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Will of Thomas Lowndes of Overton, 1748

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Date: 6 May 1748 to 4 Jun 1748
Location: London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Lowndes Overton
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The Will of Thomas Lowndes of Overton, 1748

Transcribed by Peter Havercan on 20 September 2023 from Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers. Digitized images. Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11. The National Archives, Kew, England at Ancestry.co.uk.

This is the last Will and Testam̅t of me Thomas Lowndes of Overton in the County of Chester now residing in London I give and devise all my Estate at Overton and all my Lands and hereditaments in Smallwood and elsewhere in the County of Chester and all other my Real Estate unto the Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge and their successors for ever Subject nevertheless to the Payment of such of my just debts as my personal Estate shall not be sufficient to pay Upon Trust that they shall for ever pay all the clear Rents and Profits of my said Real Estates Annually to the Support and Maintenance of a Professor of Astronomy and Geometry in the said University of Cambridge after deducting thereout all Costs Charges and Expenses of Executing the the said Trust hereby in them reposed and all Taxes Repairs and other Outgoings which Professor I will shall be for ever called Lowndesi Astronomical and Geomitrical Professor in the University of Cambridge and from time to time chosen and appointed by the Lord High Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Great Britain the Lord President of the Privy Council the Lord Privy Seal the Lord High Treasurer or the First Lord Commissioner of the Treasury the Lord Steward of the Kings Household for the time being or the Major part of them and I will and desire that proper Statutes Rules and Ordinance in Relation to the said professorship and the number of Lectures to be read therein and the times for such reading and all other regulations for the perpetual Government of the said Professorship shall be made by and under the Hands and Seals of

the Right Honble Thomas Earl of Macclesfield[1]
Martin Folkes Esq. President of the Royal Society
Doctor Bradley
and my much honoured ffriend Wm. Goud Esq. of Beaufort Buildings[2]

which Statutes and Ordinances shall be forever binding to the said professors And I will that the first money that can be got from the Contract I now have depending with the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for meliorating Brine Salt[3] shall be applyed to satisfy a Mortgage on my said Real Estate now due to Mrs. Bridget Clayton and all other moneys due from me to her and the residue of the money to be raised or received from that Contract I bequeath unto Randle Wilbraham and Thomas Booth Esq. to Institute professorship in the Civil Law in the University of Oxford to be for ever chosen by the same Great persons whom I have above named to chuse the said professorship in Cambridge and to be Governed by Statues and Ordinances to be made by and under the hands and Seals of the said Randle Wilbraham Nicholas ffazakerly Esq. Wlm.(?) Baron Legge and Dr. Pinfold And which Statutes shall be for ever binding and as to all benefit to be made by on from my Contract with the Hon̅ble Sir Everard ffalkner in behalf of the Turkey Company I direct my Executors thereout to pay sixty pounds a piece per An̅n̅ to two Clergymen having no other preferment to be chosen by the Governours of the ffoundling Hospital for Catechising the Children belonging to the said Hospital three Days in every week and the Overplus of the money arising arising by the said Contract to be applied for the benefit of the said Hospital as an Increase of that Charitable ffoundation And as to my Interest and Estate in any Barony[4] or Tracts of Land in Carolina I devise the same and all my Estate in Carolina unto my Executors herein after named and their Heirs In Trust to be sold and thereout to pay to each of my Executors One hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain for their trouble in executing the aforesaid Trust and the Surplus to be deemed part of my Personal Estate and I do appoint the said Randle Wilbraham Esq. and Thomas Booth Esq. Executors of this my Will and I do give to them all the rest of my Estate In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of May One thousand seven hundred and forty eight
Thos. Lowndes signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Lowndes as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names in the presence of the said Testator and of each other - Mary Smith - Frances Smith - Hugh Waldon


This Will was proved at London before the Worshipful Robert Chapman Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Count of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and forty eight by the Oath of Randle Wilbraham Esquire one of the Executors named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the dec[ease]ed being first sworn duly to administer power of making the like Grant to Thomas Booth Esquire the other Executor when he shall apply for the same & exd.


  1. The Earl of Macclesfield at the time of writing (1748) was actually the second Earl, George Parker. Thomas Parker was his father, the first Earl, who had died in 1732.
  2. Beaufort Buildings were on The Strand, and were replaced by the Savoy Theatre in 1881.
  3. Thomas Lowndes's method for the amelioration of Brine Salt is described in Brine-Salt Improved by Thomas Lowndes, 8 July 1746.
  4. A barony is a subdivision of a county of about 12,000 acres. The baronies of South Carolina are described in Baronies of South Carolina by Henry A M Smith, in The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine, Vol XVIII, Jan 1917.

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