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Will of Thomas Longe, Clothmaker of Trowbridge, Wiltshire 1555

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This is a transcription of the filed will of Thomas Long Clothmaker of Trowbridge, Wiltshire. It was written on 4 March 1554/5 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 6 March 1562/3.[1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting legibility good.

Persons mentioned:

  • Thomas Longe testator
  • William Longe cousin, under 21 in 1555, apprenticed to
    • Henrie Vyner
  • Walter Longe of Trowbridge cousin
  • Roberte Longe of Trowbridge cousin
  • Richarde Horne cousin
  • sister Erbie
  • Williame Chester Alderman of London
  • Agnes Long cousin
  • Margaret Horton cousin
  • Williame Horton and his wife, cousin, overseer
  • Williame Welkynes neighbour
  • Henrie Longe of Whaddon, brother
    • Edward Longe son of Henry, under 21 in 1555
    • Thomas Longe son of Henry, under 21 in 1555
    • Margaret Longe daughter of Henry
    • Agnes Longe daughter of Henry
  • Williame Longe brother (6 children)
    • Williame Longe his son, under 21 in 1555
  • Thomas Benet, John Salisbrie, Thomas Pride, Agnes Mersheman, Marrie, Thomas Stoke servants
  • Roberte Longe of Botlars
  • Henrie Louge of Botlars
  • Anthonie Longe kinsman
  • Alice Erburie sister, possibly the same as earlier Erbie
    • Thomas Erburie son of Alice
    • John Erberie younger son of Alice
    • Thomas Erburie younger son of Alice
    • Williame Erburie son of Alice
    • Marie Burges daughter of Alice
  • Anne Warder
  • Alice Usser
  • Dorathie Rogers wife's cousin
  • John Longe of Semington Baker
  • Roberte Longe brother
    • Marie Longe daughter of Robert
    • Martha Longe daughter of Robert
    • Marlyne Longe daughter of Robert
  • Margaret Smithe sister, her 10 children
  • Johanne wife
  • Williame Burde cousin, executor
  • Williame Reade executor
  • John Warder cousin, overseer
  • Anne Preide cousin

[Page 1]
In the name of god Amen, The fourth daie of marche, The yeare of our lorde god A Thousand
fyve hundrethe fiftie and foare And in the firste and seconde yeares of the raignes of Phillipe and Marie by the grace of
god kinge and quene of Englonde Frannce Naples Jerusalem and Irelonde defenders of the faithe princes of Spaine and
Cicill Archdukes of Austrige Dukes of Millaine Burgoine and Brabante counties of Haspurge Flannders & Tiroll
I Thomas Longe of Trowbridge in the Countie of wiltesh[ire] clothmaker beinge of holle mynde and of good and perfecte
memorie laude and praise be unto almightie god do ordeine declare and make this my p[rese]nte testamente conteyninge therin
my laste will in manner and fourme followinge that is to saie . Firste and principallie I geve and commende my
soulle unto almightie god my maker and creator trustinge and moste stedfastlie beleavinge that throughte the deathe
and passione of my saviour and redeamer Jhesus [Chr]iste I have and shall have clere and free remissione and forgevnes of
all my sinnes and after this transitorie and mortall lief ended, lief and ioye everlastinge . Item I bequeathe my bodie
to therthe to be buried in suche place as it shall please god to provide for me . Item I will that all suche debt]es] and
duties as I owe to anie parsone or persones of righte or of consciens be well and trulie contented and paied by myne
executors hereafter named . Item I geve and bequeathe towardes the mendinge of the highe waies within the
Libertie of Trowbridge wheare moste neede shalbe iij£ vjs viiijd and to be bestowed and done theruppon by myne
executors within a conveniente tyme after my decease Item I geve and bequeathe towardes the mendinge of
Staffertons bridge vj£ xiijs iiijjd Item I geve and bequeathe towardes the reparac[i]ons of the parrishe churche of
Semyngtone [...] xxs Item I geve and bequeathe towardes the reparac[i]ons of the parrishe thurche of Trow=
bridge xls Item I geve to everie poore weaver that I have within the parrishe of Trowbridge and
Helperton vs a peece and to be deliverad and paied to them within a conveniente tyme after my decease
Item I geve and bequeathe to my cossen William Longe of London nowe apprentice withe Henrie Vyner one
fyne clothe of the marke of the redd worlde and to be delivered to hime at suche tyme as he shall accomplishe
thadge of xxi yeares if he be then lyvinge . Item I geve to my cossen Walter Longe of Trowbridge iij£ vjs viijd Item I
geve and bequeathe to my Cosen Roberte Longe of Trowbridge iij£ vjs viijd Item I geve and bequeathe to mother Agnes
of Semyngtone xls Item I geve and bequeath to everie poore housholde servannte that I have aswell men as women
vs a peece . Item I geve and bequenthe unto my cosen Richarde Horne v£ . Item I bequeathe to my welbeloved sister
Erbie a goulde ringe wayinge three Angells ^ Item I geve and bequeathe to master Williame Chester Alderman

^[In right hand margin] Item I give and bequethe to my cosen Agnes Long a golde ring waing thre Angells

of London a goulde ringe wayinge three Angells item I geve and bequeathe to my cossen Margaret Horton
widowe a goulde ringe, wayinge three Angells Item I geve and bequeache to my cossen Williame Horton and
his wief also a goulde rynge wayinge three angells . Item I geve and bequeathe to Williame Welkynes my
honeste nightboure for a token of love on me a goulde ringe wayinge three angells . Item I geve and
bequeathe to Thomas Longe my brother Henrie Longe sonne twentie powndes to be delivered to hime at
suche tyme as he shall accomplishe thadge of xxi yeares Item I geve and bequeathe to William Longe
sonne to my brother Williame Longe xx£ to be delivered to hime at suche tyme as he shall accomplishe
the full adge of xxj yeares Item I geve and bequeathe to Edward Longe my brother Henries sonne

[Page 2]
twentie powndes to be delivered to hime at suche tyme as he shall accomplishe thadge of xxi yeares Item I geve
and bequeathe to Margaret Longe one other of the dawghters of my saide brother Henrie xx£ to be delivered and
paied to her at the daie of her marriage . Item I geve and bequeathe to Agnes Longe one other of the dawghters of
my saide brother Henrie ~ twentie powndes to be paid and delivered to her at the date of her marriage yf she
so longe lyve . Item I will that an honeste godlie catholicke preacher shall make and declare for me three godlie
sermondes unto the people to the lawde and praise of almighitie god on the daie of my buriall and at suche other
tymes as shalbe thoughte moste meet and conveniente by my executors hereafter named . And I geve and bequeathe
to hime for his labore and paines therin to be taken vjs viijd for everie sermonde . Item I geve and bequeathe to Thomas
Benet my servannte x£ Item I geve and bequeathe to John Salisbrie my servannte in redie monie iij£ vjs fiijd w[hi]ch
shall remaine to three of his sonnes . Item I geve and bequeathe to Thomas Pride my servannte xls Item I geve and
bequeath to Roberte Longe of Botlars xls. Item I geve and bequeathe to Henrie Louge of Botlars xls. Item I geve
and bequeathe to everie poore houshoulder in Semyngtone and Littelton to everie of them three shillinges and foure
pence and I will that it shalbe paide and delivered to them ymmediatlie after my decease . Item I geve and bequeathe to
everie poore housholder in Trowbridge xijd and to be likewise delivered and paied unto them ymmediatlie after my
decease . Item I geve and bequeathe to and amounges the prisoners beinge within the two prisones of Salesburie xls
Item I geve to and amounges the poore people in Brodforde xxs to be devided and paied to them in the discressione of
my executors Item I give and bequeathe to and amounges the poore people in the vyes fourtie shillinges to be distributed
and paied to them at the discressione of my said executors . Item I geve and bequeathe to and amounges the poore,
people in westburie xls to be likewisse paide and devided amounges them at the discressione of my saide executores
Item I geve and bequeathe to and amounge the poore people in Fellipps Norton xls to be likewise geven & devided
amounges them at the discressione of my said executores : Item I geve and bequeathe to and amounges the poore people
inhabitinge in Roode xls to be also devided amounges them at the discressione of my saide executores . Item I geve & bequeathe
to Anthonie Longe my poore kynnesman v£ Item I geve and bequeathe to Marrie my maide servannte xiij£ vjs viijd to
be paid and delivered to her at the daie of her mariage if she so longe lyve . Item I geve and bequeathe to Agnes Mersheman
my maide servannte iij£ vjs viijd. Item I geve and bequeathe to fourtie such poore couples as shall marrie within
the parrisshes of Trowbridge Rode Fyllipps Norton and Semyngtone that is to saie to everie of the same fourtie coples
twentie shillinges and to be paied to everie of them at the daie of their mariage . Item I geve and bequeath towardes the
mendinge of the highe waies betwene Semyngton and the vyes wheare moste neade shalbe x£ Item I geve and
bequeathe to Thomas Erburie sonne of my sister Alice Erburie xx£ in reddie monie . Item I geve and bequeathe
to John Erberie the younger sonne of my saide sister Alice xx£ in reddie monie. Item I geve to Thomas Erburie
the younger sonne of my saide sister Alice xx£ in reddie monie . Item I geve and bequeathe to Williame
Erberie sonne of my saide sister Alice xx£. in reldie monie Item I geve and bequeathe to Marie Burges her
dawghter x£ . Item I geve and bequeathe to Anne Warder xx£ . Item I geve and bequeathe to Alice Usser x£
Item I geve and bequeathe to Dorathie Rogers, my wifes cossen v£ Item I geve and bequeathe to and amounge
the foure children of John Longe of Semington Baker xxvj£ xiijs iiijd equallie amounges them to be devided
And to be delivered to the handes of the same John Longe theire father within one yeare nexte after my decease
Item I geve and bequeathe to Marie Longe Dawghter of my Brother Roberte Longe one fyne clothe of the marke
of the redde worlde . Item I geve and bequeathe to Martha Longe one other of the dawghters of my saide brother
Roberte Longe a fyne clothe of the marke of the redde worlde . Item I geve and bequeathe to Marlyne Longe one other
of the dawghters of my saide brother Roberte Longe one fyne clothe of the marke of the Redde worlde Item I
geve and bequeathe to everie of the tenne children of my sister Margaret Smithes xx£ a peece to be paied
and delivered unto theim that be married in conveniente tyme after my decease and to them that be not yet married to be
paied to them at the daie of their marraiges . And if it shall fortune anie of them to die or decease owte of this mortall
wourlde before marriage then I will the survivoure or survivors of them that be to marrie shall have the parte or
porc[i]one of them so deceasinge equallie amounges them so survivinge to be devided and to be delivered to them so survivinge at
their marriage as afforesaide . Item I geve to and amounges the vj children of my brother William Longe Cxx£. equallie
amounges them to be devided and to be delivered to them at the daie of theire marriage that be not married and to theim
that be alredie married to be delivered to them in conveniente tyme after my decease. And if it fortune anie of them to die
or decease before marriage that then I will that the survivore or survivors of them unmarried shall have the parte and
porc[i]on of theim so deceasinge to be delivered to suche survivor or survivors at the dai of theire marriage equallie
amoungest the same survivor or survivors to be devided. Item I geve and bequeath to Johanne my wellbeloved wief
eaighteine hundrethe markts in reddie monie and twoe hundrethe markes in plate and all my stuffe of howshoulde
as pewter brasse beddinge naperie and all other implementes and thinges remayninge at and within my house, whearin
I nowe dwell and also at and within my house at Semyngtone . The same plate monie and other thinges to be
delivered to her withe in two monthes nexte after my decease . Item I geve and bequeathe to the said Johanne my
said wief all my geldinges and harnes Oxen and wayners and viij milche kyen . Item I geve and bequeathe to my
said the usage and occupac[i]ons of my leace of my house withe thappurtenannces in Trowbridge whiche I
houlde of my cossen Horton for terme of yeares yet enduringe and the usage and occupac[i]one of all my
estate righte title interest and terme of yeares that I have of and in the same . To have use occupie

[Page 3]
and houlde to her and her assignes duringe her naturall life she payinge and performinge suche rentes & covenannt[es]
as I ame bounde to paie and performe of add for the same Item I geve and bequeathe to my saide wief the use &
occupac[i]one of my leace intereste and terme of yeares that I have of and in Lomme meades withe thappurtenannces
whiche I houlde of Mr Styleman . To have and to hould to her and her assignes duringe her naturall lief She
payinge and performinge suche rentes and covenantes as I ame bounde to paie and performe for the same . Item I will
geve and bequeathe my said leace of and in my house withe thappurtenannces in Trowbridge before by me geven to my
saide wief duringe her lief To Edwarde Longe my nephewe To have and to houlde to hime and his assignes frome and
ymmediatlie after the decease of the saide Johanne my saide wief duringe all suche yeares as shalbe then to come & unexpired
of and in the same . Item I geve to the same Edwarde Longe all the bedsteades cupbourdes and presses remayninge w[i]thin
my saide house at Trowbridge whiche I will that my saide wief shall leave unto hime and quietlie suffer hime to
have accordinge to this my gifte . Item I geve will and bequeathe unto the same Edwarde Longe my saide leace of the
groundes cauled lomme medes . To have and to houlde to hime the same Edwarde and his assignes frome and
ymmediatlie after the decease of the saide Johanne my saide wief duringe all suche yeares as shalbe then to come of
and in the same . Item I geve and bequeathe to my saide wief all my woodes and Tymber whiche I shall have at
the tyme of my decease in my backeside or els wheare beinge felled or hewed . The residue of all my goodes
cattalls debtes Jewells plate reddie monie and houshouldstuffe by me affore herin not geven willed or bequeathed after
my debtes paied my funerall expences performed and donne and theis my legacies befor by me geven in this my
p[rese]nte testamente fulfilled I hollie geve and bequeathe to Edwarde Longe my Nephew sonne of my brother Henrie Longe
of Whaddon . And if it fortune Edwarde to die or decease owte of this mortall worlde before they shall accomplishe
thadge of xxj yeares . Then I will that the saide porc[i]ans shall holie remaine and be geven to and amounges the reste
of my saide brother Harries sonnes and the sonnes of the saide Williame Longe my saide brother equallie amonges
them to be devided And I ordeine make and constitute my welbeloved cossen Williame Burde and Williame Reade
my executores of this my p[rese]nte testamente and laste will And I do geve to either of them for theire paines and labore
to be taken herein xl£ Item I constitute and make [...] may welbeloved cossen Williame Horton and my cossin Johne Warder
my overseers of the same my p[rese]nte testamente and laste will moste hartelie desyeringe them to see the same trulie
performed accordinge to my meaninge as my truste is in them . And I do geve to either of the same Williame Horton
and Johne Warder for theire paines xx£ a peece . Item I geve to my cossen Anne Preide xls Item I geve to
Thomas Stoke my servannte xl£ . By me Thomas Longe ./

Rough translation of Latin probate
The Will was proved on the 6th day of March 1562, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, before Walter Haddon Doctor of Laws, administration granted to William Birde, executor, with power reserved to William Reede the other executor.


  1. PROB 11/46/130 Description: Will of Thomas Longe, Clothmaker of Trowbridge, Wiltshire Date: 06 March 1563 Held by: The National Archives, Kew

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