hathe or maye
have in any of my Lands in Semington aforesaide to Thomas my Sonne and to his heires for ever
within one yeare after my decease as by the Learned Counsell of the saide Thomas my Sonne shalbe devised
at the Lawfull warining? and proper Costs and Charges of the saide Thomas / Also my will is that if
my said Sonne Edwarde shalbe careles (as god forbidd) to performe the premisses to his Brother
Thomas aforesaid as also in due payment and performannce of the said Severall Legaceis
before given to William and John my Sonnes and Marye my Daughter at the times aforesaide
That then my overseers hereafter named shall sell the saide Landes or so muche thereof as shall
satisfye the premisses / Item I give unto Joane my Wyfe and Thomas my Sonne all my Landes in
Semington aforesaide with all and singular theire appurtenances During my saide wyves lyfe (yf
she keepe her selfe widowe) And after her deathe or mariage whollye unto Thomas my Sonne
and to his heires for ever uppon Condic[i]on that the said Joane my wyfe and Thomas my Sonne
satisfye and paye the Legaceis before given unto Robert my Sonne and Anne and Jane my daughters
at the severall times aforesaid / Also my will is that if Joane my Wyfe shall happen to dye before
the full accomplishment of the saide Legaceis to Robert Anne and Jane aforesaide That then
Edward my Sonne shall jointly with Thomas my Sonne aforesaide satisfye the saide Legaceis by
reason that he the saide Edwarde my Sonne shall after the deathe of Joane my wyfe ymediatelye
enioye my Landes in Reading / The residue of all my goods and Chattells not bequeathed moveable
and unmoveable whatsoever my Debts and Legaceis paid and my Funerall Descharged I give and
bequeathe wholly to Joane my wyfe and Thomas my Sonne whome I make my Exectutors of this
my Last will and Testament / Item I Doe appointe and most Lovinge Desyre my Wellbeloved frendes
my Cosen Thomas Chafyn of Litle Ambrosbury my Brother in Law Will[ia]m Yerbury of
Trowbridge, and my Cosen Henry Longe of Southweeke to be the overseers of this my Last will
and testament / Wittnesses hereunto Henry Longe thelder / Will[ia]m Yerbury / Will[ia]m Buckle
Clerke Edward Longe and Henry Longe of Semington /

Proved 19 November 1593 granted to Joan Longe the relict and Thomas Longe the natural son of the deceased.


  1. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D929491 Reference: PROB 11/82/515 Description: Will of Thomas Longe of Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire Date: 19 November 1593 Held by: The National Archives, Kew (Accessed 15 Sep 2021)

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